MTL - The Villain is Happy Being a Father-Chapter 113 Research Dad (3)

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The dumplings are sobbing, "Dad, you bite me!"

Quiet, quiet, dead silence.

"Tick and ticking..."

The wall clock on the wall rang, falling on the whole point and breaking the silence of the room.

Mo Linqing took a deep breath and placed her arms on the ground, bending over her face and explaining: "Not me."

Of course, the group knows that the one who bites her is not this father, but another bad father, but she does not say.

The fat hand tried to ring the arm. It was too short to ring. He had to hold it in front of him. He was half-brick and pointed his **** at Dad. He snorted. "It is you, I want to tell my grandfather that you bully me, you still Bit me!"

Mo Linqing: "..."

There is a notebook in the bedroom, which is used to record the strange things happening in Mo Linqing. He knows that he has a problem. Occasionally, the memory is blank in a certain period of time, and the behavior is unbelievable. Mo Linqing doubts. There is another person living in yourself.

Just waking up from the front of him, holding the meat dumplings in his arms and the bite marks on her face, Mo Linqing carefully recorded in the notebook: "Danger level 1+ for young children."

The gang had just lived here for a day, and he had to let him go back.

The reason is that she is too noisy.

Mo Linqing’s willingness to accept this child means that he is willing to include this child in his plan, and will not send people away for no reason.

It is not difficult to understand the meaning of the old man with his IQ. The old man wants to take care of himself and send him to his side, let him get used to taking care of him, cultivate his feelings, and when he leaves, he will not worry about a big family. one small.

This big one is not worrying. Every day in the lab, it’s fast-rooted. The young one is not cared for, so how can people feel at ease?

Understanding is understood, but yesterday's incident made Mo Linqing realize that he is not suitable for raising children. According to his observations, even if he did not remember, he could speculate on the character of the person who appeared in the period of his loss of consciousness.

Others are not clear, but Mo Linqing knows that this person is very dangerous, and the instability of personality is uncontrollable, which makes this person full of danger.

Obviously, "he" was interested in the cheap prostitute he received.

When Mo Guosheng saw the little granddaughter, he took the person around and touched her little head. The group looked red and looked up. "Grandpa, Dad doesn't want me, he calls me back!"

Xiaofei’s face is a drum and a drum. It’s very angry and aggrieved. She hasn’t told her father yet, and Dad sent her back.

The man changed a pair of glasses again, still a thin gold wire, which is very suitable for his cool temperament.

He lifted the frame and looked at the short legs of the man next to the father. A small mouth would be quite a squad.

At that glance, it’s like a sleeping tiger watching a little baby cub with a fangs.

"She is very noisy, I am not suitable there."

"You also know that my work is often not at home."

Mo Guosheng let his son scream, he just deliberately stuffed his child, let him learn how to bring children, but also can change his problems.

Whether it is a three-year-old Xiao Yan or a father does not agree.

The dumplings are not willing to be sent away, and the father’s thighs are not allowed to go, and they are screaming.

The system cheered her up at the side. "Oh, the best!"

The corps was more determined, and a small fat face was tightly stretched, which made the breast-feeding force pull on Dad’s long legs, that is, he did not want him to go, he had to go, he had to take her. .

Although the group is not willing to admit that it is a drag bottle, but now she looks really like a small oil bottle, like the pendant on the three legs, the guards and Wang Hao could not help but snicker.

Mo Guosheng also coughed up, granddaughter, well-behaved and cute, but also sticky, so cute, how can the son reason to refuse? He just can't understand! Others want him not to give it!

Take the son-in-law's maiden, the granddaughter's ancestors, the old Su family is the person who is willing to take the child over and raise it for this matter.

Mo Linqing looked down and the meat dumplings hanging on his legs were very tight. He took a step and stuck it on his lap. He couldn't open it at all.

As long as this is so big, Mo Lin’s head meets the problem that makes him tricky, a stupid little bitch.

On this day, Mo Linqing did not make it. He stayed at the Mojia old house that night. Fortunately, Mo Linqing had just completed a project. At present, there are no urgent projects to bring the team, and they have been on vacation for a long time.

The two men downstairs had a good time, and the voice came from time to time upstairs. They played until nine o'clock and went back to sleep in each house.

The group had to sleep and was not safe. It refused Wang Shuo’s storytelling and knocked on the door of Mo Linqing with a story book.

Justified and let the story of the newly appointed 粑粑.

Mo Linqing: "..." is not over.

Mo Linqing wrote down in the notebook:

"Knowing children needs to know: feeding rice, telling stories before going to bed, not making sense, not difficult..."


The night sinks into the water, the man who sleeps on the bed is not wrinkled, and the back is relaxed. The corner of his mouth is slanting. He does not blink, his lips are light, his voice is silent, and his lips are faintly confusing: "Idiot. ”

When Mo Linqing woke up again, he found that he had returned to his residence, the neighborhood next to the institute.

The group was sitting on the side playing with toys, and he stole him from time to time. When he saw him, the child’s eyes were bright. "Yeah, Dad, you are back!"

Mo Lin was so clear, so the man took him back and took the child back?

Mo Linqing no longer tried to send the child back because he knew that even if he sent it back, as long as the person thought, as long as he had time for action, he would definitely bring the child back.

He looked at the scorpion a little more, especially when she patrolled her chubby face and found that there was no mark on the light, and she was relieved.

The squad was happy to climb over and leaned on his lap, and the little milk tone began to stop.

"Dad, the bad dad brought the sound back."

"Although the sound doesn't like bad dad, but Dad, you should learn from him. If you are a dad, you can't just throw a child, or you will be caught by the police uncle."

Mo Linqing: "..."

Researchers at the Institute of Biopharmaceuticals of the Chinese Academy of Sciences found that Professor Mo did not go back and went to the institute.

This is not surprising to everyone. Professor Mo is really fond of this industry. He loves the laboratory deeply. He is the king of the biopharmaceutical field. He rarely ran outside in the year, mostly in it.

This time, the difference is that Professor Mo followed a small tail and came in. The small group of children's fat claws clenched the professor's trousers and stepped forward with small short legs.

The dumplings are very good-looking, the little chubby little ones are well-preserved, the facial features are exquisite and lovely, the eyes are very aura like a newborn little cub, and they are curious and curious from their father’s back to see the people’s heads. At the time, the researchers who only knew the same data all the year round couldn’t help but look at the coward and the mother.

"Hey, Professor Mo, which child is this?"

"There is a little bit like Professor Mo, and the eyebrows are a bit like the eyes."

Mo Linqing faintly decapitated, remembering the explanation of the old man and the change in the household registration, he said: "This is my daughter."

The researcher who asked the question and passed by and heard the researcher: "!!!"

The researchers looked at the cold and inhumane Professor Mo to drag a small follower and let her walk back to the office with her trousers.

This scene is too horrified and the contrast is too big. The institute is so up and down that the chin is stunned.

After a long time, a female researcher took the stars in her eyes. She looked at her mother and laughed before she could recover. She stabbed her face and said, "What does Professor Mo say?"

"Professor Mo has a daughter?"

"When did he get married to the baby? I have been in the Institute for several years. I have never seen Professor Mo leave the lab for more than a week. He has this time to get married?"

The colleague beside him also looked like a sly face, and squeezed his face hard, and noticed that the pain was put down. "Is it difficult for Professor Mo’s child to be born to him and the laboratory?"

"...憨Let's go and go!"

Mo Linqing is the leader of the Institute of Biopharmaceuticals. He is still somewhat privileged. As long as he does not bring people into the important places of the laboratory, it is still a breeze to bring the baby into the institute.

Not long after, the entire Biopharmaceutical Research Institute heard about it. Professor Mo, who lives on the top of the snowy mountain of Gaoling, he gave birth to a baby. He has a daughter of about three years old. It is said that he is chubby and walks like a road. Only a little penguin, cute to the explosion, in addition to looks a bit similar, other points, are not like!

At noon, the canteen of the institute had kept some people early.

As long as there is nothing important to do on hand, they will all go to join in the fun. They will go to the professor Mo with the niece to see what the daughter of the ice man looks like.

Isn’t the daughter of Professor Mo, who has no humanity (literally), also has a face and a faceless expression, like a miniature version of Professor Xiao Bingshan?

The researchers were disappointed, and Professor Mo’s prostitute was even more lovely than the legend.

They saw her playing and not walking, let Professor Mo mention it, cold a face and hold the child on his arm and come in the cafeteria to cook.

Mo Linqing wrinkled, there are many people in the cafeteria today. Most of the canteens in the former research institutes were empty. Today, they are all looking at people. Is this nothing to run to eat?

The troupe also saw so many people in the first time, and the uncles and aunts wearing uniform white coats stared at her with strange smiles on their faces.

She was kneeling on Dad's shoulder. When she was shy, she buried her little head. Mo Linqing looked around and said: "Is it finished?"

When I came to join in the fun, I shook my head. When I finished eating, how can I get close to Professor Mo’s daughter when I finished eating?

"Professor Mo, are you going to cook first?"

The aunt who was eating rice saw Mo Linqing, and he still had a child in his hand. Even if he didn’t talk to Professor Mo, he couldn’t help but ask more questions: “Is this your niece?”

"Hey, I’m talking in the morning, saying that Professor Mo brought you to work, everyone is still curious, Professor Mo, are you married?"

Seeing Mo Linqing's face is clear and cold, without the meaning of talking, the aunt is a little embarrassed.

When the group looked up, she said with a milky voice: "Auntie is good, I am my father's little baby, my name is sound."

The researcher who is cooking alongside can't help but laugh, Professor Mo's little baby?

Isn’t Professor Mo Xiaobao not knowing that this child is a baby, she is arrogant, she focuses on the little head, and knows that the aunt who is cooking in front of her is responsible for the food. He also raised his face and gave a sweet smile to everyone. "Auntie, you will give your dad a little more food in the future, let him have enough to eat, and he will be full."

The whole canteen made the group amused, and laughed into a piece. They didn't dare to laugh out loud, they laughed and laughed, and a few almost squirted.

Let's see how Professor Mo is as cold as an iceberg. How can there be such a lovely daughter?

How did such a temper bring out such a baby?

The aunt of the canteen was also happy. He took a spoonful of food to the dumplings in one go. He also said: "Children have a light appetite and greasy food. Would you like to cook some steamed eggs today?"

Mo Lin was cold with a face and nodded.

After the meal, I should have dinner at the dining room table. It is convenient to wash the dishes for a while. Mo Linqing does not know if he can't stand the squad, or the fun of the canteen makes him feel uncomfortable. He takes the food and goes to the office.

He walked with the cute little corps, and the cafeteria laughed in time.

"Hahahaha, is Professor Mo blushing? Have you seen it?"

"I didn't see it, but I saw Professor Moo frequently looking up the frame."

"I didn't expect the children of the famous Iceberg Big Devil in the brothel to be like this? Is this a matter of fact?"

"Hey, don't say it, don't you want a future? The national treasure of the School of Pharmacy is also something you can talk about? Go back and let the Dean hear it, don't cut you?"

This time, the debut appeared in the institute, and left a deep impression on the people up and down. Professor Mo has one more label, and the iceberg daddy, she is cute.

Mo Linqing frowned and looked at the dumplings and pulled the carrots down, took the carrots aside and ate other dishes.

"Eat all."

"Don't eat."

"Where is it going?"

"Eat, eat, Dad, I eat!"

The dumplings wrinkled a small fat face, bitterly sucking the carrot into the mouth, the steamed soft carrot was very bitten, and chewed twice and went into the belly.

I thought that Mo Linqing was everything, and it was only because of Dad’s request that I didn’t expect it to be so wide, and the system was a little surprised.

The villain of this villain is the kind that because the IQ is too high, ordinary people can understand it easily without understanding it, so the character is very light, very cold, generally except for the research of interest, nothing else is put into the eye. In this case, would such a person pay attention to a child picky eaters?

The dumplings really didn't deliberately picky eaters. The body she came in was naturally sensitive to the smell of carrots, and like natural enemies, they hated each other.

After seeing her eating hard, and then reluctantly swallowing two pieces, Mo Linqing said: "Okay."

From this back, Mo Linqing did not bring the children to the institute. When I went to the institute the next day, many researchers were still staring at him and asked Professor Mo if he did not bring the children.

"Your daughter is very cute. If you don't have time, bring it with us and let it look."

Mo Linqing: "..."

Mo Linqing frequently traveled to and from the laboratory. The gang was keenly aware that Dad became a bit strange. Sometimes he went out when he was good. When he came back, his breath was a little bit of a bad father, but not him.

The system knows that the z virus may become...

In the original world, almost at this time, the deputy personality villain has more and more access to the body, and the time is getting longer.

He made a private agent for the temporary suppression of the nervous system. As long as he drank this, he could temporarily suppress the owner and gain longer physical use.

According to the current frequency, research should go to the last moment.

The system can not intervene, let the plot develop naturally, the only key in the hands of the little cub, she can play the role of a butterfly, but she is small, what virus do you tell her, what the end, what destroys her Can't understand.

So the system told the group: "You bad dad wakes up, he wants to do bad things, to make good fathers, to wipe out all the people, it is time for you to help your father, little cub!"

The group did not agree that Dad did not agree with the bad things. When Mo Linqing returned to the evening, the group rushed up and pulled his trouser legs. "Dad, where did you hide my father?"

The man took off his glasses and the light was darkened. He smiled very smoothly. He knelt down and squeezed her fat chin in front of the group. "Your father, hehe... fell asleep."

"I am also your father, my voice is calling my father to listen?"

The group wanted to marry him, but when he remembered that the uncle of the system had explained it, he should have to bear it. He raised his face and tried to say: "The sound and sound are called your father. Can you do anything bad?"

"What bad things did I do for a little bitch? Who told you?"

Looking at the little sister-in-law, it was awkward to wrinkle into a group. "Mo Linqing" did not care about the good mood. The doll should smile well, and the crumpled would not be cute.

There are three or four days of Mo Linqing. This protagonist does not appear again. It is played by the deputy personality in front of people.

He is completely different from his master. He is a high-profile person. After he appeared all day, he began to bring his daughter into the institute.

In and out, no one knows that the deputy person Ge Mo Linqing is thinking, what is the right place to put the doll's doll specimen in the office?

Is it on the closet or on the display cabinet of the lab?

The author has something to say: There is one more thing at 12 o'clock, and the Mid-Autumn Festival is happy. Each of the three-day updated chapters randomly drops one hundred red envelopes and raises a message. Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or the irrigation nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [grenade]: 沅沅1;

Thanks to the little angels who cast [land mines]: tina, 璇, love, Wo Nizi, is a wine-making round, Li, Yin Yin, 玮玮 1;

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation [nutrition solution]:

玮玮150 bottles; 1871515850 bottles; frost snow millennium 40 bottles; yunqingyixi 35 bottles; 嘘 30 bottles; crazy rabbits 23 bottles; the season is already very old 22 bottles; Mo sec, cc_surry20 bottles; 3448955519 bottles; love in the rain cherry sr18 Bottle; update life, big devil, empty, aiming 渺渺, lvxx, restless music, green 稞, lyu10 bottle; 6 bottles of Inno; Gong Yushuang, pear garden, baby baby, syrup, who is not a little fairy, Ann 75 bottles; delia, 3 large bottles of pig's hooves; 39,446,891 bottles of solanine; magical girl of the second element, crystal moon, cold, 39,343,588, Meng, wind, and phoenix. . . . , goodbye!!! 1 bottle;

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