MTL - The Villain’s Face Slapping Counterattack-Chapter 62 06.01丨

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In fact, the world is relatively peaceful. There are not so many wars between the various planets. Only two planets have changed their own stars. They have to plunder to survive. These two planets are almost all quiet. The enemy of the planet.

The enemy that came to attack this time is from one of the planets, called the Oaks Planet.

The armor of Oaks Planet is known for its lethality, and they generally use the method of raids, so they often succeed in the war and are the enemy of the Star Alliance.

Mu Xinhua ordered that Wu Mingdi led a fleet to the left to meet the enemy. Another colonel greeted the enemy on the right side. He led the modified high-level mech, facing the enemy positively, and the number was similar to the other party, but the equipment should be more than the other party. It’s better, and the armor of their planet is known for its quickness. The best thing to do is to knock the enemy down when the other party hasn’t responded.

This time, they are still on the basis of maintaining their own advantages, fighting back on three sides, ready to repel the enemy on the periphery of the planet.

"Depart!" Mu Xinhua ordered, all the combatants quickly acted.

And Mu Xinhua also followed, but just took a step, he was stopped by Zhou Xu.

Mu Xinhua asked Zhou Xu how to go with her eyes. Zhou Xu was not humble and replied, "Give me a warship, at least 30 teams. If I didn't guess wrong, they might have a move."

"What do you mean?" Mu Xinhua looked at Zhou Xu with a serious look. This is a war, not a joke. Mu Xinhua can't allow a little accident, and Zhou Xu has given him too many surprises. He believes Zhou Xu's All, including intuition.

Zhou Xu thought for a moment and said, "I can't point you to the map without a map, but their route is a bit strange. Although it is similar to what I said before, he deviated from the interstellar dimension and deviated from one degree. This is not a big deal, maybe even It's just measuring the error, but if it's not the error, they are deliberate, then there is still a possibility, that is, they are using their technology to cover up another thing, this thing, I suspect it is their fourth warship."

"I will give you a 50-person battleship. Remember, no mistakes are made."

Zhou Xu Jingli: "Yes."

After all, Zhou Xu turned and went, but his hand was suddenly pulled by Mu Xinhua, only to listen to Mu Xinhua hurriedly said: "Zhou Xu, be careful."

Mu Xinhua didn't have time to be intimate with Zhou Xu. This is a moment when the empire is a matter of life and death. He can only whisper a "careful" to his lover, but in this caution, Zhou Xu heard a lot.

Sitting in the command cabin of the battleship, Zhou Xu was in a strange calm.

When the space leapt forward, Zhou Xu suddenly lost consciousness. Although it may happen to others in space leap forward, it usually recovers after a few minutes, but Zhou Xu is different. He never lost because of space leaps. Over-conscious, this is the first time.

For the first time, when Zhou Xu woke up, it made a difference. His memory seemed to have recovered a little. Although he couldn’t think about it, Zhou Xu could think of his parents who took him to a playground when he was eight. In the playground, he once lost his way. As for how he came out, Zhou Xuyi remembered it at first, but he seemed to forget it when he thought about it.

As soon as the war was over, Zhou Xu decided to let go of the doubts in his heart and solve the Star Wars first.

After an hour and a half, the two teams encountered on the outside of the planet, the other party did not expect to be intercepted halfway, so the original assault battle immediately became a passive battle, and they did not have a little preparation at all, but only rushed to let the mech Hurry out of the warehouse.

When they got out of the warehouse, they found out that there were already dozens of mechs waiting for them.

There was no reaction time at all, and another mech that was hidden by their advanced techniques appeared in another interstellar dimension that Zhou Xu had guessed, and what they did not expect was that when they appeared, they were already surrounded.

For a time, on the outer periphery of the vast planet, only the fire was a little bit, the sneak attacker became a beater, the fragments of the mech were flying around, and the beatings could only throw the mech in order to save their lives and flee back to their warships. I dare not come out again.

A so-called interstellar sneak attack was completed within an hour.

The people of Oaks Planet ran away, and Mu Xinhua drove the mech to go to the interstellar dimension that Zhou Xu said. It was only after he saw that Zhou Xu’s red mechs hesitated, it seemed that he was recognized in the interstellar space. If you have a quasi-goal goal, you will not want to escape.

For a moment, Zhou Xu has let the other armored division lose his helmet and Zhou Yu has once again become a hero in this battle.

All the four warships returned, none of them were damaged, and a total of 180 armies were played. Only two were damaged, and none of them were damaged. In this war, they won too beautiful.

From the discovery of the enemy to the final defeat of the opponent, and then to the return journey, all add up to four hours. After four hours, Zhou Xu was awarded the first prize by the four top empire generals, and once again raised Zhou Xuwei. University.

At this point, originally because he is a younger brother, is the lover of Mu Xinhua and a little look down on Zhou Xu's people, completely changed his mind, Zhou Xu is already a bug in this world, is the **** in people's eyes.

Wu Mingdi can no longer despise Zhou Xu, but he is very dissatisfied at this moment, because Zhou Xu is a big school, that is to say, his rank is higher than that of the colonel Wu Mingdi.

At the beginning, he hesitated and swept away. Wu Mingdi did not dare to despise Zhou Xu, but his hostility to him was as serious as ever.

This was a rush and the end of the day, when Zhou Xu was about to starve to death, he was hit by a fist on his head.

"Little bastard, you can die." The voice is a female voice, crisp and loud, Zhou Xu is very familiar and likes it.

Looking back, Zhou Xu smiled and said, "Sister, when did you come?"

Zhou Hao reached out and twisted a face of Zhou Xu. "You still want to call my sister?"

"Pain, sister."

In an instant, Zhou Xu’s eyes were red. In this world, he still didn’t feel the pain. What he felt was this time. His sister was really hard. When she let go, Zhou Xu’s face was red.

"Sister, how do you really start?" Zhou Xuyi’s own painful cheek, secretly rubbing his eyes, for fear that his tears really fell, it would be shameful.

A big school, because the face was screwed, it hurts to cry, and it’s said that it’s not funny.

Zhou Xu was arrested by his sister, and Mu Xinhua knew that his wife was coming home, so he turned his head and asked one of his men: "When you meet your father-in-law, what kind of gifts do you usually bring? ?"

The man was sweating because he was indeed a man, but he just didn’t know anything when he came from the military academy.

After knowing that Zhou Xu came home, he waved his hand and took the initiative to give him a half-month fake note, which was told by his eldest brother Zhou Yang.

"Xiao Xu, I saw your fake article, fifteen days."

"My fake? I didn't write a leave slip."

"The top left of one of the top generals will give you a ghostwriting, and it will also specifically imitate your handwriting."

Zhou Xu: "..."

Zhou Yang haha ​​smiled and said: "It seems that my brother is really popular."

Like the previous world, Zhou Yang of this world is still gentle and strong inside. He is also very fond of Zhou Xu like Zhou Wei, and Zhou Xu’s second brother Zhou Bin is a silent, basic day and night. Can't say a few words.

The four people have very good feelings. During the two years when Zhou Xu left, although the parents did not know where Zhou Xu went, Zhou Yang and Zhou Bin were very clear. Because Zhou Xu’s name is simply the Emperor’s team, no one knows. The existence of no one knows, even if you don't want to know it, you can understand it clearly in other people's gossip.

In fact, both Zhou Yang and Zhou Bin had secretly found Zhou Xu’s military region, secretly probed Zhou Xu’s life, and found that he had lived very fulfilledly. After being bullied, the two big brothers quietly left again because they I know that if Zhou Xu sees such excessive protection, he will probably get angry.

Zhou Xu’s parents had already retired when Zhou Xu was seventeen years old, so they didn’t know Zhou Xu’s business, but the older brother Zhou Yang gave them a little bit, that is, let them not worry, Zhou Xu has now Very good.

This time, my parents finally knew what Zhou Xu had done in the past two years, and also learned how great achievements Zhou Xu had achieved. So the original questions were swept away, and the two enthusiastically Zhou Xu will not refuse if he is ready to eat.

The scenery returned, Zhou Xu was very happy. For the original owner, probably just playing the piano, Zhou Xu felt sorry for him, but if he came back again, Zhou Xu would still choose to go to the military camp.

Breezy, the stars are all over the sky, Zhou Xu and his family are sitting in their own small gardens. They have a gossip and gossip. The time is quiet and quiet, but there are always some people who are not interested.

"Hey, hey..."

The doorbell rang, Zhou Xu was a young man at home, naturally he got up and went to open the door.

"Xiao Xu? Are you coming back?" The person outside the door was still Ding Zhaolin. Zhou Xu felt that he also admired Ding Zhaolin, so he spared no effort to sway in front of himself. It was really difficult for him.

"Do you have something?" Zhou Xu held a hand on the door, and there was no side on the side of his body. Apparently he did not intend to let Ding Zhaolin enter the house.

Ding Zhaolin also saw the meaning of Zhou Xu, so he said a little bit: "Zhou Xu, you are my best friend, I have always valued you very much, although I don't know why, after you wake up to become a younger brother, you have been I have a hostility to me, but no matter what you do, I still regard you as my best friend. I am still willing to work for you."

Ding Zhaolin’s words were smooth and smooth. Zhou Xu suspected that he was backed up, so Zhou Xu smiled and said: “Thank you for your self-love, I will ask you again, do you have anything, nothing, I will close the door. It is."

"This is the raspberry sauce my mother made. She asked me to give it to your sister Zhou Wei. You will give it to her. I will not go in."

"Well, I thank your mother for my sister. Goodbye."

"Hey." The door was closed, and Ding Zhaolin, who was outside the door, lowered his head, and the moonlight was on his beautiful face. The shadow was dark and inky, which made him look a sense of sadness.

Just where Zhou Xu couldn't see it, Ding Zhaolin sighed with a sigh of relief. He didn't know that he wanted the person he heard to hear it. If he heard it, would he do what he wanted?


When Zhou Xu understood what Ding Zhaolin meant in the end, he and Sun Qingxia met.

Of course, this encounter is not the same as the previous one. This time, when Sun Qingxia appeared, Zhou Xu had already perceived the danger, and Zhou Xu was already prepared for defense when the person she called came over.

After that, he was a younger brother. In a few seconds, he directly fell two tall men to the ground, in front of Sun Qingxia.

Clap his hands, Zhou Xu looked at the opposite Sun Qingxia, and said coldly: "If you want to die, I will send you a ride."

In the last life, Sun Qingxia married Zhou Xu's six fingers. This Qiu Zhouxu must report, but how to report it?

A little thought, Zhou Xu decided, it would be better to count, because he saw that Sun Qingxia found another four people have also come.

The new four men are taller than the previous two, and they have all been trained at first sight, so when Zhou Xu and them hit, their arms and calves were injured.

When I was tied up, Zhou Xu thought all in one sentence, that is: it’s too painful!

For this pain, he must also let Sun Qingxia pay the price.

In fact, this time he was only beaten a few times. I thought about the last life. His fingers were alive and kicked by Sun Qingxia. The pain should be really unbearable.

According to the memory of the previous world, Zhou Xu will be locked up by Sun Qingxia. After she is locked up, she will go to negotiate with Ding Zhaolin first. The place where Zhou Xu was locked up is a storage room. Zhou Xu knows how to escape.

In fact, Zhou Xu’s plan is not for Sun Qingxia, but for Ding Zhaolin’s, but for him, no matter who first happened, he would be happy to see it.

After being thrown into a dark and narrow space, Zhou Xu smiled. Sure enough, Sun Qingxia was Sun Qingxia of the previous life, and Zhou Xu was not afraid of the darkness. On the contrary, this darkness gave him a sense of security.

In the darkness, Zhou Xu fumbled and found an empty glass bottle. After breaking it, Zhou Xu would tie his own rope and cut it.

However, he did not go, but went to another room in this empty house. In this room, Zhou Xu found a gun that Sun Qingxia got, and several control knives. In addition, Zhou Xu was shocked by the fact that Zhou Xu also found a speeding laser gun.

Others may not understand, but Zhou Xu is very clear that this speeding laser gun is not the most powerful, but the head is the highest of all firearms, and the range is very far.

In short, Sun Qingxia, who owns this gun, can actually make Wu Mingdi ruin at any time, but why didn't she come out at the end?

Seeing what she has in her eyes is only hatred, no feelings and other, not real. Perhaps, all her actions are just to "find death", literally looking for death.

However, even if she knows Sun Qingxia's heart, Zhou Xu disagrees with her. Her life is her own. No matter how she looks like her life, she is responsible for herself.

If you want to take revenge, don't be affectionate; if you want to be affectionate, put hatred aside and be affectionate; unfortunately, you can't put it on both sides, you can only do it on both sides.

After reviewing the entire house, Zhou Xu returned to the storage room because he estimated that after a while, Sun Qingxia would use himself to threaten Ding Zhaolin.

The dark space just allows Zhou Xu to think carefully, because he hopes to recall some real-world things, and in the space leap of the last battle, Zhou Xu really remembered something.

That's right, that playground.

How old was he at that time? Seven or eight?

What does father and mother look like?

By the way, the mother is very beautiful, gentle as water, a pair of stars cut water, with a deep bottomless silence.

She always smiles, gentle and pleasant, and there are not many words, but the whispers are not too much for Zhou Xu.

The father is arrogant, and his eyebrows are handsome and handsome. He is also a person who laughs, his teeth are very white, and his smile makes him feel like a spring breeze.

He and his mother are very compatible, they will pull Zhou Xu's hands and pick him up. By the way, there seems to be another person around them.

who's that person? The man seems to be a little taller than Zhou Xu, Zhou Xu can't remember his face, but remembers the feeling that this person gave him: peace of mind.

The family is so good, then how did he get lost?

He vaguely remembered that he had entered a dark castle because he lost his way. The darkness made him afraid, but suddenly he suddenly had a big hand and wrapped his hand in the palm of his hand warmly. Then he was not afraid, and the dark castle, It has also become his paradise.

The two ran and ran in the paradise, playing with the slides that all children liked, but in any case, Zhou Xu did not seem to release the warm hand of the man, even when it was really on the slide.

The corner of the mouth is slightly ticked, Zhou Xu chuckles, and the two hands pull the slides hand in hand. This action seems to be quite difficult, but the person is so tolerant of his wayward self.

Whose hands are that? Zhou Xu feels very familiar. He is familiar with what he thinks he can never forget. Why do he forget it?

Headache, vomiting is strong, memories make Zhou Xu physically uncomfortable, but my heart is very happy, because I can think of it here is progress, and he believes that his memory will be restored a little bit, and so on, Then, his true revenge is about to begin.

Zhou Xu vowed that the person who deprived him of his memory would pay the price!

Just when Zhou Xu’s thoughts stayed in how to really revenge, the dark space suddenly brightened. Zhou Xu saw two people standing in front of him, one was Sun Qingxia and the other was Ding Zhaolin.

Zhou Xu just looked up, then the door was closed again, and the space returned to darkness.

It was this moment, Zhou Xu’s mind had a personal voice flashing through, and the man said, “Xiao Xu, don’t be afraid, I am.”

The sound is unique to the young, very crisp, but the tone is calm and abnormal, as if everything outside is not affected by the two hands.

This voice flashed away, but Zhou Xu is very convinced that this is his own true memory, and once again heard this voice, Zhou Xu will be able to remember.

There is no way to think more, because the two people outside the door have already begun to negotiate.

"Ding Zhaolin, I have no other requirements. I only hope that you will not intervene between me and Wu Mingdi. Killing and killing him has nothing to do with you, and even if Wu Mingdi is dead, because you are a brother, an empire. You will be paired with a new man."

"If I don't promise you?"

"He is not your best friend, if you don't agree, I will kill him."

Zhou Xu is very speechless in the storage room. Why does Sun Qingxia have to threaten Ding Zhaolin regardless of past life or the present, why can't it be Ding Zhaolin's parents or other people who Ding Zhaolin really cares about?

"Sun Qingxia, you don't want to be like this, you are trapped in my injustice."

"Ding Zhaolin, actually, I know that you said that Zhou Xu is your best friend that day, it is nonsense, because I checked you, it is possible before the age of twelve, but after the age of twelve, it is impossible. And I still do this. Do it because my own parents are dead, I don't want to hurt your parents. And he, after all, is the one you value most before the age of 12. So, I hope you can at least think about it, you just don't interfere with me and As for the matter between Wu Mingdi, as long as you promised, I promise that I will never move Zhou Xuyi."

Zhou Xu sneered, because it was silent outside, which indicates that Ding Zhaolin was thinking, and Zhou Xu sneered because Sun Qingxia was actually contradictory in the matter of deaf people.

Either he will squat in the end, or don’t take revenge. Zhou Xuzhen is really serving Sun Qingxia. Even though his parents are both dead and not taking hostages of Ding Zhaolin’s important parents, what she is doing is threatening and persecution. It is simply a capital neurosis.

Zhou Xu also understood at the moment, why did Ding Zhaolin suddenly say so much numbness that day, it was said to Sun Qingxia.

Unfortunately, his words, Yu Zhou is a joke, and Sun Qingxia is also a joke.

The silence outside was finally broken. I only heard Ding Zhaolin sigh and said: "Yes, I am not involved."

"Well, I promise you that as long as I have dealt with my affairs with Wu Mingdi, I will definitely let Zhou Xu go home without any loss."

"That's good."

Outside, there was a sound of opening the door and then locking it. After a little movement, Zhou Xu opened the door of the storage room and waited for a big show.

The author has something to say: Thank you, watermelon sister, 喵嗷嗷, ritaleesk mine, ~\\(≧▽≦)/~

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