MTL - The Villain Runs Wild-Chapter 210 beauty snake

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Daylight is cut off by thick curtains, artificially creating a night, and the warm-toned scenery overhead makes everything in the room appear hazy and soft.

Yan Qin finally realized where the strange feeling in his heart came from. He looked at the young man in front of him with inquiry in his eyes.

If Lin Sui is such a scheming person, how could he easily collect evidence and allow him to submit evidence.

What's more, the methods he used against him when he was a counselor before, compared with today, are extremely crude.

Is it because I lost my job and turned into a monster, so I quickly grew into what it is now? Yan Qin has doubts, adversity can make people grow, but it will never make people suddenly become incomparable clever.

This person has a sense of separation from the past. If you compare the Linsui of the past and the Linsui of the present as two individuals, then you will see the difference.

A shortcut person, and the current man, Yan Qin can feel absolute control and arrogance from him, and he will never be willing to be someone's vassal or rely on someone to survive.

Feeling is a very subtle existence, Yan Qin has always believed in his own intuition.

"Who are you?"

He asked abruptly, but his eyes were clear and clear.

Lin Sui raised her eyebrows slightly, and once again noticed the differences and similarities of this soul fragment.

The requirement of the system is not to take the initiative to tell others that he is not the original owner, but there are many ways to admit it in disguise in this world.

Yan Qin saw that Lin Sui was not surprised or strange at all after hearing his question, and she had already realized it.

The young man put his slender fingers on his raised lips, and his eyes looked meaningful.

"I'm Lin Sui."

He tilted his head slightly and touched the tip of his tongue up and down his mouth, as if even the name had been given a special meaning.

It was clearly engraved in Yan Qin's mind.

Yan Qin took his eyes back, forced himself to think about the current situation, and the situation that was different from his assumptions made Yan Qin have to re-organize.

If this Lin Sui had told him earlier that he was not the original one, would he have been more defenseless?

Of course not, on the contrary, he will be more vigilant. The reason why he stretched out his hand in front of the lake was because of his connection with the previous person, which led him to make that judgment.

This is the end of the matter, and there are only two ways for him to go.

Kill Lin Sui, or do things for Lin Sui.

"Is your goal to be a human lord who brings civilization, or a monster king who enslaves human beings?"

This is Yan Qin's greatest concern, the latter being the predictable war and chaos.

"Why can't they be combined into one," Lin Sui suggested with interest, "Isn't the monster king who revives civilization more interesting?"

Yan Qin felt Lin Sui's ambition and undisguised intention, and her heart beat strangely for a moment.

He thought for a while and untied the tie on Lin Sui's wrist.

He has made a choice.

"You made the right choice, I like smart students."

Lin Sui rubbed her wrist. As an incompetent and informal teacher, he made no secret of the difference in how he treats people.

Yan Qin did not refute this unwarranted teacher-student relationship, and was attracted by Lin Sui's movement of rubbing her wrist.

Lin Sui's skin is white, so the traces are particularly conspicuous, slightly red and swollen, and the blood vessels on the back of the hand and the wrist are clearly visible.

Lin Sui snapped her fingers, and Yan Qin suddenly recovered.

Daylight spilled into the room from outside the window, Yan Qin felt it was too stuffy, so he opened the window for ventilation.

When the cool autumn wind blew on his face, his mind calmed down.

When he turned his head and saw the marks on Lin Sui's neck, he seemed a little dizzy again.

"Now that we've reached an agreement, it's time to talk."

Lin Sui straightened her wrinkled clothes and pushed the glasses back to their original places.

Yan Qin nodded in response, but looked out the window unconsciously.

Nothing was done and nothing happened, but Lin Sui's feeling of sorting her clothes always made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Doubt and regret, he withdrew his gaze and left the window blankly.

The girl shook her head in her heart, she was so handsome, how could it be over so quickly, is there half an hour?

She wanted to see the youth from before, but unfortunately she never saw it again.

In the living room, Lin Sui poured a glass of water for Yan Qin and listened to the content he had collected in the past few days, whether it was true or false, Lin Sui did not interrupt him, and listened to his statement .

Now is the ninth day after another world crossing, no one knows if the tenth night will cross the past again, most people do not want to have another inexplicable crossing, after all, it is not a beautiful new world.

But hope is hope, many people are looking for help, hoping to warm up in another world.

Yan Qin: "I saw in the post that two people in the black tower established a connection, one of them was a mercenary, and the other was supposed to be a slave for entertainment. After the identity was revealed, The man who said he was a mercenary didn't show up again."

This is very realistic. In a crisis situation, everyone hopes that their teammates have the ability and even the identity. They are all strangers, and fellows from the same world may not be reliable.

Yan Qin also knew about the system of the black tower. In the black tower, the people at the top are businessmen, they are not ordinary businessmen, they control the trading channels, from arms to cigarettes, and also There is the most important food, and they are the main components of the black tower, equivalent to members of parliament or company shareholders, representing the black tower.

Under the black tower is the army self-supported by the merchants, and then there are the mercenaries who come here to run business and do tasks to survive. The civilian status of the black tower is very low, but even so the black tower is the whole A paradise for people in the North End who want to go.


No matter what time it is, whether it is civilized society or the end of the wasteland, the top and bottom are very different.

It was the mercenary in the Black Tower that disappeared after learning that the fellow was a slave.

"The official has begun to control the field, and we may also be within the scope of monitoring."

Yan Qin knew that when he asked the classmate who had traveled to Demu Farm, he might be on the stalking list.

Yan Qin is not flustered, he just doesn't want to contact him temporarily, it doesn't mean he will reject it, if the organization can really build scale in another world, he will definitely try his best, but the reason for crossing now With the crowd and many things unclear, Yan Qin wanted to wait and see for a while.

The wasteland is not a wasteland. The civilization that grows in it has its own order.

Whether this world can intervene in the other world, whether the other world will counter-invade, everything is unknown.

Lin Sui's eyebrows and eyes stretched: "Curiosity is human nature."

They looked at each other and said nothing.

Lin Sui and Yan Qin said their excuses in front of Lao Moke and the others, Yan Qin paused and expressed understanding.

They each read the book and consulted the information to prepare for the tenth day to come.

Lin Sui is studying zoology and botany, while Yan Qin is studying various practical chemicals.

On the tenth day, the hands of the clock point to twelve o'clock.

Lin Sui and Yan Qin didn't sleep, they were in a trance for a moment, and the scene in front of them changed.

In the dark and damp room like a cave, Yan Qin was subconsciously vigilant. He heard a slight rustling sound and met a pair of vertical pupils in the dark environment.

"Where is this place?"

Lin Sui leaned back on the soft chair with her tail crossed, and replied lazily, "Klin Street."

The temperature at night is lower, and the habits engraved in the genes make Linsui a little tired.

Suddenly returned to the snake tail state, Lin Sui moved her tail and got used to it again.

Although the eyesight is not good, but the heat transfer, Lin Sui can see the position of Yan Qin.

Yan Qin stood up, he wanted to explore this area, he couldn't help asking: "Can I have a look here?"

"I'll let Gengen follow you, bring this."

Lin Sui did not stop her, this place will be familiar to Yan and Qin sooner or later.

He returned the gun he got from Yan Qin to Yan Qin. Yan Qin received the gun and deeply felt that his treatment was completely different.

At least from an immobile prisoner to a free-moving prisoner, Yan Qin found that two bullets were missing when he got the gun, so he pinned the weapon behind his waist without asking.

Lin Sui did not go out, she called Gengen in the room, Gengen slept outside his room, not all monsters like cave dwelling like the original owner, Gengen can lie down anywhere, follow him After a trip to the shelter, he stayed at his door.

Gengen got the boss's instructions to protect the prey, nodded earnestly, and walked out slowly with a dozen feet.

Lin Sui believes in her own control, but to control the wild beasts, she must be prepared to be defeated by instinct, and the roots of vegetarian food are safest around Yan Qin.

Yan Qin looked at this desolate and dilapidated neighborhood through the broken walls and ruins, and the feeling of seeing it with the hummingbird monitoring and feeling it with the naked eye was not the same.

He subconsciously glanced back at the dark and cold room for some reason, and saw Lin Sui's face in the dim light and shadow through the dim light.

He was resting with his eyes closed and his cheeks resting, and the silver-white snake tail entangled in it showed a strange and strange feeling.

The soul living under this skin must also be a beautiful monster.

Read The Duke's Passion