MTL - The Villain Runs Wild-Chapter 278 After the traitorous dignitaries x loyal ministers

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After about half a column of incense, the noise outside calmed down.

A guard knocked on the door and reported the situation outside.

"Master, everything is done, leaving two openings."

"Just now, we were careless, let the man jump in, and the son's sword subordinates were placed at the door."

When the guard was reporting, the palm of his hand was sweating. The assassin who was chasing down this time was strong, and the dark guard who was on the roof to protect the master's safety also participated in the battle. The dark guard's hidden weapon shot the man in the abdomen , I didn't expect that person to come up, but fortunately there is still the young man in the house.

The voice from the inside was low, and it seemed that there was no intention to punish them, which made the guards relieved.

"Check the loss of the inn and pay the boss according to the price. How do you know it yourself, and someone will send a bucket of hot water in half an hour."

The guards left and put the sword drawn from the corpse in front of the guest room door.

The windows in the guest room were opened by the assassin, and the cold wind poured in from the outside.

When the wind blows, the thin layer of sweat floating on Lin Sui's body quickly turns cold.

Yan Qin wanted to get up to close the window during his slightly long calm period, and sat beside the bed and stepped on his boots.

A thin white arm stretched out from the thick quilt and wrapped around the thin waist of the young man.

There are several slender red marks on the side of Yan Qin's waist, which were left by Master Lin when he couldn't stand it.

"Sir, it's dewy at night, don't catch a cold."

Yan Qin held Lin Sui's wrist and wanted to put his hand back under the quilt.

"The wind won't hurt anyone for a while."

Lin Sui said lazily, a cool hand entered from the hem of Yan Qin's coat, and moved on Yan Qin's broad back.

Now that winter is coming, the cold weather makes his sick body particularly uncomfortable, so the high body temperature makes people nostalgic.

Winter is a season that makes people easily attached, and people's thirst for warmth reaches its peak, whether it is on the surface or in the heart.

Lin Sui leaned on Yan Qin's back, thinking that it would be better for Yan Qin to restore her memory quickly.

If it was Yan Qin who had a memory, where would he leave to close the window like this, he would definitely go with him.

It’s just that this is ancient after all, and the young man who hasn’t had too much experience has a thin skin, so he can’t do that kind of overly intimate things.

Lin Sui squinted her eyes, and suddenly felt that she seemed a little clingy. He used to despise this kind of thought, but now he feels natural.

Lin Sui was about to push Yan Qin away to let him close the window, but she heard Yan Qin say, "Sir, I am offended."

The quilt was suddenly lifted, and the thick cloak on the chair fell on Lin Sui's body. He was picked up by one hand and brought to the window by the boy in the coat.

Yan Qin closed the window with one hand, and carried the tightly wrapped Lin Sui back to the bed.

Lin Sui smiled, and the smile expanded on her face.

What are they doing?

Yan Qin was a little embarrassed by Lin Sui's smile, and found that he seemed to have done a lot of stupid things.

I just didn't think much about it, I felt I didn't want to be separated from Lin Sui, so I went with Lin Sui. I was afraid that Lin Sui would catch the wind, so I wrapped him in a cape.

But this is no more than seven or eight steps away, and the back and forth is just a few moments, why does he want to hold Lin Sui.

He was at a loss for words and didn't know how to explain, and the color of Lin Sui's laughter became more and more red.

"It's not half an hour."

Lin Sui stopped smiling and looked up at Yan Qin.

The black sable fur slipped from his shoulders, and the skin was covered with red plums like jade.

In the afternoon of the next day, Lin Sui took the people on the road again.

The two assassins who were captured alive didn't reveal anything, and even wanted to die, but were stopped by Jin Yiwei.

Lin Sui was not in a hurry, and took them on the road together. Anyway, he also had a choice in his heart.

Lin Sui was not injured, but his letter to the capital did not say so.

He told the emperor that he was seriously injured because of the assassination, and his injuries could not withstand the bumpy road, so he could not return to Beijing soon to report all the situation to him, but he would write a letter and pass it on by Jin Yiwei.

The emperor who received the secret letter made a big fire in the imperial study, and was very saddened by what happened to Lin Sui.

Especially the person who reported it said that Lord Lin had been assassinated no less than ten times in half a month, and he threw the inkstone in anger.

Lin Qing was already ill, and it would have been hard for him to deal with Yanzhou in person, and someone even wanted to kill his favorite.

"How unreasonable! Is there still a king in Yanzhou! They don't take me seriously at all!"

Even if Emperor Ming was an emperor who didn't take care of anything, he was still an emperor. It was because he was stupid that he was more willful.

Ignoring the livelihood of Yanzhou, he directly ordered Yanzhou Zhizhou and other officials to take off all the black gauze hats, and also killed Yanzhou Zhizhou to quell his anger.

When he gave this order, the people in Linsui had not yet integrated all the evidence of the private mine before the emperor.

It's just that Yan Zhizhou didn't die, because the queen came to persuade the emperor, telling him that this was a serious matter, and advised him to wait until Lin Sui returned to Beijing to ask about the situation and then issue an official.

The emperor thought it made sense, but the imperial edict was still not issued.

But he was still angry, too lazy to watch a group of courtiers quarrel, and got into the gentle village again.

The favored Song Ronghua fanned the flames while stroking the emperor's heart to make him feel comfortable.

She didn't talk about the previous dynasty, but only said that Lin Sui was loyal and difficult, and she was sad and angry because those people despised Huangwei.

When the emperor heard this, he was even more upbeat, and the mind that was persuaded by the queen in the daytime rekindled.

Two days later, Lin Sui's crimes were sorted out and presented to the emperor's case.

Although Lin Sui is not in Kyoto, she has always been in control of the situation in the capital. The carrier pigeons specially trained by Jinyiwei are very fast, which can ensure that his wishes can be smoothly advanced.

The case of private mines in Yanzhou shocked the government and the public. The emperor removed the hats of all the main managers of Yanzhou, and also ordered the beheadings of officials from several counties and towns near the private mines.

In order to avoid the vacancy of Yanzhou officials, he made another big move.

The ultimate beneficiary of this incident can be seen by anyone with a discerning eye, but they want to read the book, but the culprit is seriously ill on the way and has not returned to Kyoto, so they can't find anything.

According to the current situation, if any of them say that Lin Sui is not good, the emperor can drag people out and chop them off on the Golden Palace.

Prince Li was abruptly angry, Lin Sui's clever trick was that he didn't involve all the people involved in the private mine case, only the people he wanted to move.

Yanzhou's official position was vacant, his people were removed, and Linsui's people filled them.

The emperor also let his other henchmen go to Yanzhou, but what's the use of being crushed by Lin Sui's people.

The mines in Yanzhou have all become official mines, but the guards of the official mines are all Lin Dang.

The eldest prince who owns a private mine also wants to vomit blood. With these large incomes, his money will be tight.

He wanted to work with the queen to persuade his father not to listen too much to Lin Sui's words, but just mentioning Lin Sui's name, the emperor praised Lin Sui's loyalty in front of them. Brave, he also said that in the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty, no one could match Lin Qing.

His remarks, even if the first prince wanted to say 10,000 words, he would not be able to say it.

The eldest prince became even more desperate when he heard that the emperor wanted to betroth the princess to Lin Sui.

He can only hope in his heart that his father dies early and he takes the throne, or Lin Sui dies early to save him trouble.

I don't know why Lin Sui was so lucky, she was still alive after being seriously injured.

The "severely wounded" Lin Sui is now traveling with her lover. The emperor's transfer list is in his hands, and there are only some small discrepancies with the list he drew up.

Yan Qin looked at the person in front of him: "The sky in Yanzhou has changed, and it will be more sunny in the future."

Lin Sui carelessly threw the piece of paper aside, she didn't feel proud of winning the game, she just thought it should be like this.

When you make a move, the outcome is decided.

Yan Qin was extremely infatuated with his arrogance, and as a sign of joy, Qingdie had his teeth marks all over it.

On the day of the winter solstice, Lin Suicai arrived at the capital slowly, without going to face the saint first, but after washing up before entering the palace.

The emperor didn't think he was disrespectful, but pity him for the hardships along the way.

He looked at the thin young man in front of him and sighed: "Lin Qing, you have worked hard all the way."

Lin Sui said beautiful words, but she didn't feel hard in her heart.

Although the carriage is bumpy, it is also a different taste.

Read The Duke's Passion