MTL - The Villain is Happy Being a Father-Chapter 149 Schoolmaster Daddy (12)

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The ten scholastic scums were short and tall, and selected a better-written girl as a representative, and posted a post in the school forum.

The above throws away a series of slogans from the seven-China squad, and the evidence of the real hammer is posted, and with the consent of Shen Yu, the cause and effect of the photo video is clearly understood.

Originally, the people in Diya High School looked at it as a joke. No one really believed. Everyone learned the **** and returned to school. It was not really clever. On the contrary, everyone was fine, waiting to turn over and waiting for the fire.

I just didn't expect that this time, the people from the 30th class and the whole class went out to prove this.

After the post was sent, the scum of the scum of the rich man who did not even laugh at the sneak sneer, but slammed the floor, saying that he did not expect that he could not bully the man who was incapable of arbitrarily arrogant, and could not think of such a good time in the ten classes?

There are ten people in the vest, and they replied: "It’s not that the tyrants are good, the key lies in the cute little sound! That is our baby!"

"It’s right upstairs, if it’s not the sound, who is going to sink this guy!”

"233 brother, you cow, you thought that wearing a vest, don't know who you are, dare to tell the truth? Be careful to wait for you tomorrow after school."


Originally, a clarified post, as a result, few people paid attention to the truth. The topic was smashed, and the back cover was all about the "small sounds" of the ten classes.

The three-year-old squad brought by Shen Yan was smothered by the tenth class in the palm of his hand, and a small voice of our family enjoyed a lot of people eating melons.

Sinking sitting on the sofa watching TV, the scorpion squatting on the side to give him a lame, Xiaofei's face hung with a smile, the squad little fist hammered twice and looked up at the beginning of the period, Ai Ai said the conditions: "Dad is better?"

"Dad, do you want to play with music tomorrow?"

“The teachers all explained that there is no need for class during the day off?”

Sinking eyebrows, "To endorse."

I was so long and indulged that I didn’t recite the book. I didn’t expect the little scorpion to hang a meal. The scorpion smiled. “That’s the way to go back and play again?”

"The sound has not been out for a long time, the sound is going to ride a small Trojan, and I want to eat a lollipop."

Sinking eyes fell on the table in front of him, pointing to the pile of snacks above: "What is that?"

"Don't have a lollipop?"

The group looked at Dad’s gaze and looked at the rainbow-colored lollipop on the top. He stunned his heart and turned his eyes. He said, “That’s what the class’s sister gave, not counting, Dad didn’t buy the sound. sugar!"

The more I said that the squad was more confident, and when I finally said, I dared to look up and look at my father.

Sinking: "..."

Shen Yan turned over and kneeled on the sofa, pointing at his back. "Yes, you step on the back, I will consider it."

The group cheered, and in her eyes, it was the meaning of promise!

Stepping on the back of the group knows that it is just like walking around on Dad’s back. The group is still afraid that he is too fat and will press on his father, so hesitantly asks: “What if you are trampled by the sound?”

Shen Yu turned over and landed on the small body board with the legs of the group that was not tall enough. He laughed: "On your small body, you still want to step on the bad? It is impossible to eat for ten years!"

The soft little palm rests on the back like the cat's small meat pad, sinking his eyes, sighing comfortably, or a small scorpion to lie, he wants to enslave the scorpion!

When I promised to do it, I said that I couldn’t get out of bed the next day and I got up early in the morning.

Also from the pile of things sent from the last mall, I picked a small bag of pink and tender to let the dumplings carry.

I put a mug of paper towels inside, and finally, under the strong request of the dumplings, I gave a lot of snacks.

The squad sat on the floor and was worried about a bunch of small clothes. What clothes should she wear?

Suddenly her eyes fell on a pink skirt in the corner, and a big t-shirt of the same color next to it...

Sinking is playing games in the living room, letting the scorpion choose clothes for himself. Thinking about the creatures of women is always very enthusiastic about dressing up. Even if the scorpion is only three years old, it is not beautiful.

He didn't think that the group would put his idea on his head. The group held a wide pink cartoon t-shirt in front of Dad. His eyes were bright and full of surprises. "Dad, look!"

She held a t-shirt and thought that Dad should like this pink pretty t-shirt like her, saying, "Is this dress nice?"

Sinking stopped the game, his eyes fell on the pink t-shirt, some puzzled, the mall is not the clothes of three-year-old children? The size of this t-shirt is obviously worn by adults. How can it appear in the wardrobe of the donkey and be held in her hand?

Shen Yu did not respond, just wanted to say ugly, huge ugly, and saw the look of the group, the mouth of a vulture was changed into a mouth: "Not bad."

The sound was even more happy. He turned a small circle and took the clothes and drew it on Dad. He said, "That dad wears this one. This is good-looking, and Dad feels good!"

Sinking: "...???"

Sinking and sitting up straight, I picked up the pink t-shirt, so childish and so tender t-shirt? ? ? how is this possible!

He asked: "Where does this dress come from?"

The dumplings are happy. I want to wear the same clothes with my father. She is very excited, fat and red, pointing to the room that has been changed into a clothing room. "The clothes are inside the wardrobe!"

After saying that the dumplings ran in, followed and ran out, when they came out, they held a pink.

In front of the sinking, the dumplings picked up the cartoon powder skirt and showed it to Dad. He said, "Dad, you see, with the same sound! Oh! Look good! Put it on, Dad must be the most handsome father! The sound is the best baby!"

Sinking: "..."

What else can't you understand?

He let the mall go to the pit, and sent a family-friendly dress that tasted the aesthetic difference!

I also put it in the scorpion cupboard and told her to see it, so I want him to wear it? ? ?

Shen Shenpi smiled, didn't smile, put the pink t aside, and sat up, put the clothes underneath, smiled and said: "You also saw it, now it is gone."

"So Dad, I don't have to wear it, you can wear it. This dress is very beautiful. Go and put it on. After wearing it, you must be the most beautiful little baby in the world, that's right!"

The group squinted at the eyes and looked at Dad. After a few moments, they reacted and said: "Dad, you are lying, you are swearing, your clothes are not lost, you are sitting!"

"The teacher said that good children can't lie, Dad, you don't want to!"

Shen Yu tried to divert the attention of the blind man. The three-year-old little broken child is very embarrassing. Just transfer her attention.

Shen Yudao: "Where are we going to play today?"

"I heard that a new playground in the north of the city must be very fun, and children like to go!"

"Oh, yes, the marshmallows there are particularly delicious, do you want to eat?"

The group swallowed and swallowed, and looked at it. "Think, the sound is going to go!"

She walked back along with Dad’s words, prepared to put on a beautiful little skirt, made a beautiful child, took a few steps and looked back, frowning and said: "Dad, have we forgotten what? What about it?"

Shen Yan said: "No, go and change, or I will not wait for you, go."

When the squad was in a hurry, he ran a few steps forward until he stopped at the door of the cloakroom. Thanks to good memory, the fascinating flash of light, squatting on the edge of the door, and the small milk tone increased the volume, saying: Dad, you are cheating on the sound!"

The temper that spleened and pushed the whole life was finally angry. She was as mad as a little cub, only sitting on the door. "Dad is deceiving, the sound is not going!"

She didn't have a chubby body, her back to her father, and said that the squad was quite wronged, with a small mouth and tears falling down. Dad didn't want to wear a color dress with her, but also lied to her. ,so bad!

The troupe also has her own temper. She decided not to like her father for the time being. Even if her father apologized to her, she would not like her father!

The system gloated in the system space, his little cubs, finally grow up, knowing to be angry.

The system feels that the villain is too much a thing. If you don’t wear it, you don’t wear it. You also lie to the little cub, bullying the young cub, young, too bad! Such a villain must be nailed to death!

Shen Yan put down his mobile phone and looked at the small group that was sobbing at the door of his cloakroom.


Is he really so hateful? Indulge in the Internet Baidu indefinitely. "What happens when Dad’s deceived three-year-old daughter?"

Then the search results came out with a bunch of daughters, and the words strongly criticized the scum father who cheated her daughter.

"Cheats only three-year-old daughter? You are a scum dad, but also very good to ask online? Go to anti-explosion. Medicine. Pack it yourself!"

"Sad father, hello, **** daddy goodbye!"

"Is there such a soft, cute and intimate little cotton jacket with a daughter? I dare to lie to my daughter with a conscience."

"Xietai, as a child psychologist, tells you that children can't be freely cheated when they are young. They have their own spiritual world. Even if your good deception is known to them, it is like the world collapses, because in their hearts, Dad's The characters are like the most revered heroes. One day, the most admired big heroes deceived them. The consequences can be imagined..."

Sinking and pumping the mouth of the mouth, the more you look at the face, the more dignified, there are some guilty in my heart, is he really so excessive?

Isn't that I don't want to wear a broken dress, is it really so serious?

Shen Yu thought for a moment, and unfortunately sent a message in a group he built with his team: "I lied, she is angry with me now, is this serious?"

The sinking hand shook, didn't see the class group that just jumped up, so he accidentally sent the message to the group of 50 high and 30 class.

As soon as the news came out, the high-level class of the daily diving team exploded in an instant.

After Shen Wei made a message, he didn't take a look. He upset the phone on the sofa, put on his slippers, walked to the side of the ball, and reached out to touch the head of the ball.

The squad leaned over the small head to avoid it, and snorted with the small milk.

Continue to sob, tears, low heads and squatting there, it looks very sad.

Sinking helplessly, "I..."

Just said a word, the dumplings sobbed and said: "Dad is bad, Dad is deceiving, don't listen to the sound!"

Sinking: "..."

Looking at the whole body filled with resistance, filled with me, I was very angry, you should not bother me, Shen Shen stood up and walked back.

Xu Zha's gang is not too high IQ, but it doesn't matter, a good man and three gangs can always help him figure out a way.

The author has something to say: The last chapter has been revised. It was too late to come back last night. I felt very unsatisfied, so I changed it again and the number of words was more than 500.

There is a chapter at 12 o'clock, what are you thanking for the little angel who gave me the overlord ticket or irrigation nutrient solution?

Thanks to the little angel who cast out [rocket gun]: one cherry sardine;

Thanks to the little angel who cast [grenade]: one face;

Thanks to the little angel who cast out [land mine]: the puppies, the puppies, the sleepy day, the lemon grass, the mountain, the ia, the wine, the scorpion, the scorpion, the scorpion, the sorrow, the years, the sorrow, the sorrow, the sorrow, the sorrow 1 feather ☆;

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation [nutrition solution]:

萦荦潆110 bottles; 34286687105 bottles; sunny, long 100 bottles; h. heart has 88 bottles; Meng 79 bottles; crepe 55 bottles; 泠栎 52 bottles; empty line, smoke, 哎哟 feed, drop feather 50 Bottle; 49 bottles; 48 bottles to the fff group; a cute name 47 bottles; journey, asuna 40 bottles; 2125668932 bottles; just a sunflower seed, daisy, 34117201, flowers, Tong Ghost, 1999071330 bottles; bones 28 bottles; 26 bottles of green barley; 24 bottles of flowers; eris23 bottles; pendants of 汐月, 绊城, 雩山, fairy, liicy, 言归, 陌漓锦, 筱寒夜雨, 流年,♀眷纞♀,不想好Nickname, no cb long live, wind chimes, mormor666, 20 leaves of wood leaves; 18 bottles of 骐; look around, Shangguan also marks, coral reef, I have been watching 15 bottles at the bottom of the pit; climbing wall d small cat 11 bottles; blue lazy, Luo Yao Yao, ink ink, lemon Meng, um, like water flow years, weak water three thousand, Yueshen, Xiao Xiaoxi, this nickname, ink point allure, aunt soft and soft, Yazhu, Zhang Yacong, Fei Tuantuan, From the heart, it is also nickname is not available, Enron silent, 懵懵哒 懵 10 10 bottles; 6 people with the same wind; fat ninety-five, once was If, if, who cares, Guan Qing, baby baby 5 bottles;........................ 4 bottles; Yi Nan, one flower and one leaf, pouting cat, 葶萱, susuya吖, micro-money, fruit, 27879490, 3 bottles of Yan Yanpeng; Muji 1997, Gaixiaoqi, squirrel chestnuts, cats eat fish, blue cherry, evil full, 195,172,752 bottles; green clouds, 36,974,522, a flower, clear, purple, mountain fire d , 筱 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 1 bottle of tears with blue silk and leisurely rice worms;

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