MTL - The Villain Runs Wild-Chapter 294 where is the hometown

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Lin Sui finally fell asleep in exhaustion, with scars on her body. When Yan Qin held him to wash, he only moved his eyelashes, unable to resist the sleepiness.

Yan Qin watched his sleeping face for a long time in the dim morning light, and hugged him to sleep.

As the college entrance examination approaching, the school has relaxed the control of students. I hope candidates enter the examination room with a good attitude.

Lin Sui asked for leave with the school. According to his grades, he had a recommended spot, but he refused.

Because of his grades and family background, the school was more indulgent to him, approved his fake slip, and reminded the date of the college entrance examination.

Lin Sui's class teacher dutifully informed Wang Yun of the matter, and Wang Yun immediately contacted Lin Sui.

My son didn't go home, and he even asked for leave from school. It was hard for her not to feel that her son was messing around outside.

"Don't worry about me, I know better than you how to be responsible for my life. You have this time wasted on me, why don't you take care of your other son."

Lin Sui's sentence is not a sarcasm, but a statement.

Lin Sui set this calling card to reject incoming calls, and used another calling card to make necessary contact with people.

About the college entrance examination, Lin Sui, whose memory was sealed, was not worried, and Lin Sui, who had recovered his memory, was naturally not worried, so he did not review before the exam, but did what he had been putting on hold.

Lin Jian and Lei Ya had already sold their old house to live in the city, and Yan Qin had been watching them all the time, and Lin Sui naturally grasped their dynamics.

The methods used by Lin Sui are almost the same as before. Within the scope of the law, they are completely made into low-level rats.

He also met with them specially, so that they would not even be aware of resentment.

Lin Sui's mood will be better when she thinks that they have a bad life and can only curse him in the dark corner.

Lin Sui is in a good mood, Wang Yun and Lin Zhonghai are almost sick at home.

They looked around for Lin Sui, but couldn't find where he was, and the spending records stopped a few days ago, even though they froze his card, he didn't show up.

If Lin Sui's friends said that Lin Sui would return news to them, they would all think that Lin Sui had an accident.

From the last call between Lin Sui and them, they knew that Lin Sui must have known about Lin Yu and was arguing with them.

"Why is this child so small? It's been so many years."

Wang Yun was helpless, she wanted to have a good talk with Lin Sui, telling him that everything in the house would be his, and only a little bit would be left to her brother, but Lin Sui didn't tell her that at all opportunity to speak.

Lin Zhonghai clapped the table: "If he doesn't come back, he will never come back!"

Wang Yun hurriedly comforted her husband and gave him antihypertensive medicine.

Being neglected by her biological son, Wang Yun went to Linyu's place, and saw her adopted son who put down her books and was busy washing and cutting fruits for her, Wang Yun was very sad.

She also thinks that it is not easy to adopt a child. She has been living outside by herself for so many years, and they have not participated in the parent-teacher meeting. A child has endured so many grievances, and he never thought of arguing with Lin Sui, Why can't Lin Sui tolerate him?

Lin Yu brought the fruit plate in front of Wang Yun, sat beside her and listened to her, hiding her unease.

Not long ago he received a call from his biological parents, he had seen them secretly once, and after that he decided that he would never meet them, and now they have come to the door , All this has to be given by his 'brother', if he hadn't given them the contact information, how could they have found themselves.

My biological parents are now poor, in debt, and sick. They came to him to ask for money, but Lin Yu couldn't give them, so they blocked them.

Lin Yu knew that Lin Sui would not let him go, this was just an omen, he must not be driven out.

So Zai Linyu took the initiative to bring up the matter about Lin Sui and asked, "Is brother still home?"

"Yeah, I don't know where to go, just let him."

"I heard that my brother got into a man's car before he went home... Well, that man doesn't seem to be someone I know from the family. My brother hasn't been home for so long, so he should be staying with that man. Well, mom, you have to remind my brother to be careful, after all, my brother looks so good-looking."

This matter was heard by Lin Yu from the drunk Qiu Huining, Qiu Huining said that Lin Sui got into a man's car, Lin Yu did not know what their relationship was, but It doesn't prevent him from guiding in that direction.

"What? I heard it from someone, did someone spread it, do you know who that man is?"

Wang Yun immediately raised his voice and looked serious.

After hearing that no one was spreading rumors, Wang Yun's face softened a little, and then pressed for details.

Lin Yu said vaguely, only heard and guessed, and looked worried, but it had already burned Wang Yunlong's anger.

Some children play indiscriminately. Wang Yun knows that Wang Yun doesn't mind his son's play, but at least he can't play with men, let alone play with men.

However, the future of the child is important, Wang Yun suppressed his temper, and plans to wait for Lin Sui's college entrance examination to end and then ask carefully.

Lin Yu's eyes flashed with disappointment when she heard Wang Yun's plan.

The high heat of summer fills the world.

Summer is a very special season for Chinese people, because important life turning points always seem to occur during this time period.

And this summer, it is worth paying attention to all over the world.

This news.

This is a national style holographic game, with the realm of self-cultivation as the background, just the early publicity CG makes people's attention.

As the main creator, Yan Qin introduced at the press conference and accepted questions.

After asking some conceptual, technical and security questions, the reporters turned their attention to the content of the game itself.

"In the promotional video and the game background introduction, it can be found that the gods created this world of self-cultivation. Is his identity the emperor of heaven, or is he an important npc?"

In the promotional video, you can see a character who can't see his face sitting high on the throne, looking down at all beings. Doubt, this is the **** of creation.

The man on the stage smiled and replied: "You can call him Tiandao, he is the will of this world, but he does not exist in the plot and will not interact with any characters."

Other reporters asked: "So he represents the main creative team, that is, you?"

"No, it's my lover. This image is based on my lover. I wouldn't be here without him. He is the will of my world."

This news undoubtedly made everyone present and the audience watching the press conference all over the world feel the best, this way of showing affection is simply a face.

Yan Qin still had a smile on his face. When everyone asked him about his lover's identity, he kept it a secret and moved on to the next question.

Yan Qin has always cared about the will of Heaven who wants to control the fate of him and Lin Sui. In his world, the will that can control him only comes from one person.

At the same time, the Lin family is also watching this interview.

Wang Yun waited for Lin Sui outside the examination room after the college entrance examination and asked Lin Sui to go home with her. On the way, she did not mention that Lin Sui had not been home, but planned to wait until she got home After that, no outsiders were asked to clarify.

Lin Zhonghai was also at home. When they were about to start talking with Lin Sui, the news of the press conference came. They didn't care to ask about their son's sexuality, so they turned on the TV to watch.

It was a while after the press conference that the couple returned to what they were going to do.

They asked about the unfamiliar car and the man in it.

"You want to ask if I'm gay? Yes."

Lin Sui admitted it simply, with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

This appearance undoubtedly greatly stimulated Wang Yun and Lin Zhonghai, Lin Zhonghai's face swelled red, even to the point of being a little distorted.

"What nonsense are you talking about, we can't be so angry if you want to."

"What if I say that the object of my love is Yan Qin?"

Lin Sui's fluttering words, the movements in Wang Yun's hands stopped, and Lin Zhonghai's blood pressure dropped even without taking medicine.

They couldn't wait to ask: "You mean Yan Qin of Sui'an Group you just saw on TV?"

Lin Sui tilted her head slightly, and said of course: "otherwise?"

They were still in disbelief, and they confirmed again and again.

Lin Sui called Yan Qin directly and asked him to pick him up.

The couple fell into a trance, Lin Zhonghai even thought about how to cooperate with Suian Group.

Lin Sui sneered lightly: "Just now being **** was a heinous crime, but now it's alright?"

The two coughed a few times to cover up, and said a lot of beautiful words.

"The times are progressing, and our minds should be more open. Besides, it's not impossible for two men. If you have a child, you can go abroad for surrogacy."

"I don't need to use a woman's womb to give birth to offspring. I don't need offspring. After all, not all parents are responsible for their children. You should know this better than me."

Lin Sui tutted lightly, even her expression took on a bit of coldness.

Wang Yun and Lin Zhonghai resisted the urge to get angry, and assured him that everything in the house would be his in the future, and he only needed to give Lin Yu a little touch.

"As long as I'm here, he won't want to get anything at all. He has enjoyed things that don't belong to him for so long, and he still wants the future?"

Lin Sui looked playful, as if listening to a joke.

"Xiaoyu is also innocent in this matter..."

"Stop, I don't want to hear that he is innocent anymore, you just don't admit your partiality, of course I know that after ten years of raising a dog, a dog has feelings, not to mention a person , it's just that my emotions are irrelevant to you."

Lin Sui is not a catharsis of anger, but a hypocritical disgust.

"He is innocent, so what are my experiences, I deserve it?"

"He's innocent," Lin Sui chuckled, "You guys really make me sick."

"I don't want the Lin family's property. You can donate it or give it to others. Lin Yu doesn't even want to get a penny."

"You'd better move him out of the household register immediately and take back all the things given to him, or you should go drink the northwest wind together."

"I do what I say, and you better believe it."

Lin Sui told the truth in a statement tone, in the absence of Yan Qin's past, he did not act so politely.

Because the Lin family had a bad life, and even became an abandoned child when they were in danger, Lin Sui had no family affection for them for a long time. Pleading or cursing in front of him, he was indifferent.

Lin Zhonghai and Wang Yun had not yet withdrawn from Lin Sui's frank and ugly words when they heard his threat. If they didn't know the backer behind Lin Sui, they might be furious , but they knew that, judging from what Yan Qin had just said at the press conference, if Lin Sui wanted to bring them down, Yan Qin would definitely take action.

They don't have to consider whether Lin Sui's words are angry or true, because they know that Lin Sui's can be called cold-blooded indifference.

Seeing the man who came to pick up Lin Sui, the Lin family and the couple were speechless for a long time.

Wang Yun murmured: "Injustice, really injustice."

Lin Zhonghai sat on the sofa panting heavily, beating his chest to calm himself down.

"Is this a son or an enemy, it would be better if I knew earlier..."

He didn't finish his words.

The regrets in their hearts are complicated, 'why didn't they make mistakes in the first place' and 'why didn't they follow Lin Sui's mind earlier'.

How important is the adoption of children and property, they don't need to hesitate to make a choice at all.

They immediately took Lin Yu to move out of the household registration. Lin Yu didn't know the purpose of going out at first, but only halfway through.

"You take this card and leave here in a while, the farther the better, if you can go abroad."

Wang Yun put a bank card in Lin Yu's hand, which contained 10 million yuan, which could cover Lin Yu's tuition and living expenses for a long time.

Wang Yun was also a little sad, but he still said hard-heartedly: "Don't contact me in the future, the Lin family has nothing to do with you."

Lin Yu's face turned pale, and she shook her head.

"Mom, I don't want this, what happened, did he force you?"

Lin Yu was very flustered and tried to grasp everything in front of her. How could ten million be compared with the Lin family? He even told Wang Yu and Lin about the torture of his biological parents by Lin Sui Zhong Hai wanted them to know Lin Sui's viciousness.

After hearing this, Wang Yun and Lin Zhonghai became even more determined to send Lin Yu away, and when they thought of that day, Lin Sui's eyes shuddered.

Such a ruthless person will not care about blood relationship, and may even retaliate even more for resenting their partiality.

Lin Yu has used it both in selling badly and in delaying the army, but she still can't beat her adoptive parents. A look that swept him out the door.

Lin Yu had no choice but to ask for help, but found that they were all helpless, because the family warned them not to be too busy.

A huge shadow shrouded his mind, making him unable to see the way.

Lin Yu has nowhere to go, so she decides to rent a house in another city first, then go to university, and see if she can return to Lin's house when the time is right.

In the taxi to the airport, there were two people on the way.

The bodyguard in black sat next to him, and the teenager in the co-pilot looked at him through the rearview mirror.

Lin Sui: "Take it out."

Lin Yu looked at him defensively, with bad thoughts in her heart.

I don't mind calling the police if you hand it over, so how about arresting you for theft, which side do you think Wang Yun will be on when the confession is being recorded?"

Lin Yu wanted to escape, but the door was locked, and there was a bodyguard staring at him.

"You can't do that to me! Mom gave it to me!"

"Sorry, I can do that to you."

"Choose for yourself. If you don't choose when you arrive at the airport, then I will help you choose the latter."

Lin Sui said calmly that he knew that the couple would not be so honest, and before leaving, he helped the adopted son arrange a retreat, which was really touching.

Lin Yu thought about the current situation of her biological parents and the adoptive parents who sent him away, and she felt despair in her heart.

He had no choice but to hand over the card, and then watched helplessly as the bodyguard used his mobile phone to transfer the money from the mobile account, leaving only one Nod.

He was pushed out of the car in front of the airport and collapsed with his phone and suitcase.

He only has a few hundred dollars, what can he do?

The co-pilot's window slowly fell, and the red lips of that beautiful abominable face were slightly raised.

"It's time to face what you should have faced, little mouse."

The car drove away, and Lin Yu's cell phone suddenly rang.

His biological parents were like ghosts, forcing him to go home and serve them.

"This is not my life...this is not..."

Lin Yu shook her head and babbled. The passers-by next to him thought he was mentally ill, so he couldn't help but stay away.

On the way back, Lin Sui was a little uninterested, and had no pleasure in revenge, and it was not new.

He felt that he was kinder to this person. You must know that in the past time line, Lin Yu was not treated so well.

In himself, it was an existence that he could not come into contact with in the first half of his life.

Lin Sui didn't plan to go back to Lin's house, because of their dishonest behavior, they made a stumbling block for Haiyun Group, and the loss occurred, Wang Yun and Lin Zhonghai were very headache.

The complaints from Lin Yu can only be ignored. After all, the bank card they gave to Lin Yu was lost by Lin Sui. This feeling is really terrifying, and they don’t want the company to do it again. turmoil.

They are very clear about their behavior, and they are too lazy to pay attention to people who make them disgusting.

After the summer vacation, Lin Sui did not choose to go abroad, she went to university locally, and developed her career while studying.

He and Yan Qin developed in different fields, and they have the power to develop their careers. This is the fun of Lin Sui.

Sometimes he is addicted to his work, even Yan Qin will forget it.

In a transoceanic video conference, Yan Qin wearing an apron reluctantly looked at his lover who never came to eat because the meeting was overtime, and gently reminded that after all, irregular eating is not a good habit.

Someone curiously asked who was talking, because they were all foreign partners, Lin Sui replied casually: "Myhusband."

After the video conference, Lin Sui didn't take two bites of dinner when it was cold, but she vomited after eating something else.

When she found out that the Lin family had a new child, Lin Sui didn't have any emotions. He didn't take a look at the child from pregnancy to birth.

For Lin Sui, these are things of the past, and those people are strangers.

This is the world he was born in, but not his hometown.

He is not a wanderer, he already has a home.

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