MTL - The Villain Runs Wild-Chapter 243 Amateur Singer x Ace Composer

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Standing high, humans have the illusion that they can touch the sky.

For Yan Qin, this is not an illusion, he is indeed touching his own moon.

The young man's shoulder blades with his back turned to him stretched out like a butterfly flapping its wings gently.

The faint starry sky and artificial neon complement each other under the thick clouds, creating a psychedelic color at night.

The large transparent floor-to-ceiling windows are more and more full of coolness under the air-conditioning.

Expressive words that are enough to express the picture emerge in people's minds.

The height is high enough that the surface noise cannot reach, and everything is silent.

Freedom, indulgence, and no prying eyes.

Yan Qin's nerves were noisy, like the snowflake noise of an old TV, filling his mind with only one command.

The special young man who appeared in front of him on an ordinary night, with a unique allure, made his life no longer as usual.

Mysterious and dangerous, but extraordinarily fascinating, he is his inspirational muse, emotional projection.

Whether it is Lin Sui's eyes, voice, movement or a certain body part, Lin Sui can attract his attention without deliberately.

That is absolute whole-hearted attention to follow, no reason needed.

Lin Sui raised her hand against Yan Qin's forehead, stopping his movement: "Don't bite your neck, I don't want to wear high collar clothes tomorrow."

It's summer now. Although there is air conditioning at the recording site, it will still be hot. Lin Sui doesn't want to cover her neck, it's uncomfortable.

Yan Qin obediently moved the place, leaving the traces where it will not be revealed.

Saturday was a sunny day with bright sunshine and excessive heat.

Lin Sui went to the recording site at 8 am and entered the singing room.

This is the script that the variety show party has asked them to play, expressing how they are preparing for the stage, as well as the problems encountered and solved.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with Lin Sui, what the original owner learned from the incompetent music teacher was advanced knowledge that he could not digest, but those things were not difficult for Lin Sui, Lin Sui These days, I have been training basic skills while practicing songs, and now I have become proficient.

The original owner has a wide range of voices, and can sing in both high and low pitches. The voice is clear and warm, and can control most songs.

With the help of Yan Qin, a talented composer, he has nothing to deal with.

However, the variety show script required it, and Lin Sui also performed in cooperation.

The first person who came to practice the song room was Lin Sui's mentor Yun Huan, Lin Sui communicated with her, Yun Huan was an insider, she immediately knew that Lin Sui did not encounter any trouble, He walked away.

After Yun Huan left, the door of the singing room was pushed open again.

Yan Qin seemed to be conscientiously tasting the score written by himself, indicating that there were still some small flaws in this song.

"This section could be better, add a little note from this bar, and then add a little variation."

Yan Qin pointed to a place in the score, sat at the piano, played the section where the chorus entered the stage, and arranged it.

Yan Qin looked at Lin Sui while playing. He faced the camera and Lin Sui's playful eyes. He had to work very hard to ensure that he didn't have a smile on his face that would make people suspicious.

He calmly showed the appearance of his instructor and expressed his own adaptation ideas.

Lin Sui's face did not face the camera, she nodded in response and bent down, holding the score and said to Yan Qin: "Here, the tone is raised and then mixed?"

As she leaned over, Lin Sui's profile came into view.

Yan Qin nodded solemnly and cast an approving look: "That's right."

This scene looks exceptionally harmonious, with effective guidance and communication in the professional field, and extremely fast sensory resonance, but no one knows that in the place covered by the piano, the student's hand is on the instructor's leg.

Yan Qin's legs were tense, if it wasn't for his rationality that kept reminding him that there was a camera facing his face not far from the piano, he would have been unable to resist pressing On the piano, just like that evening.

Yan Qin left the piano with one hand, chatted with Lin Sui about modern pop music in a low voice, and at the same time played Lin Sui with one hand on the keys to demonstrate.

In fact, the hand he put down had already held the back of the young man's hand, wandering, covering, and shaking hands intimately.

The hand he used to demonstrate was still pressing the keys steadily, making it impossible to see.

In the blind spot of the camera angle of the singing room, under the radio equipment carried on the body, this is a secret communication that no one knows about in the dark, and it is a bold and indulgent adventure and joy.

The staff who opened the door raised the board, indicating that they can enter the next process.

It is still a competition system of three teams competing on the same stage, and Lin Sui stepped onto the stage when it was her turn.

"It is still an original song today, called "White"."

He nodded slightly towards the upper right corner, indicating that he can start.

The prelude stepped in, and the ground was surging with inorganic white.

Zhou Lu was listening to the scene with a small glowing sign at the bottom, and this is the spot she won by lottery for this public judge. Fortunately, the recording time was Saturday and she happened to be Saturday. Shan Xiu flew in early on Friday night, just for today.

When the lights dimmed, Zhou Lu listened quietly.

This is a song that subverts the inherent definition, and the arrangement is full of strong futuristic sci-fi colors.

Humans often think that black is an indescribable symbol, it hides filth, covers everything, brings sensory horror, mystery, and a sense of dominance.

In fact, what is more domineering is white, and everything is under its color, and there is nowhere to hide.

The cover of snow is more terrifying than the cover of mud. Humans sing its praises with its purity and beauty, and brush away the dust for it.

The young man's slightly indifferent singing voice and quiet eyes are like a pure white monarch who gave orders.

When the electronic sound of the chorus advances, the scalp becomes more and more numb.

Zhou Lu made up for many sci-fi movies he had seen in an instant, those large areas of dazzling white representing sci-fi colors appeared in his mind, and the lighting of the stage made Zhou Lu inexplicable The youth on the stage is a mastermind simulation person composed of data.

She immediately gave full marks without hesitation.

After listening to the songs for most of the day today, she was actually a little tired. After listening to Lin Sui's songs, she became more excited.

But when the teacher's comment sounded, she immediately came to her senses.

Amelia: "My comment on this song is the same as before, that is, it is perfect, there is nothing to fault, even the level of debut single, and there are some familiar I feel that, as expected, it should be Mr. Sui'an's handwriting."

Amelia's voice was full of ridicule, the chorus was advanced, and the style of the whole song was raised, with Suian's unique style.

Each song composed by Suian has no fixed style and is unpredictable, but in some songs you can find his very personal way of composing and arranging, commonly known as Suian's dazzling skills.

Amela has collaborated with Suian. Before the collaboration, she had studied all his songs, just to achieve this opportunity for cooperation. In the end, she also succeeded in relying on this song. She was out of the circle and won the Golden Melody Award last year, so when the chorus appeared, she discovered the traces of Suian in the song "White".

Lin Sui nodded: "Mr. Suian has helped me a lot."

Yan Qin said immediately: "I only helped to change a section of the chorus, and I didn't change too much. The perfect interpretation of this song is not only the lyrics and the song, but the most important thing is the song. expression of the person.”

If the lyrics and music are a piece of clothing, then the singers are the models to show them, and the bad ones will only make people look unsightly even with beautiful jade jewelry.

Yan Qin didn't want people to think that Lin Sui's victory was all his credit, although he did make a lot of contributions to it, but Lin Sui didn't sing his songs, he sang other people's songs You can also get flowers and applause.

But whoever asks Lin Sui to sing only the songs he wrote, and whoever asks Lin Sui to favor him.

Zhou Lu screamed in his heart and squeezed the light sign in his hand.

You are a double standard!

Zhou Lu also doesn't want to knock CP, but who makes Zhengzhu crazy, although it's not the kind of particularly obvious and upright candy, but this is more attractive!

Zhou Qian smiled and softened the atmosphere: "Mr. Suian's changes are very good, but this song is also very good. Is the lyrics and composition still your kind friend?"

"That's right, it's him."

Still giving a perfect rating, full marks.”

The tutors finished evaluating one by one, waiting for Yan Qin to speak.

This time, uncharacteristically, only four words came out: "Very beautiful."

Yan Qin was a little annoyed: "It's all over for them."

The mentors couldn't help laughing, and even the audience below couldn't help laughing.

Zhou Lu shouted madly in his heart, even if it was a shallow knock, he couldn't stand it.

When all the contestants have finished performing, today's recording will end.

Zhou Lu packed his luggage and went to the airport, ready to fly back to his city at night.

On the way, she couldn't help but frantically put exclamation points in the small group to express her exclamation.

[Bai Lu Weixi]: I can only say that the live version is much better and more shocking than the online version, that's not a feeling at all, and the Sui Sui from the scene looks better than the one in the video, it's a pity I didn't see Mrs. Sui'an's face clearly because he turned his back to us. At most, I saw a side face when he entered the venue.

[Bai Lu Weixi]: Because there is a rule that the content of the performance cannot be disclosed in advance, I can only say that the style of Sui Sui this time is different from the previous two. Anyway, it sounds good.

【Wife Sui Sui Tie】: Wuhu ~ After the Mermaid Wife and Sweet Orange Wife, will my wife have a new skin?

【Sui Sui Wife Tie Tie】: My wife and I are just having fun! I have to wait until next Friday to see the show. It's a long time. Have you voted yet?

[Continue to give freely]: voted! The number of votes is refreshed every week. Last time, the popularity of the up was too high. Maybe this time. Waiting until next Friday is really long.

[My Mermaid Singer]: Woohoo, you can watch the scene ahead of time. The word envy is already tired. I really want to listen to the scene. When can Sui Sui be available? Just have a concert.

[Bai Lu Weixi]: I believe there will be such a day! And I think we can definitely wait until Sui An writes the song for Sui Sui~

After Zhou Lu sent this message, he cut the group. This group is a group of song fans.

[Bai Lu Weixi]: After reading my wife, I'm back! Ah ah ah real interaction is really sweet! I won't give any spoilers, but I want to tell you that next week's show will be very sweet, and the editing will definitely not be cut!

【Sui Sui Wife Tie Tie】: Wow, I am looking forward to it.

[80-year-old online dating was cheated of a dollar]: I'm already waiting for candy!

[Bai Lu Weixi]: ...why are you still? When did you join the group!

【Sui Sui Wife Tie Tie】: Hey, let’s take a little sip.

【Suisui Ping An】: I have come a long time ago! I take the lead in the charge and beat to death!

[Bai Lu Weixi]: Gaga, remind my sisters again, remember to vote today.

[Bai Lu Weixi]: Yes, the number of votes is refreshed every week, this time our votes are almost equal to the first place, the first place last time was the very popular Sing Chi, We can't catch up, but we can give it a shot this week.

[Sui Sui Wife Tie Tie]: Yes, I want a welfare video! Let's have a blast together!

【Bai Lu Weixi】: You are wrong

【My Mermaid Singer】: You are wrong

[80-year-old online dating was cheated of a dollar]: You are wrong

【Suisui Ping An】: Destroy the formation, I want to say the same for me

Seeing that the sisters suddenly formed a formation, the smile on Zhou Lu's face never came down.

This is so much fun! She understands the happiness of knocking CP! Even if you have to go to work tomorrow, it will not be so difficult to accept!

Zhou Lu is looking forward to the broadcast next Friday, so that more people can feel her happiness.

cpFans are happy to surf the Internet, but the master knows nothing.

Yan Qin looked at his Weibo homepage with a look of disappointment.

Why has it been so long, only four comments and twenty likes have been added to this Weibo.

Two of the four newly added messages said that they liked his songs very much, one said that he believed in his vision, and the other was a thank you from Linsui fans.

Yan Qin even searched the topic between him and Lin Sui without believing evil, everyone was just saying that he admired the singer Lin Sui very much, saying that he would definitely sing for Lin Sui and so on, not at all People guess on unspoken rules.

Lin Sui came back from taking a bath and saw Yan Qin's slightly lost look, and asked Yan Qin what happened with her eyes.

Yan Qin took the towel aside, put Lin Sui's legs on his thighs to wipe his feet, and suddenly said, "Am I not too red?"

Why no one pays attention to the things between him and Lin Sui, those viewers don't know, why do all his friends feel that there is nothing wrong?

"What kind of red trick does our teacher Suian still want to become an ace lyricist? Or are you tired of working behind the scenes and want to go to the front?"

Lin Sui leaned on the head of the bed lazily, watching Yan Qin wipe her feet.

"I don't have this idea, except you. I don't write for anyone else."

Yan Qin wrote the words in the early years, but it was an unpublished work, just the product of inspiration and self-entertainment at that time, those were fragmented, not complete, and they were not released. necessary.

Instead of singing, Yan Qin prefers to create, melody is his language.

Yan Qin wiped off the water droplets on Lin Sui's legs little by little, not to mention the gap between her toes.

"Why did you say that all of a sudden?"

Lin Sui's toes were itchy because of Yan Qin, and she couldn't help curling up slightly.

Yan Qin muttered: "I thought there would be someone guessing that there is an improper relationship between us."

I couldn't tell if it was expectation or disappointment.

Lin Sui couldn't help but raised one leg and stepped on Yan Qin's chest: "This program has just been recorded, and it hasn't aired yet."

The public judges who came to participate have signed an agreement not to reveal the content. Yan Qin can find any speculation about improper relationship at this time.

Yan Qin suddenly said: "Yes, I forgot."

He held Lin Sui's ankle and kissed his toe.

A behavior that simply expresses your favorite will change the tone slowly afterwards, and the lights in the villa area are warm, depicting the color of the night.

They temporarily live in a villa area farther from the recording site, not an apartment, because the apartment is under construction, and the walls and windows are being demolished, ready to install single-sided floor-to-ceiling windows.

The arches of the young man's feet were taut, and the pale blue blood vessels meandered upwards, revealing magnificent colors, and were left with dark red hickeys.

Sweet and warm fragrance, like a romantic serenade.

Lin Sui's life is nourishing, and at the same time, he did not forget to tease Lin Mohan to speed up the time of his demise.

The reason why he didn't resolve this matter so quickly was to make Lin Mohan fully feel the negative emotions.

Like the original owner, it slowly collapsed under the oppression.

This emotion takes time to brew, so he gave Lin Mohan time to breathe.

Lin Mohan has lost a lot of weight recently. Since the post in the school appeared, he feels that people are whispering to him every day.

He found someone to delete the post, but similar posts have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain.

He had no choice but to give up the act of deleting posts. If he couldn't completely ban it, it would only arouse people's curiosity and rebellion.

He always felt that his classmates had already obtained the truth from others, and the subordinates of the student union in the past seemed to have lost the respect they used to have, maybe they mocked him in their hearts as a thief who stole other people's lives , or like Ran Yang, they mocked him for turning a pheasant into a phoenix.

Lin Mohan thinks of Ran Yang, and her eyes are particularly gloomy.

Ran Yang and the others asked him out a few days ago. He thought he was attending a party between the rich and second generation, so he attended with gifts. He sneered at him, although he didn't call his name, he almost scolded him in the face, and even sarcastically said that being a child of the Lin family was really miserable, and his father would still love him no matter what.

Lin Mohan didn't look down on Ran Yang's wine bag and rice bag, who could only eat, drink and play. He felt that his illegitimate younger brother was more capable than him, so he couldn't help but respond, ability is everything, But I don't know why Ran Yang laughed even harder.

It was only after he checked that he found out that Ran Yang and Lin Sui were getting closer, and he felt more and more disdainful. Such people are capable.

Encountered this outside, Lin Mohan frantically gave her parents eye drops at home.

He did not directly convey what those people said. After all, he was afraid that his parents would suddenly want to understand and find his own son. What he wanted was to make them confused and create estrangement, and at the same time The desire to get the wealth of the Lin family grew more and more inflated.

If all these properties fell into his hands, he would not have to worry.

Lin Mohan thought that these things were enough to make him exhausted, but there were still people who made trouble for him.

"I don't care, I want money, I want to buy a limited edition aj, you buy it for me."

Lin Mohan has blocked Zhou Xiaobao. Unexpectedly, he called from another number. There are many important contacts in his number, which cannot be easily replaced. Can hang up again and pull black.

He didn't want to say a word to this person at all, and even listening to his voice would feel disgusting.

This reminds him of his misplaced life and what he may encounter in the future.

But Zhou Xiaobao kept dialing him from the phone, or sending messages, as if he didn't give up until his goal was achieved.

Lin Mohan impatiently called the parents, and Zhou Xiaobao finally stopped for a while.

The Zhou family, Zhou Xiaobao, whose **** was swollen and could only lie on the bed, angrily sent messages.

[They pulled out the phone card for me, it was too much, they were too partial! 】

【Can you tell me which school he attended? 】

Desire is like Pandora's Box, once opened it can't be closed again.

Zhou Xiaobao tasted the sweetness of buying a motorcycle, and then he wanted more.

The Zhou family's parents who have been doting on him can't bear it. They have no money, and suddenly they don't dare to be extravagant. I starved to death, but I didn't expect that the youngest son would be so unreasonable and make trouble for them.

They made up their minds to rectify him and didn't buy him anything. Unexpectedly, he continued to look for his eldest son to ask for money. The angry father Zhou beat him with his slippers. Seeing that Zhou Xiaobao couldn't get out of bed, he thought he was convinced.

In fact, Zhou Xiaobao was holding back his breath. After they got out of bed, they immediately stole the money from the family and left the small city on the high-speed rail.

The bustling fans of the big city caught his eye, Zhou Xiaobao went to the Internet cafe for a long time to eat and drink, and finally squatted in front of the university.

The person who gave him the news showed him Lin Mohan's graduation photo, and he knew what his eldest brother looked like.

Lin Mohan has never seen Zhou Xiaobao, nor his photos, but when he walked out of the school gate, he saw a child who was probably a junior high school student squatting not far away, staring straight at him When I saw him, I had a bad feeling in my heart.

Sure enough, the kid came straight to him.

When the man approached, Lin Mohan was even more disgusted.

"You are me..."


Lin Mohan subconsciously denied it, and felt even more irritable.

This familiar voice is not the idiot who always called him to ask for money, how did he come from so far away, and he was still blocking the gate of his school.


"If you don't give me money, I will make trouble here. I see if you can afford to lose this person. Then everyone will know that you are not a real young master."

This threat is Zhou Xiaobao's self-taught skill. When the person who contacted him said that his eldest brother was studying in a famous university, Zhou Xiaobao thought of this trick.

It doesn't matter to him anyway, and no one knows him here. For money, he can roll around.

These words made Lin Mohan clench his fists tightly, and there was a fleeting wickedness in his eyes.

"How did you know I was here?"

Even that couple didn't know his school, how did this idiot know.

Zhou Xiaobao is proud: "someone told me, don't try to hide it from me."

Lin Mohan decided that it was Lin Sui who did this, because Lin Sui said that he would not get what he wanted.

Lin Mohan specially found a place where no one was around and sent Zhou Xiaobao with money.

He sneered in his heart, don't think about any of the threats to him.

This city is so prosperous, the population is highly mobile, and there are endless abduction and trafficking incidents every year. It is normal for a teenager who came here from other places to disappear here.

As for Lin Sui, Lin Mohan didn't know where the others were, but it didn't prevent him from making a move.

On Friday, the third issue of "Sound Your Heart" started on time.

It is divided into two episodes, the top and bottom, which will be broadcast at the same time.

Zhou Lu squatted and watched while eating takeaway.

She did not participate in the recording of the first half, and watched the pk of the last issue with relish. During the period when the tutor was commenting on the players, she was attracted by the constant pop-up message prompts.

【Sui Sui Wife Tie Tie】: Just pull it to the next issue to see my wife, Lulu Cheng doesn’t deceive me, beautiful pure white humanoid mechanical wife, sly

【Sui Sui Ping An】: Ah ah ah ah who killed it, it was me! it's me! Teacher Suian's expression is so cute, he said that he has been praised by others hahaha!

Zhou Lu was itchy because of what they said, so he couldn't help but paused to watch the previous issue, clicked on the next issue, and drew the segment of Linsui.

I saw the clip of the singing room before the stage, and I understood the meaning of what Amelia said.

Sure enough, there is a strong Suian teacher's style, and Sui'an teacher has started to change it.

【You don’t talk so much when you teach others! 】

[The indifferent shark hand never hides his double standard, other players are other players, Sui Sui is Sui Sui! 】

【This atmosphere is obviously very serious, but I somehow feel a little astringent, why? 】

【おmutually いだけの詩歌場での intimate なcommunication.avi】

Zhou Lu choked on a drink, slammed the table and coughed.

This place is really interesting, the netizens are all talented.

It took a while for Zhou Lu to calm down. When he saw the performance on the stage, Zhou Lu was amazed again.

That is a completely different feeling from listening to the scene, but from the video, I can feel the coordination of the stage beauty and lighting with the whole performance, and I can clearly see Lin Sui's dress, that kind of future Stronger sense of technology.

Editing and filming are very good. When Amela said she had a personal style, the camera was specially placed on two people. .

[You can say as much as you can in other people's comments, and you can say as much as you can in Linsui. 】

[The charm of language, the previous barrage made me realize. 】

【Pure White Mechanical King! Brain stopped! It feels so good! 】

【Today is also a day to thank kind people! 】

Artificial people cannot flow the source of life! 】

[? ? ? ? 】

[Maybe it can flow oil? 】

【What are you talking about! Please android sims not autobots! It's not Optimus Prime Hornet, what oil! 】

Zhou Lu unfortunately choked again, this time not by the drink, but by his own saliva.

【I’m going to die laughing here sooner or later. 】

【Hahahaha this point is all Sui Sui's true love! 】

[Watch Rising Stars ahead of time, begging if they can release a single, I can only rely on video editing to satisfy my cravings every day, I really want to add it to the playlist. 】

Go up right away. 】

Zhou Lu saw that everyone suddenly became serious, and could not help but seriously joined the discussion.

The works of the youthful period also killed a large number of people at that time! 】

It should be like this, it is completely in line with the original work, and it feels like a well-meaning person will be shocked when they see it. This ability is really too strong. 】

[The very synchronized cold mechanical sci-fi feeling, coupled with the singer's singing eyes, gave me goosebumps. 】

, maybe he is an instructor, and I have seen it privately, but this feeling of integration makes me think of that equation again. 】

[What equation? ? ? 】

【Do you know the Pythagorean theorem? Nothing to do with that. 】

[I'll answer the question, good-hearted people = changeable styles of music = Sui'an, good-hearted people equation, from the second issue of "Sound Your Heart". 】

Zhou Lu shivered with laughter, and after having fun with the barrage, he went to continue to brush the previous issue.

After get off work the next day, she finished watching the variety show and was going to wash up after voting, but after looking at the news in the group, she immediately dismissed the idea of ​​washing up and picked up the phone.

【My Mermaid Singer】: Check out the hot search! Te Niang's here again?

[Eighty-year-old online dating was cheated of one dollar]: I read the post, this real hammer seems to be a bit hammered... No way... Don't be like this!

【Sui Sui Wife Tie Tie】: I am not surprised at the front row of hot searches. After all, my wife is also very trafficked now and is out of the circle, but it is strange that the front row appears so quickly.

Zhou Lu clicked on the hot search, #銺玥bed as real hammer#, saw the top Weibo.

The blogger who had previously accused Lin Sui of cheating, almost had a miscarriage by his domestic violence, and was forced to have an abortion by his own money, spoke up again after being silent for half a month.

The general idea is that I was forced to shut up before, but after half a month of brewing, I decided to let everyone see the true face of Lin Sui.

A bed photo is attached. The photo shows two people in a hotel with white sheets and white quilts.

The angle of the shooting is a girl, she is holding a mobile phone and posing with scissors and pouting, and the young man next to her looks indifferent.

Zhou Lu's brain buzzed, and he understood why the sisters in the group were so shocked, because this was too real.

This Weibo was quickly forwarded, just at the peak traffic time of eight or nine o'clock, and the forwarding speed was even faster.

The fourth issue of "Sound Your Heart" is being recorded, but this issue is a resurrection match, and Lin Sui players who have passed the first few levels do not need to participate.

Yan Qin was going to participate in the recording as an instructor, and Lin Sui stayed at home.

When he saw this picture, he immediately sent it to Ran Yang and asked him to find someone to operate it.

But before Ran Yang replied to him, Yan Qin sent him a message first.

[Yan Qin]: Do you mind if I post Weibo? Just say seven words.

【Lin Sui】: Of course I don’t mind.

Yan Qin’s quick editor posted a Weibo, he saw the rumored Weibo, it happened to be during the halftime break, and he didn’t care how long the break was, so he asked Xia Zhenyu to delay the break , I immediately found my foreign friends and quickly got the pictures.

Lin Sui returned to Yanqin early and swiped to his new Weibo.

【Sui An】: I also have a bed photo with him [picture]

Lin Sui's face was originally cold and stiff by p, Yan Qin's photos are also very withdrawn and cold, in the posture of pouting and scissors, there is an alternative funny, with Lin Sui next to it Watch, the level of ghosts and animals is even higher.

Lin Sui couldn't help laughing, her shoulders shrugged.

@bailuweixi: Hahahahahahaha I really burst out laughing. I saw the previous picture and my blood pressure soared.

@绥绥Wife Tietie: Grass, grass, what are you doing hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

@My Mermaid Diva: Which hotel? I also went to squat, rest assured that I will not make a sound under the bed.

@80-year-old online dating was cheated of a dollar: squeeze squeeze, leave me a place under the bed.

@Huhu: This is a master, p is too detailed, the scissor hand has changed from a woman's hand to a man's hand, our generation p figure model!



@绥绥平平:Pass it on, their bed photos are flowing out, and there is a real hammer!

Read The Duke's Passion