MTL - The Villain’s Face Slapping Counterattack-Chapter 74 07.01丨

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Nie Yuantong was swayed by Zhou Xu, and he was only able to join the plans of Zhou Xu and Ke Tuer.

When he joined in, Zhou Xu discovered that he really had a lot of things he didn't notice about the knowledge of the world, but Nie Yuantong is different. He is specialized in economics and finance, and he knows all kinds of operations and norms. It is also very clear about the loopholes, so it is very important for Zhou Xu to say that his participation.

It is also because of the joining of Nie Yuantong that Zhou Xu’s movements are faster, but one of the difficulties is that Zhou Qiang must sign several documents in front of the four lawyers.

Moreover, Zhou Xu is not prepared to find a lawyer he knows, because if there is a problem, then they are witnesses.

Zhou Xu thought for a while, and the eyebrows changed from the beginning of the lock to the stretch, because he thought of the method.

In fact, Zhou Xu can completely falsify documents, but he is not afraid of Zhou Qiang. He is afraid that Zhou Qiang’s teacher, Wen Zhu, may come back to find things.

Wen Zhu is also a teacher of Nie Yuantong, who is more aware of financial and economic matters.

However, Zhou Qiang has always had a weakness, that is, Ke Tuer, even if he is ready to divorce her, Ke Tuer is still his weakness.

The only thing to pay attention to and prepare is that Zhou Xude promised that Zhou Qiang had no time to read the documents and he did not pay attention to his own words.

Zhou Xu is at the head office, and Zhou Xueli is a small department manager in Zhou’s small branch. The two actually barely meet each other.

This calm life made Zhou Xueli very reassured, because he found that he really had no ambition and no great ability. He even thought that if he was born in a civilian family, he might be more suitable for him.

Moreover, in this world, he did not die, because the time before his rebirth, in fact, when he was a junior, he was already sold to the nightclub by Zhou Xu, and then died on the streets.

Being able to live so ordinary, not to provoke Zhou Xu, Zhou Xueli has been relieved.

However, just after he thought that he might be like this life, he met Wen Yu again, or Wen Hao found him.

When I got off work that day, Zhou Xueli locked the office door step by step, and then walked out of the company. It was only after a long time out of the company that he saw Wen Wei waiting at the door of their company.

After a few years, Wen Yu became more beautiful, but she didn't seem to laugh very much. The former gentleness, when she saw Zhou Xueli, she would spontaneously smile. Now she doesn't smile, it seems to be beautiful. A bit of mature charm.

With surprise, Zhou Xueli said: "Small? Are you back?"

Wen Hao hooked his mouth, the smile looked dull and gentle, "Well, so I came to you."

The gentle voice is still very sweet, and Zhou Xueli’s already calm heart has begun to stir up again.

"Oh, I was... I was not good at the time, I could not protect you."

"It's not your fault, it's me wrong. Now I have a baby, I understand."

Zhou Xueli was shocked: "Are you married?"

Nodded and shook his head again, Wen said: "I got married and divorced. My dad has definitely not told you?"

"No, I don't know at all." Zhou Xueli was still unbelievable. He thought Wen returned, just to renew his forefront with him. I didn't expect her to have a baby.

"I guess, school, let's go have a meal together, I want to talk to you."

"it is good."

Perhaps because the sun was too poisonous, Wen Yan brought sunglasses, but then she put on a mask. Zhou Xueli did not care, thinking that after they were separated, this was a new habit of Wen Yu.

In the car, Zhou Xueli asked Wen Wei: "Where?"

Wen Haotou leaned against the window of the car. After hearing Zhou Xueli’s question, he thought about it and replied: “Remember the restaurant we often go to when we were freshmen?”

Zhou Xueli said while driving: "Of course I remember, why, want to go there?"


"Well, I haven't been to the neighborhood for a long time, just like the red fruit pie you like to eat nearby."

Wen Hao was silent and asked: "Do you remember?"

"Of course, the one you liked the most at that time, and you love raspberries, how can I forget?"

Wen Hao didn't talk, Zhou Xueli continued to drive. What he didn't notice was that Wen Yan's tears slowly slipped over his cheeks, as if his grief was at its extreme. Her eyes were not focused, and her expression was full of sorrow, as if the whole world. She has been abandoned.

I really went to the restaurant, and Zhou Xueli had another small room that they loved when they went to school.

Wen Hao sat down and let Zhou Xueli order the food. Zhou Xueli was the one she liked. Indeed, he has never forgotten the gentleness for so many years. She remembers that Wen is all good.

The dish came up, the waiter left, and Wen Hao locked the door of the single room.

"How do you lock the door?"

"I want to tell you some whispers."

"Oh." Zhou Xueli did not know why, suddenly a little embarrassed, because he thought that Wen Hao at this time is already a married person, she may not come to find her own love, so he coughed and said: "Cough, little, is your child a boy or a girl?"


"Oh, what is it?"

"... Baby." Wen Yan paused and answered.

Zhou Xueli suddenly didn't know what to say. In the small single room, suddenly it was quiet and the needle was audible.

For a long time, Wen Yan began to say: "Schoolship, you used to like me, right?"

Zhou Xueli looked up and looked at the mature gentleness. Just want to say something, Wen Yan then said: "School, I killed people, would you like me?"

Zhou Xueli instantly had a cold back, because Wen Hao was very calm at the moment, and there was no smile on his face. The beginning of the quiet has disappeared. At this moment, Zhou Xueli only feels such a beautiful gentleness, as if it is a ghost with a human skin.

"Small...small, what are you talking about... Little?"

Wen Hao smiled a little, but he didn't reach the bottom of his eyes when he smiled.

"School ceremony, I killed people, two. My husband, my father asked me to marry, I married. After pregnancy, he was in a bad mood, kicked me and the child fell. Some time ago, I felt a lot better, gave him a few sleeping pills, and killed him." Her tone was calm, as if she was just saying that the weather was really good today.

Zhou Xueli was more and more afraid. He secretly muted his mobile phone in his pocket and muted the volume, but the person answering the phone could understand their chat content, but they didn't know what the opposite person said.

Zhou Xueli’s call was from the police station. It was quickly picked up and there was no hang, but it was really listening and not asking.

A little comfort in my heart, Zhou Xueli asked: "Is there another one?"

"The other one is my father. I killed it last night because he told me that my life is my own. I don't want to find him anyway. He said wrong, my life is not me. He left for me, but I decided to go away in the future, so I killed him. Xueli, you are the only warm person I have met in my life, and I am very Like you, always like it."

Zhou Xueli thought about how the police station could find it, racked his brains, and began to sweat on his forehead. He nervously began to tremble with his hands and feet.

It’s hard to calm myself down. Zhou Xueli said: “Small, I... I don’t know what to say. But now, we are in this small room on the third floor of the **** restaurant on the **** road, this time we often come to school. Place, this reminds me of the past. Xiao Yan, then you will laugh as long as you see me."

"I am the same now." Wen Yan said, barely showing a smile.

Zhou Xueli gave the police an address and was relieved. He said, "Oh, I can ask you about your husband's body. How did you deal with it? Didn't you say that it has been a while?"

"Oh, hey, put it in the fridge."

"What about your father?"

"Still at home, I didn't want to deal with it."

The palms are sweaty. Zhou Xueli is letting the police know that Wen Hao really killed people. He is indeed in danger. If there is no accident, they should find it soon.

"Small, let's not say this first, eat the food well, you also let me think about it, I haven't seen it for so long, I am not the original me, okay?"

"it is good."

The two quietly ate something. Zhou Xueli knew for the first time what it was like to spend the day, and the time with a murderer was too difficult, because he didn’t know when the murderer would go crazy again and lock the target On your own body.

After a few minutes, the sound of the police car sounded, and they heard the buzzing downstairs together.

The heart mentioned the blind eyes, Zhou Xueli said: "I don't know what happened downstairs."

Wen Xiao chuckled and said: "Maybe after you reported the case, they came to catch me."

In my heart, Zhou Xueli’s face turned white, and the gentle tears fell.

"School, you think I will kill you, right?"

"Small cockroach..."

"I will go to surrender, but I want to quietly eat something with you before surrendering. I don't want to hide it from you, so I said everything, I thought you were at least..."

Wen Wei said that she couldn’t go on. She just looked at Zhou Xueli with tears and smiled. Wen said: "I didn't want to kill you because I thought you were at least affectionate to me. But now I found out that I was wrong. There is no man in this world who is affectionate to me. If so, learn to ritual, let's die together, you don't like me, yes, at least I like you."

Slowly took a gun from his pocket and Wen Hao pointed the gun at Zhou Xueli.


A gunshot.

The imaginary pain did not come, Zhou Xueli slowly opened his eyes, in front of the picture of Wen Yu fell to the ground.

The dark red blood flowed out of the warm brain. She looked at Zhou Xueli deeply and finally closed her eyes. She did not kill Zhou Xueli, but pointed her gun at her eyebrows.

Zhou Xueli was already stunned, and Wen Yu looked at his last glance, as if one was stuck in his mind, and he couldn’t wave.

Zhou Xueli did not tell anyone that Zhou Qiang did not care about him. Zhou Xu would not care for him, so he buried this matter deeply in his heart.

Just dreaming back every night at midnight, he will remember the look of Wen Yu before he died, there is disappointment, blame, and love.

Eventually, blame becomes anger, anger turns into hatred, hatred becomes killing, and Zhou Xueli lives in this nightmare called "Wen Wei".

One month after Wen Yu’s death, Zhou Xueli moved out of Zhou’s family. He wanted to find a place to hide and no one could find it.

Two months after Wen Yu’s death, Zhou Xueli resigned from the company. No one knew the reason. He only knew that he suddenly stopped going to work.


Zhou Xueli doesn't care about anything happening. Zhou Xu doesn't even mean to fight with him. Because he is too weak, it can be said that Zhou Xu met the weakest protagonist. Zhou Xueli, who was born again, is still before. The weak ghost of the world.

Moreover, Zhou Xueli himself did not look forward to Zhou Xudou’s desires, which made Zhou Xu feel even more boring.

Without time to manage Zhou Xueli, Zhou Xu found that Zhou Qiang’s lawyers had begun to produce various kinds of evidence to accuse Ke Tuer.

The evidence was forged by Zhou Qiang's lawyers, and even included evidence from the cabinet. Ke Tuer knew that he could only smile afterwards, and the last gratitude to Zhou Qiang was exhausted.

Under the joint efforts of Zhou Xu, Nie Yuantong and Ke Tuer, the company has basically been in the palm of Zhou Xu, and now he only needs one thing, that is, Zhou Qiang signed.

Just in time for a younger son of Zhou Qiang to celebrate his third birthday, Ke Tuer called Zhou Qiang. The content is very simple: "Zhou Qiang, I agree to the divorce. You took the divorce agreement and I signed it."

Zhou Qiang, who is preparing a birthday party for his children at home, is very upset, so he replies, "Good, I have something today, tomorrow."

"Zhou Qiang, if I don't want to get divorced tomorrow?"

"It doesn't matter, then we will continue to consume and hang up."

After all, Zhou Qiang hung up the phone.

At this time, Zhou Qiang’s lover came over and asked him what happened. He returned with his mouth: “My wife said that she agreed to divorce. Now I am preparing a birthday for Xiaodong. I said let’s call tomorrow.”

When the two lovers heard it, isn’t this a great news? What is the son’s birthday? If Zhou Qiang divorced, wouldn’t they have money in the future?

So the two quickly began to persuade, saying that he would definitely wait for him to come back to the dinner to start again. Zhou Qiang thought about it and decided to finish the morning early, so he drove to the company to find Ke Tuer.

In the conference room, Zhou Qiang met with his lawyer and Ketu's lawyer, and the two quickly signed the divorce agreement.

After the signing, Zhou Qiang was a bit unpleasant, so he said, "Look, this time I can't hold you, what do you want to do in the future, if you want to act, you will not stop you."

"Thank you, Zhou Ge."

Before the two men were not married, Ke Tuer was called Zhou Qiang Zhou Ge, and later married, but not called.

Forget it, Zhou Qiang thought, there are two lovers in the family, and there are two children, can not be entangled.

I was about to leave, and suddenly the door of the conference room opened, Zhou Xu, Nie Yuantong, and there were four others behind.

After entering the door, Zhou Xu looked surprised and said: "Dad, how are you here?"

Zhou Qiang is a bit embarrassed and wants to go quickly. "Nothing, I am leaving."

"Hey, Dad, the transfer that I said last time, since you are here, sign it."

Zhou Qiang thought for a moment, remembering that Zhou Xu told him the day before yesterday that he had a small company with very bad benefits, but some people looked at it and wanted to turn it over. Zhou Xu asked him for advice. He felt that there was no problem.

"You asked me the day before yesterday, are you ready for the document today?"

"Dad, this is work, of course, the higher the efficiency, the better."

"Well, let's take it, I signed it together."

"Okay, Dad."

Said, Zhou Xu took the file and placed it in front of Zhou Qiang, then pointed to the signature at the bottom of the document and said: "One here."

Zhou Qiang casually looked at it and found that it was a transfer of a supermarket. It was no big deal. Then he signed the place where Zhou Xu pointed.

Zhou Xu stood next to Zhou Qiang, opened the file and went to the next page. Then he said, "Sign here again."

Zhou Qiang nodded and signed.

Help Zhou Qiang to cross a few pages again and point to another signature office and say, "There is one more here."

Zhou Qiang did not look at it and signed it directly.

In this way, Zhou Qiang was signed by Zhou Xu and signed more than a dozen names. Finally, Zhou Xu also asked if he had a seal.

Zhou Qiang's seal was carried with him, so he naturally answered it, so Zhou Xu asked him to press the seal on the signature of a three-page.

After signing and finishing the chapter, Zhou Xu said to the lawyers who came in, and the divorce lawyers of Zhou Qiang and Ke Tuer said: "You should go out first, and I will tell you something about my dad."

Several lawyers went out, and Ke Tuer went out.

Zhou Qiang asked: "Xiao Xu, are you having something?"

Zhou Xu smiled and replied: "Just want to tell you that you have transferred the shares in your hands to me. So, from now on, I am the president of Zhou. As for you, you have nothing. Not any more."

Zhou Qiang suddenly realized that he had signed a lot of documents. He suddenly stood up and glared at Zhou Xu. "Xiao Xu, what are you doing?"

Zhou Xu put the documents signed by Zhou Qiang in his hand and shook it in front of Zhou Qiang: "In three copies, the equity transfer book, Dad, do you have any opinions?"

Holding his chest, Zhou Qiang pointed his finger at Zhou Xu. " is impossible, you are fraud."

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. The four people who followed me just came to be lawyers, and you and Ke Tuo's divorce lawyers. A total of six lawyers were present, and Nie Yuantong and Ke Tuer were present. I also Clearly stated the transfer, so Dad, this is a foregone conclusion."

"You... you are a beast, I killed you." Zhou Qiang lifted a chair, but his hand was lifted up and he was pinched by Nie Yuantong.

Zhou Qiang had a good appreciation of Nie Yuantong. Now he finally understands why Nie Yuantong and Zhou Xu are so close because he is also licking his own company.

"Nie Yuantong, you taught bad Xiaoxu, right? It must be you, you want to usurp my Zhou, right?"

Nie Yuantong looked at Zhou Qiang very innocently. "Of course it is wrong. I want to teach him bad. The key is that he is worse than me."

"As a school leader, are you doing this by example?"

Zhou Xu went one step forward and said to Zhou Qiang: "Dad, lead by example. You better not to say that your lover, illegitimate child, and so much make me countless, so say anything, don't say Lead by example."

"Zhou Xu, this beast, I have raised you so much, are you doing this to me?"

With a slight smile, Zhou Xu said: "Do you raise me so big? Can you tell me how old I am this year?"

Zhou Qiang sighed and replied with a slight guilty conscience: "I certainly know."

"Then you said."

"Twenty..." Zhou Qiang did not know that he could only lengthen the tail and wanted to see how much he was from Zhou Xu's face. Unfortunately, he could not see it.

"Twenty-four, Dad, my birthday is July 14. You should only remember it is summer? What do I like to eat, you don't know? I have participated in any community when I went to school, you don't know? Right, Don't tell me, talk about your other son, Zhou Xueli. Where do he live now, do you know? Why did he move, do you know? He is not working now, do you know? Right, you interrupted him by hand. When I have legs, have you ever thought that it was your child? If I made a mistake, would you interrupt my legs as well? Dad?"

Zhou Xu’s questioning made Zhou Qiang unable to speak, and then Zhou Xu said the last thing. It was also Zhou Xu’s remarks since the beginning of this month that he did not know.

"Dad, my mother's death is caused by your hand? Because my mother is the wife of your media, her mother is strong, and you have already seen a new lover, so you are worried, direct It was the car accident, didn't it?"

Zhou Qiang looked at Zhou Xu, Zhou Xu smiled slightly and said: "Dad, I am revenge for my mother, but also revenge for myself."

Zhou Xu’s revenge for himself is that Zhou Xueli’s rebirth, Zhou Xu was locked up by his father, and he was starving to death. Of course he was avenging himself.

The matter of Zhou Xu’s mother was not discovered by himself. It was discovered by Ke Tuer a month ago, because Ke Tuer accidentally pulled out a diary from home. According to the clue in the diary, Ke Tuer After many twists and turns, I found the original truck driver.

After Zhou Xu knew it, he did not say anything. After he got the company, he asked Zhou Qiang to pay for the crimes he committed.

Now, it’s almost time.

One time, Ke Tuer has come in again, and there are several police officers coming in.


"Mr. Zhou, please take a trip with us."

Zhou Qiang looked at the police and suddenly went down a little. "Can you wait for me for a day, I will give my son a birthday, and I promise to surrender."

"Sorry, Mr. Zhou, please take a look at us first."

The cold voice made Zhou Qiang desperate. He looked at Zhou Xu’s son. Suddenly he was crazy. He broke free from the police’s shackles and rushed to Zhou Xu. He yelled and shouted: “I killed you this bastard, bastard, you dare to rob. The company, dare to hurt Laozi, I will pull you when I die."

Only when he had not rushed to Zhou Xu, he was lifted by Nie Yuantong and fell to the ground.

The police rushed to the ground and forced the week to take it.

And Ke Tuer gave Zhou Xu another news, "School is crazy."


"Literature." After that, Ke Tuer turned and left, and her life should start again.

At this point, Zhou Xu’s mission in this world is completely completed, and his future life is all his own.

As for Zhou, he didn't mean anything at all. He would sell Zhou, and then the money would be donated.

With Zhou Qiang’s money, Zhou Xu felt that he should be.

However, Zhou Xu at the moment is in a very good mood.

Stretching out the index finger and hooking it, Zhou Xu said to Nie Yuantong: "Would you like to do one to celebrate?"

Nie Yuantong stepped forward in two steps, and his mouth was hooked. He replied: "Yes."

The author has something to say: The second half is in the collar, you know, cough and cough...

Thank you, Hanako’s mine, what?

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