MTL - The Ugly Prince-~ ☆ 、 5

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Why does he have to say something that he has not? Huangfu was puzzled, and his head was desperately thinking.

In fact, Zhang Ping is only a genital episode, and he can't beat people out of his way. He feels uncomfortable. He is a true and false fake, and he is sympathetic to the Bo people. Second, he wants adults to export gas for children.

Zhang Ping did not expect to be able to change the red/sleeve view by relying on these words. He just hoped to do his best to help the child with the method he could come up with.

Zhang Ping took the child back to the hospital to wash his face, wash his hands and eat. Then he made a decision that he thought was very wise.

Both of them are hungry, Zhang Ping put his meals and children together, "eat it."

Huangfu saw him sitting on the table with himself and there was no objection. Of course he will not raise objections. Just thinking in my heart, this **** really still thinks about his meal.

Eat enough, drink a mouth. After Zhang Ping packed up the lunch box and other things, he took a small incense burner, a small copper tripod and a scent to return to the four emperor's house, put the incense burner, and turned back and put the child ready to go out to the chair. .

"Sit well, I have something to tell you."

Huangfu bowed his head. He was thinking that the true face of this person was finally exposed.

Zhang Ping stared at the child's head and said very seriously: "Look up."

The child raised his head in fear.

"I want you to choose. Do you want me to be your servant, or I want to be your big brother. Servant, slaves will be waiting for you, slaves that should not be said, should not do. Slaves only your duty is to serve. brother, if I were your brother, I will hurt you, love you, teach you. I will protect you, do not let others bully you. If someone bully you, I will help you to beat him, No matter who he is, even if he is your old man, you can't do it! You choose, do you want me to be your servant or big brother?"

Zhang Ping’s obviously biased question may be naive, but it is very important to him.

"Big brother will help me wash my hair?" asked the child.

This condition is simple. Zhang Ping laughed, "Yes. Until you have your wife to help you wash."

"Big brother will punish me?" The child asked again.

"Yes, if you do something wrong."

The child does not say anything.

"However," Zhang Ping added: "I will not let my brother be hungry, nor will he hurt him. If you do something wrong, I will punish you for writing and punishing you for endorsing. But you will not beat you. I won't be hungry."

The child looked up. "Is Big Brother the same as Big Brother?"

Zhang Ping smiled and shook his head. "Of course it is different. He is your biological brother, and I am your big brother."

Since then, the child has written down: the brothers are not as good as the brothers.

"Tell me, which one do you choose?" Zhang Ping was inducing.

"Big brother." The child did not hesitate.

"Very good." Zhang Pingyi screamed with a happy applause. Later, he was not afraid of his mother-in-law saying that he was banned by martial arts. He chose the four emperors. Since he chose to be his brother, it is a matter of fact that he is a big brother who protects his younger brother and teaches Zhangjiajia to pass on martial arts. When Tianwang Laozi came, he was also reasonable!

"I, Zhang Ping. Five hundred miles away from the capital, Fang Dingcun. At home, the third child, the village also called me Zhang San. There are two brothers and one sister, there are three younger brothers. Today I replaced your parents to take you this Dry son, it’s better to hit the sun on the day of the election. Can we come to worship now?"

Huangfu did not understand what he was going to do, but he nodded.

Zhang Ping saw him nod and he was happy. Although this little devil is not favored, but it is also a prince. If he knows that he has received a prince for them, do you know what it would be like? Haha!

"Come, let's kneel together." Zhang Ping ignited the three incense in his hand, and also gave the emperor three.

The emperor took the incense and squatted beside him. He did not know why he licked him and scented the incense burner.

"What is your name?" Zhang Ping found that he still does not know the name of this little devil.

"Huangfu." The child did not ignore this time and quickly said his name.

"Huangfujie? Good! Good name! Once you hear the name, you know that you will not be in the pool in the future."

The child shook his head, "Hey, unruly swearing. It means ugly and fierce." There are probably many people who explained the meaning of his name to him. He remembers it very firmly.

Zhang Pingyi stunned and immediately smiled and said: "Who said it? You also have the same name. The person who named you will have a special meaning."

"What special meaning?"

Zhang Ping thought about it and started to lie to the child: "The meaning is to let you not mind that your appearance is ugly. As the saying goes, I will be useful when I am born. If you work hard, you will become a very outstanding person in the future. The person who named you will also It’s really painstaking.”

The child is paralyzed. really? The name given to him by the father is that he does not care that he is ugly and will strive to be an outstanding person in the future. But if this is the case, why should the father not come to see him?

The child’s expression did not pass through Zhang Ping. Zhang Ping did not want to see him sad. He also wanted to help him build confidence. He continued to swear: “Is the name given to you by the emperor? The emperor is really a wise man, you think, You really don't look good. If you look so bad, he still loves you, then are there any princes and princes who want to hate you? He is to protect you, really."

The child looked up at him.

Zhang Pingyi nodded, "Really, believe me!"

The child always feels that what he said is wrong, but there will be a little happiness and hope in his heart. Father, if he knows that he is being bullied, will he come to save him? Will you? It should... will.

But the mother and the red/sleeves told him that the father had hated him very much, and even he didn't want to take a look. When he was born, he was almost stunned by his father.

Giggle. The child suddenly laughed.

Zhang Ping was shocked. The smile of this child looked really strange. But it doesn't matter. From now on, he is his big brother, and his younger brother is so ugly that he can bear it. What's more, men, ugly has anything to do with it.

"Come, let's start to worship. You follow me." Zhang Pingzheng, facing the copper stove holding Sanchaxiang Road:

"I am Zhang Ping,"


"Huangfu." Zhang Ping reminded him.

"My emperor,"

"We swear to the gods and have become brothers of different surnames from now on."

"We swear to the gods and have become brothers of different surnames from now on."

"In the future, the glory and humiliation will follow each other, and the blessings and blessings will depend on each other. They will never be opposed. They will never be deceived." Zhang Ping is solemn and solemn, and his words are powerful.

Huangfu followed. He didn't understand the meaning of this, and the ritual of worship was very simple, but he felt that there was a solemnity that made him tremble from the bottom of his heart.

"If you swear by this oath, the five thunders are thundering, the arrow is piercing the heart, and there is no place to die!"

The child stunned and opened his mouth: "If you swear by this..."

"Wait! Forget it, you don't have to say. You are still small, don't understand the meaning. When you grow up, if you really want to, we will make up the vows." Anyway, I only have one who can train you to be The second excuse in the world to protect the emperor and protect his brother is not the same.

The child looked at him and went on to say: "If you swear by this oath, the five thunders will smash, the arrow will pierce the heart, and there will be no place to die."

Zhang Ping stared at the child for a long while and tried hard.

The child smiled. He hoped that this vow would satisfy Zhang Ping. If he only swears that he will be good to him, it doesn't matter how many oaths he makes. What about the swearing oath? He still doesn't know how long he can live. During this period, someone can let him eat and wear warmth. This is the most important thing.

Zhang Ping naturally does not know the child's mind, although the child may not understand the vows, but he can still say that he is very moved. Then he let Huangfu go with him to worship the heavens and the earth, and then they went to worship each other.

After screaming at the gods, Zhang Ping took out a bamboo stick from his arms - this is still given from the occupants of the Imperial Diet House. The waiters in the palace did not allow them to be used for weapons. Today they have to take this. Use a bamboo stick to poke the fingertips of the left **** and squeeze a little blood into the copper tripod.

Then he looked at the child. The child squats out his right hand. Zhang Ping’s heart was still dripping into the copper tripod.

Then Zhang Ping poured a glass of water in the tripod, shaking the two people's blood and shaking.

"There is no wine today, we will replace it with clean water. Come, you drink this blood half."

Huangfu took the copper tripod according to his words and drank half of his head.

Zhang Ping took it and drank the remaining half.

Putting the copper tripod in front of the incense burner, Zhang Ping turned and looked at Huangpu Road seriously:

"From now on, we are brothers. Now you have my blood in my body, and my body also has your blood. I am your brother, you are my brother. I will protect you, protect you and teach you." And from today you have to learn how to be a person who is not bullied by others. Come, call me big brother."

"Big... brother..." Huangfu opened his mouth, which is different from the one just now. The feeling that these two words spit out from his mouth is very weird. Let him want to cry. But his body is clear and painless.

"Good brother." Zhang Ping took him into his arms. "You will never lose money as my brother. You big brother, I don't think it is a small **** now, but within ten years, I will definitely become the world's first master. You can rest assured that I will train you from now on. You are trained to become the second master in the world. At that time, you are not afraid of others bullying you."

Huangfu stared at the blank wall, really? His new big brother will be the best player in the world?

Zhang Ping is satisfied. He finally did one of the things he wanted to do most in his life: finding someone to worship with him.

He just thinks that worshipping such things is a must-have thing for a man in his life, just like his father, like the legendary heroes.

He thought that he would never have this opportunity when he entered the palace. As a result, he encountered a desperate prince who was in great need. The situation of the emperor is too much in line with all the conditions he wants to be someone to rely on and want to be a hero. This made him find the motivation to survive in the palace, and he thought he found the meaning of coming here. He has always regretted taking the initiative to enter the palace as an **** since the moment he was detained. He told himself that he is for his family, but sometimes he still thinks that there may be other ways. Well, this is the dark mentality of Zhang Ping.

Now he is balanced.

Two children, one has not yet opened, a hair has not yet been long, so impulsively bowed to the brothers... Hey, Zhang Ping is very impulsive, Huangfu is very passive.

In the evening, Zhang Ping whispered a lot with the children. The most common thing to say is that the relationship between the two is a secret. They are brothers when they close the door, but they have to pretend not to be brothers.

The children don't understand very well, but they all write down.

Huangfu’s heart has always looked at the waiter Zhang Ping as a weirdo.

In his opinion, this geek is very smart. You see, now he doesn't have to kneel down to him to claim how slaves are, even if he eats, he will have a table with him. The meals belonging to the prince will be eaten by him, and he will also make some old quilts. A set of knee pads on the legs, said that this is not afraid of swelling the knees, and by the way also helped him to do a set.


Huangfu thought at the flower bed: It seems that the big brother is really better than the slave.

Big brother Zhang Ping will help him wash his head once a day, take a bath, and help him catch the scorpion. His scalp and body are not so itchy.

Big brother Zhang Ping also cleaned his room every day, gave him a small stove to warm up; at night he would help him to order a lot of candles.

Big brother Zhang Ping will also take his quilt out to the sun when the weather is good, the sun is warm and comfortable, and it is very comfortable to sleep. If the weather is bad, he will put the quilt on the side of the fire and bake it warm.

Big brother Zhang Ping will help him dress, will help him comb his face and wash his face. Every time the clothes are clean, they are still warm, and there is no broken place inside. In the past, his clothes seemed to be collected by a special eunuch, saying that he was sent to a place called the clothing department to clean. But every time it is sent, it is very late, and it will wash his coat or guilt. But now it is gone. Since his older brother patted the shoulder of the little **** who took the clothes and gave him several meals, he changed his clothes every day.

The child touched his hair and felt a lot more slippery than before, and the color was darker than before. Suddenly I thought that my eldest brother told him that the dirty hands could not be touched and put his hands down.

Speaking of clothes, when his eldest brother Zhang Ping came, his new clothes also increased. The older brother said that he was led by the acquaintance. The people who had served before did not run very hard, and the leader did not receive it.

Big brother Zhang Ping will not let him eat cold meals, and every meal he eats is hot.

Big brother Zhang Ping is now going to the Taiyuan College with him every day, saying that he is his eunuch. At noon, I will go to take Chinese food for him to eat. In the past, he only had to look at what others had eaten. Although the older brother said that he did not eat a few other princes, he was very full.

People in the college will bully him, but every time the older brother helps him. Big Brother replaced him as a horse to ride; Big Brother held his head and received the fist of his emperor's brother; Big Brother was slapped by the Emperor's brother, because the Emperor of the Great pushed him down to the ground, he said that the Emperor had no two emperors Brother looks kind. Then the emperor brother also called the eldest brother and said that he was nonsense.

In Ruihua Palace, his eldest brother Zhang Ping also beat him. Because the mother called him one day and suddenly wanted to test his poetry, he could not answer. The mother wanted to punish him. As a result, the older brother said that he was his own servant. The master did not read the book because he did not wait. However, after the mother was fined, he was not allowed to eat, but the older brother gave him his meal.

In the fifth month of his eldest brother Zhang Ping, he received the monthly silver.

"His Highness, you have time to play mud there, it is better to come over and squat. Hurry up, sip a scent, and finish before you eat."

Huangfu turned back and saw his older brother Zhang Ping walking into the yard with a food box.

Um... Big Brother also has a bad place. Since they have finished worshiping, he has let him squat every day and let him meditate at night.

Want to think about it, Huangfu still walked to the banyan tree and went to the horse. After half a year, he has become a decent figure.

After finishing the horse, Zhang Ping sat at the desk and said to the child: "I will take you to the library building tomorrow. You can go in and you can borrow the book. I went to find a friend of Book and James to help. I want to ask him to bring a book out, but he said that it is very strict. He is a small eunuch. It is a big crime to find a private collection of books. So tomorrow, you will borrow the book yourself."

"What book?" Huangfu asked as he spread the paper of the word.

"Bing books."

Military book? Huangfu looked at him.

"Little fool, why are you still not open? You are the grandson of the generals who are riding the generals! There is such a good background you don't use, no wonder everyone else is riding on your head." Zhang Ping hates. God, don't give him a helpless Adou, otherwise he can only consider taking this child to sneak.

"My grandfather doesn't like me."

"What about that?" Zhang Ping blinked. "He doesn't like you. It's one thing. You are his grandson, and the only male grandson is the right thing!"

Zhang Ping knocked on the child's head and hoped to be smarter.

"Your grandfather doesn't like you, except that you look ugly, but also because you don't live up to expectations. Of course, this can't blame you, you are still a child, even if you want to be angry, no one can teach you." I don't know how your mother is. Thinking, what happened to his son? People say that children are not ugly, mothers should not be ugly! However, Zhang Ping did not say anything. He has always been deceiving this child to say that his mother has hidden his love for him. He is also strict with him and hopes that he will become a talented person soon.

"I don't know how to march. I can't understand the art of war. You can only find the generals to teach you. Don't look at me like this, the devil, you have to think about it. If you don't bully you, it is very important to hold the power. But you If you want to hold the military power, you must learn how to fight. I can teach you, at the most, let you cross the martial arts. What is martial arts? I will tell you. In the army, you can only ask your grandfather. Cause your grandfather to pay attention, you have to show it to him. Look for a military book, find a chance to talk to him, let him know that you want to be strong, want to protect yourself."

Zhang Ping said a little excited. After all, if you can be a accompanying **** around a general, it would be far worse to be an **** around an incompetent emperor. Although the root below him was cut, his male blood did not disappear. The most important thing is that he finally has the opportunity to enter the library!

The child looked deep in thought.

"You don't have to be afraid," Zhang Ping comforted his little prince. "You brothers are not much bigger than you. Your big brother and two emperors are only twelve years old. They don't know much more than you. You are now catching up." It’s completely overwhelming.”

Zhang Ping also knows that this is a bit too much. Although the ages of the big, second and third emperors are not much older than the four emperors, they have been educated by emperors since their childhood, and their mothers have cultivated them carefully. Just looking at their respective companions, they know how much their mother's family is paying.

And their family, Zhang Ping stunned, hehe. How do you say that it is so difficult to train a second in the world? Is it because he has not yet become the world's number one reason? He always thinks that this child is not stupid, but why not just open it? Most of the time, it is a squash, and the things that teach him can be remembered, but when it comes to inferences, don't count on it. I don’t even think about exporting into chapters and playing chess and painting.

Although I can feel the attitude of the Yin Niang and the red/sleeve to the four emperors, there is still a short distance from the deliberate cultivation. This is unclear, unclear, and I don’t know what they mean.

Sometimes Zhang Ping is very skeptical about whether Huangfu is a virtuous person. But if it weren't for her own life, this ugly child would have been killed by them long ago.

Just when Zhang Pingyi’s child didn’t open up, things suddenly turned around. Although this turn was only the price of his blood, but since then Huangfu has become more active and active but it is an indisputable fact.

That is the second day...

Why did you choose to go to the library today because you are too busy to take a day off today? It is said that the emperor wants to test the knowledge of the emperors, and called everyone to the royal study. In addition to the four sons. The emperor’s majesty seems to have completely forgotten his four sons.

Huang Fu did not say anything, and Zhang Ping couldn’t see anything in his heart, but he thought it would be uncomfortable.

In order to comfort this little devil, Zhang Ping took the child to sleep for one night and told him two stories. The child seems to be satisfied on the surface.

Early the next morning, Zhang Ping was like the past, picking up the children and letting him go out to do the morning classes he had arranged for him.

Zhang Ping himself is also alive after activating / body, to boil water, take meals, do the daily must do homework.

Zhang Ping came to the yard with a copper basin, watching the children fight and fight, and suddenly felt that the master was worth a little.

Is this a kind of sentiment? Zhang Ping felt his chin and thought about it. Seriously, because there is this child, let him live a great sense of accomplishment in the palace.

"Come and eat, go to the library when you have eaten."

At the entrance of the library, the two were stopped.

"Four His Royal Highness?" The two waiters in the library building looked at each other.

"I can't help it. I have never seen the four halls of my family. I dare not let anyone enter." The old-aged eunuch.

"Two fathers, how do you usually verify the identity of several other His Royal Highness?" Zhang Ping sighed.

Huangfu’s clothes and accessories can prove that he is a prince’s little, but not so. In this palace, how many people can wear embroidered dragon-type dark lines and yellow belts?

Moreover, people who have been in the palace for a long time do not know that Yin Xian has a ugly emperor. He doesn't think that Huangfu is beautiful today. The guards waited for them to not let them in, but the dogs were low, and they did not bring the silver to reward.

"Can you show the jade of His Royal Highness?"

Zhang Ping knew that this was an extra move, but he had to act according to the requirements of the other party. He had to turn his head and said to the children: "His Royal Highness, can you please your jade?"

Yu Pei, who represents the identity of the emperor, has a unified shape. The front is engraved with the lines of the dragon and the clouds, and the opposite side is engraved with the name and ranking of the emperor. The texture of jade is different, and each palace can be prepared separately. In order to prevent the tradesman from imitating, Yupei has to go through seven grindings, each of which has strict regulations. No tradesman knows all the patterns and techniques. That is to say, this world really knows the shape, pattern and specifications of jade, except for the royal family, others only know one.

Moreover, in the palace, the emperor did not have the need to wear jade. The underage princes cannot go out of the palace on certain days. The so-called specific days are also accompanied by emperors, such as large-scale safari, sacrifices, or celebrations with the people during the New Year. In other words, the princes could not go out alone during the minor years. I can't use jade outside the palace. Most of the palace slaves in the palace are familiar with the faces of the princesses of the emperor. Even if they are not familiar with it, they can see that they can see that there is no place for jade.

The emperor’s adulthood was sealed and the emperor’s jade was useless. They have different clothing that indicates their identity. Therefore, the emperor Yu Pei said nothing, for the emperor, in fact, it is not much use, it is a decoration.

Do you think that there will be people in the palace who dare to wear prince costumes but not princes? Even if an assassin or thief slams into the air, the **** and the maid, who are royal servants, never have the courage to verify their identity.

Unexpectedly, the Emperor of the Four Emperors will be asked to present the jade of the emperor's identity outside the library building in the palace today. This is also a joke in the palace.

Zhang Ping understands that it is because the other party determines that Huangfu is the four emperors, so they dare to ask for verification.

Huangfu showed Yupei, and the two waiters really took it this way. They looked at it in a pretentious manner and had a smile on their faces.

"Oh, the old slave is rude, I don't know if it is the four halls. How can I ask the four halls to come to the library today?"

"The temple will borrow books."

"Oh, borrow a book. Four of you are diligent and eager to learn. It is a good fortune of Da Ya. Can the old slave ask what books are the four halls of the Lord?"

Huangfu did not react to the rudeness of the old eunuch, and he did not know how to react.

Zhang Ping was so angry that he couldn’t teach the child to show the imperial power and how to deal with such things. In fact, how can he know how the prince should handle this kind of thing when he is only 15 years old and has just entered the palace but only less than a year? He is just too angry to be angry with Huangfu.

"Grandfather, His Royal Highness is going to go in and find it." Zhang calmed down and his face still smiled.

"This..." The old **** did not say anything, nor said no.

Zhang Ping poked the child in secret and wanted him to swear two sentences.

As a result, the child turned his head and looked at him.

Zhang Pingyi, what do you see? You are giving me awe! These waiters are bullying and hard, but they are secretly enjoying the superiority of bullying the emperor.

"Zhang Ping," the child spoke.

Ok, you don't feel good, I will give you a tree. Zhang Ping smashed his teeth and slammed it down. He squatted on the ground and began to smash his head.

"His temple forgives sins, His Royal Highness sins, slaves and sins, slaves damn. It is a slave who does not do things well, asks the temple to forgive, the slaves know the wrong, the slaves are really wrong."

In order to be more convincing, he began to slap his face when he raised his hand, and he shot blood in a few, two or a few times.

Huangfu lived, he just wanted to say: Zhang Ping, let's go back. I didn't expect Zhang Ping to suddenly kneel down to him and start to blame himself. Why did he do this?

Huangfu reached out and wanted to stop Zhang Ping.

Zhang Ping took advantage of the hand, and Christine was very anomalous: "Thank you under the court. The slaves let the two fathers go down to the temple."

Zhang Ping got up, and the bloodshot hanging from the corner of his mouth did not rub, so he walked to the two guarded eunuchs with no expression, saying: "The two fathers, my family wants to enter the library to borrow books, and also ask the two fathers. It's convenient."

The two guards, the eunuchs, looked at each other and were scared by Zhang Ping’s self-punishment. Then he looked at the four princes who were known for their ugliness and looked at them with a very gloomy eye. They suddenly scared a cold sweat. .

Did they just do it too much? This ugly emperor is unpopular, but also a prince! Moreover, his grandfather is still riding a general.

"The old slave is rude, and please ask the four halls to forgive. Because there are so many books in this library, it is extremely complicated to classify. I originally wanted to ask the four temples to read the books, and the old slaves were looking for them, but they also saved the four halls. The strength of the book. But if the Four Highness wants to find a book in person, it is indispensable. Four Royal Highness, please!"

The door to the library was finally opened to them. Zhang Ping let Huangfu go ahead and he followed in. Today, his friend, a young **** who was trained with him at the same time, Shao Yong was on duty. He didn't worry at all that he couldn't find the book he was looking for.

The library is really big and deep.

A large number of books were stuffed with bookshelves, and tomorrow, some people cleaned up tomorrow, but the feeling of coldness could not be dispersed.

With the help of Shao Yong, Zhang Ping quickly found books like the Art of War. It is not easy to consider the arrival of a library building. He took one book after another. But where is the martial arts cheats?

Huangfu did not understand, just stood by and watched. After a long time, see Zhang Ping looking for a book to addiction, he was boring and looked around at random. In the distance, Shao Yong’s young **** is secretly probed him. The emperor glanced at him and the other immediately fell back.

Is he really so terrible? When Zhang Ping took him to find this person, he even screamed at him and overturned the books being revised on the table.

If he is really so terrible, why is Zhang Ping never afraid of him, and dare to sleep with him at night?

I remember that the **** Gao Xin, who had been waiting for him, once said that during the day, if he saw him at night, the living person would be scared to death by his life.

He is really ugly, very scared, isn't he?

"His Highness, you are also going around to see what books are of interest. There are only treasures where the royal family may come. Many books are outside but they can't find them." Zhang Ping sighs, how much is this? The place where readers dream of.

Huangfu nodded obediently and began to walk around in the study. Sometimes he would pick up a copy.

Time is unknowingly passed.

The emperor, who walked around and turned to the west, suddenly fell on the left-hand side of the shelf, leaning against a book in the corner. What attracted him was the cover of the book. On the cover of the general book, only the name of the book, but this book...

"The emperor is driving -"

what? Zhang Ping and Huangfu looked up together.

The emperor is coming? How could he suddenly come here? Didn't he test his sons in the royal study?

Soon I heard the voice of the waiter coming from outside the building:

"Seeing the emperor, my emperor is long lived -"

Zhang Ping turned to find his four royals.

Huangfu walked out from the corner of the bookshelf and walked to the front of the plane.

"His Royal Highness?"

Huangfu stared at the door.

The middle door of the library building was opened, and the sun slanted into the dark book building. A slender figure wearing a bright yellow robes and a purple gold crown led a small figure into the building, followed by a team of people. .

Zhang Ping saw that the child did not respond, and for a time he did not know what to do. It seems that people are still separated from them by several rows of bookshelves, and they will not be found for the time being.

Go out and see, or just worship here?

Shao Yong, who is working on the books in the library building, has also bowed to the front door and greeted him.

The child's body moved and he went out.

Zhang Ping saw that he was shocked first and then another. Father and son nature, son wants to see 爹 is also a normal feeling. It is said that the child has never seen his father. It is also a good thing for him to get the courage to go out and see him today.

Zhang Ping then followed.


suddenly! The sharp voice of the child pierced the space of silence.

The dust flutters in the sun, and Zhang Ping stands in the dark to see clearly. The screaming child is the emperor of the Six Emperors, and is the most loved little prince in the world today. The emperor is holding him in his hands.

He first came in with his father, and the first one saw the emperor who was coming out of the bookshelf and standing in the shadows.

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