MTL - The Villain Runs Wild-Chapter 239 Amateur Singer x Ace Composer

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Hot palms conform to the delicate skin texture, like a summer firework.

The straight and slender legs are curved and tucked loosely.

The unique melody interweaves a long and confusing tune, and the cool lighting makes people swaying, like staring at the mottled moon shadow.

The mysterious night visitors are cold, mysterious, malicious, but full of sweet temptations.

Yan Qin suddenly opened his eyes when the sunlight came in from the gap where the curtains were lifted.

He felt a little trance that everything last night was like an unreal dream, the moon water flowers in the mirror, like a sailor who went out to sea to see the sea monster beside the reef, but it was only in the moonlight Self-imagination, real and empty.

He looked at the mess on the bed and heard movement from outside the bedroom.

The young man was playing with his beloved musical instruments in his clothes, holding a cup of hot milk in his hand.

The black of the keyboard contrasts the fair skin of the youth, and the red of the guitar resembles the hickey on the youth's legs.

"Sorry, don't ask to pick it up, in fact I also borrowed your unopened toiletry utensils, I hope you won't mind."

The young man raised the cup in his hand and slowly swallowed the warm milk.

"I also baked some toast, do you want to eat it together?"

The young man tilted his head and asked, he was too comfortable, as if this was his domain, not a stranger's house.

Yan Qin looked at him in a trance, the other party seemed to acquiesce to his answer and went to the kitchen.

The young man was wearing his dark blue shirt. His clothes seemed to be a little wide for the young man, and could cover his legs.

As I walked around, I could see that the legs trembled slightly, and it seemed a little unstable.

Yan Qin was short of breath, he entered the bathroom and saw another toothbrush placed beside the cup, the same style as his, when he bought it for convenience, he bought a set.

The feeling that another person's traces suddenly appeared in the house made him a little uncomfortable and a little strangely itchy. He brushed his teeth absentmindedly, turned on the cold water from the faucet, and let himself rinse several times. It took a few minutes for the brain to calm down.

He wiped his wet hair, looked at his face in the mirror, and told himself to calm down.

He promised to write a song for the young man, and he received the corresponding payment, just write the song to him, and then... there is no connection.

The young man looked at him with a piece of toast in his mouth, his lazy eyebrows and such actions were a bit cute.

"You have nothing at home."

Yan Qin suddenly remembered that because he had been in retreat for too long during the bottleneck period, the butter, Qiandao sauce and jam at home had already been eaten, and he packed the empty bottles and threw them out the door. A few slices of toast and a carton of milk.

It's time to buy, I don't know what he likes with toast... Yan Qin found that he was distracted again, the feeling of being led by the nose was too clear, after eating the young man handed it over After the toast slice, he decided to start the conversation first.

"What kind of song do you want?"

"You can do whatever you want, I will sing whatever you write."

Lin Sui doesn't care, this is the reason why he came to Yan Qin, and he really doesn't care about the style of the song.

Although he wanted to fulfill the original owner's wish, he was never the original owner.

Lin Sui bent over to look at the scattered inspirations on the table, they were of different styles and were not restricted to one.

Yan Qin looked blankly at the young man with his back to him, thinking that he did it on purpose.

Just like last night, standing in front of him and unbuttoning.

In sight, everything still has the magnificent traces of yesterday.

When Lin Sui straightened up, she touched some hard muscles behind her back and naturally leaned against his chest.

"Do I need to pay twice for a song by Mr. Suian?"

"I'll write the words for you."

Yan Qin said without hesitation, few people in the circle know that he can write words, but he rarely writes, only when he feels very strong, he will fill in the words incidentally.

Lin Sui readily agreed, resting her palm on the coffee table.

This is where Yan Qin used to create on weekdays. He writes casually, and he doesn't like to be confined in the study, but prefers to sit on the floor and write on the coffee table, so he specially customized Got a big coffee table.

Lin Sui takes the coffee table as a fulcrum and is placed on the edge.

"You have a birthmark on your leg."

Yan Qin didn't notice last night that the butterfly-shaped birthmark fluttered and flew through his soul.

"What kind of voice do you sing? I need to know the characteristics of your voice so that I can write a song that suits you."

Yan Qin asked the question seriously, perhaps with some other thoughts, all regarded as the revenge of the youth for his talent.

"At this time?"

"Breathe is something a good singer must handle perfectly."

Sui An's temperament is known in the circle. He is strict with himself, and he is also strict with his partners. He is very picky. If the song is not perfectly interpreted by the other party, he will not cooperate again.

He never deliberately made things difficult for singers, but today seems to be an exception.

It is clear that when the singer is difficult to speak, it also makes his breath more and more intermittent, making it difficult for him to play normally.

Inevitably out of tune and out of tune, tactful in the high and low bass.

In the past, a bad-tempered and arrogant composer would have bluntly thought it was noise, but now it is more moving than a siren singing.

He did not hesitate to praise: "Your voice is very good."

When Lin Sui left, she put on her jeans and Yan Qin's top.

The white shirt he wore has become garbage, and the destination is the same as those discarded paper balls.

Yan Qin looked at the contact information written on the score, and when the door was closed, he realized that he didn't even know the name of this person.

Night and day, like an overly charming dream.

Yan Qin hurriedly opened the door to stop the man, but the elevator was already down, and he ran to the window, but he couldn't see the man.

Ziju's home, where he was alone, became somewhat empty for no apparent reason.

That person left so unrestrainedly, is he not afraid that he will go back?

Yan Qin looked at the contact information on the paper, a little angry, what are you doing so fast.

However, Yan Qin did not regret it. He added this number to his contacts and paused as he entered the remarks. The butterfly birthmark on the young man's leg flashed in his mind, and his fingertips Click and enter 【Blue Butterfly】.

According to this number, Yan Qin found another social software and sent a friend request.

The head of the other party is his wrist, and the red beads on the black rope are particularly beautiful.

What Yan Qin was thinking about was the bite mark left on his wrist bone yesterday, it was more beautiful.

The other party passed quickly, but did not send him a message or even say hello!

Yan Qin had an indescribable resentment in his heart, and clicked into his circle of friends.

The inner display is only visible for three days, and there is nothing dynamic.

The background of the circle of friends is a blue sky, Yan Qin stared at it for a while, and determined that this was an ordinary sky.

Yan Qin couldn't help but send a message, but it wasn't a greeting, she seemed very businesslike.

【Sui An】: Do you have any requirements?

[S]: Don't be too personal.

Yan Qin's eyes widened, and she asked why.

Why don't you want a song with his own unique style, is it because he is afraid that others will know that it is his song, is it shameful to sing his song, how many people want it and can't rank it.

Yan Qin thought that the young man came to him because of his fame and talent. Even if he didn't sing full marks, as long as his name was there, he could quickly gain attention, but this was vaguely revealed Why do you feel that you want to 'avoid suspicion'?

[S]: I don't want others to know that this song is from you, and of course I won't advertise it as my work, or put someone else's name on your work.

[S]: There is no reason, the song should be simple.

Lin Sui didn't want to cause more trouble, he took this song to participate in the variety show to fulfill the original owner's wish, and didn't want to cause attention and unnecessary trouble in the circle in advance, an amateur let the ace song As he writes songs, you don't have to think about how much speculation there will be. Lin Sui just wants others to focus on the song itself.

When he can stand up in the music world, those voices will naturally not matter.

Of course, a large part of the reason is his bad taste.

He was deliberately teasing Yan Qin, who had not recovered his memory. You don't need to think about how much Yan Qin on the other side of the screen is scratching his head.

Not only to impress him, but also to make him toss and turn day and night.

As Lin Sui expected, Yan Qin had been staring at the phone for a long time.

He asked the other person's name, but got no answer, and lost sleep that night.

He was full of youthful looks and voices, thinking about him drinking milk and biting toast when he was eating, thinking about him standing here when he went into the bathroom, staring at the workbench even when he wanted to write trance.

He thought that his state would be very stuck, but when he was immersed in it and thinking about what kind of songs he should create for the youth, he was constantly inspired, too many and too complicated.

Thinking of the simplicity required by the youth, Yan Qin removed those gorgeous and complicated fragments, wrote a song in one breath, and arranged and filled in the lyrics.

The whole time did not exceed two hours, Yan Qin looked at the clock displayed on the wall clock at four o'clock in the morning, and the chat box with that person began to struggle again.

Is it too impatient to post it now?

Or maybe it will be a little too attentive, but what if people think that he is so fast and really powerful and admire him?

Yan Qin is struggling, this feeling is even more uncomfortable than the bottleneck period without inspiration.

It's better to wait until dawn before posting it, Yan Qin thought a little reservedly, it seemed that he was not very eager to produce works at a high speed.

Yan Qin didn't plan to go to bed, and wanted to write Xiao Tong's song when she had inspiration.

But when he started to conceive, the creative bottleneck appeared again, his head was blank, and there was no idea to express.

But when he thinks of another person, the thoughts continue to flow.

Youth's vocal range is very wide, it can be high or low, and the pitch is good. It should be able to control all styles.

But he just asked him to write a song, he can no longer think about the person who didn't tell him his name, but still think about work.

Yan Qin thought about the score for a while, and decided to go to sleep. When he woke up, he would sing to that person.

But he fell asleep and woke up in a daze. He looked at the time on his phone and realized that it was only five o'clock.

Yan Qin set the alarm clock, but even so, she woke up several times.

After half a month, Xia Zhenyu was shocked when she saw her friend who was depressed.

"What's the matter with you, are you sick?"

Yan Qin closed his eyes wearily and pressed his aching temples, feeling a little down.

After he sent the song, the young man only replied thank you, and then never looked for him again!

Yan Qin felt that he was like a piece of torn paper that was thrown away after being admired for a short time. At night, he would expect someone to knock on the door, but unfortunately that person never came again.

"You hurry up and take a good rest, don't think about anything, tomorrow is the first episode of the variety show recording, you can participate as a flying guest next to you, there are a total of fifty contestants, twenty will be eliminated Three people, you just have to give your opinion on the side."

Xia Zhenyu briefly explained to Yan Qin the rules of the game and what he needed to do, and then urged him to take a good rest.

Originally, he wanted to tell Yan Qin that there was an amateur with good looks and a clean voice in this variety show, but when he saw that Yan Qin was very tired, he didn’t say anything. If he wanted to come to Yan Qin, he probably wouldn’t Interested, there are actually quite a few such people, and Yan Qin doesn't care about the singer's appearance.

The variety show is making preparations, and the players are getting ready early.

Lin Sui received a positive reply from the variety show recording ten days ago, and signed a contract with the variety show side.

After that, he had been practicing the songs he prepared for the competition, so he didn't make time to find Yan Qin, because he knew that Yan Qin would also appear in that variety show.

This rumor has long been revealed by the variety show party, and all major marketing accounts, including netizens, are guessing, but Lin Sui knows that the producer of this variety show is Xia Zhenyu, and that day Yan Qin was in Xia Zhenyu's car, So this news is basically reliable.

Lin Sui touched the red bead on her wrist, Luo Hu and Chen Shuang had already deeply shared one time, and there were nine times left.

This empathy is not based on the number of times each time, the number of meetings is an effective number, and in order to protect the stability of the world, there is a cooling off period for establishing empathy, about five days.

That's why he and Yan Qin had two phased starts that day, night and day, but they were still only counted as one sympathy.

I don't know what Yan Qin's expression will be when he sees him again.

He practiced songs these days. In order to avoid Lin Mohan looking for something for him, he specially found something for him in his school.

Before Lin Mohan came back, he had left Lin's house and went to the recording site.

When Lin Mohan came back in a hurry, he learned that Lin Sui had left, and he was upset about what happened recently, which always made him unlucky.

After filming the entrance screen, Lin Sui entered the small room for an interview.

Someone raised the question board and asked: Why did you come to participate in "The Sound of Your Heart"?

"Want to be heard."

Lin Sui simply finished the answer and waited for the next question.

The person who asked the question didn't expect him to finish so quickly, and gestured for him to say a few more words with his eyes.

People who don't have variety show acumen know how eye-catching the young man's face is, and the director team has long decided to give him more shots.

Lin Sui responded with her eyes, the next question.

When the contestants were filming the Q&A, the instructors had already entered.

In the closed room, several people greeted each other.

The invited people this time include the Golden Melody Award queen Amelia, the veteran pop singer Zhou Qian, and the emerging singer-songwriter Yun Huan.

After saying hello, everyone looked at the young man in the corner. He was wearing a black mask and was closing his eyes.

The man didn't say a word after saying hello, and they were not surprised, in fact, it was amazing that Sui An would appear here.

The camera was shooting all the time, this brother didn't care and fell asleep indifferently.

"Mr. Suian, I thought it was a joke when I heard that you would come, but I didn't expect you to come, so you are willing to leave?"

Amela sat next to the black-clothed youth, and her playful greeting broke the silence in the room.

They also know each other. The song that Amela won the Golden Melody Award was written by Suian.

Amela wanted to make an appointment afterward, but she learned that Suian had agreed to Xiao Tong and then retreated.

The black-haired youth opened his eyes and nodded, "Come and see."

Then there is no text.

Amelia froze, well, this day is considered dead.

But this was the topic she opened, and it looked too embarrassing in the camera at the end, so she bit her head and said: "I don't know what the children will do with us this time. Surprise, what treasures might be unearthed."

Black-haired youth: "Hmm."

Amelia looked at the other two colleagues with help, help, this person really can't chat.

Zhou Qian and Yun Huan hurriedly set up a stage for her, and the three of them chatted about the cue process one after another, thinking about the young seedlings who participated in the competition, come in quickly.

Generally speaking, it is in line with the slogan of "Amateur singers, discover treasures".

Everyone seems to form a small circle spontaneously, and the two next to Lin Sui are amateurs.

Du Bai is a student at the Conservatory of Music and won the title of the best singer on campus this year.

Meng Meng is a freelance illustrator and likes to sing. I came to try it this time. I didn't expect it to pass the audition.

"We both thought you were an idol or an internet celebrity, and it took us a while to come over to say hello."

Meng Meng said in a low voice, her eyes drifting towards Lin Sui's face.

No way, the handsome guy is too good-looking.

As soon as she came in, she saw the dark blue long-sleeved young man sitting on the edge. His skin seemed to reflect light under the light. He sat expressionlessly, giving people a cold and mysterious feeling , At first glance, that kind of temperament is not an ordinary person, and he didn't dare to come over to say hello. He still murmured with Du Bai who was sitting next to him for a while before deciding to come together.

Lin Sui: "Everyone seems to think so, but I really don't have any experience in acting."

Meng Meng: "I don't have much experience either. I feel like everyone is very good. I heard that almost half of them will be eliminated this time. I hope we can all play well!"

Du Bai said excitedly: "I heard that Teacher Suian is also there, I don't know if it is true."

Lin Sui curved her lips: "I knew it when I performed."

The order of the performances is determined by the drawing of lots. Lin Sui is not surprised when she sees the number at the back of her row.

The longer you wait, the more anticipation you can expect.

Meng Meng was the thirteenth, and Du Bai was the thirty.

The one who drew No. 1 was a bar resident singer named Zhu Si. She had short hair and a smoky voice. She smiled and said to everyone that she would go first, and everyone cheered her on.

After she went in, everyone realized that there was a screen in the upper right corner, which broadcasted the situation synchronously.

It's just that the mentors didn't appear in the mirror, and even the voice of the speech was changed to keep it mysterious.

Although it is the first performance, Zhu Si is very stable. She chose a song that best expresses her voice and sang without mistakes.

Meng Meng envy: "I'm not nervous at all, it's amazing, I sing well, I'm afraid I'll sing with my eyes closed when I go in."

"Sister Zhu Si is amazing."

"It's a good song!"

"This evaluation is definitely not low, so I can definitely pass."

Everyone opened their mouths and stared at the screen.

Three mentors, each team can have nine people, the mentor chooses someone, once it becomes a robbery, the students can reverse the election.

Similar to the comments of the contestants, the instructors all gave good comments.

After all, this is the first contestant, and his strength is not bad.

At this time, only one voice was heard: "There is more than enough skills, but not enough emotion."

Even the voice change can't hide the coldness in the voice.

The owner of the voice also seemed to think that he was too cold, so he added: "The commercial taste is too heavy, continue to work hard."

Everyone whispered, some people think that they are so good and they should be said that, the tutor is too strict and vicious, and some people think that the tutor is right, special professional.

No matter which voice it is, there is a consensus.

Du Bai: "It's too straight to the point. With this style, I think it's the man."

However, this is just the beginning, students will know what a real review nightmare is.

This voice can always point out people's problems very directly. Whenever they get a "good" comment from him, the students can cry.

The three mentors were shocked from the beginning to become accustomed to it, but as long as Suian said that the players were good, they must fight.

Meng Meng has already finished the comparison, and it will be Du Bai's turn soon.

Du Bai's legs are shaking: "I thought I wouldn't be nervous, but why are my legs shaking."

"Don't be too nervous, it's a try anyway. If you can be selected successfully, the best, even if you fail, you can get comments and know what went wrong. It's not a loss."

Du Bai: "...this is really familiar."

Isn't that what he just comforted Mengmeng! Put it here for recycling!

But Lin Sui said that, he was much calmer.

There are fifty contestants, and Lin Sui is No. 45.

When the line reached Linsui, he walked through the corridor and entered the door.

Several mentors showed appreciation because of the faces of the young people who came in, and they also remembered what the director team said.

This person must be kept, even if it is hard to praise.

At first, the guests thought it was someone with a background to play, but now I think it may be purely because this face is a selling point for attracting ratings.

Yan Qin was still sitting in the corner and did not open his eyes. Since it is a commentary song, he must use his ears to decide, so each contestant will not sing until the end of his singing. open one's eyes.

"Hello teachers, my name is Lin Sui, and I will sing an original song "Blue"."

When a slightly familiar voice sounded, Yan Qin suddenly opened his eyes and stared at that face.

His first reaction: It's you!

Second reaction: I actually use my song to participate in this thing, kill a chicken with a butcher knife!

Third reaction: Why don't you look at me!

The lights of the scene were slightly dim, and the voice of the young man humming sounded, like the low voice of a siren.

It was a mysterious and dangerous feeling, like a sailor sailing on a foggy rainy day, lost in the turbulent currents, and saw the looming beautiful mermaid sitting on the reef.

The tune is ethereal and ethereal, with the melody of the violin, even with a hint of weirdness, but it is suitable for the feeling of youth.

The professionals present knew that the level of this song was beyond what an amateur performance should be.

Because of the time limit of the recording, all the contestants sang excerpts. When Lin Sui stopped, the three guests were a little unfinished.

The rhetoric of their praise is generous, and Yun Huan, who has been relatively silent among the three mentors, has said a lot.

"Is this your original?"

"No, it was written to me by a well-meaning person."

The corners of the youth's lips curled into a smile, and his eyes were curved.

A well-meaning person present:…

"The level of that person is very high, although it is only a fragment, but I feel that it has completely reached the level of singing, Mr. Suian, what do you think?"

Yan Qin was suddenly cued. What he could say about the song he wrote himself could only nod.

Amela, Zhou Qian and Yun Huan all expressed their desire to join Lin Sui in their team, waiting for the comments from the flying guests.

The flying guest now regrets it very much, why did he only agree to sign for one issue.

"You sing very well, this song is very suitable for you, and it was interpreted perfectly by you, but unfortunately I didn't finish it."

The first half of the song is from a sailor's point of view to write about his adventures, as if encountering an unreal dream, and the second half is from the perspective of a mermaid, who seduced and devoured him The sailor, even his soul, marveled at the delicacy of his prey.

Yan Qin felt that it would be more appropriate for Lin Sui to sing the last few paragraphs.

After all, he was as ruthless as this mermaid, and suddenly appeared to lure him, and then abandoned it mercilessly after using it.

Lin Sui met his deep eyes, understood what he meant, but smiled wider and did not speak.

When it came time for the students to vote against the election, Yan Qin was expressionless, and his bowels were full of regrets.

Why did he only sign one issue!

Lin Sui chose Yun Huan, shook hands with her, and exited from another channel, leaving the venue for the next singer.

Yan Qin wanted to chase out very much, so she resisted the urge.

After the recording of the last few students was completed, he left here and walked out, but when he reached the end of the corridor, he was a little dazed.

Lin Sui should have left long ago, where should he go?

"Mr. Suian, are you looking for me?"

Beside the half-opened corridor door stood a young man in dark blue clothes, giving people a quiet and calm feeling.

Yan Qin walked into the corridor and closed the corridor door.

"Are you waiting for me?"

"Of course, after this round, the next recording is the competition."

Lin Sui tilted her head slightly and looked at him: "I didn't expect to meet you here by chance, so I don't have to go to you specially."

"Teacher Suian, please write another song for me."

Unknown amateur singers who have not debuted yet express their thoughts as a matter of course, and do not seem to think that their demands are unreasonable.

The young man's wrist was held above his head, pressed against the cold tiled wall, shrouded in shadows.

"What do you think I am, a worthless music library?"

"How can it be worthless," Lin Sui looked into Yan Qin's eyes and answered lazily, "I think I'm very valuable, doesn't Mr. Suian think so?"

the allure.

This is a treasure that cannot be defined by value.

"There's no need to use my song for this level of competition."

Yan Qin looked at the young man's lips opening and closing, and his tone was a little stiff.

"But I just want to sing your song," Lin Sui raised her head slightly, looked Yan Qin's eyes directly, and said playfully, "I am a very dedicated person."

"If you don't want to, then I have to regret that I can only find someone else in the future."

The strength on the wrist suddenly increased, the young man had a sullen face, and his expression was a little gloomy.

Lin Sui added slowly: "Don't get me wrong, I mean spending money."

"Not everyone has your talent and value, Mr. Sui An."

His tone is like a plain narrative, which falls in people's ears, but makes people feel supreme glory.

"Release," Lin Sui's wrist turned, and some complained, "You are too hard."

Yan Qin's heart suddenly lost its frequency. That night, the young man who was being crushed had water in his eyes, and he said that he hit too hard with a tone of commands and complaints. .

"I'll write for you."

"Don't look for anyone else."

Yan Qin's tone was still stern, and he added: "There is no need to waste money."

It seems that it is entirely for Linsui's money consideration, not other intentions.

If others hear this, it is estimated that they will drop their jaws, and others will not wait for the opportunity in line, but some people will let the ace songwriter rush to make a special offer.

Lin Sui's wrist was scratched with red marks, he gently rubbed it, and the corners of his lips rose when he heard the words.

Yan Qin remembered what happened before: "I asked your name, why didn't you reply to me?"

The young man answered naturally: "If I am eliminated, there is no need for us to meet again, why should you know my name."

Yan Qin couldn't bear it any longer: "How can you be eliminated with my songs, unless they are all deaf."

He complained: "Then why didn't you send me another message?"

"Because you didn't say anything else to me afterwards."

Yan Qin paused, he didn't get a reply from Lin Sui for a long time, so he also became more competitive. When Lin Sui sent him a message, he would not send a message to Lin Sui.

He thought it was Lin Sui asking for him, but it didn't seem to be the case.

But it doesn't seem to matter, Yan Qin doesn't want to listen to him anymore, so he can't help kissing his lips, irritable and eager.

Lin Sui's breath became unstable after being released, and whispered in his ear: "Let me remind you, although there is no surveillance in the corridor, if you want to do it here, I am afraid you will be at any time. Someone came in."

Yan Qin didn't even think about it at all, and he was so irritated by his words that he almost lost his mind.

Lin Sui smiled and pushed him away, extending her hand to him: "I'll wait for you in your car, the key."

Yan Qin obediently took out the car keys, and when his reaction disappeared, he took out the mask from his pocket and put it on again, pushed open the door of the corridor, returned to the corridor, went to Xia Zhenyu's office.

Xia Zhenyu thought he was here to say goodbye, so he complimented him first.

"Although your personality is not suitable for variety shows, I think you performed very well today. This is your style, and your professionalism is there."

Xia Zhenyu didn't think there was anything wrong with Yan Qin's comment, and Yan Qin's tone was not high, but he felt that such a sharp comment could also cause discussion, and there would be topics if there was discussion.

However, what Yan Qin wanted to say was: "Can I fly for a few more episodes?"

"It's better to end this variety show."

Yan Qin has no doubts about who the final champion of this variety show is, it must be Lin Sui.

He sings songs written by himself, he will never be eliminated.

Xia Zhenyu was shocked, wasn't the man in front of him who firmly rejected him before?

"You're sure, don't you regret it?"

"Why did you suddenly change your mind?"

"You're right before, or take a look at these uncut jades, and I'll be able to get out of the bottleneck."

Xia Zhenyu didn't think it was a difficult task, so she agreed: "Then I'll change it later, let the editor pay attention, and change your identity from a flying guest to an instructor. Then your Responsibilities should be changed accordingly, you are not only responsible for the professional comments and scoring of each issue, but also give pointers to those students when they encounter difficulties and ask for help.”

After this episode is edited, it will be broadcast next Friday. This week is just for the official promotion. It is better for Yan Qin to be a resident guest.

"No problem."

Yan Qin left Xia Zhenyu's office contentedly, so that she could watch Lin Sui all the time.

Yan Qin rushed to the underground parking lot and found his car in the underground parking lot.

He turned on the co-pilot, and the young man in the back seat was lying on the front seat, looking at him with a smile: "Mr. Suian is going to let me drive, I don't know from here The way back to your house."

The car key swayed lightly in his hand and was placed in Yan Qin's hand. Hold his hand.

If there are special effects in the real world, Yan Qin's whole body will be on fire.

He tried his best to calm his breath, let himself insert the car key with his hands shaking, and press the accelerator to the end.

Yan Qin walked along the speed limit, and when he was about to drive to his own neighborhood, he heard the voice of a young man with a little regret in the back seat of the car.

"Unfortunately, the apartment you live in does not have its own garage, but a public underground parking lot."

Yan Qin looked into the young man's eyes from the rearview mirror: "Huh?"

"The public underground parking lot is under surveillance and you can see everything you do."

The youth innocently asked: "Where is this going?"

Yan Qin endured that the blue veins on his forehead bulged slightly, and his voice seemed to be squeezed out of his back molars: "I have a villa with a garage."

Lin Suixiao's body trembled, it was so interesting, it was so interesting to tease Yan Qin.

Yan Qin took a deep breath as he looked at him smiling happily.

How happy he will laugh, how much he will make him cry after a while.

In the garage, there are voices of conversation.

"The car hasn't turned off yet."

"On, no air conditioner, I'm afraid you will be hot."

Read The Duke's Passion