MTL - The Villain’s Face Slapping Counterattack-Chapter 66 07.01丨

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Going back to that vast space again, Zhou Xu was very calm this time, because he had been used to it, and because he had a few hearts.

First of all, his memory is faulty and repairable. Secondly, he now knows his lover very well. He is almost a hug and can be perceived by a touch. These two points are very important for Zhou Xu.

However, although Zhou Xu discovered that his memory is likely to be repaired, he must have a specific event or a specific experience in order to remind him of a certain event. That is to say, his memory is not possible until now. Complete recovery, but Zhou Xu does not care, he has time and energy, and he will experience more worlds, encounter more events, have more experience, not afraid to remember.

The black shadow appeared again in the space, this time he even looked at Zhou Xu.

Although the black shadow still disappeared very quickly, this time Zhou Xu saw it clearly, yes, very clear.

This person Zhou Xu decided that he must know, must be a character in the real world, because he looked at Zhou Xu's eyes is not simple.

The height of this person is about one meter and nine meters. The eyes are like a torch, the nose is high, and the lips are not thick or thin. The temperament of the whole person is very noble, but he looks at Zhou Xu’s eyes very gently and gentle. With a little eagerness, with a little bit of tolerance, and...

This gaze is too complicated. Zhou Xu can't make it clear, but Zhou Xu knows that this person must be very important to himself. Because of his disappearance, Zhou Xu felt an indescribable panic.

In a certain ward of Noah Star, the highest will open his eyes. This time he can finally sit up, his head is still a little dizzy, but at least he can move.

The ward is surrounded by white, which makes people feel very depressed and dead, but this space just makes him think seriously.

He woke up longer and longer, and his body became more and more energetic. Does it mean that he can recover completely?

So how did he recover? Is it because Zhou Xu, or because of himself?

Zhou Xu now knows that those lovers are themselves?

I definitely know that Zhou Xu was smart at a young age, so clever that the people of the entire galaxy were afraid, and therefore, he would be stared and would cross so many worlds.

He wants to save Zhou Xu, definitely.

Pressing the emergency button at the head of the bed, the lord will lie down again, and he can't let himself lose consciousness so quickly.

After a dozen seconds, the medical staff rushed over and the general knew that his consciousness had begun to blur again, so he tried to say his own request before the coma.

The medical staff listened to his request and looked at each other. In the end, he could only ask the dean. The dean looked at the admiral who had no consciousness at all. He turned back to the medical staff and said, "Get ready for him."


Opening his eyes, Zhou Xu found himself on a bed, the bed was very large, moderately soft and comfortable.

Looking at the room decoration, it is a typical European style. Even if it is a casual chair, it should be expensive. The European printing above should be used by European nobility.

When he got up, Zhou Xu thought that he had crossed into a European world. However, when he saw the mirror, Zhou Xu discovered that his face was still the face of Asians. He was black and black, his nose was sinister, his lips were like Zhu, but his eyes were slightly Obviously, if you don't laugh, this face gives you the feeling that you can only describe one word: people are not close.

The itch at the little finger indicates that the information is being transmitted, and Zhou Xu closes his eyes and receives the information.

After the completion of the information reception, Zhou Xu looked at himself in the mirror, very good, the world itself is a characteristic, that is cruel.

No, it should be that the two worlds of Zhou Xu’s personality are vicious, because the protagonist of this world is born again.

The difference is that the first world Zhou Xu killed the other side, and after the protagonist was born again, Zhou Xu was killed.

Slightly in the mind to sort out the information received, Zhou Xu felt that he died very poorly, and was starved to death. If the normal person does not think so, the key Zhou Xu's family is equivalent to the richest family.

However, it can be seen that money is not a sign of whether a family is happy or not.

Zhou Xueli, the name of the protagonist of this world, is the second son of Zhou, and the boss is Zhou Xu.

The two are brothers, but the two men are full of wars. The mothers of the two are different, but the same is true. Both mothers died in a car accident. In fact, Zhou Xu and Zhou Xueli It is the same age, and the two are only a few months apart.

In fact, this also shows the identity of Zhou Xueli's mother, but unfortunately, no matter what her identity, what kind of purpose, after all, is a fat life.

In the first world, Zhou Xu hated him because of Zhou Xueli's identity. He fixed him, suppressed him, and finally sold Zhou Xueli to a "bar". After that, Zhou Xueli died.

After the rebirth, Zhou Xueli and Wen Yu, also the female lord, designed to frame Zhou Xu, and finally killed him, no matter which world, Zhou Xu is the biggest villain.

However, Zhou Xu smiled coldly. For him, whether or not the other party was born again, whether there is any ability to foresee the future, as long as there is no real change, then it is **** in Zhou Xu’s eyes.

Dressed up, Zhou Xu went downstairs, because today is the first day of Zhou Xueli's rebirth, that is, his first rise after rebirth, but Zhou Xu wants him to know that if the opponent is replaced by him, then no matter how many times Zhou Xueli reborn Useless.

The building where Zhou Xu lives is also European-style, a two-storey villa.

The villa is very spacious, all the decoration is European style, Zhou Xu is very tired of this style, he prefers simple and clean decoration, but now he has no say, because after all, he is only 19 years old this year, everything is still No.

Going to the restaurant according to the memory of the original master, the first thing that comes to mind is a long dining table with a few bottles of flowers on the table, and one end of the dining table is sitting with his father Zhou Qiang.

Zhou Qiang’s first head is still sitting on a glamorous woman, this woman is Zhou Xu’s third stepmother, Ke Tuer.

Zhou Xueli's mother is only a junior, and she has never married Zhou Qiang, so she is not a stepmother of Zhou Xu.

After Zhou Xu's mother died, Zhou Qiang had two wives. These two did not bring Zhou and Qiang to the daughter. Finally, Zhou Qiang married the current Ke Tuer.

It’s not a good man to say that Zhou Qiang, the last two wives, when he finally divorced, he gave millions of things, and he has a relationship, so even if they want to make trouble, want to get more In the end, I also had to give in.

Now this wife Ke Tuer is an actress, Zhou Qiang saw it last year, because in that drama, Ke Tuer plays a pure female college student, and the appearance of the green scorpion seems to be able to pour out water at a glance. In order to get her, Zhou Qiang has a lot of manpower and resources.

In the end, Ke Tuer promised Zhou Qiang's proposal, but Ke Tuer did not expect that although Zhou Qiang was married to her, the outside lovers did not break contact.

After a few quarrels, Ke Tuer seems to be dying. Every day, she grows flowers at home and raises grass. Nothing goes out to make a mahjong. Anyway, she has money now. Others don’t matter.

Ke Tuer's twenty-seventh this year, if it doesn't make up, it looks like it's about twenty, but after turning a rich makeup, it looks like more than thirty.

Zhou Xu never called her mother. After all, the age of the two is actually eight years old.

The original master hated Ke Tuer, or the original master did not like any of Zhou Qiang's wife, or lover, but Zhou Xu did not hate Ke Tuer, but it was just a stranger who was common, and, in other words, Ke Tuer It was also a poor person. Before she promised Zhou Qiang’s proposal, she did not know anything about Zhou Qiang.

Zhou Qiang blocked all the news, only gave Ke Tuer a gentle and mature illusion, and in order to force Ke Tuer to agree, he also found someone to close her parents' small company, and they owe a few Millions of debt.

At the time when Ke Tuer was the most vulnerable, Zhou Qiang appeared again, helping her parents pay off their debts, and even found an expert to treat his mother.

Ke Tuer was guilty, second, grateful, and third, her parents forced me to marry Zhou Qiang.

After marrying, Ke Tuer only found out who Zhou Qiang was, but what can she do?

Sitting on the opposite side of Ke Tuer, Zhou Xu greeted them: "Dad, Ke Wei."

Zhou Qiang and Ke Tuer are all a glimpse. Zhou Xu and Ke Tuer say hello? This is really rare.

Can clearly see their reaction, Zhou Xu does not matter, pick up the bread on the table and start eating.

With a light cough, Zhou Qiang said: "Xiao Xu, you have grown up."

Zhou Xu nodded and looked at Zhou Qiang. "I was really immature before, not going to be in the future, Dad."

Just kidding, Zhou Xueli will come down after a while, and Zhou Xueli’s first thing is to complain and be filthy. When there is Ketu’s help, he will certainly suffer.

Now Zhou Xueli has not come out yet. Before this, Zhou Xu certainly made a little advantage for himself. When he got up again, he would say it. After all, there is a word called "preemptive."

"Ke Ke, I was very unfriendly to you before the school ceremony. In fact, we are not targeting you, but for all the stepmothers..."

"Cough..." Zhou Qiang coughed hard and reminded Zhou Xu not to talk indiscriminately.

Zhou Xu looked at Zhou Qiang and then apologized to continue to look at Ke Tuer. "But it's all because of me, because I don't know anything, so the school ceremonies follow me and I don't understand things. Ke Wei, but now I know. The fault is not with you."

Ke Tuer’s eyes were reddish and he smiled and said: “Nothing.”

Zhou Qiang does not allow her to be an actor again. Ke Tuer is actually a canary that has been raised. Even if she wants to fly, she can’t fly the huge cage, because Zhou Qiang’s connection with the entertainment circle is especially close. Ke Tuer is divorced, and she can't play anymore.

"Ha ha ha, our family Xiao Xu really grew up, very good, you will be twenty next year. When you come, come to the company to find a small department to learn first, and then take over our Zhou."

"Thank you, Dad, I will work hard in the future, I will not fight you."

Zhou Qiang laughed. "I know that you have been fighting with me all the time. For so many years, your temper should be smooth. Very good, very good, hahaha..."

In the previous life, Zhou Xu did not have so many words at the dinner table. The basic three-person meal, except Zhou Qiang said a few words, Zhou Xu and Ke Tuer did not even respond.

Now, this scene is also a joy.

Zhou Xu knows that Zhou Xueli will come down almost after they have finished eating.

Zhou Xueli has a small problem, that is, he particularly likes to sleep late. After the first life or after being born again, he can't change this problem.

In fact, this point can also explain a lot of problems. This shows that Zhou Xueli after the rebirth has not completely changed. His smooth sailing is based on the countermeasures that have been made in the case of knowing the follow-up development.

For example, he knows that Zhou Xu hates Ke Tuer, and it is convenient to use this. For example, he knows what Zhou Xu will do after school, so he will prevent it first. In short, all his actions are based on actual development, but Zhou Xu is different. First of all, he is not the original owner. Secondly, if he is born again, he will live better than everyone else. He will live by the golden finger of the prophet. There is still fun.

At this moment, Zhou Xu is also a "prophet", but his prophet and Zhou Xueli's prophet are very different.

The breakfast for the three people is coming to an end. Zhou Xueli comes down from the luxurious stairs, white shirts and jeans, which look clean and fresh.

Zhou Xueli's double eyelids are wide, which makes his eyes look very big. If the first world, his eyes are awkward, then this world, his eyes are firm, he also wants revenge, reported to the first world by Zhou Xu sold to the nightclub, and died of street vengeance.

Feeling Zhou Xueli's gaze, Zhou Xu looked up and smiled at Zhou Xueli and said: "Schoolship, come over for breakfast, it is almost cold."

Zhou Xueli, who is holding the stair railings, is obviously a glimpse, because Zhou Xu did not talk to him so gently. Basically, although the two are brothers, they are actually similar to the enemy, and Zhou Xu always disdains to talk to Zhou Xueli. Because he said it personally, "The child of Xiaosan is a wild species and does not deserve to live with me." So what is the situation now?

Zhou Xueli didn't answer, and the atmosphere suddenly picked up. This scene fell in Zhou Qiang's eyes. Zhou Xuyou loved his younger brother, but Zhou Xueli was very disrespectful. He was so sloppy and at a glance that the result was that Zhou Qiang screamed to Zhou Xueli: Li, my brother is talking to you, what is your attitude?"

Zhou Xueli, who has been reborn, is still wondering. He sat down before the long table.

Zhou Xu pushed his share to him and said, "Come on."

I am very satisfied with Zhou Xu, who changed Zhou Xu. I wiped my hand with a wet towel handed over by the maid, saying: "Xiao Xu, since you have grown up, go to a golf game with me on Sunday, know that you will not You just have to follow me."

"Okay, Dad."

Zhou Xueli wakes up and can't be weak anymore. Zhou Xu is a hypocrite and will obey in front of his father, but behind him is a little man who is flying and swearing.

"Dad, wait a minute," Zhou Xueli said eagerly.

"School, do you have something?"

Zhou Xueli thought for a moment, and felt that it would be better to pull Ke Tuer to his own camp. Anyway, the two of them were not in the same position, or that Zhou Xu did not agree with him, and he wanted to avoid going to school and being designed again by Zhou Xu.

"Dad, Zhou Xu has been bullying me for so many years. Do you really know nothing? Now I want to tell you that what he has done can no longer be called bullying, but abuse. Yes, I don't have Zhou Xugao, no him is strong, but Dad, I am also your son. Can you let your son abuse your other son? And, Zhou Xu is not just bullying me, he is also bullying Ke Ayi, Zhou Xu has never looked at it. Aunt Ke, he also said insults. Dad, Ke Ayi is your wife, do you care?" Zhou Xueli said very quickly, and this is the first time he was revealed in his father Zhou Qiang after his rebirth.

However, because he was too rushed, he forgot to expose his scars, but he argued that Zhou Xu just used this point to interpret: "Schoolship, I used to be a jerk, but I will not be in school." You don't bother Dad, he is also very busy. I won't be so awkward in the future, this point, I have already passed them before you come down."

Seeing Zhou Xu is so tolerant, he did not care about the brother of this complaint. Zhou Qiang felt comfort. It seems that his eldest son really grew up.

On the other hand, Zhou Xueli, Ming Ming and Zhou Xu are the same age, but they still have to sleep late, sleep late, and still sue their brother's shape, really can't afford it.

Zhou Qiang really knows that Zhou Xu often bullies Zhou Xueli, but he has never stopped it. Anyway, for him, the winner is king, whether it is a shopping mall or a political arena. Don’t say anything mean, can live, even if it’s mean. One point is stronger than death.

Looking at his younger son, Zhou Qiang said: "You are not too small, but why are you always growing up? Nearly twenty years old, and using the word 'bullying', you are not a primary school student. If you are really bullied, don’t tell me that you can solve it. You have to be stronger. When you become stronger, who else will bully you? Moreover, people will meet many people in their lifetime. A lot of things, you will find out that Zhou Xu’s bullying against you is just a play. Learn to teach you something to do with your brother."

Zhou Xu stood up and looked at his father. His eyes were quiet. He said, "Dad, you can rest assured. I will take care of the ceremony in the future. I used to be ignorant. But Dad, please believe me, I have changed. ""

Appreciate to look at Zhou Xu, Zhou Qiang smiled and said: "Come on."

Looking at the little son behind, Zhou Qiang was slightly dissatisfied, but he still said: "School, you can cheer."

Zhou Qiang left here, and Ke Tuo stood up there, meaning that he said to Zhou Xueli unclely: "I don't like you both, but at least your brother is more open than you."

After all, Ke Tuer also left, leaving Zhou Xu and Zhou Xueli two people, a cold smile, Zhou Xu said: "Brother, let us live in peace."

Zhou Xueli looked at Zhou Xu's appearance, and he was born with a resentment. He knew that Zhou Xu was deliberately saying this, but also deliberately stimulated himself, but why did he really get angry?

Turning around Zhou Xu, Zhou Xueli could not eat anything in depression, and finally did not eat anything, let the driver take him to school.

On the way, Zhou Xueli thought for a long time, why Zhou Xu changed. Didn't Zhou Xu in the past never talk on the table?

The day before, not when he went downstairs, Zhou Xu and Zhou Qiang and Ke Tuo, are already quarreling?

How come he went downstairs and found that the three of them were very peaceful? It seems that their appearance has disturbed their calmness.

Recalling the situation at the time, Zhou Xueli regretted it. He shouldn't be so anxious. He should expose the scar on his thigh and arm first. This should be more impactful, and then Zhou Xu would abuse him, but in the morning, Anxious, so that I missed the best opportunity, and then want to use this trick, it is no longer useful, because Zhou Xu has apologized, if he is holding on again, it is his fault.

Zhou Xueli is puzzled, but he can only put this thing aside first. Anyway, he knows what Zhou Xu will do in the future, first prevent it, then find evidence and let him die.

When I came to the school, Zhou Xueli went to find Wen.

Wen Hao is the favorite girl of his past life. He didn't dare to confess until he died. It was not until he died that he realized that Wen Yu, who was in school, actually likes himself.

After rebirth, Zhou Xueli decided not to let her miss her again, and he is now reborn to college, which is when Wen Hao likes himself, so when he comes to school, he goes to the warm classroom door.

Just someone came out of the classroom, Zhou Xueli stopped the classmate and said, "Classmates, may I ask if your class is warm?"

The classmate then turned back and shouted: "Wen, someone is looking outside."

In the classroom, a girl looked up, her eyes were soft, her lips were red, although not the most beautiful, but because the skin color is particularly white, it looks more pure and pleasant.

Wen Yan stood up and walked to the door. Zhou Xueli was like a drum. He once again thanked God in his heart. He was really born again. He really had the opportunity to live again. He will certainly cherish it and he will definitely be warm. Happiness, yes, you must let your own Zhou Xu die without a place to die.

This is a private higher-level business school. If you come here to study, you will either be a rich second generation or an official second generation. In short, it is also a person with a head and face.

Of course, there are occasional exceptions. For example, Wen Wei, he is not a daughter of a wealthy businessman, nor a daughter of a high official. The reason why she can read this school is because her father is a teacher of Zhou Qiang and the former president.

When Zhou Qiang started from scratch, many things didn't understand, and Wen's father warmed up, because he appreciated Zhou Qiang's hard work, so he often taught one or two.

Wen Zhuo is specialized in business and finance. Therefore, Zhou Qiang is equivalent to Zhou Qiang with his help. Therefore, to this day, Wen Zhu is still the most trusted and respected person of Zhou Qiang.

Wen Zhuo is very strict, even if he was against Zhou Qiang in the past. Zhou Qiang also thought that Zhou Xu and Zhou Xueli should be handed over to Wen Zhuo, but he refused. He said that he is old and has no energy. .

Wen Hao is actually the lowest level in this school. She is despised by many people. She likes Zhou Xueli. First, because Zhou Xueli looks really good, the second is probably the same illness.

In fact, Zhou Xueli is said to be the second son of Zhou, not so. I am afraid that in the Zhou’s Dagongzi, no matter which aspect he is crushing the second son, and the Dagongzi can’t see the second son.

So Zhou Xueli also became the bottom layer, even being bullied by the sons of third-rate enterprises, but now he is born again, he knows how to prevent Zhou Xu's framed, he believes that he will succeed.

Wen Yan came out and saw Zhou Xueli, her face was red, and she bowed her head. She whispered, "What is it about me?"

Zhou Xueli also shivered nervously. He said, "Warm, let's go downstairs and talk about it."


The two men nervously went to the Wisteria Road downstairs, just in the spring, the full wisteria looked particularly romantic.

Under the wisteria stand, Zhou Xueli said: "Warm, I... I like you very much, be my girlfriend."

Wen Yan red-faced, looked at Zhou Xueli unbelievably, until he was sure that he was not dreaming, he nodded, and his voice was like a mosquito. "Good."

Zhou Xueli is happy to want to sing high songs and wants to go to the playground for a few laps. He is excited to pass the gentleness and whispers: "This world, I will never fail again."

"Well? What are you talking about?"

"Nothing, I mean I want to live with you forever."

Wen Yan was blushing, and it was at this time a warm and funny voice sounded: "Sorry, the school is forbidden to fall in love."

Zhou Xueli and Wen Hao looked up at the same time, "School, principal?"

"One person went back and wrote a 5,000-word check and handed it to me tomorrow. Okay, you both go back to the classroom."

Zhou Xueli and Wen Hao quickly left.

They left, Zhou Xu came out from behind the headmaster, very speechless, Zhou Xu said: "President, do you like it so much?"

"It’s just to hear, of course, it’s the responsibility of the principal,” said the young principal Nie Yuantong, who said, “Is it a pleasure to give your brother a block? Are you happy?”

The author has something to say: The author does not know what to say, but Achi will cheer, ~\\(≧▽≦)/~啦啦啦

Thank you for the mines, the rockets known to the vanilla.

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