MTL - The Villain is Happy Being a Father-Chapter 106 Village Ba Dad (19)

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After picking up the prostitute and buying a bunch of things for the prostitute, Qin Yuli felt that she had a face, and she ate while holding the donkey.

Chen Qiuhua turned his eyes and said, "What about me and you?"

Putting his hand over and squatting in front of his son, Chen Qiuhua is arrogant and arrogant: "The old lady and you are scared for a few days, you are good, and you come back, you never thought about giving you a tribute to your mother?"

Qin Laotou did not know when he had smoked the smoke. Maybe his son was relieved when he came back. He took two cigarettes and listened to his wife. He nodded.

The other people in the old Qin family saw the old lady and the old lady are reaching for something. The two daughter-in-law are women. I am embarrassed to ask for something from the younger brother, but the children are different.

The black and white faces of the twins endured the fear of being bullied by the three uncles in the past. Two identical faces raised their silly smirk with the same paragraph and went over and said, "Three uncles, what about us?"

"When you are not in the third uncle, we will take care of your sister." I took the audio sister to play."

"I brought my sister's ostrich egg!"

"Sound sister does not eat, I help the audio sister to eat!"

"and also……"

"What else? Well?"

The twins covered their mouths and looked at the black face of San Shu and the milk and squatted down to hide behind them. "..." The rabbit bunny still wants a gift, and the door is not!

Although Qin Yuli did not bring any gifts to other children in the family, he also brought two sets of books back.

This book is a textbook and a workbook for elementary school to junior high school in a big city. A large box full of big boxes is in the big pocket. The people of the old Qin family thought it was so heavy, they came out and looked good. A few stacks of books!

A few children of the old Qin family looked stunned, the flowers were very happy, the twins and the little flowers were crying and sad, the three uncles were really bad, even if they didn't give gifts, they would buy books! So many books have to see what year and month!

Qin Yuli smiled and said, "It doesn't take a few years, from now on, I have finished junior high school!"


Compared with the rural primary schools on the side of the commune, the educational resources of the big cities are higher than several levels. The communal primary schools have no resources, and several production teams have collected the money.

There is a lot of work in the countryside. When the spring season is harvested, the school has to give the children a holiday and let them go home to help.

I didn’t concentrate on studying, and I couldn’t keep up with all kinds of resources. How could I learn well?

The teachers around the school don't expect the children to be versatile. They can know the literacy and they will complete the task.

It’s not just the teachers who think so, but the parents think so. It’s good to recognize the words in this year.

Although the city’s head school graduates can be assigned to work, it is really not very suitable for the old peasants. The children generally do not have children in the city, and they can’t test them, even if they are really in the city. Children have an advantage, and people's personal education is still leading, Debbie?

The working resources in the city are also tense. People work well in two kinds of people. One is a background, the other is an excellent student. They don’t touch each other. If you want to allocate a job, you have to queue up, and which unit you want. Let the school give you another screening. According to this, what year and month will it be when you wait for it?

Because of this situation, the old Qin family did not expect to have a scholar in the family, just like other people in the village.

Seeing the three children’s fees so much to bring back such a book is still wondering, is it better to have this time and money to get some food and drink?

Qin Yuli looked at the nephew next to him, if not for his niece, he would not come back with these dead books.

After all, the scorpion looks dumb, read more, or is it cheated afterwards?

I thought so, Qin Yuli said: "I don't understand this? The family is a peasant for several generations. You and my brother, you want to continue to live like this after watching the children of the old Qin family." ? Count on the day to eat, and work hard in the ground all day?"

They shook their heads, of course they didn't want to. Farming was practical. It was really bitter. There was no way out. It’s all about watching God’s face and eating it. For this year, the weather is not good, and the crops are not good, but it’s not to be hungry?

If you can go to the city to eat food, then you can’t be hungry.

Qin Yuli took a photo shoot. "This set is what I got from the sea market. It doesn't matter if I can't get this full set of books. It's not easy to get things. You don't have to be rare. I can move back to the house and let them My niece saw it myself."

The squad looked at the book that was almost as tall as himself. It was a big blessing. He held his father’s arm and said, "The sound is going to read the book. The sound is a year to read. After reading the book, you can grow the book." Still high."

Qin Yuli smiled and patted her little fat face. "Is it a year? Look at what you can give, it’s really good!"

Or Chen Qiuhua heard the doorway from the words of the three sons. The third son said that it is easy to eat. It is difficult to get these books, not to buy them with money. This book is so difficult to do.

Must be useful?

"Everyone in the big city learns everything, and the children in the school learn a lot of natural exams. Our commune primary school teaches and recognizes the basics and counts, so it is difficult to get out."

"It is equal to the book that is the same as the children in the city. As long as they study hard, they don't say that they are better than others, but they may be able to get out outside."

The people of the old Qin family understand that with so many books, if the children try hard to learn, they will go to the high school and secondary school in the city, and they will surely have a chance!

Zhao Qinya, the old Qin family, was very excited and shivered with a big belly. "Three brothers, I don't know what you said, I really thank you, I let the big flowers and flowers read well, and I will honor your three uncles." ”

Her appearance, Qin Guoshu was not scared, his wife was originally born before the year, the result is ignorant, the child inside is hard to move and does not want to come out, his wife is very happy, said the child is smart Knowing that the year after the end of the year and then come out, the children of the year are cheap.

Chen Qiuhua snorted and said with a slap in the face: "Small girl also wants to study? After reading the elementary school, it is time to come back and help the family to work. You are not going to have another baby? Let the two help." band."

The big flower is blushing, and I want to say oh, I don’t dare to say it.

She wants to study and wants to have a good time.

Zhao Yueya was very happy. She said that her mother-in-law said that she did not dare to speak. She did not dare to speak. The female dolls in the village had never seen any junior high school. Most of them did not study directly, and the primary school did not.

Her two daughters have been able to go to elementary school more than a lot of women who have enough to eat and live at home every day. The Zhaodu buds say that they can’t refute.

It was a good thing to buy a book back. After listening to a large piece of cake by Qin Yuli, the people of the old Qin family were more happy, but the atmosphere was a bit stiff at this moment. I didn’t dare to say what I wanted to say. I didn’t know what I said without talking.

At this time, a soft voice sounded: "Milk, what is a little girl? Is it a girl?"

The scorpion licked his head, his eyes were clear and bright, and with the child's unique innocence, she said: "Why can't girls read? Milk, the voice is also a girl, can't the sound be read?"

Chen Qiuhua: "..."

She was a little bit stunned and looked at the puzzled eyes of the little granddaughter. I didn’t know what to say and refute it. Retorted that it is wrong, saying that you are a cow, you are not the same, can you read?

The eyes of the three sons have already come over, and Chen Qiuhua’s back is not talking.

There is some doubt in the sound, saying that she is wrong? "Is it not a girl's meaning?"

This made the other amused and the atmosphere relaxed.

Chen Qiuhua did not hold back her mouth, saying that her granddaughter is a favorite! No one can match!

As a great daddy, Comrade Qin Yuli will not let the nephew disappoint. He said: "After the family is a girl or a boy, who can read and study, can not read, do not read, no one special."

As the only person in the old Qin family who was special from small to large, Qin Yuli said that he was completely confident, but he gave a good example to the prostitute.

Chen Qiuhua turned and wanted to say that her old concept of her life could not be turned over. The family was not a wealthy and honest family. The family was all old farmers facing the loess, and they were all able to go to school. The male baby is enough.

Qin Yuli shook the little fat hand of the niece and said in front of her: "Mom, would you like to explain to the voice that it is a slapstick?"

Chen Qiuhua just stopped, she wants to let Xiaoxuan study, it is best to go to the city, later as a city girl, and then marry a boy in the city, and later and beautiful.

Chen Qiuhua pinches her nose and recognizes that she has not spoken. Forget it. Anyway, the flowers are not smart children. I can’t read them, and I will talk about them later.

Seeing that she didn't talk, the old Qin family's person was the default of the third child. The big flower happily squeezed the sister's hand and looked at the little girl in the arms of the three uncles. Some of them were grateful. The cousin mistakenly made a mistake, and they might not have this opportunity.

Milk is now in front of everyone's face by the words of the three uncles, after they have to test well, maybe you can really go to junior high school, go to high school exam university!

The second child’s feeling is that he has a pair of twin sons, and he does not plan to have children anymore. The two stinky boys are hard to raise, and they can’t afford more children, so the mother-in-law’s eccentric boy is coming to them. It is a good thing to say.

Now the status of several children in the mother-in-law is so arranging, the youngest family of cheap niece twins and grandchildren are a pair of prostitutes.

The most disadvantaged is the old man.

Zhao Yueya touched his stomach, and once again determined his determination, he must have a male baby to come out, and then dare to speak loudly with his mother-in-law!

She suddenly thought of embarrassment, her eyes lit up, and she waved her hand and let the cheap prostitute in the arms of the younger brother come over. "Hey, come on, Dabo Niang gives you a lucky money."

The scorpion blinked and looked at Dad. Before, Dabo Niang had no bad place for her, but she was not enthusiastic, and she was quite cold. She was still stranger to her.

When Dad nodded, the squad came down from Dad’s lap and walked over with a short short leg. “Bo Niang.”

Zhao Yueya smiled and reached out and pinched on the child's face to find that the hand feels good. The skin of the meat is tender and tender, and it is better than the child just after the full moon.

Seeing the little niece not resisting, Zhao Yueya took the child into her arms. She sat on the stool. The stomach was very big and the ball was the same. The squad was careful and did not dare to touch her belly. The milk said that it was a little brother. Can not be touched.

Zhao Yueya let her close, grabbed her little hand and touched her stomach. "Hey, you say hello to the child in the belly of Bo Niang. We have been through the New Year, and he has to be right?"

The sound is curious with big eyes: "Can the little brother understand?"

Zhao Yueya’s eyes lit up. “You said that the younger brother in the belly of Bo Niang?”

The sound is nodding and nodding, why is Bo Niang so happy? What the milk said, the mother is a younger brother in the belly.

Zhao Yueya saw this blessed prostitute nod, a heart put back in the belly, the smile on his face did not fall, the prostitute said that the sly, and the blessing, she said that the younger brother must be a younger brother!

Besides, the old man often said that the child's eyes are the most aura, and the most apocalypse is spoken. Her child must be a male baby!

I don't know if it was too happy. Zhao Yueya suddenly had a pain in her stomach. She exclaimed, "Quickly, want to be born!"

The old Qin family: "..."

Chen Qiuhua: "..." Hey, this kind of bad wife, who loves to make it, must have given birth to her granddaughter. If something goes wrong, don’t rely on her?

The male baby is wild and runs fast. Chen Qiuhua waved his hand and let the two brothers run to the village. They went to the village to find Jiang Pozi. It was specially delivered to the people. Most of the dolls in the village were out of her hands, and they were stable.

Jiang Pozi had to sleep in the New Year's Eve, and she woke up for a while. When she arrived at the old Qin family, the hot water was burned here, and the men avoided the other room. Zhao Yueya was taken by her brother Li Yu. Hold the walk in the room.

She touched her stomach and said something: "He said that he is a son, a son, he must be a son..."

Li Lanlai: "..." What is the savvy of the big man? I am afraid that I have to have a baby, and I am stupid!

Jiang Pozi is a big slogan, but she will not look at the eyes of the people. When she enters the door, she sees Zhao Yueya’s big belly with the same round of the ball. She sighs: "This niece can really choose, picking the year 30. Is it going to be out? It’s almost a year before the birth of the family, it’s a ghostly baby!”

This old Qin family heard it. The boss Qin Guoshu was a little bit silent. The brow was sitting on the chair, and he couldn’t move. Hearing the brow was even tighter.

He is not a patriarchal person. He usually listens to his wife and chanting more. With the influence of the old lady, I feel that this fetus is not a male baby. His wife is not able to bear it. I don’t know if I can’t think of it.

As an authentic rural man, Qin Guoshu actually wants to have a son. In the future, he can give them a pension. The most important thing is to wait for them to be old. They can help the first two sisters.

When Chen Qiuhua was on fire, she was still boiling in the kitchen. She ran to the old man’s house and shrugged her shoulders and yelled at Jiang’s wife. “Can you talk? The old lady looks at this baby is a male doll!”

"My granddaughter said that it was a boy, you said no!"

Jiang Pozi said: "Which granddaughter are you? Is it not possible for Guanyin Bodhisattva? Can you still have a son or a prostitute?"

Chen Qiuhua took a look at the lively little squat on the door frame, pointing to the little face of the granddaughter who was carving the jade, saying, "Hey, you don't know? Who is the blessing of eating meat twice in the team?"

Don't look at Chen Qiuhua's arrogance and arguing with others. In fact, she has no bottom in her heart. The old Qin family is also the same. Jiang Pozi gave birth to people for 20 years. For most of his life, what can be said?

The second child, Qin Guodong, took a picture of his eldest brother's shoulder. "There will be black and white noodles in the future. Big brother, you don't have to worry, then you and the nephew are young, and there are not many regenerations."

I thought that Zhao Yueya, who was most concerned about, should be more responsive. Li Lanlai increased his hand and helped him, and prepared for a while to lose his mind and make trouble.

I didn't think that Zhao Yueya had nothing at all. She tried to keep going back and forth, and wanted to make the production smoother for a while.

After listening to this, I interrupted the theory of my mother-in-law and people, saying: "You can only accept the birth of a nephew. It is a male baby who is accepted by the girl."

This is not like a person who has been chanting a son like a madman. Her reaction is too calm, but she has no time to confuse the people of the old Qin family. Zhao Yueya’s pain is getting stronger and stronger, and Jiang Pozi looked at it. "Oh, let's go to bed."

"The hot water is coming in, and you are left to help with Qin's second family."

Everything was in order, and the old Qin’s house was lit up for a night’s lamp. When the room was finally in the middle of the night, a loud baby screamed.

Mr. Zhao Yueya had two children, and the third time was quite smooth. The reason why he waited until the middle of the night was because the children were too big and they spent a lot of time.

Jiang Pozi still wonders, it is not easy for every household in this year, even if it is a big belly, it is also thin, and the child born is as thin as a little mouse.

The old Qin family is somewhat different, and the big head is also fat. Jiang Pozi has a slight amount of weight, not to mention seven or eight pounds, five or six pounds of iron.

This is estimated to be the fattest doll born in Datun Village in the past few years.

With this out, even after seeing that the child is a male baby, Jiang Pozi is not too surprised, strange things one after another.

Pushing open the door, she smiled at her face: "Hey, old lady Chen, your family is a male baby!"

Chen Qiuhua squatted a little, and when she returned to her face, she almost laughed. "Big flowers, you go to the kitchen to take the eggs, give you Jiang's grandma to get five eggs, and then put two pieces of candy, give you Jiang Grandma. Bring it back to her grandson."

The big flower snorted loudly, shouting extraordinarily crisp and powerful, more powerful than ever, her mother gave birth to a younger brother! Big flowers don't feel that the baby girl is worse than the male baby, but her mother will have a better life if she has a younger brother.

Jiang Pozi happily carried the small basket and did not want to go straight. Looking back at the female doll that Qin Laosan was already asleep in her arms, she smiled and looked kindly. "It is a good boy who is blessed."

She looked at the pregnant woman's fascinating face of the old lady of Qin, what about the boy? It’s still so good, it’s chubby to look strong.

Zhao Yueya was more spiritual after she was born. Her mother-in-law waved her hand to let the two children sip a brown sugar water. She leaned on the bed and drank, looking at the big fat son on the bed, full of happiness.

When Li Lan came to this moment, I didn’t know what I said. Some of them were not strong. It is reasonable to say that the family should not expect the big family to be bad, but Daxie really gave birth to her son, and she could not talk about happiness. .

In the past, her twin sons were the only grandsons of the old Qin family. Now Dad is also a son. The older brother was originally a captain. Now he has added his son. Naturally, it is a icing on the cake.

Her man is the most embarrassing man of the Qin family. After the old Qin family, they don’t have to go to the last place.

The younger uncle and his little niece were placed in the first place by their in-laws. They had some advantages in the second room. They were evenly matched with the big brother, and the old lady was not partial to anyone, but now he has The son is also the captain’s wife, and the air is up. Will it be different in the future?

Li Xiaolai pondered a bunch of thoughts. Zhao Yueya didn’t know that the thoughts in front of him were so complicated. She was happy, and she couldn’t see enough of her son’s fat face.

"Hey, come on, is this kid more sturdy than his two sisters?"

Li Weilai’s heart plugged his eyes, like a chubby ball, who is comparable!

Zhao Yueya is happy with this, and does not care about the disgusting eyes, pulling her handcuffs, but also said that fortunately, the blessing is great, and her brother is blessed with her blessing.

Li Lanlai suddenly remembered that he hadn't been born for a while. He was yelling at the cockroach and letting her touch her belly. He said that he was a son.

Just touched, just finished, I was born...

Li Lanlai: "..."

Chen Qiuhua squeezed in to see her grandson, looked at her eyes, and kissed her, and finally gave Zhao Yueya a good face. "Let's raise it."

"Right, you don't want to go back and say, you know what you are doing. You will be better in the future. Don't think that I don't know that you are blinding your eyes, not your nose, your nose, your nose, not your nose. Light?"

"Can Jiang Pozi's words go wrong? You are the life of a daughter. If you don't have the blessings of your family, you can have a big fat son?"

Zhao Yueya nodded again and again. With her son, she was satisfied. Her mother-in-law also listened to her. "Mom, you can rest assured, my mouth is strict, then I can be the kind of white-eyed wolf? I will tell him when he grows bigger." It was born to the younger sister of the three uncles, and he was filial to his sister."

Chen Qiuhua: "Fu, Fusheng?"

She is stupid and intoxicated: "Why is it, mother, do you say that Fu Fusheng is not asking for the happiness of his third sister? If it is not his sister, he will have to wear red clothes to be a little wife!"

Chen Qiuhua: "..."

The author has something to say: What is it? There is also a little angel who is more grateful to vote for me or to irrigate nutrient solution.

Thanks to the little angel who cast [land mine]: the love letter is only heard by the wind, and it is a wine-making one;

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation [nutrition solution]:

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