MTL - The Villain’s White Lotus Halo-Chapter 33 Breakthrough

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The big waves are sanding, the folds will enter the second round, and the disciples are already half lost. There are closed doors that are not in the training, but also in the battle for a round of battle, and some small sects have left the city, because there is no disciple to enter the second round.

There are fewer disciples participating in the competition, but there are no fewer people in Yecheng.

Many people are here.

In order to see how young people in the current practice world can reach, the seniors are able to reach. Whether the ‘star era’ predicted by Mr. House has come.

In order to encourage the disciples of their own Zongmen, the entrants of the entrants have participated in the Folding Club before, and they will come to the battle experience for the younger brothers.

On this day, the sun is like a fire, and the heat is pressing.

A team of blue robes practitioners came to Yecheng.

They are not trying to see the test, nor to encourage the same door.

They are coming to see people.

"That is more Yin, is this time empty?"

The person who asked the question wiped the sword before the case.

The sword was very long, the blade was black, and even the glare of the sun on the window fell on it, as if it had been sucked in, it could not shine a little.

Not only swords, but also swordsmen. He sat by the window, so he avoided the sun.

Although it was a question, but the expression was indifferent, and one eye did not give alms to the person next to him.

"Yes, brother." He came to get out of bed, and the injury was good, seven or eighty-eight, standing on the side of the case, looks very respectful.

The young man who asked the question did not speak any more, and his eyes still fell on the sword.

After a long time, I have been unable to withstand the invisible pressure of his side for a long time.

The young man spoke,

"Things are here. After practicing swords, don't throw them away."

Why are you overjoyed, picking up your clothes and bowing,

"Yes! Thank you brother! Thank you brother!"

He knew that the other party said that ‘just here’ was not for the sake of it, but that he had agreed to solve it, so he came here.

The young man waved his hand and said faintly, "Go on."

How come to the sleeves to quit.

After he went out, Bao Puzong’s elder leader came closer and stopped at the distance of the ceremony, whispering.

"Are you decided to take the shot?"

If you follow the rules of life, this situation is extremely ridiculous.

But in Bao Puzong, no one dares to think it is wrong.

The young man frowned slightly, and he knew the meaning of this question. It is nothing more than a scruples of Juggernaut, and advised him not to die.

So he said, "I won't kill him."

The elder of Bao Puzong breathed a sigh of relief, and the wrinkles on his face were stretched out and he quit silently.

The youth is still wiping the sword.

He said no to death, this is true.

But serious injuries, disability, and meridians are all dead. These are not dead.


The second round of the Folding Club has already begun, and there are two things that are most widely spread in Yecheng.

First, the wind and rain swords meet with the Juggernaut's disciples, and they are invited to fight in public.

Because the two parties were brought back by the same brother, this matter has no result, but everyone thinks that Zhongshan and Yin Yue will eventually fight. It’s a pity that the Yin Yin is in this round and it’s really regrettable.

In contrast, the second message is unstoppable. Because it is said that someone is in the Xinshui Bridge in the north of the city, I saw Zheng Zheng, who ranked second in the ‘Baopu Seven Sons’.

The authenticity of this rumor is very doubtful, and many people do not believe that Zheng Yi will come out because of a folding flower.

If he really comes, what does he want to do? Does he want to kill again?

But here is Yecheng. Does he really want to provoke the voice of the city owner?

No matter who comes or does not come, so far, the folding will be carried out in an orderly manner.

The second round of the test was more exciting and thrilling. In order to facilitate the battle, the original four downfalls only opened two. So the trial process slowed down to a large extent.

There are no time limits and tie rules, and the two people who are comparable are sometimes able to fight from the early morning to the sunset until they win the game.

In this fierceness, the comparison between Luo Mingchuan and Xingshan Temple is particularly distinctive.

According to the people watching the war, the first person in the world did not use the sword, nor did he use the coaching whip. Instead, he used a body method and a palm to break the long-standing compassion of the Xingshan Temple. The two men hit half and stopped at the same time, talking about the Dharma.

The people in the audience heard the cloud cover, but I don’t know why.

It is a ridiculous thing to hear the Dharma of the disciples of the Yashan Mountain and the Buddhist temple of Xingshan. But at sunset, Puhong suddenly smiled and conceded his own way and stepped down.

This wonderful Dharma debate, Yin Yin did not see.

Because he is sitting at the key point of self-containedness, he has entered a certain mysterious realm.

He closed his eyes in the house, looked at the foreign objects, could see the lines of the Qingyu case, the residual petals of the Guangyu Lan in the court, the sparkling autumn lake, the Wancheng, the bustling city. .

Against the body, you can see the beating of the heart, the operation of the real element and the blood flow.

Not with eyes.

What the eye sees may not be true.

He used the soul to see it, so there is no cover.

He felt the true Yuan dynasty in the meridians, rolling through, like the big rivers and rivers to open the mountain meteorites, but also with the bones of the chill. For the first time in his life, this chill did not bring pain, but gave him a sense of coolness and comfort.

He guides them and guides the real yuan into the house, just like thousands of rivers return to the sea.

In an instant, the illusion of the integration of heaven and earth with oneself was born.

However, the vast sea is the end point?

This is the fourth day of Yin Yue’s closed door.

The temperature in the courtyard has dropped to autumn, and a thin layer of frost has accumulated on the stone slab. The Guangyulan can't resist the cold and eroded and fell to the ground.

The cold wind blows like a thousand snow waves.

Luo Mingchuan stood under the tree and his face was calm. "Sit and take care of yourself, the younger brother will break the barrier."

Duan Chongxuan solemnly said, "Unfortunately, I have a chance to go now. The four brothers will ask you here."

Luo Mingchuan nodded and his eyes were firm.

However, the fists under the sleeves are clenched, and the palms are full of cold sweat.

He knew that the younger brother had broken the barrier and had reached a critical moment.

Most of the disciples of Yan Yashan have watched the battle in the ring, and no one is practicing swords at the autumn lake. There are no human voices in each yard, and they are empty and lonely.

After Duan Chongxuan left, only Luo Mingchuan was left in the nearest courtyard of Linhu.

Not only the autumn frost and the falling flowers, Luo Mingchuan's wide sleeves also swayed slightly in the wind.

The heat wave of summer has blown here, and it has become a bleak autumn wind.

The chill is getting heavier and heavier, and even the silky swords are floating in the air. It is the sword of the cold water sword that begins to overflow.

Luo Mingchuan’s heart sinks, is the younger brother using a sword?

Is it a problem encountered in the break?

Yin Yin Yue Mei Wei Wei.

The House is the sea, but it is not the end.

Breaking through the barrier is a heartache, and you should see your heart.

So his knowledge floated on the sea, this is the first time he saw this sea in his body.

He knows that every practitioner will have his own ‘sea’ after breaking through the meditation. The real elements of the whole body are stored here, flowing to each meridian, cycled back and forth for a week, and then remitted into the sea.

Life is endless, then the sea is not exhausted. Only when the obstacle is broken can the sea be seen.

At this time, his sea was white and foggy, covering the sky. He wants to see everything, but he can't do anything, as if he is not the master of the sea.

He did not go through pain and hard work, cutting the marrow, and condensing the gods.

He didn't know why Juggernaut accepted himself as a disciple. Why did Mr. kill Luo Mingchuan, even... Why did he first want to be a villain?

Too much confusion, not too much.

The heart is not broken, so the fog is still there.


The weather outside the hospital was extremely hot, and the whole Yecheng was like a huge steamer. The steamed people could not breathe.

Suddenly the sky was overcast, and the wind came from all directions. Roll up the wine tricks and lanterns on the small building, roll up the thin clothes on the bamboo poles in the courtyard, and roll up the ten-mile tobacco fly hopper outside the autumn lake in the south of the city.

I don't know who opened the window and shouted, "It's going to rain! - Go home and close the window to collect clothes!"

The voice just fell, and the distant wilderness came to thunder and thunder! The long street that was only awkward was empty.

The rain in the summer of the South China Sea is such a fast as a dragon. The thunder was inexhaustible, and the raindrops of the beans slammed down, causing the dust to fly. The rain curtains quickly became one after another, and the whole Yecheng was caged in the storm.

With the squally thunder and lightning, the savage of the world is washed out.

Through the curtain of rain, the two sides met on the platform.

The disciples under the stage circulated a thin real element to isolate the rain.

As for the grandstand in the east, there is no wetness in the ground.

Duan Chongxuan on the stage is a gift, "Please enlighten me."

Xu Guang asked, "I heard that the burning character is based on the fire, and the rain does not invade. Is this true?"

Duan Chongxuan stunned. He thought that the other party was purely curious, so he replied sincerely, "Yes."

Xu Guang directly turned back and shouted to the deacon, "I admit defeat!-"

Duan Chongxuan was completely embarrassed because... he never thought about using paper.

After Xu Guang stepped down, he said to his disciples around him, "I am lucky enough to pass the first round anyway. I don’t know how many characters there are, but let the Qingjian swords send those who regard honor as life. Go and fight."

The disciple showed his sympathetic gaze. "Actually, even if you win, can the sisters let you go?"

Xu Guang looked at the sisters and sisters who looked at the audience with their eyes. They thought about it and thought it was reasonable.

Duan Chongxuan turned his hand to the stage and turned to Qiuhu.

The heavy rain fell on the autumn lake, causing a thousand layers of ripples, and a group of crimson squid floated up. The mist on the gray tile roof of the lakeside courtyard is confused, like a layer of blue smoke.

The rain dripped down the eaves and went into a string of beads, hitting the stone steps in front of the house. Falling into this hospital has become the autumn rain of chilling.

Autumn wind and autumn rain swearing.

However, at this time, it is not the autumn rain, but the killing after the rain curtain.

Luo Mingchuan’s hand has already held the hilt.

He rarely takes a sword on weekdays, but the action is smooth and natural.

His eyes were fixed on the opposite eaves, where there was a man, a long sword in Tsing Yi, and his look was a heart-warming indifference.

The wind and rain are avoiding, and you can't get close to him.

No one saw how he came from. It seemed that in a blink of an eye, he appeared there out of thin air.

Yin Yiyue used to be in the front of the court, and the tears of the flag came from all over the place, mixed in the sound of the wind and rain, especially harsh and harsh.

A breath of silence and death enveloped the entire small courtyard.

If you have not killed thousands of people, it is impossible to have such a solid killing.

Luo Mingchuan saw his robe and sword, and recognized this person, Zheng Hao.

So he no longer takes the sword.

Because he stabbed Zheng Zheng's sword, it was impossible to rush to the house faster than Zheng Zheng standing on the eaves.

There are only younger brothers who are breaking the barrier in the house.

In the year when Zheng Zheng became famous, there was no such thing as ‘Bao Pu Qi Zi’. Even two of the seven sons of Bao Pu have not yet been born.

Unlike the cultivation of the realm or the fame of the people, Zheng Yu is famous for killing people.

As a result, many people have come to a consensus. Zheng Yi’s hobby is not to practice swords but to kill people.

The person standing on the raft is looking far away and seems to be watching the lake to watch the rain.

Because in his eyes, whether it is the Luomingchuan, which is in a difficult situation, or the house is breaking through the barriers, even the Duan Chongxuan, who is struggling outside the walls, is like an ant, ready to kill. It is not worth watching.

It is better to look at the lake and see the wind and rain.

When Duan Chongxuan did not approach the autumn lake, he felt the killing of the silence.

He began to flee to the small courtyard, through the heavy rain curtain, splashing numerous water moorings, but was blocked outside the courtyard wall.

The invisible strength is closed here. He wants to go further, but he can't lift his legs. It is like pressing a mountain.

Without hesitation, he propped up a paper umbrella.

At this time, the umbrella is not for shelter from the rain.

The mountain became a huge stone weighing more than a thousand pounds, and Duan Chongxuan walked under the umbrella.

He guessed who was on the eaves, not to mention that he was now meditation, that is, just a little on the first day, and I can't wait to avoid it.

But he can't retreat because his brother is still inside.

Duan Chongxuan wanted to take the sword, but the hand that touched the sleeve was empty. For the first time in his life, he regretted that he was not diligent in practice.

Because he found out that Zheng Zheng is actually using any sword.

So he held the umbrella with one hand and raised an arrow with the other hand.

But he knew in his heart that with his current cultivation, this arrow can penetrate the wall and the barrier of the front, but not necessarily near the person.

Until now, he finally agreed with what he said. "While the soldiers are good, they have to have their lives."

The rain was getting worse and the thunder rang through the wilderness.

There is no room for me to be indulged in the house, I can’t feel the wind and rain, but I can feel the killing. Such as a steel needle, piercing the roof, sharp and unparalleled, accurately falling behind him.

The edge is on the back, but there is no way to retreat.

Not only him, Guangyu Lan, outside the courtyard wall, but also in the storm, no way to retreat.

The person on the eaves recognized the umbrella and the arrow in the hands of Duan Chongxuan. The eyebrows were slightly picked and the eyes were still unsettled.

He didn't think it was brave to dare to take the arrow at this time. On the contrary, he thought it was stupid.

The ants, knowing that they can’t do it, always blame.

Luo Mingchuan no longer takes the sword, but he looked at Zheng Hao.

The color of the pupil slowly changes from a warm amber to a dark, abyssal but natural.

If Yin Yi is here, he will recognize that this is the work of Jia Lan.

Look, always faster than the sword.

Yin Yue knows that the best way now is to give up the barrier.

But he doesn't want to do this.

He didn't want to pay attention to the mystery in the dark, didn't want to know the answers to those questions, and didn't even care about the killing of the edge.

He just wants to live a good life in this world. He wants to have power.

So he pulled the sword straight!

The fog does not scatter, why should it break?

If you don't see it, you have to break it!

He is still sitting on the futon and closing his eyes. However, on the sea, the lake sword has been squirted!

At the same time, Luo Mingchuan and Duan Chongxuan felt that the atmosphere in the house skyrocketed, and the cold water sword came out.

There is only one step left in the break.

If the person on the slap is going to take it, this is the best moment!

The twilight of Luo Mingchuan has completely turned into a dark black, and the real element on the arrow of Duan Chongxuan has also overflowed.

However, between the two, the weather is quiet and silent.

The figure on the squat looked at the south of the city, slightly frowning, and then disappeared into the rain curtain out of thin air.

The killing of the cold is also like the tide of the sea, no trace.

The roof tiles he stood in were quickly wet by the rain.

The whole yard, like the wind and rain, has never been here.

Luo Mingchuan’s tense spirit was relaxed, and he stood still in two steps.

Facing the overwhelming pressure of the small rides and not retreating, it is an incredible thing for many people.

Duan Chongxuan, outside the courtyard wall, breathed a sigh of relief and could no longer support it. He sat on the wall and sat in the mud.

The paper umbrella was thrown aside. The forehead is completely wet by sweat and rain.

Zheng Hao seems to be inexplicable, and it is also inexplicable. That is because with their current realm, it is still impossible to understand the confrontation of the Mahayana.

Luo Mingchuan dared to relax, because he noticed that Zheng Zheng looked at the direction of the city government when he left.

The sword of Yin Yiyue has already been at sea.

The swordsman who has never been to the front pierces the fog!

There is no wave in the blue sea, and there is a road in Yaotai. Between the shackles, clear light!

His body became smooth and light, and the wind swelled up, and the heavens and the earth agile came together. As the Tu Na turned into a real element, the scorpion merged into the sea. The vast expanse of the sea has a wave of joy, and it has more than doubled.

He quietly guided the flow of the true yuan in every inch of the meridian, until the river clears the sea.

Summer showers are the most rush. From the beginning of the rain to weaken to a complete stop, but also half a cup of tea.

Shen Yunkai, late Qingzhao.

The sky shines through the sky, intertwined with water mist and haze spilling over the world.

Yecheng was getting more and more busy, and the hawker’s screams rang again. The children stepped on the green bricks. People moved to the side of the stool and enjoyed the long-lost coolness.

The folding flower at the bottom of the mountain will end the day's fight, and the disciples of the various sects will begin to walk away from the city. Lamenting this timely rain, washed away the heat of the heat for half a month.

On the edge of the autumn lake, Yin Yin pushed out the door.

Luo Mingchuan stood under the tree, with shallow waves at his feet, and a little frost on his hem. However, the smile is warm, such as the spring breeze.

Duan Chongxuan is sitting under the tree and gasping. When he sees him, he laughs.

"Congratulations to the four brothers to break the barrier."

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