MTL - The Villain is Happy Being a Father-Chapter 9 纨绔Daddy (9)

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The ward outside the hospital was crowded with people.

There are senior staff of the Rockwell Group, and there are also some relatives of the Luo family.

The sound was standing on a bench outside the ward, and the small hand was on the window of the ward. Unfortunately, the window was covered and not visible.

Her eyes were red and she had two tears in her eyes. "Yeah, Grandpa will be fine, right? Dad?"

Luo Sheng was sitting in the chair next to her, bowed her head and didn't know what she was thinking.

The words were lightly heard.

Mrs. Luo heard that her husband had a car accident and had already fainted. He is lying on the bed now. The doctor said that there is mild hypertension.

The two major groups of Rockwell and Baishi have just talked about the cooperation between the two projects. The chairman of Mr. Luo has had a car accident. This is an accident, no one believes.

The contract has not been signed yet. Rockwell not only had a car accident in the main event, but a business district project in Luojiachengdong suddenly had an accident. Two deaths and one injury caused the news headlines, and the project was temporarily suspended.

This is a big project worth tens of billions. When the project was tendered, the enterprises in the city were rushed to do so, and eventually they were handed down by the old company Luojia.

Nowadays, people’s lives have been affected. Public opinion has affected the government. The government has been re-evaluated as a high-risk level by the bank. The bank has lowered the loan period and asked Rockwell to repay it as soon as possible.

If it is normal, the bank will not give Luojia face like this. After all, the leading enterprises in the city will not rely on one project alone. You will not give me a face to stop my loan today. Who will cooperate with you next time?

However, just like the white family, there was a project stop before, and there was a bank debt collection, just like...who was whole.

These gangs don't understand, wrinkle their brows, their eyes look at the window of the bed, and they can't wait to have a double perspective, so that she can see her father's father, how is her grandfather?

The uncle, now grandfather, is especially good for her. When she first waited for her father at the Luojia Gate, Grandpa did not drive her out, and took her home to let her see her father.

She also secretly heard that Grandpa told his father not to murder himself, to be better for himself.

The more the group is thinking, the more sad it is, the tears and strings are not flowing, and it constantly flows out of the beautiful big eyes.

Luo Sheng frowned and wondered what he was thinking. The group didn't dare to bother to disturb Dad. The system uncle said that her family would go bankrupt and her father's family might have to go bankrupt.

What is the meaning of bankruptcy, the group did not understand, but she asked, bankruptcy is no money at home, no money to buy clothes, no money to buy candy, even the big house now lived.

Before the crossing, the sound had passed through the hard days. She knew that there was no shoes to wear, and what it felt like in the winter with bare feet.

I also know that other children have beautiful clothes, and she doesn't even have a taste for her own clothes.

As soon as she walked out the door, she wore the old skirt that was picked up from the trash can. It was big and wide. She was short and worn on the body like a mopping floor.

When other children saw it, they would laugh at her, laugh at her wearing a skirt, and laugh at her as a little poor ghost, not even a new dress.

Other children still have lollipops to learn, the sound is not, the sound is hiding at home every day, the woman who eats the garbage wants her to fall, and the clothes should be washed by her.

The voice is small and inflexible, the clothes are not clean, the woman hits her, and she is dragging the oil bottle and smashing the stars.

The sound has been lingering for a long time, and I know that this is not a good word. This is what hates her for marrying her, so the second uncle, she knows that he also hates her.

But now Grandpa doesn't hate her, like her, Dad's mother, her grandmother also likes her, and Dad and Dad like her.

Grandpa was lying in the ward for surgery, Grandma fainted, and Dad was... unhappy.

The more you want to hear the sound, the more you feel sad, the tears are screaming, silently flowing.

When Luo Sheng looked up, he saw a damp in his seat next to his own face, and his face was covered with tears and tears.

Seeing him look over, he was anxious to rub his hands, wiped a few pieces, and blocked his red eyes.

"Dad, Dad don't look at me, the sound doesn't cry."

How big can a child's hand be less than three years old? Half of the face could not be covered, and Luo Sheng looked at her eyes. The group was obviously worried and worried, but did not want to tell Dad to know that he was crying.

Dad is so upset, so annoying, she can no longer give him trouble.

Luo Sheng pulled the corner of his lips, took a sigh of relief in his nose, hugged the little flower face on his lap, rummaged in his pocket, did not find a paper towel, and simply rubbed her hand.

The warm big hand rubbed his nose and tears on Xiaofei's face. The yellow hairs on the side looked straight and his eyes, how clean is his Luo Ge?

The clothes were changed two sets a day, and the dirty ones were thrown away. In the past, I hated the little scorpion crying. I was annoyed at first sight. Now I use my hand to give his most hated little scorpion a tearful nose.

Huang Maoyan had been watching for a long time, and his mouth was almost incompetent, but he did not dare to speak, so he looked at it.

After seeing Luo Ge wipe it out, he took the coat he had hung on, and wiped it with the big hand on it until it was cleaned, the face was clean, Luo Ge’s hand was clean, and his coat was smashed. The victim is gone.

Huang Maowa whispered: "Luoge!!!"

The brown-haired man gave him a squint and "shut up."

Yellow hair: "..."

The squad was gently wiped by Dad, and she was so happy that she was so happy that she had not enjoyed this kind of care for a long time. She was so happy.

Seeing Uncle Huang Mao crying and mourning a face, the group was also a little embarrassed, and the tears on Uncle Huang’s coat also had her masterpiece.

She snorted and shy, "Uncle Huang, I, I will wash your clothes."

The yellow-haired eyes are bright, and the baby daughter of Luo Ge is washing clothes for herself! Isn't this the equivalent of slavery?

Although it has not been officially recognized, it can be seen that the situation of Luo Ge is definitely a nail!

He blinked. "It’s still a sound." But thinking of the uncle Huang Mao, he frowned and corrected. "Don’t call Uncle Huang Mao, I have a name, call, call..."

Thinking of his name, Huang Mao paused and decided not to talk to the group. "Tell me Uncle Gu."

The group listened to the crisp and shouted: "Uncle Gu."


Luo Sheng snorted. "He is called cotton cotton, cotton candy cotton."

Yellow hair: "..."

The group thought that the name was quite good, the marshmallow was delicious, sweet, and the father had bought it before!

She swallowed and swallowed, saying: "Good, Gu Shushu's name is good, and I feel sweet when I hear it."

Yellow hair: "..."

Not long after, the ward door was pushed open, and the doctor came out and said: "The operation is smooth. If it is not delivered in time, the consequences are difficult to say, and the life may not be saved. Fortunately, it was saved."

"If the patient is successful, he will wake up within 24 hours, but because of the serious car accident, he has to be kept for at least half a year, and he has to stay in the hospital for half a month..."

A lot of miscellaneous sayings, even if it is saved, Mr. Luo is also not hurt, it will be seen if it is not saved in time.

After listening to a few people, I was scared. After I woke up, Mrs. Luo heard that she had slammed her chest and said a few Amitabha.

She couldn't believe it. If she didn't have Lao Luo, what should she do? What should Luojia do? Now Luobai and both are stormy, and they have to be beaten by accident.

Thinking of this, Mrs. Luo looked at her little group on the bedside and looked at her.

She reached out and held the body of the milk and fragrant milk in her arms. She kissed her. "Thanks to the sound, I will send a letter to you. Otherwise, Lao Luo will not be sent to the hospital in time, and the family will be finished."

The squad was boasted, his face was red, and he whispered that Grandpa would be fine.

When the group was sitting in the yard and listening to the system, the uncle said that Bai Jia and Luo Jia had an accident. She didn’t know what was going bankrupt. The system told her that there were bad people to deal with their family and to deal with their father’s family. Now it’s all wrong.

The system hesitated, still told the group, said that her father's father had an accident, a car accident, the driver was a truck, ran after the collision, the car was squashed, her grandfather was born and killed in the car I don't know.

In the original plot, the villain’s father was dead, and the driver escaped. The road where the accident occurred was relatively biased, and there were fewer people crossing the road. Because there was no timely assistance, Mr. Luo was discovered because of excessive blood loss. Lose your breath.

Later, the Rocks Group went bankrupt. Mrs. Luo was overly depressed because of her husband's death. She committed suicide by jumping off the building. The villain did not know how to go after this. A city has no Luosheng and no Luojia.

It was not until five years later that the villain returned to return to the city and changed his face as a new overseas returnee. His identity on the face was an overseas investment company owner.

After coming to the city of A, the villains successively made several large sets, which caused the city's business district to be overwhelmed and even the stock market crashed.

The first culprit in the first time to join him is the bankruptcy of bankruptcy, jumping off the building, jumping crazy, no one has a good end, all the family broke.

A city is so chaotic, naturally attracted the attention of the above, sent a joint investigation team, one of the investigators is the world's male owner.

Later, after half a year of investigation, I finally found the villain, and the culprit was finally arrested and brought to justice.

Somehow, the story began to collapse, the man died inexplicably, and the villain disappeared.

The purpose of bringing the system back to the system is to prevent the blacks of the villains from disrupting the world line.

After analyzing the system bureau, I thought that the villain had crossed the sea and killed the man. Even the villain was likely to deliberately let the man find his head and then kill it.

After thinking about it, the system still told Mr. Luo about the location of the car accident with the dumplings.

The gang was crying at the time. She believed that the uncle of the system had said something, Grandpa must have an accident.

But she can't cry, she has to hurry to find her father to save people.

Fortunately, because of the fighting in the past few days, Luo Sheng has been at home, the two are not far away, the legs are short, and they begged the nanny Zhang Hao to hold himself.

When I arrived at Luojia, my dad was sitting on the sofa and didn't look at the TV. He still had a mobile phone in his hand.

When the group saw his father, he cried and slammed on him.

She can't say the existence of the system uncle, crying and saying a nightmare, dreaming that Grandpa is lying in the car, all blood is blood.

"Grandpa is hurt, my father is going to save him!"

The gang saw his father's fear of fear coming up, crying and tearing his heart.

It was not easy for the group of three years old to stick to Luojia all the way. I didn’t dare to speak along the way. I was afraid that I couldn’t help but find that Jindoudou was discovered by Zhang Wei.

I was afraid that Dad wouldn’t believe her. The group said all the places heard from the uncle of the system. They also said that they dreamed that the big car had squashed the grandfather’s car. “Grandpa must hurt and hurt.”

If you change to an ordinary and do not believe that a three-year-old child is nonsense, you will even blame her for being unlucky.

Ke Luosheng is not an ordinary person, he would have been too hard to ponder, and the group was screaming at him with tears and tears.

He blinked and picked up the squad, took out the blue super run, and placed the squad in the passenger seat.

The car drove very fast, hula la, the first time in the sports car, the father was not afraid of being around, her trust in Dad is born, and even urged Dad to drive faster, go to save grandfather.

Mrs. Luo yelled at the group and said that she was Xiaofuxing.

Others do not believe, she believes, the small sound must be with her Luo family, is the Luo Fu's little Fuxing, can dream of Lao Luo accident.

In the past, the old people said that children with aura can communicate with the world and are favored by God.

Mrs. Luo successively kissed a few mouthfuls on the forehead of the squad. "Oh, my little voice, how can it be so painful. This time thanks to you, Grandma doesn't know how to thank the sound..."

The brown-haired man blinked and stared back at the pair of grandparents, standing by the window in the ward, squinting out the window.

The sky was blue, and occasionally a gust of wind blew through, causing a heat wave.

The man stood by the window and looked lonely from the back. It seemed very sad. At least in the eyes of the squad, she ran away.

A soft scorpion at the foot of the man stretched his trousers and leaned his head to comfort. "Dad is not sad, it doesn't matter if you go bankrupt, Grandpa will be good..."

I don’t think that my father will be spoiled and even wash clothes. I must be afraid of what to do after bankruptcy.

Her little blushing, her eyes full of vigor, "Hey, if it is bankrupt, the sound of the bottle to raise you, not afraid!"

Read The Duke's Passion