MTL - The Villain is Happy Being a Father-Chapter 155 Richest father (18)

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Shen Huai-nan and Shen Yu bought the car and never went to the 4s shop personally. They didn't understand the routine. The group heard that they had to take a photo with their father and grandfather and they just clapped their hands. This is a dispensable for the father and son.

I don’t know if the 4s staff turned around and sent a photo to WeChat, saying: “Thanks to Mr. Shen’s father and son, and Meng Meng’s small public offerings, we have given the greatest trust to our store, and we will mention the car if we don’t say anything. The princess’s car didn’t expect Mr. Shen to be a grandfather when he was still young. It’s great for the little princess! Thank you Mr. Shen for the safety of our brand...”

This WeChat also acquainted with a sentence: "Speaking aside, Mr. Shen is very handsome, is Mr. Shen very much like our richest man?"

The photo of the 4s shop staff sent to the circle of friends instantly caught fire.

As a salesman of a second-line luxury brand, WeChat friends are almost all customers. Even if they are not all bosses, there are also a few of them. They also recognize the legend of the business world, and the richest man is Shen Huanan.

This can be fried!

These small bosses leave a message under the sales circle of friends: "You are a lot of money!!! That is the richest man! Shen Huainan! I have seen it once in the Chamber of Commerce. Although I am not honored to talk to him at close distance, but that kind of temperament I can't forget it!"

"...What do I say? Really the richest man is in front of you, are you actually running like this? Not much to say two sets of close?"

The salesperson was dumbfounded, holding the phone everywhere to show his colleagues, and his face was unbelievable. "He, they said, is this really Shen Huanan??!"

The salesman cried a face and felt that he had lost a billion! An opportunity to perform in front of the richest man! Even if you can't get the great friendship of the richest man, it is very valuable to get him to give me two sentences!

This incident alarmed the owner of the 4s shop and asked her to ask it again, saying that it was so blind? And dare to send that photo to the Internet? Have you agreed with the people?

She is weak: "Mr. Shen was still holding a three-year-old girl, calling his grandfather, who, who can think of..."

"Oddly, I have never heard of the richest man, grandfather, his son is not still in school?"

"...he also saw his son." The salesman took out the sales contract and pointed to the signature above. "It is this. It is estimated that the richest man in the richest family, a short blue hair is super handsome and cool. Prince!"

"But...but, listen to the child calling his father???"


The message from the circle of friends has always been that you passed me and I passed you. The speed of the communication was very fast. Even if the salesperson criticized the manager in the store, the circle of friends was deleted quickly and the photos were saved online.

Soon the people of the whole country knew that the richest man went to a small place like Lincheng. Not only that, but also bought a car, this model instantly fired!

In everyone's impression, the richest man should open a tens of thousands of luxury models, never expected, the richest man is also so grounded, bought a million-class second-line model, I heard that specifically for children...

Wait, child? ? ? ? ! ! ! !

The circle of friends sent by the sales staff was screened and sent out. The netizens carefully read it carefully. It is not wrong. The above said that it was bought for Mr. Shen’s granddaughter? ? ?

"The trough, the richest man, he is a grandfather?"

"Impossible! I am still young, how can I be a grandfather? Look at his young and handsome face, I just want to sleep him! Sleep him! Sleep him! But what did I see? Handsome gold's richest man's embrace Was occupied by a three-year-old squad??!"

"This may be... the most arrogant corps I have ever seen. Only three years old, life will win at the starting line..."

"Hey, do I think the little princess is cute?!"

"You are not alone in the upstairs! The richest man is holding a small public, I can watch it for a year!"

"Hahaha, this photo is really cute, ah, ah, screaming!"

"So I said so much, why did the richest man be happy?"

Shen Huai-nan and Shen Wei did not think that buying a car only caused such a big sensation.

Shen Huainan’s old friend called him and asked him: “Old Shen, when did you not go to the city without saying anything? What happened? You are a grandfather?”

Just hang up the phone, and the second and third calls came in. "Shen, you are not kind, have such a big happy event not to tell the big guy to celebrate?"

On the side of the city, the bosses with heads and faces called the assistants and said that they wanted to do the friendship of the landlords, and they took over the dust and set up a bureau. Can you ask Shen to come over?

Shen Huainan first wanted to refuse, looked at the curious little appearance of the group, changed his mouth, and told the assistant to give back.

Originally just holding a try mentality, the Lincheng bosses who did not have much expectations, after receiving a reply, were simply overjoyed!

Shen Shoufu, who has not participated in the banquet for a long time, should have come down! Still in their small place like the city!

This may be the biggest banquet in the upper-stream business district in Lincheng in recent years. Even the foreign businessmen who heard the news came over to get an invitation.

Shen Huainan’s status, he has rarely participated in commercial banquets in recent years, he will promise, and it’s quite unexpected. In order to climb the Shen family, the bosses of all walks of life have tried their best to participate. Just to find a chance to meet with the richest man.

The squad was dressed as a delicate little doll by a stylist invited by the assistant uncle, a beautiful pink dress, chubby feet wearing lace high-socks on a beautiful little leather shoes, a small soft hair tied into two A small bag with a pink diamond crown on his head.

The stylist hung up the whole mother's laughter for the troupe, and finally got a little cinnabar in the eyebrows. The taste of the doll instantly became a Chinese-style little fairy, and it was very exciting!

The group stood in front of the mirror, turned narcissistically into a circle, raised two small short arms and said: "The sound is really beautiful! Dad and grandfather look good, so the sound is also best seen!"

The stylist nodded and smiled. "Yes, you'd better watch."

The three-year-old squad was dressed up a little and didn't need to wear makeup. It was so cute. When the stylist took her out, she was indulged. After getting along for too long, he forgot that the gang was drilled out of the trash. Wearing a small broken skirt and holding his thighs...

Looking back now, look at the delicate scorpion of the powdered jade in front of you, sinking your mouth, or he will raise a child!

The black Lincoln car sailed to the largest five-star hotel in Lincheng. In order to meet the family of Shen’s family, the three generations of the grandparents, the hotel owner directly stopped the business for one day. Fortunately, there were crowdfunding bosses in the city, making up the turnover. vacancy.

In order to see the richest man, the big and small bosses have tried their best, and they have been waiting in advance at the first floor lobby of the hotel.

The Lincoln car stopped at the hotel entrance. In addition to the driver, five people came down from the car, one was a small assistant, the other was a new nanny, and three grandparents from the back seat.

Shen Huai Nan’s mouth was faintly smiling, holding a dumpling in his hand, and the blue-haired teenager stood by, his expression was unhappy, and the blue hair roots of the publicity stood up, exuding the sharpness and vitality of the young people.

Sinking is very unhappy. Since the old fox came, he has been vying with him for the cuddling right of the scorpion. Now he is thinking about when the old fox will go back? Don't go back and attend any bird banquet!

As early as the doorman went in to ventilate the letter, Shen Huainan just got off the bus and there were a lot of expensive men and women who came out from the hotel. The face was hung with the same warm and humble smile. "Shen Zong, Shen Zong, you are here. !"

"Come in, everyone is waiting for you."

Shen Huainan is very familiar with this kind of scene. The smile is light and nodded. He still holds the dumplings in his hand and is surrounded by the hotel.

The eyes of the people were transferred to the powder dumplings in his arms. They looked at them carefully and said: "I heard that this is your granddaughter?"

"It looks so beautiful and cute!"

Whether it is true or not, this sentence is not wrong. The people in the room have never seen such a small doll that looks so good. I am thinking about it. Better!

The group was curiously staring at her eyes. She was very polite. When she heard others praise her, Xiaofei’s face raised a soft smile, and she said with a sweet voice. “Thank you for your uncle’s praise! Thank you, you look good. !"

After a few words of effort, the group will be amazed by the bosses and bosses around the size. The little princess of the richest man sincerely praises the courtesy greetings. Who doesn't like it?

Especially when the dumplings are so cute, they look at people with a pair of sincere and clear eyes.

It’s just that at this time, Shen Huainan’s lips will be lightly smiled. Other people will see that he only laughs when his granddaughter is talking. He also sees him holding the ball from the beginning to the end, and he understands that the richest man can His granddaughter, he also no longer asked what is the reason for the disappointment of grandfather, whether it is pro or not, it is always the richest man who loves the little princess is right!

As soon as the banquet hall on the 8th floor, the talents of the Lincheng who came to the banquet met.

Sinking behind the Lord and the Sun, lazily stepped into the door, and when he first came in, he heard a few screams of lying trough.

"Shen, how come you?"

"The trough, Shen Ge, you are the legendary richest man!"

The squad was held in the hands of the super big fighter. For a time, no one dared to say hello, only secretly squinting at the sly eyes.

Unfortunately, the dumplings did not understand the style, smiled and rushed to the uncles and sisters to wave their little paws. "Uncle, sister, what's wrong with your eyes?"

The rich second generation of school slag: "..." is that the pit goods are right, focus on the platform to dig their pits!

Shen Huainan took the group and walked toward the center. Shen Yu was surrounded by the teenagers of the ten classes, but could not move.

Xu Zha got to the front, and the probe whispered, "How did Shen Shushu come to the city? You didn't say anything. Last night, I was trained by my dad, saying that I didn't say anything to him, so I can help Shen Shushu to take the wind and wash the dust. ""

Shen Yu didn't care: "I don't know the old fox? He is very reserved. Whoever asks him will not go."

Xu Zaudao: "How come today?"

After recollecting, he said with uncertainty: " it for the blind man to see the world?"

When the two talked, they lowered their voices. Others didn't hear them. The teenagers squeezed the zirconium and looked at the incredible face. "Shen, okay, I knew you were not easy. I didn't expect your father to be Shen Dawei!"

"Ha ha ha, so the biggest school manager in our school is the richest man?"

"Sinking you, we are so bitter! Let's say that we are not the granddaughter of the richest man?"

One teenager squeezed the other and turned back and pointed to the back of the richest man. He said: "Look at the look of the richest tyrant, the whole baby, holding it in his hand, can he not be his granddaughter?"

In the eyes of these giants, it doesn't matter whether they are born or not. What matters is that the person in the palm of the hand does not recognize you.

I don’t see a lot of dog blood in the giants. The children of illegitimate children are everywhere. Who has few **** offspring? Want to be tired of all kinds of love?

Therefore, the blood relationship is really not so important. What is important is that the richest man he is really holding the group in his hand!

The second generation of Xueshoufu was gratified and envious, and the group that they held in the palm of their hand finally became the squad of others!

Maybe it will take a long time to leave the city with the richest man, and return to the emperor as a little princess of the imperial capital. In the future, there may be more people showing her for various reasons, will the group have Forgot them one day?

It’s really sorrowful to think about the second generation of school scum. It’s the easiest thing for a child to see things, even if it’s better in memory, maybe one day they’re not the dearest little uncle’s pretty sister, oh... Just want to be sad!

Sinking and laughing, "What do you think? Next week's exam, the old man helped the scorpion to have a special voice test, and you will wait for the scorpion to press on the ground!"

Scum people: "...???"

Lying in the trough! ! ! ! ! Isn't it good to return to the emperor as a wealthy little public? Also come to take a fart exam!

One did not slow down, the **** of martial arts, the handsome and richest tyrants have been holding the troupe to the front, the troupe waved chubby claws, smiled sweetly, "uncle sister, grandfather allowed the sound test! The sound is so happy!" You must be happy with the sound?"

The scums were shaking their heads in madness. In the face of the richest man, he did not dare to deny the dismantling of the squad, giving him a good face and nodding his head.

They are sad! This spicy chicken dumpling has gone well! Save their scholastic career!

The author has something to say: Reader: It’s so ugly that you roll over the car!

Author: Bitter Tears finished up a word easily? !

Last night, a copy of the leave was posted on the copy, saying that I had to eat a nightingale and then code the word. The next second actually had a **** reader message...

Let us expose this scum reader, and condemn her by the way!

Netizen: Face Comments: Eat and eat fat you

Author's reply: Touch the belly, the boss will come back again!

Netizen: Yun Yan Yanyan comment: Hahaha sounds even **** father and grandfather, saying that it is the favorite?

The author replied: The voice said that it can be a lie for a while...

Netizen: 28089865 Comments: In order to make this author's efforts to fill the irrigation... Look at you! (?ˉ?ˉ)??°

Author reply: Crazy swinging hand~ Goodbye

Netizen: Tea Tea Review: Sisters, more! ! Let me out! ! !

Author's reply: Next time to a secret number: ah, the author of the most beautiful and kind wisdom of the universe, please close the door and put the dumplings! Ok, as you wish! (smile)

Netizen: Plum sauce comment: There have been many dreams, now I just want to be a voice

Author reply: You deserve it!

Netizen: Good comment: Hahahahahahaha assistant uncle will also fall

Author's reply: Tuanzi said that my journey is a star sea~

Netizen: Good comment: The sound of the king is the king of the richest man. Hahahahahaha

Author's reply: Ibid.

Netizen: Have a sugar comment: Adults are expired children, or that person

Author's reply: What is the ghost of expired children? ? ?

Netizen: hunnie呐~Comment: Haha, Aha, the author is overturned.

Author's reply: Just know, love me!

Netizen: Bamboo Leaf Breeze Review: hhhhhh, but those who promised so much will not have to roll over~ I will add to the business of rollover

Author's reply: 沧 点 点

Netizen: Reminiscence comments: Contribute my remaining nutrient solution, laying the foundation for the author's rollover road

Author reply: Smile and say goodbye.

Netizen: Su Zi fall comment: roll over the car 憨憨 ~ more as much as possible

Author's reply: Call me another one to try it out?

Netizen: Jiang Huaiqing. Comment: Adding a tile to the wife's bald career, I have never seen such a daring author. Hahahahahahahahahaha I laugh so mad.

Author reply: You are so crazy!

Netizen: Love letter only listens to the comment: Hey, little goblin, can’t stand you, come and come, give it to you

Author's reply:? ? ?

Netizen: Dan Qingyi comment: Greatly written fried chicken is good, sprinkle hair?

Author's reply: Rainbow fart routine on the wall

Netizen: Nightmare comment: Greatest! The best big dei turn the biggest car! Be the most bald head of baldness! To be the most updated! Greatly rushing duck!

Author's reply: Rainbow fart can't change the essence of your slag!

Netizen: booooooooen comment: no nutrient solution is dry, because only chasing this novel, so much more, I have special effects.

Netizen: 29393952 Comments: Although it is very painful and greatly overturned the car, but vegetarian! ! In order to make a sound, you still continue to roll over! (e)

Author's reply: Although you are very distressed, but conscience? ? ?

Netizen: Eat goods 沅沅 Comments: Online expect the author to roll over (?w?) hiahiahia! ! !

Netizen: Yi Nan comment: Either 靓 or bald, so come on, let's blame the author, rushing duck (w??)

Netizen: 凛冽Comment: Oh 吼吼~ The author greatly overturned the second season. Are you bald again!!!

Netizen: tears with Qingsi scattered comments: Hey, make a beautiful wish, I hope to wake up tomorrow, there is a million to call me to get up, his nickname is Jiage | w??) The possibility of achieving this wish is bigger I am willing to dedicate my only nutrient solution to the author! ! ! e?(?>?2k novel reading network

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