MTL - The Villain is Happy Being a Father-Chapter 109 Village tyrant (end)

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This three uncle is an elder of the same family of the old Qin family. He is the cousin of Qin Laotou. When he was young, he was fortunate to be an apprentice in a medical museum. Later he beat the medical center and fell down. The soldiers ran through several places together to help the military doctors deal with some simple injuries.

It wasn't until the age of thirty or forty that the boss came back. When he came back, his parents had already passed away, and the brothers were also separated.

He is a bachelor who is unwilling to accept the above arrangement. The villagers don’t want to introduce it. They just made a block of homestead and lived in a log cabin. If you have nothing to do, you will see the sickness for the villagers, and you will not collect the money. Consciously, if you don't have the money, you can pick up a few chicken eggs and noodles.

Because of this, it is quite prestigious in Datun Village. The villagers respect him. The production team also takes care of him. If he does not have to work, he will take up the name of a small clinic and have food for the villagers.

The first time Chen Qiuhua thought of this great little brother, the black and white face was fast, and no one would invite someone.

Qin Yuli's house is not too big or small. It is estimated that there are about twenty square meters. The inside of the bed is half occupied by the cabinet. The innermost bed is lying with a small one.

She was flushed and her mouth was dry. Qin Yuli sat in front of the bed from time to time and gave her a little water.

Qin Yuli thought, at noon, the meal was still not enough, and I had to make up.

The bun brows tightly, his mouth occasionally swaying as if he was talking about something, and no sound came out. San Shugong came over and glanced at it, and said, "This is squatting."

Chen Qiuhua said in a hurry: "Would you wake up?"

San Shugong shook his head. "You can't wake up like this, be careful, the child is still young, and when the day is frightened and scared, when the mind is not stable, you can't rush to wake her up."

The three uncles licked the beard and looked at Qin Yuli. "Three little sons, this is your niece. You are close to her. When we go out, you sit on the side and pat the niece's back. Shoot, talk to her, and wake up in half an hour."

"Xunzi, you call a kid to take me the herbs and put them in the pots. You can drink them in half an hour. When the children wake up, they will feed her. After that, they can’t take words to stimulate the children. The dolls are young and still young. I don’t know what to do, it’s easy to hurt.”

Chen Qiuhua first responded: "His uncle, you said that you have remembered, rest assured, what is our heart, who wants to scare her, who can not eat and eat!"

After the words were finished, Chen Qiuhua gnashed her teeth. "This matter depends on the deceased mother of Lao Wang. It is good to bully a three-year-old child. If you take the wicked words, you will be ashamed! It’s too hateful! I will see one back. Back, this woman..."

"Don't talk about it, go ahead and do things."

In the dream, I dreamed that the bad woman didn't want her. She was dragging the oil bottle and threw her in the small broken house. Later, the rent was rented. The landlord had to drive her out and throw her things out.

The sound was holding the broken doll sitting on the side of the road. Some of them were awkward. I didn’t know where to go. Later, my father came and took her back. It was very good for her. Then my father disappeared and she became a person again... ...

The sound rushed and ran. She wanted to go to Dad, but she couldn’t run out. She wanted to yell at people, but she couldn’t make a sound.

Qin Yuli looked at the niece crying, and her mouth seemed to want to talk and couldn’t say it, no sound, like that, a poor little fish that was about to be deprived of oxygen.

Qin Yuli was not in her heart. The big hand gently patted her back, and she held the whole person half-squatted on her body and bowed her head. "Don't be afraid, Dad is here."

Stretching her hand to wipe the tears on her face, Qin Yuli's brow wrinkles more and more tight, how to cry even more.

When he thought of San Shugong, he had to keep talking, his voice was light and light, and he had a ten-minute effort. The voice in his arms finally calmed down. She opened her eyes and was looking for her father. Seeing Dad holding her, looking like a bitter and deep hatred, the eyes of the group were bright, and the little milky voice with a fever and lack of water shouted: "Dad, I heard you call me!"

Then she climbed up from the bed and the whole person threw herself into Qin Yuli's arms, and wowed a cry.

"Hey, gangsters say you don't want me..."

"The sound is not a drag bottle, sound, oh..."

"Wow..." The squad cried a lot. She continually complained and vented her emotions. Qin Yuli did not interrupt her, letting her wipe her tears on her body.

Because crying and smashing the voice of the scorpion, the Qin dynasty can also be heard and understood. The more you listen, the more uncomfortable it is. The long Qin is so big that he found himself quite a girl. Anyway, watching the niece cry, his heart is more uncomfortable than losing money with others, and it is very uncomfortable, and he wants to pull the tree and beat people.

"Hey, don't you go, the sound can't find you..."

Qin Yuli frowned and comforted. "Don't go, don't go anywhere."

Qin Yuli thought, he did not say where he is going. Is it the time to get out of the car a year ago? It’s too late to come back to the nephew to tell her that she is not forgetting it now?

Qin Yuli wrote down this matter in his heart, pondering the age of the nephew, treating his father as the whole world, saying that he remembers it firmly, unlike the adults, the adults usually say that they forget, the nephew will always In mind.

Later, no matter how many teenagers, Qin Yuli always remembers this matter. He never reneged on prostitutes, even if it is a small matter, he will remember it firmly.

Chen Qiuhua stood at the door of the room and heard the tender cry from the inside and the snoring of her three sons. She smiled gratifiedly. Her three children, when they grow up, will hurt the prostitute!

She stood for a while and went back to the kitchen. She took two eggs and several jujubes from the cupboard. She made a bowl of jujube brown sugar and egg water for drinking. Xiaotang uncle said that this **** is still tonic.

Later, I heard that when Wang Laoda went up the mountain to cut wood, he accidentally fell down and broke his leg. He had to lie down for a period of time.

The house was leaking, and it didn't take long before the old lady's grandmother was finally born.

Born a prostitute, thin and not a few crumpled, Wang's wife will be on the spot to kill people in the urine bucket, so that the delivery of Jiang Pozi stopped, she said that she made rumors.

The eldest daughter of Wang Laoda’s daughter-in-law sneaked out and ran to the old Qin family to report and found Qin Guoshu saying that her milk was going to kill, and she would kill her newborn sister.

No matter the first two families have grievances, the newborn is always innocent, and it is a fresh life. Qin Guoshu immediately ran with the people and reprimanded several of the Lao Wang’s family.

Poor the newly born female doll, the grandmother and dad are not willing to ask, her father also threatened to say that the mother-in-law deceived him, where the head is not a son at all, is a loser!

Said to divorce her, let her take the child out of the old king's house, the old Wang family and the old two followed and nodded.

The members who came to join in the fun and help were eye-opening. It’s really rare to be so shameful this year.

Frankly speaking, the old lady’s wife is not as good as the person. It is also the existence of a personal dog. When working in the team, she loves to bully the honest man. She also has a double-faced person who likes to pick things up. It is a crowbar.

Far away, it is said that bullying the old Qin family niece is very unreasonable, let the members secretly cast aside for a long time, people and children are scared, sick and fever also called Qin Dafu to criticize, fortunately saved back Otherwise, this woman is really rumored.

The members also secretly blame, she is not a prostitute who is a prostitute.

Speaking and spurning, everyone feels that the old king’s family is too careless. People and children have given you three, and you turn around because you are a prostitute who will drive people away?

Even if there is no credit, do you have any hard work? That woman had been married to Lao Wang’s family for ten years. When she came back to work in the land, she had to get a housework and gave birth to three prostitutes. When people were still lying in bed, they wanted to take people away.

"I said Wang Laotou, you can't do this. You have to rely on your conscience. If you just gave birth to a baby, you want to drive people away. This is to lose the face of our village!"

"That is, the captain, you also said something, too wicked, this is."

Qin Guoshu’s face was black and charred. “Is this something not voluntary for her to talk about, at least not allowed within a year. Otherwise, everyone will have the same kind of study. Who would dare to marry us in Datun Village? Can't be a bachelor village?"

When the members heard it, the consequences were much more serious. In addition to eating in the countryside, it was a reputation. The reputation was greater than everything. If a village had a bad reputation, it would not be easy for people to marry.

The members who didn’t intend to speak in this conversation also spoke. "They all support the captain. The captain said that he is awkward. You can’t do it because of the lack of morality. Just listen to the captain. Just give birth to the baby and let people go. No, wait a year later."

The old Wang family’s three eyes are stunned. Isn’t this a matter of their own?

To say that the most pitiful child is the child who just gave birth. Wang Laoda’s daughter-in-law just gave birth to a child. When she heard that she was a girl, she passed out. When she woke up, she didn’t care about this child. Her mother-in-law said that she would kill her child. Did not say a word.

At this time, the in-laws and her husband said that they would divorce her and drive her away. The villagers also spoke for her. Wang Laoda’s wife was happy and followed a few words.

But when the captain said that she had to take care of the newly born prostitute, she was not happy. In her opinion, the child was the old Qin family who lost money to her, not her child, but also made her almost let Da Zhuang gave a divorce, and at first glance it was not pleasing to the eye.

In the face of the situation of Lao Wang's family, the team did not dare to raise the child to this family, fearing that the person would be deliberately killed.

Later, I found a person who wanted a girl in the village to adopt it.

For the wife of Wang Laoda, the year to come is not fortunate, but a torture.

She is full of joy and thinking that she will be able to have a baby, and she will be able to have a baby. I will not be afraid of her family to drive her away.

Who knows that her man is not pleasing to the eye, she does not know where to learn the problem of domestic violence, she beat her at three days, and her in-laws watched and did not speak.

Sometimes her mother-in-law would deliberately marry her son to beat her. She was not even happy with her two daughters. She didn’t let her eat and was beaten.

When I went to the team, the Women’s Federation came several times. The captain came several times. The father-in-law and her man had a good attitude in face-to-face. They turned and beat people. Even a doll that she was so hard to bear was gone. Male baby.

Wang Laoda’s daughter-in-law and the old king’s head, because of the male boy who had flowed away, finally collapsed.

Later, Wang Laoda’s daughter-in-law divorced and left the sick family.

When she left, she thought of the female doll of the old Qin family. She was so delicate and cute, and she was spoiled very well.

It may be said that no one will believe that she is a three-year-old female doll, and she is also losing money. Why is she so good?

When I think about it now, she feels that everyone has their own lives. It was really impossible to commit crimes at the time!

When Qin Yuli came back again, the old Qin family sat on the doorstep with a beautiful little troupe sitting on the steps. The little fat hand supported the fat chin and bored looking at the front.

When I saw him coming, my eyes lit up like a starlight, and I climbed up like a small cannon, and ran over to him from far away. The milk in my mouth shouted: "Dad is coming back!" ”

Qin Yuli’s lips smirked and smiled, letting go of things and bending over to catch the weight of this group from life.

The author has something to say: What is it, there is a bit of it, and even more at night.

The next world will write a researcher who wants to kill the world, and may write more worlds, because there are still a few sly characters in the outline. These latter characters will be the first five dads. □ □, remember the first world outside the father said to go to find the dumplings? Hahaha...

This book should be written until the end of next month. The text is the post-transmission of this book. The dumplings and dads are wearing them back. When the fathers come back, the life of the group will be better. I know that you are distressed. .

The book is in the column and can be collected first. "One Big Five"


After wearing it back, the villain's villains also wore it back.

Three-year-old audio and video children live in a small broken house, let us come from heaven.

No. 1 father was a tyrant emperor in his life, loves to blow cold air and love to cut people's heads.

The second father is a grandfather in his last life, and he is jealous and jealous.

Dad’s third generation was a movie emperor, and he was gentle and smiling.

Father 4 is a thorn in his life. He raises his fist and refuses to do it.

On the 5th, my father’s life is a scientific research, and it’s not a bad idea to die...

The squad has two nicknames. The kindergartens and rivers and lakes are called "junk kings" and are ridiculed and poor.

Later, the group couldn't help but yell back. "My father is very powerful. I walked through the beautiful little dress that my father bought, lived in the big castle, and sat in my father's dragon chair..."

The children disdain: "Xu Yinyin, change clothes and come to brag!"

The squad tightened the white-washed skirt and moved the toes on the outside of the shoes and lowered his small head.

This time, the squad has harvested another nickname "Blowing Voice".


Let's find the door in the mouth of the "Blowing the Voice".

Every handsome man is very big, and there has been a big bang in the TV news!

The children in the kindergarten shivered: "...Sound sister!"

"The sound is loud, my brother is wrong!"

Xiaoyin: I am three years old this year, and the professional villains reconcile oil. 2k novel reading network