MTL - The Venerable Swordsman-Chapter 2966 : Believe in yourself!

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Hearing Jianxiu's words, the expressions of everyone in the field became weird!

Ye Xuan's face was even darker, but after thinking about it, eldest brother has given himself a lot of face!

And the face of the sinner is not good-looking!

How has he ever been so insulted?

Of course, he didn't resist!

Jian Xiu suddenly smiled, "It's boring here, I'm leaving!"

Hearing this, Ye Xuan hurriedly said, "Where is Big Brother going?"

Jian Xiu smiled and said, "Not far from here!"

Ye Xuan frowned slightly, "Not far?"

Jianxiu nodded, he walked in front of Ye Xuan, smiled slightly, "You believe in kendo, it is feasible, but the most powerful belief in the world is not the belief of others, but your own belief, believe in yourself, come on!"

Ye Xuan frowned slightly, "Believe in yourself?"

Jianxiu nodded, "Yes!"

Ye Xuan was silent.

Jianxiu smiled slightly, "Come on, I'm leaving!"

Ye Xuan nodded, "Brother, there will be a period in the future!"

Jian Xiu smiled, then turned and disappeared directly into a sword light at the end of the galaxy.

Ye Xuan looked at the end of the galaxy in the distance, and said softly, "Big brother is really cool!"

This kind of sword cultivator is a loner, and only wants to be defeated in his life. I have to say that he is really free and unrestrained!

Of course, everyone's pursuit is different!

At this time, Boundless Lord walked to Ye Xuan's side, and he said solemnly, "Why don't you let your elder brother kill these gods?"

Ye Xuan shook his head and smiled, "Big brother has no interest in them!"

How could he not see that these people are completely like ants in the eyes of the elder brother, killing them is really a bit of a loss!

Although he could have asked his elder brother to do so, he did not.

The reason why the eldest brother came here was only because he heard the man shouting invincible, otherwise, with the character of this eldest brother, he would not care about these gods at all.

Moreover, the elder brother's discussion is generally a fair discussion. Unless the other party commits his own death, otherwise, the elder brother will generally not kill. Just like the black armored man just now, if you insist on dying, then no one else can blame him!

At this time, the sinful king suddenly looked at the Absolute Beginning Divine Tree below, his right hand suddenly clenched tightly, and at this moment, Ye Xuan appeared in front of the Absolute Beginning Divine Tree and said with a smile, "This tree is mine now!"

The sin king stared at Ye Xuan without speaking.

Ye Xuan smiled lightly and did not speak.

How could he not see that this sinful king wanted to destroy this divine tree in the beginning!

Naturally, he couldn't let the other party destroy this divine tree in the beginning!

The King of Sin suddenly smiled and said, "Ye Xuan, we will see you soon!"

With that said, he turned and left!

A group of living beings also followed.

Ye Xuan's eyes narrowed slightly, and his right hand slowly clenched tightly.

At this time, Boundless Lord suddenly shook his head, "If you fight now, these people behind you have no advantage!"

Ye Xuan was silent.

Soon, the sinful king and his group of gods disappeared from everyone's sight.

Ye Xuan suddenly looked at the patriarch of the **** clan not far away, "Now the virtual world is under my control!"

The patriarch of the **** clan was silent in the beginning.

Ye Xuan said again; "In the beginning, the gods will mix with me! Otherwise, those gods will not let you go!"

The patriarch of the **** clan in the beginning nodded quickly, "Okay!"

After seeing that Jianxiu just now, he lost his temper at all!

Hurry up and hug your thighs!

Otherwise, in the beginning, how could the Protoss withstand the revenge of those gods?

Ye Xuan looked at the divine tree in the beginning again, he looked at the divine tree in the beginning, "How about you?"

A golden phantom suddenly appeared not far in front of Ye Xuan, it stared at Ye Xuan, "I would like to follow you!"

Saying that, it turned into a streak of golden light and disappeared between Ye Xuan's brows!


In the field, the Absolute Beginning Divine Tree disappeared directly!

Ye Xuan's eyes slowly closed, and soon, he felt that there was a tree in his sea of ​​consciousness!

Absolute Beginning Divine Tree!

Ye Xuan glanced at everyone in the field, and then said: "All enter the tower to practice!"

Now the powerhouses in the virtual world and the gods in the beginning are not comparable to those gods. Therefore, there is only one way to improve the strength of these powerhouses in a short time, and that is to enter the small tower!

After everyone was collected in the small tower, only the Boundless Lord and Ye Xuan were left in the field!

Boundless Lord looked at Ye Xuan, "Do you really have to carry this battle with those gods yourself?"

Ye Xuan nodded.

The Boundless Lord was silent.

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, "Now that I've come to this point, I can't always be the king of the mountain, can I?"

The Boundless Lord was silent.

In fact, Ye Xuan's strength is already terrifying.

It is a pity that anyone will compare him with Sanjian, and in this era, whoever compares with Sanjian will be eclipsed!

Even Ye Xuan, who is blessed with destiny and luck!

Not to mention Ye Xuan, he was the sword master of Qingshan, the man of destiny in the previous generation. Compared with the two swords in a certain period of time, it was also quite inferior!

Boundless Lord understands that Ye Xuan's ultimate goal is to reach the level of the Three Swords, or even surpass the Three Swords!


This is really hard!

His Boundless Master is also a genius among geniuses, a monster among evildoers, but as long as he thinks of An Su skirt woman, he despairs!

How to surpass?

That woman has really exceeded the standard!

Any genius monster in front of her is equivalent to waste!

Ye Xuan suddenly smiled and said, "Now I think I'm doing it again!"

The Boundless Lord smiled and said, "It's really not the same as before!"

Ye Xuan said softly: "Boundless, you say, can the two of us who are destined to win this battle?"

After a moment of silence, Boundless said, "Can you not add me?"

Ye Xuan looked at Boundless, and said with a serious face, "I don't want to risk my life!"

Ye Xuan said softly: "Have you seen these gods? From the beginning to the end, they don't seem to take us seriously, why? They think they are immortal, they think they are gods, they look at us, just like us It's like looking at ants..."

Saying that, he shook his head slightly, "I asked them why they were targeting me, and the explanation they gave me was that I was upset! At first, I thought they were joking, but later I found out that they didn't take us this The world takes it seriously, they can kill whoever is unhappy. Simply put, when they kill people, they don't need to ask right or wrong, just see if they are happy or not!"

The Boundless Lord was silent.

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "Now, I don't think they are happy!"

Boundless Lord said solemnly: "These gods are really not simple, and, from the previous point, they don't seem to be the body! If this is the case, we will fight against them, and they will always be invincible!"

Ye Xuan nodded, "So, if you want to win, you have to kill them!"

Boundless Lord looked at Ye Xuan, "From the current point of view, I am afraid that only three swords can do it! Even the master of the Dao Pen, I am afraid that it is not possible, otherwise, he would not have chosen to seal them only!"

Speaking of this, he paused, and then said: "If the master of the road is on their side this time, what will you do?"

Ye Xuan calmly said: "I will let Qing'er kill him directly!"

Boundless Lord: "..."

Ye Xuan said: "But I don't think he should be on the side of the gods..."

Speaking of this, he said solemnly: "We don't know much about these gods! We don't even know where their bodies are... I have to understand them first."

The Boundless Lord said: "Look for the master of the Great Dao Pen!"

Ye Xuan looked at Lord Boundless, "Can you contact him?"

The Boundless Lord shook his head.

Ye Xuan opened his palm, and the Dao pen appeared in his hand, "Xiao pen, how about you?"

Daobi said solemnly: "No!"

Ye Xuan's face sank.

At this moment, a golden phantom suddenly appeared in front of Ye Xuan.

Absolute Beginning Divine Tree!

The golden phantom said: "I can!"

Ye Xuan and Boundless Lord were both stunned.

The golden phantom said: "Come with me!"

Saying that, it turned into a golden light and disappeared at the end of the sky.

Ye Xuan and Boundless Lord hurriedly followed.


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