MTL - The Villain is Happy Being a Father-Chapter 179 Dragon Dragon (11)

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The monks are self-proclaimed, and naturally they will not learn to be the devil's devil's magical continent. They can't do this when they sneak into the magical continent. This time, they are prepared to go out.

The major sects have selected thousands of elite disciples, plus some small-small sects and scattered sects, and the people of the magical continent have a large number of people.

Here, in the name of the five major sects, the post was handed over to the Magical Continent. The post was handed to the Dragon City. The people of the three churches moved the headquarters here. This post let them see it.

The dark church teacher sneered at it. "If you come, the **** monks will not be addicted to them, and they will be right!"

The Free Church is made up of non-human races. The leader is the vampire lord. He said: "The dark lord is very good. My little bats have been watching these guys for a long time."

He exaggeratedly sighed and sighed. "He knows why these monks don't eat and drink only the blood of the water is so delicious!"

The bright church leader must be more stable, and more worried about the safety of the dragon. "The war of thousands of years ago, the Lord of the Dragon, was slain by the wicked priests and was imprisoned in the Dragon Valley. The entanglement of us is unknown. I am more worried about the old things. Repeat itself..."

"They made it clear that they are coming down to the Dragon Lord and the small hall. We should come and should not come with them. It is not as good as a generous fight, but the most important thing is to protect the safety of the Dragon Lord and the small hall."

The believers agreed to nod.

This time the monks came to the magical continent for two purposes. The first was to destroy the dragon, and the second was to bring the small dragon to the monk.

Before I came, I asked the owner of the Tianji Pavilion to count it. The slogan showed that it was both dangerous and awkward. If you were not careful, it would be a big mistake. If you choose to do it right, you will be surprised and happy.

The owner of the Tianji Pavilion has a deep face: "The sky is unpredictable. This slogan shows that this choice of the line and the like has a great relationship with each other. Can you be happy with all your thoughts? Remember to be cautious and not reckless. Think more about everything."

Everyone is wondering about this embarrassment. They have made it clear that they are not good enough to go to the shelf. Since it is a fight, what do you have to do?

What is the meaning of choosing the wrong pair? They have two purposes: one is to **** the little dragon, and the other is to destroy the evil dragon, but it can't be done. If you come to Japan, the goal is fixed, can you choose the right or wrong?

Unfortunately, the cabinet owner also shook his head and said no.

Unlike the East China, which is distinct all year round, the Magical Continent has only two seasons in summer and winter. The heat is hot and the cold is cold, half of each.

The time when the monks came to the magical continent was just winter. There was a snow and ice here, and the breath was cold. The elements of the ice system were extremely active and filled with the surrounding.

This year is the most happy season for practitioners who practice ice or water magic. They can mobilize the magical factors around them to cultivate and enhance their strength. In summer, the opposite is the favorite season for fire magicians. Water ice is the most inlerable season for magicians.

There was a snow-capped place everywhere, and all the sights were ice city. The monks mobilized the spiritual power to protect the cold. For the first monk who came to the magical continent, it was undoubtedly fresh.

There is no such thing as the magical caves they imagined, but they are so happy that they are different from the cities of the mortal world in the East, and they are full of lively popularity.

The people here and other races live the same as mortals, and the atmosphere is cheerful and happy. They don't seem to be like monks. They can retreat or meditate or meditate.

They are all with the same emotions as mortals. They are very exaggerated and exaggerated. They live like mortals. There are all kinds of shops around. The streets even sell vegetables and sell Wolves for sweets. This is really called a monk. They are eye-opening.

Younger disciples couldn’t help but secretly think, is this the original nest of Magic Road? How do you look at it more interesting than the unconventional and serious comprehension?

What they don't know is that the original magical mainland people are very aggressive, and they are not in a state of daily life, but since the Dragon Lord took the little princess down to the magical continent -

At the beginning, the people wanted to converge so that the two distinguished dragons could have a good impression on them, and they were afraid of scaring the young under the temple, and they were tempted by the urge to fight and unite.

But the people who have been obsessed with the small hall for a long time have completely forgotten their previous state of life, because they are too addicted to sucking, but instead they have raised their living conditions to a higher level.

Believers are cheerfully chasing the Royal Highness of the Stars every day, the enemy meets? Oh, you are also a loyal follower of the small hall? That would be great! What are the family still playing? Sit down and talk about the dynamics of the small hall that came out of the Dragon Palace today!

So over time, the cities of the magical continent have completely changed, and there have been fewer incidents in various places. It has also led to the three churches being much easier to manage and less thorns in the prison.

As for the dessert shop, the people of the original magical mainland only loved to eat big meat and drink, but they didn’t engage in these things. But I heard that the small hall likes to eat sweet things and cake desserts, so the long-lost dessert chefs have risen. They are The Dragon City is full of dessert shops and is deeply loved by the small hall.

So this kind of useless, eating can not increase the ordinary eating of magic, quickly swept the magical continent, the people under the influence of the small hall also like this soft and sweet food.

However, some older monks have come to the magical continent, and the gate of the gate is one of them. He has experienced it when he did not take over the post. At that time, the magical mainland law and order was very chaotic. Here you need to guard against someone. See if you are not pleasing to the eye, you will attack you.

But now looking at the scene, it has completely changed its appearance. Where is the barbaric land in the impression, it is clearly a place like heaven. This kind of peace and happiness can not be disguised. They are all the same.

Of course, due to the hostile position, the head will not explain this to the disciples. He has no choice but to scorn: "It is clear that it is enjoyable, and it is greedy and arrogant. Our generation should restrain ourselves and practice hard." For the way of comprehension, this kind of exaggeration is not enough to fear, not enough to fear!"

When the disciples heard it, they felt right. This kind of lively atmosphere seems to be quite good, even people want to, but if you are addicted to it, your energy is divided, how can you cultivate? It is no wonder that the teachers always say that the magical continent is a demon and ghost road!

The soldiers guarding the gates found various flying instruments coming from afar. They did not rush to launch an attack. Instead, they quickly notified the city owner and informed the announcement of the magical mainland forum. "Attention, stupid monks They are coming!"

So the people of the whole continent knew that the stupid Taoist people came to them.

In the Dragon Palace.

The chubby dragon is fluttering with small flesh-wings and is trying to fly. She has now learned to use her own power to maintain her flight, not the unreliable small shredded wings on her back.

The dragon is nodding his head, although he is greedy, but it is undeniable that Xiao Xiaoqi is really his nephew. He was a little clumsy at the beginning, and the progress of the study was very fast. The comprehension was very strong and the dragon was very satisfied.

The squadron fluttered into a human figure and flung from the air to the dragon, holding his neck and holding it. "Hey, the sound is not good?"

The dragon froze, "...stick." The egg **** is not like the arrogant dragon at one point. She likes the compliments of others. Of course, she is not afraid of compliments to others. Especially, she likes to shoot his dragon fart. The dragon feels that it is not impossible to properly praise the egg tart.

The cubs smiled sweetly and happily.

There is a servant who goes forward: "Lord Lord, the lower house, the three church leaders came to the palace to discuss with the Lord Long Zun to deal with the monks on the mainland, they came."

The plan was set at the outset, and there was no good negotiation. The dragon only said: "Let them all come to Longcheng."

No one can steal his cubs.

So the monks received the message from the goalkeepers, let them go directly to the Dragon City, and the Lord and the three church leaders will receive them. Similarly, all the magical mainland practitioners will also meet them (dry shelves).

Once the Dragon City was expanded again, the place was big, and the central square was just as endless.

In this square, two mainland people stand on one side and look at each other.

The squad was not attended by the Alice Ribbon in the Dragon Palace. The monks only saw the evil dragons, which were more unpredictable. They did not see Xiaojinlong being disappointed.

"The evil dragon, where did you hide the little dragon dragon?"

How many times do you want to talk to the dragon? That is because his cubs are not theirs. Where do you want to hide where the dragon wants to hide, and use it to explain to them?

In a word, the dragon was the first to wave a hand to get rid of a group of people. He only used one point of force to make the nearest monk miserable.

The three churches and the public clap their hands!

This seems to be the horn of the battle. The more they are applauded, the more they can't stand on the faces of the monks. Since the dragons refused to hand over the little golden dragons, they were beaten and they were naturally looking for the scene, so the monks also started.

The magical mainland people have already seen their sneak attacks, and they rushed up. For a time, Dragon City became a battlefield.

The dragon has been idle, and the power of this melee is too big to be suitable for the war, otherwise it is an indiscriminate attack.

This time, the monks of the mainland invited several ancestors of the township level, and they flew together toward the dragon.

"The dragon is dead!"

These ancestors' repairs have already reached the Mahayana period, and they are on the verge of soaring. It is equivalent to half-footed into the fairy door. The strength is already the highest level in the world. It is easy to not shoot.

However, the escape of the dragon and the small dragons are related to the ancestral legacy and the safety of the mainland.

Both sides did not intend to spread the rookie in the end, so the dragon and the seven or eight Mahayana level of the old do not die to fly to the top.

Long Hua out of the prototype, the black dragon swaying the dragon's tail and picking up a huge wave to attack them. This huge wave carries a horrible dragon's interest, and it is also a bit difficult to cope with the ancestors who have been in the Mahayana period. .

At this time, it was not the time of Tibetan Mastiff. Several ancestors took out the skills of the housekeeping team and attacked each other. All the means were exhausted. They still couldn’t hurt the evil dragons. On the contrary, several of them had suffered a lot.

Under such a few rounds and turns, their spiritual power has already consumed most of them. If they fight again, I am afraid that they will not be able to get a good life.

They glanced at each other and looked up into the sky.

Daomen’s ancestors screamed, “You can’t be hesitated, don’t hesitate, show it!”

He threw a five-line gossip pattern from the sleeves, and the disc was thrown into the air. Several Mahayana ancestors joined forces to input the power to the disc. The discs were shining and the black and white colors alternated. The glare of light.

The pressure of terror spreads from the disc to the surroundings. The dragon is not aware of it. It is already too late to start. At this point, it seems that the disc array has been opened. Any attack is like a sinking sea, and it does not score.

The old ancestors gasped and smirked and said: "Hey, hey, you have spent a lot of years, and now I am not planted in my hands. Ten thousand years ago, Heaven and the Lords can shut you up, today. We have also ruled you!"

The dragon was cold and cold, and the burning fire sprang from the tip of the nose to several people. He heard them crying and screamed with a bad smile: "I haven’t looked at the attacks of hundreds of small reptiles thousands of years ago. Not to mention you? ”

The author has something to say: I am sorry that the duck three yuan has something to do these two days is busy, this is more to fill yesterday, late and still ~

Send a red envelope to the baby, this chapter drops 120 random red envelopes. Thanks to the little angel who gave me the overlord ticket or irrigation nutrient solution.

Thanks to the little angel who cast [grenade]: 1 Luo;

Thanks to the little angels who cast [land mines]: 玖3; 璇2; 扇 fan-beautiful, sweet-loving 喵~, poikilotherm, 40632867, 2 goods, little monsters, wine-baked dumplings, cherry small fish roe, Abai , wxj, emperor? inflammation?, 沅沅, 绯 feather ☆, 岚洛, flower magician 1;

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation [nutrition solution]:

妩 132 132 bottles; black snake 127 bottles; tangle (nicole) 100 bottles; 2 goods 89 bottles; I want to quiet 85 bottles; ice 69 bottles; cee65 bottles; ** 64 bottles; love letters only the wind is listening to 53 bottles Snow snow, 24650766, thin, little Minmin, 50 bottles of ice wolf; has given up treatment of 47 bottles; please call me the devil?, 40 big cute bottles; source home small bowl friends 37 bottles; Dan Dan 円 又円 円 円 33 bottles; 唠 唠 and sand sculpture of 32 bottles of dust; 4650, mango sago, quiet, time jade, 芸笙, Yunlin tea, know 30 bottles; (●––●) 28 bottles;朹27 bottles; 26 bottles in the current year; 25 bottles in the early summer; eat apples, shuncong, Yuyun products, green plums, eloquent Zhou Zeyi, He Wei, silvia, bamboo leaves breeze, green scorpion, rabbits that will not turn, flowers under the ghost _ _ 珂珂, 沅沅, Wang Wen, 2375 777777720 bottles; 2992991119 bottles; Lotus song 18 bottles; 岚洛 13 bottles;  csm  12 bottles; spicy strips, Linghu 2, Changhuai 喵喵, face , fire, first time, warm smoke, starry April, 30070673, distressed rabbit, enron silent, hgy7, 羲和, 婕妤 、, 浅姬, TEL ̅ ___天微亮°TEL, Sai Baba sauce, Wen Qiqi, Su Fall, 36819893, saraphine, novels and milk tea, falling, big gods see me, 歪歪, Bai Ze loves ah, 虞 兰 兰, Yun 潇 雁 雁, Luo Ruge, 默然, 帝? inflammation?, ⊙v⊙, Lucia, 2022820510 bottles; one bottle of fried fairy 9 bottles; 曦 倾 倾 诺 8 bottles; A reward, Xu Wei 7 bottles; floating, Lin Xi, wind chimes, plum sauce, sour, north north, smoke, Iris5 bottle; tears with blue silk, small cute 4 bottles; go to ice seven points sweet, my cookies! 3 bottles; assists Lele, love sweets ~, Nanze one 2 bottles; small and so on, Yunxiao, the sleep, Wutong, the shadow, the nine dust mites, cockroaches, white brocade, Ajiu will be thin, white 驹 , , 唯 唯 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

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