MTL - The Villain’s Face Slapping Counterattack-Chapter 89 09.01丨

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As before, all the first kisses were like this, and the last two were eagerly demanding, and the oysters at the beginning were concealed.

On the banks of the river where people come and go, the two men who are like immortals are so emotionally kissing. The people passing by the road, some envy, some despise, but the two people who kissed don’t seem to care at all. Kiss together.

Until the two breathed, they began to rush, and the two talents separated.

After the separation, Zhou Xu, the lips slightly swollen, coupled with the water stains brought by the kiss, looks more attractive.

Jiang Feng felt that his breathing began to become rushed. He reached out and wiped the water stains of Zhou Xu’s lips. He said, “Don’t provoke me in the future.”

Zhou Xu does not move, but the smile is extremely brisk.

Jiang Feng's warm fingers fell on Zhou Xu's lips, Zhou Xu looked at him, and then the mouth corners a hook, the slippery tongue stretched out and hit Jiang Feng's fingers.

Jiang Feng was a stiff, and the electric shock was generally shrunk back.

Zhou Xu smiled and said, "I bet, you are hard."

The face was slightly stunned, and the lips trembled and couldn't speak, but Zhou Xu looked at him like a smile and laughed, as if he said it would never be wrong.

Jiang Feng couldn't stand Zhou Xu's eyes, so he directly swayed Zhou Xu and flew out in front of so many people.

After that day, the city began to circulate a story, that is, two immortals went to the world, the two experienced various kinds of suffering, and finally reciprocated in the night of the lanterns, and finally the two flew away from the world.

Zhou Xu was held by Jiang Feng. His body-building technique has not been solved yet, and he is too lazy to solve it. So Jiang Feng took himself back to his own Dongfu.

Jiang Feng’s Dongfu is very simple, and the only one that is more luxurious is the big bed.

Speaking of it, Jiang Feng likes to sleep so much, it really should be extravagant in bed.

“嘭” was thrown into the bed, but the bed was soft and comfortable, and it didn’t hurt at all. Zhou Xu smiled and asked Jiang Feng: “Why, do you want to be strong?”

"Yes." After that, Jiang Feng was bullied.

Zhou Xu can feel that some part of Jiang Feng has indeed been hard, but this person who said that he wants to be strong does not actually do this. He just kissed Zhou Xu’s body and finally hardened Zhou Xu, let Zhou Xu shot. It’s just awkward.

Zhou Xu, who was made cool by Jiang Feng, thought he would do the last thing, but he just said with Zhou Xu: "I have no experience, I am afraid of hurting you. When I know how to do it, you will never again. Can't run away."

After that, Jiang Feng was so hard lying next to Zhou Xu.

Zhou Xu smiled slightly, and his body-fixing technique had already been lifted. He turned over and pressed Jiang Feng under his body, and he retired. Zhou Xu also helped the little lover to release it.

The two people sleep together, Jiang Feng did not say that they like it. In fact, several lovers in the world have not said that they like it, but Zhou Xu knows that the love of a lover is in the bottom of his heart. Even if there is no verbal sentence, there is no relationship. He knows enough.

After this day, Zhou Xu lived directly in Jiang Feng’s Dongfu, and he was famous. “In any case, your bed is so big, I sleep more, and it will not hinder you.” Jiang Feng’s face is black but not rejected. .

After that, Zhou Xu basically put forward various requirements every day. Jiang Feng was very depressed every time, but he still went to finish. For this, Zhou Xu just smiled slightly, because he did it for Jiang Feng, okay, Zhou Xu admitted that he is also good for himself.

In fact, Zhou Xu let Jiang Feng go everywhere to find some medicinal materials, all for the purpose of doing sputum sputum sputum, he does not want to do it someday, chrysanthemum, full of ground injuries.

And for his own fun, Zhou Xu has also done several kinds, some added aroma, and some added a sensational effect.

Looking at the dozens of bottles and cans, Zhou Xu was very satisfied, but Jiang Feng was just puzzled.

In the evening, Zhou Xu leaned on Jiang Feng's shoulder and blew his ear. After finally annoying Jiang Feng, Zhou Xu said with a smile: "Want to know the role of bottles and cans?"


Zhou Xu's lips are attached to Jiang Feng's ear, and the effect is said. The more he said, the more heavy Jiang Feng's breathing is. The more he said, the more Zhou Yu's tone was. Finally, Zhou Xu gently bite Jiang Feng's earlobe. "Hard?" Come and do it!"

In the end, Zhou Xu was willing to pay - the ground fainted, because he made those things too powerful, and made the two too comfortable, of course, Zhou Xu also had to admit that the bear's ability is really strong, very strong .

Here, Zhou Xu and Jiang Fengqing, I, you, I am jealous of you, while Xia Qing and Feng Yan’s words have begun to bear their own pains. Xia Qing does not have to say, and the meaning of the words begins to be painful because Xia Qing’s first time gave him The next ten 蛊 began to work.

If it succeeds, the 100-year revision of the meaning of the words will directly become the millennium, and if it fails, then the meaning will be destroyed.

On the first day of Xia Qing’s waking, there was nothing in the words, that is to say, the locusts did not work, but on the third day, the words were suddenly sore and sore, and then suddenly fell to the ground.

The cultivation has increased greatly, but his veins have not yet developed to that extent. That is to say, those sudden growths are desperately trying to find a habitat, but there seems to be no such thing in the body. The so-called habitat, so he began to smash in his body.

The role of Shih Tzu is so, if it can ensure success, Xia Qing has already used it for himself. It is precisely because of the high probability of failure that Xia Qing has been raising but never dared to use it.

The word is meant to hold the body and start to roll. The pain is more terrible than death. This is what it looks like when it happens.

Xia Qing was sitting on the bed, but she couldn't bear it, but she didn't dare to go forward to help.

The Seven Miles began to bleed, and the words began to become thinner at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if his essence had been sucked away.

The body became red, as if it had been cooked, it seemed to be more painful.

If you don't know someone, you will feel scared when you see the meaning of the words at this time, because the meaning of the words seems like a red-blooded **** evil spirit.

Time seems to be stagnant. Xia Qing feels like looking at the painful words. She is also suffering from that kind of pain. In the end, she simply closed her eyes. The scene really made her dare not look down.

Xia Qing eventually went out, not because she didn't want to help her words, but she couldn't help her with such things. She could only see the creation of the words.

One day and one night passed, and for twelve full hours, the words of the seal were real and painful.

He can clearly remember every detail of the twelve hours, because every inch of his bones, every meridian has been reshaped.

He is no longer willing to bear the second time, even if he is dead.

After waking up, he knows that his cultivation is not a bit of a point. He knows that Xia Qing must have concealed something.

She said that there are ways to make the cultivation of the slogan increase exponentially, but there is no way to say that it is not even what medicine he has eaten. So how did he grow up?

Moreover, this growth method is almost the same as seeking death. He is glad that he has come over, but he is also very clear that this method of cultivation is soaring, and there will be eighty-nine-nine deaths.

The door slammed open, and Xia Qing’s face was astonished, and the words of the seal were clear.

"You... are you awake?" Xia Qing said.

"Well, wake up." When the words were opened, they found that their scorpions were hoarse, so they coughed. He said, "Xia Qing, how is my current level of cultivation?"

Xia Qing had a slight meal and knew that he couldn’t stand it anymore, so he said, "I have used you ten times. You should be repaired for more than a thousand years now."

"Ten thousand 蛊?" The statement was silently repeated, only to understand how his cultivation was so skyrocketing.

"You... Do you want to take a shower now?" Xia Qing seems to be a little slow to see the words, may be unacceptable for a while.

"Bathing?" The message is indeed in a daze, because he has a different kind of attachment to the cultivation, but after a thousand years of cultivation, he is not only not happy, but his heart is still when the skyrocketing A painful experience.

At twelve o'clock, he was suffering in every minute and second. He never forgot, and he found that he could never forgive Xia Qing.

Since they are all deceiving, then they are fair to each other. The words are so thought-provoking. They smiled and said to Xia Qing: "Well, I will take a shower first."

In fact, he has already had a thousand years of cultivation, how to use a bath, a clean body can be, but Xia Qing said so, he will listen.

"it is good."

The seal said the cottage, and walked to the waterside of the pool not far away. The reflection of the pool made him understand why Xia Qing let him take a shower. He was black and his face was no longer visible. His eyes were at the corner of his eye. There is still blood, and the blood has dried up. It looks particularly scary.

It’s really hard for Xia Qing not to scream out, and the words are meant to be.

Slowly walked into the pool, the words of the seal looked like the clean pool of water became dirty. He knew that it was because his whole body was almost remodeled, and all the dirty things in the body were discharged. And blood is also brand new, so these dirty things are actually equivalent to the original old body.

Thinking of this, the words of thought again reminded me of the painful twelve hours, a slight smile, this pain he must let Xia Qing also taste, saying that for his cultivation, he can also serve her life.

After bathing, the words came out, and it was the gentleman who was not only thin, but looked even more arrogant.

Gently knocked on the door twice, and sealed the words into the house. Xia Qingyi looked up and saw the words of the seal, and it seemed to be more invisible than before.

"Do you want to eat something?" Xia Qing asked.

"it is good."

Xia Qing must eat, but in fact, it is not necessary to seal the words, but he still accompanied Xia Qing to eat a few mouthfuls.

In the meal, Xia Qing said: "Fully, your current cultivation is more than a thousand years. The demon king's cultivation is about nine hundred years. The fox king's cultivation is only about five hundred years. It is for you. Say, they shouldn't be your opponents. When did you kill them and avenge me?"

The words of the mouth swallowed the food in the mouth and replied: "Really, but I feel that my repair is not very stable. I have a way to make it more stable, and it will increase your life, but wait for a while. I will go again by then, can I?"

“How long does it take?”

"A month or so, and I don't want to see you die, so I will cheer."

Xia Qing’s heart was warm, his head lowered, his cheeks were red.

Her look is very good-looking, and she even stayed for a while. However, the heartbeat is just a heartbeat. He has a thousand years of practice and can’t ask for Xia Qing, but the pain of those twelve hours. However, he must let Xia Qing return.

The author has something to say: Thank you vanilla know-how rocket launcher

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