MTL - The Villain is Happy Being a Father-Chapter 139 School tyrants (1)

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In the alleys of the city of Diya High School not far away, there was a squeaking noise and a good voice.

The sound is noisy and chaotic.

However, the people passing by in the vicinity did not go without any exception, and no one went in the alley.

A few female students from Diya High School, holding milk tea, said: "Shenba is fighting again?"

"I heard that today I have a group of seven people."

"Hey, the seven in the group are poor!"

"You said... can you win?"

"I heard that the seven aids have come to foreign aid. It is a group of people who are mixed in society and have weapons. I am afraid it is hard to say."

The timid girl heard the exclamation and hesitated: "With weapons? Will there be an accident? Do we want to call the police?"

A few girls took her away. "Don't worry about it. What do you want to do with the hegemony?"

A group of people in Diya High School headed by Shen Yu hit all the invincible high schools nearby, and today they can count on the iron plate.

A head-stained blue short hair, long legs and long legs, squatting on one's back, slamming hard and looking fierce. "Hey, the more you rise, you can be really awkward, even the scum of the school will let you come. I am afraid that you will say that Lao Tzu is disdainful and bullying!" The teenager who was stepping on looked at his age, about ten years old, some thin, red face and sullen: "Shen Sinking, killing you, you said directly, Lao Tzu is not afraid of you!"

"Hey, if you are not afraid to call so many people?"

The blue-eyed teenager's eyes swept around, and the youth in the circle of colorful clothes with colorful clothes on his head still had iron bars in his hand.

A young man in leather is impatient: "The more you rise, you still don't want us to go? Not let us go!"

The more he wanted to bring these people together, he would take these people down and give him a lesson. He didn’t expect him to be taken down from the beginning, so he didn’t want to take it, so that these helpers outside the school did not Knowing that it should not be shot, it has stagnated for a while.

He raised his face and squatted for a few laps, and his pain was so bad. He closed his eyes and shouted: "Do it!"

The voice just fell, the next moment, he was kicked by a foot, smashed to the wall, the more sputum spit, the blood and the lost tooth.

He shouted: "Hands, fuck!"

The scene was confused at one time.

After sinking and biting, he pressed his roots and waved his hand. The people behind him immediately followed, and they circled back to back. In the case that the number and weapons were not dominant, they could only adopt a group policy.

Indulging in the hands of two sticks, the action slowed down, the next step of the teenager turned his head and looked at it, took the time to ask: "Shen brother, let's withdraw, go back and revenge is not too late!"

Sinking out and kicking out, "Hello!"

The scene became more and more hot, and the two sides were arrogant and arrogant.

The squad stumbled and opened his eyes and smelled a stink.

She glanced around and found herself in the trash.

The dumplings blinked and the smell of the trash bin limited her sense of smell. She felt that she was nearby.

The group asked: "Uncle system, how is the sound here?"


This trash can is not high, the system scans the surrounding environment, said: "You can climb out first."

A minute later, the dumplings squatted outside the trash can at the corner of the alley.

She carefully probed her brain and looked out, showing an anxious color. "Uncle of the system, my father is fighting, what should I do?"

The system is also a bit embarrassing. He just sent the little cubs in, only to find that the villains are playing...

This is a scene that happened many times when the villain was a teenager. The system did not expect such "lucky" and came across it.

He was silent, watching the fierce look of the villains, and... those iron bars that didn’t have long eyes, said: "Just wait for the horn..."

"Wait?" The group was in a hurry.

"Wait for you, Dad, he will finish the fight."

The system said that the words "Daddy" were hesitant. When it was accidentally sent to the villain, did you have such a small father in the human world?

He couldn't help but think... If the little cub rushes up to recognize it, will it let the rebellious juvenile villain fly?

The system feels that it is necessary for the safety of the little cub to protect him. He is only a top-notch system that is dedicated and smart!

The dumplings cried, and the voices were a little choked. "Uncle system is bad, my father is fighting and hurt, you still don't let the sound go."

The system looked at the young body of the squad, five short stature, walking is not conducive, just want to save the villains?

I am afraid it is going up and messing up?

The system can be seen that no small cubs can be injured. Anyway, the villains can only be brought to the thirties for a few years. He is still an 18-year-old lush teenager and can’t die.

He shouted: "Little cub, I promise you that your father will not have something, can't he?"

The dumplings didn't listen. The young corps only believed what they saw. When she first came out to find her father, she saw Dad fight with people. The other person, so many people, still holding a stick, it was terrible.

Seeing a stick and falling on Dad.

The small, sweet voice of the scorpion snorted, and a pair of calves rushed up and slammed up. It looked like a tumbling rushing forward.


Shen Yu grabbed the stick with his bare hands, his eyes fixed, and his head fell to his feet.

A rounded squad opened two small short arms, stood in front of him, looked up at the person opposite him, and the murderer shouted: "Don't hit my father!"

Sinking: "???"

The opposite of the stick youth: "...???"

The followers who fought with Shen Yu were even more shocked. Hearing this shivering daddy looked back shocked and looked away from the fight.

For a time, the scene of the anxious group was cooled down, and the two people stopped at the same time, and the eyes could not help but fall on the squad that appeared here.

I couldn’t see the appearance of the dumplings from the perspective of Shen Yu. He just saw a small figure rushing over, and then he stopped in front of him, only to see a small one, a small, rounded head.

The opposite person is more clear than him. The group is about two or three years old. When it is tender and angry, when it is scared, it is like a very small milk cat, and it is fierce and fierce.

She rounded her eyes and stood in front of her in a small fist.

The other youths looked amazed and asked, "Sink, this is yours?"

"Hey, there is yours, how old is it?"

Sinking and listening to the class, posing for the boss to deny, "Impossible, the old Dalian school flowers have not seen, or a ... amount ... how could there be a baby?!"

That is to say, the class is also a little curious, a few steps forward, squatting in front of the squad.

A small rag, a small short hair with a yellow hair, is a look of malnutrition. It looks good and looks good. The pink and white jade is delicate and lovely, the face is round and the little fat is angry. The drum is round, with the baby's unique baby fat, round and round.

He tickles, and he wants to pinch the face of the scorpion before reaching out. The scorpion hides in the past, runs behind Dad, holds his father's leg, and finds a small head and says, "No, no need to pinch the face."

Xu Zircon: "..."

Xu Zhuang scratched his head and stood up and looked at his boss. "Shen brother, this child...?"

A group of racks suddenly disappeared with a group. The two sides agreed that playing basketball league next week is an understanding of enmity.

Shen Yan turned and left.

He lives in a high-end apartment not far from the school.

The dumplings licked their mouths, took up their short legs and followed them up, screaming and shouting: "Dad waits for me."

The indulging step is faster, and a pair of long, deep-legged, well-developed, long-legged legs and small short legs are a few steps away.

The squad ran anxiously and fell to the ground, rolling for several more laps.

Sinking and squatting, looking behind him.

After a long while, I saw the scorpion squatting on the ground, and he took his foot and walked over there.

The system nodded silently, or the juvenile version of the villain to deal with some, if replaced by the big man version, it is estimated that this will not even return, just like the second world he took the little cub, that After a while, the young cub chased the villain, and he could not stop him.

Thinking of this, the system silently made a lot of scars on the cadre's knees and made it look more serious.

In order to make the little cub succeed in the villain, he also broke his heart.

Sinking down, looking at the dumplings, "Get up?"

The dumplings sighed with tears, and they looked up at the tears, and they couldn’t get up. She snorted, and the little milk voice cried and complained: "It’s bad, you don’t wait for the sound!"

Sinking is simply full of questions, he thinks that he is not a good person, fighting every day, but... Where is he coming from such a big child?

Is it that he sleeps out in the middle of the night to steal?

Sinking pinched on the small fat scorpion of the dumplings and said: "Small scorpion, who sent you?"

"Is it the old man, or which woman?"

From small to large, because of his identity, Shen Yu was touched by countless porcelain, especially women. The little girls were young and didn’t know where to come. They fell in front of him every day, and even had a few brains. Is his girlfriend?

As for... the old man.

Recently urged tight, let him meet the emperor, the old fox in order to let him go back, find ways to try, it is difficult to prevent fraud.

In the face of Dad’s skeptical gaze, the squad was somewhat injured, and the tears in his eyes fell, and he blushes and cries.

"The sound is the sound, the sound is not sent by others, the sound is the little baby of Dad!"

Sinking: "..."

Going back to the road, Shen Yan’s eyes tangled on the legs and clung to the shackles, and felt only wrong.

He is a high-ranking tyrant, and he will be soft-hearted. He was deceived by a three-year-old child, and he has to enter his home.

After entering the door, Shen Yu warned: "Look at it, don't move, don't run anywhere."

He squatted on the sofa and the squad was placed on the side, watching her sit on the sly, and the two small claws were placed in front of me.

Shen Hao nodded with satisfaction and refused to take care of the injury. He picked up the mobile phone and tried to go out. "Let you say who you are, you can’t tell, where is it, I don’t know, I called your police uncle, let They arranged for you."

Did not understand the group, I heard that Dad wanted to send her to the police uncle, his eyes were red, and he was crying again.

Shen Hao quickly hung up the phone and grabbed the mouth of the dumplings. "When you do, don't cry, who are you, where do you always have to say clearly?"

The author has something to say: Originally wanted to write the richest father, but also want to write school father, father, simply combine, the richest son of the school tyrant hahahaha (I am really a genius, applause!)

See the comments and want to see the evil dragons? Write in the next world! I promise!

A lot of baby comments on the last time, self-reported, 233333333333 you make your own brain, not my business (shut down and dragged down...) Thank you for throwing out the overlord ticket or the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [grenade]: 1 Han Gongqiu;

Thanks to the little angels who cast [land mines]: Jane, Han Gongqiu, 沅沅, 璇, 忆生如如如如如年年;

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation [nutrition solution]:

159 bottles of wood green scorpion; 132 bottles of Shangguan also; 100 bottles of 唔 ;; a few words 丶 80 bottles; dream 30 bottles; 23 arcs of Zuo; mei, dong, drunk, 20 bottles of Mingyue;巍, 沅沅 14 bottles; yimi, fascinated with 10 bottles of wine; _ Susheng 9 bottles; 6 ink bottles; Xie 辫辫, love small fish 5 bottles; 筱 3 3 bottles; longevity, bookworm 2 bottles; 1 bottle of Yan, happy beanie;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard! 2k novel reading network

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