MTL - The Ugly Prince-~ ☆ 、 26

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Ye Zhan was probably the first unlucky person to wake up from the gentle township and found himself trapped in a black prison where he could not reach his fingers. No one asked him to break his throat. He only fixed a few hoes and a can of water from a small window in the door every day.

He had broken the jug and wanted to keep it as a weapon. As a result, no one sent water for three days, and the steamed bread was delivered on time. On the fourth day, he couldn't stand the thirst and tried to figure out what the other party meant. He put the pieces of water on the small window one by one until he handed over the last piece of debris and the window appeared again with a small jug. And this water tank is probably the one he broke, and he touched the traces of sewing. This time he never dared to try to break the water tank. After drinking the water every day, he put the water tank in the window and waited for it. No matter how he wants to seduce the other person, he doesn't get a snoring.

Ye Zhan sat on the seventh day in the silent black prison, and felt that he was going crazy.

Hui Wang lost his heart and belly, and he was worried. He began to doubt. Why is Ye Zhan missing at this most critical juncture?

Why did Huangfu send Ye Zhan back? Is Ye Zhan still loyal to him?

If Ye Zhan rebelled, why didn't he always lurk around him until the end? If he was taken away, who would have taken him? Huangfu? why?

Hui Wang recruited the confession to discuss, and still did not reach a conclusion after discussing the overnight. I had to think about changing the plan while letting people secretly explore the whereabouts of Ye Zhan. Even if he does not consider Ye Zhan's rebellion, he should also consider Ye Zhan's inability to punish some things that are not good for him.

Here, the five emperors Shu Wang suddenly came out and were injured by the assassin on the way to Beijing. Fortunately, Shu Wang is still a bit of martial arts. Under the help of a defensive guard, he finally fled back to Beijing.

This was the first time the five emperors were assassinated after they were released from the palace. Who will start this idle prince? What is the purpose of the murderer? At one time, the middle of the night was raging.

Shengdi knew that after the five sons were injured, there was no special indication. Only the doctor was sent to heal, and the matter was immediately handed over to the criminal department for strict investigation.

After this assassination, the number of guards in Shuwangfu suddenly increased. And the close-fitting guards around Shu Wang also changed into strange faces.

"Wang Ye, Hui Wangye brought people to visit." Today, Ning Wang is not a teenager who can let him look directly. The appearance of the other party's anger and self-defense is enough to make him fear the person from the bottom of his heart.

In fact, this man did not do anything to him, but he is afraid. Even a single look is enough to make him frightened for a long time. Before the Lord came back, he only received some princes to meet him. Later, when he went to see these gifts, he found that all of them were missing. After that, they saw that the account money Qian Ruogu had taken the gifts and replaced them with silver. Good hall. The prince who was about to go out at the time gave him a look, but he almost scared his wet pants.

Can't you finally sit still? Huangfu smiled in his heart.

"lead the way."


"Four brothers, forgive my brother for taking the liberty to visit."

The emperor was white, the white robes and the white fox collar. The face that is lined with a white face is more white as jade, and the appearance is handsome, and the gestures of the hands and feet naturally bring out the pride and elegance that a royal family can have, and people can't help but feel a sense of inferiority.

"Second brother is polite. Yu brother here, when the second brother wants to come when, come on, don't worry. Second brother please sit."

Huangfu secretly looked at the four brothers. I saw that this person could not completely see the **** domineering that he showed when he first returned to the capital. At this time, he had the lazy and free-spirited temperament that he was a leisurely prince. It is a pity that his face is too gloomy and his body is too tall. Naturally, he brings a sense of pressure and makes people afraid to look at him. At that time, the timid young prince who had been timid and ugly had completely disappeared into the traces of the years and could not see a little shadow. If it is not that the features on that face cannot be changed, who can say that this is the same person?

Huangfu, I was a little glimpse of you that year.

The emperor hid the confession deeply, and the two of them set aside each other and then sat down.

"I heard that the four brothers are going to be married? The brother-in-law is here to congratulate the four younger brothers and the young lady, the white-headed old man and the grandson."

"Thank you for your second brother."

"The rumored saying that the daughter of the daughter of the golden heart is sturdy and sturdy, and the four brothers are so blessed."

"Ha ha! Is it true that the heart is temperament, like a flower like jade, and the younger brother did not see it, so I don’t know it. Women, it’s okay to pass on the ancestors. Right, I heard that Hui Wang妃 just added a son to the second brother, congratulations!"

"With the same hi hi." Huang Hao smiled.

The emperor screamed haha, and the two of them would not mention the theme first.

Finally, Huangfu spoke up. If he didn't speak again, he could only leave and leave. He didn't think that this seemingly arrogant Wufu brother would be so difficult to deal with, and he couldn't talk to him. No matter how he knocked on the side, he couldn't let him reveal a little bit of a tone. In fact, in his mind, no matter how the murderer explained that the emperor might have a good chance, he could not erase the other party's idea of ​​a grumpy, brute-man. Therefore, people cannot be pre-emptive, and they must not let this preconceived concept become deeply rooted.

"Four brothers, have you ever visited the old five?"

coming! Huangfu is not moving.

"Of course. The foolish brother can't offend him." Huangfu’s eyes turned away.

Huangfu’s observation of the color is a master, not to mention that he has been paying attention to Huangpu’s every move, and the emotions flashed in the other’s eyes naturally did not escape his observation.

"How do you say this? You are not only his brother, but also the military power. It is supposed that he wants to be loyal to you. How can the four brothers now say that you dare not offend him?" Out of resentment.

Huangfu’s eyes are more and more gloomy. “Brother? I don’t dare to be. What about military strength? How can I get the love of my father?”

Huangfu suddenly screamed and said: "Zhang Ping, let all the people waiting outside to retreat. Without the king, no one is allowed to get close to here!"

"Yes." Someone responded outside.

The emperor’s face was unchanged, and there was joy and anxiety in his heart. What does this ugly four have to say to him?

Huangfu turned to face him again: "Second brother, since you are here today, I must have noticed it, then we will open the skylight and say something. Xinlan, you have helped me a lot, and once recommended in the DPRK. I am grateful to the commander of the army, and I am grateful to you. So I will return Ye Zhan to you and help you to defeat the big brother. But now, I know the father’s heart, although I want to help my second brother, I dare not Betrayal of the father. If the fifth is in the future, if he goes to Dabao, he will let me live forever."

These words are in line with his original impression of Huangfu, Huangfu did not speak, he is waiting for the ugly.

Huangfu suddenly stood up and walked around in the living room, seeming to think about what to say. After three laps, he returned to his chair and sat down. He bit his teeth, clenched his fist and hammered it on the armrest, and then sighed:

"Second brother, my brother is here to talk a little more, and you can see the next big brother. He has been a Prince for many years, what can he do? No matter who is sitting in the seat of the Prince, what kind of power and merits, as long as he is not The inheritor of the father's heart, then he may be abolished at any time. Second brother, why did the father and the emperor leave our king in Beijing, have you ever thought about it?"

Huangfu stared at his eyes when he spoke. The eyes of a person would not lie at all. If he did not look away, then the other party is telling the truth.

Is Ye Zhan not his robbery? Isn't the wolf dog that doesn't call people not the ugly four, but the old five who have never been noticed by them?

In the heart of Huangfu, he actually believed in eight points. His message network in Beijing is very extensively arranged, and things happening around several princes, he will know the next day at the latest. Huangfu was stabbed and he was known for his new face. And the bottom of the guards could not find out!

"Whether you believe it or not, the assassination of the fifth child has nothing to do with me." Huangfu slowly said.

Huangfu frowned slightly, and it seemed that there was nothing to think about. After a while, his face was full of laughter.

Huangfu looked at his face and felt that this face was not so embarrassing for the first time. Hui Wang, who has an exquisite heart, almost immediately figured out the embarrassment.

"The old five...or the father is going to deal with me? Is this a warning for me?"

Huangfu interface said: "By the way, you can also insert people into the Shu Wangfu."

"If I expected to be good, the next step for the father is to ask Wei and his father to come out again to help the fifth."

"The guardian leader Yang Xiao is the elder of the fifth."

"And the general responsible for the defense of the capital city is your person, Tao Zhengang."

The smile on the face of Huangfu is no longer, and the situation is even more severe than he imagined. He admits the enemy, paying most of his energy to deal with the great emperor; then he uses the remaining energy to test the emperor; but he did not expect that the last thing that came to the surface was the most unexpected one.

"The father has protected him very well."


The brothers fell silent together.

"The fourth, do you really have no intention of the emperor?"

"Do you want me to swear?" Huangfu sneered.

Huangfu stared at his eyes and said after a long while: "Help me, I will seal you the richest land."

Huangfu did not fully believe the words of Huangfu until he learned that Wei Wenxin secretly visited the five emperors.

Now the facts are in front of you, and you can't let him not believe it!

If you hesitate to continue, and when the sacred deeds come out, he really has no chance to be with the emperor.

Huangfu quietly sat on the garden stone bench of Huiwangfu for a long time. Finally came to the conclusion: he is not willing!

Five days later, the capital of the city spread the king of Hui and Ning Wang. Because Hui Wang suspected that Ning Wang had taken away his subordinate genus Ye Zhan, Ning Wang completely denied this and believed that this was an excuse for Hui Wang to deal with him.

In the third day of March, in the third day of March, Yan Sunjie, the granddaughter of the old general, married into the Ning Wangfu and became the side of Ning Wang. Although it was only a side squat, the ministers who came to celebrate were still a lot, and Shu Wang also sent a gift.

On the day when Yanshi was married to Wangfu, the red/sleeve was already over twenty-five years old and had not accepted the grace of the saint. According to the example, in addition to the registration in the palace ladies' book, he was taken into the Ningwangfu by a small sedan.

The bride said that Yu Jie was sitting under the red candle.

She does not want to marry. Whether it is the legendary appearance of the man or the cruelty of the legendary servant, this marriage has become a nightmare. But there is no way, her father's command from the next, the instructions of the emperor, she had to marry into the Ning Wangfu, her task is to have a healthy son for the terrible Ning Wang, and... And tonight is her wedding night, which girl is not full of illusions about this night? But until now the man did not even enter the door.

"Oh." Just thinking, the door opened.

A burly tall figure walked into the new house.

"Put the hijab." Come and sigh.

Yan Jie was so scared that he couldn’t understand why the other party wanted the bride’s own cover. But she still opened her mouth.

Zhang Ping looked at the girl outside the window and opened the hijab to see the opposite man's appearance. After taking a cold air and coagulating, he could not help but sigh slightly. It’s a little girl, it looks smaller than her true age of fifteen.

Zhang Ping suddenly admire the old general, and he is willing to send such a charming little girl into the legendary magic cave. Only fifteen years old, or a cousin, but also the emperor of the emperor wants to come out.

Such a small yellow-haired donkey raised in the squat, this is the first time I saw the emperor, I was scared like this. What do you say you sent her to do?

Have a baby? The imperial concubine will not start with a taro film that has not faded.

Listening to secrets? She can't get close to the owner of the palace, and what secrets are she listening to?

Can't figure it out. Because he couldn't figure it out, Zhang Ping's vigilance was raised even higher.

The man in the house poured out a glass of wine with a jug on the table.


Yan Yujie was awake by this voice, shaking his hand and taking a sip from the glass on the table. Do you have to drink your own glasses?

The man stood quietly and seemed to be looking at her.

Yan Yujie did not dare to carry it, and he cried in his heart, and even hated his grandfather and his mother. How could she bear to marry her to such a man who looks like a devil. She is a granddaughter of a grand general, who can't marry, why must she marry this terrible man? Still side room... oh.

Gradually, Yan Yujie began to feel a little dizzy. This wine... is so powerful, she thinks so, she has fallen down before she has finished thinking.

The man did not help her, and her face seemed to be ridiculed, so she would fall to the ground like this. Then the man did a very strange thing. He sat next to the bride, glaring at her and closing her eyes.

A little bit of time passed. About a quarter of an hour later, someone came up with a lantern and looked like it was wearing a ring in the house.

Zhang Ping's figure disappeared from the window.

The ring knocked on the door. "Wang Ye, madam, the butler, let the slaves clean up the table."

The house was quiet and no one responded to her.

Waiting for the ring, waited and pushed the door. The door was bolted from the inside.

Suddenly there was a dagger in the hands of the ring.

The latch was picked and the ring went in.

Zhang Ping appeared again in the window, gently pulling open the window door of the bedding ring.

"Is there enough? If you see enough, just go back to sleep with me."

Zhang Ping looked back at the people. "The little girl is just a victim..."

Before he finished, the incoming person interrupted him impatiently: "No death."

"Hey, you don't go round with her... cough, then do you want to shout?"

"What are you worried about? I will be able to call again later. Now I can’t sleep if I want to sleep."

"Not bad for these two hours." Zhang Pingyi.

The man pinched his waist and smiled sullenly: "just do it once."

Zhang Ping had a nap at the foot, and his eyebrows suddenly pulled down.

Instead of walking through the corridor where the palace lanterns hang, the two walked into the deep garden and passed through the wall. Although the pace is not too slow, but how can not escape a little sneaky feeling.

"It is obviously my own palace, and it is my own person who sleeps. Why do I have to sneak like this?" The tall man complained that it was more than Zhang Ping.

"This is the fun of stealing." Zhang Da waiter exclaimed.

"Zhang Ping,"


“Does anyone say that you are a second son?”

The reaction of the peerless master is always unusually fast... Zhang Ping kicked his family prince into the pond next to him.


"Come on! There are assassins--!" Zhang Ping did not do two, and opened his throat. You don't shout, I will help you shout. This scorpion suddenly made the Ning Wangfu, who had been prepared, wake up.

Huangfu emerged from the pond, smeared the waterdrops on his face, ripped off the water grass hanging on the crown, and his face was gloomy and afraid of people.

Zhang Ping stood in the pond and yelled: "Wang Ye! You have anything to do with Wang Ye? Wang Ye, slave, this will save you!"

Zhang Ping pulls his sleeves, Zhang Ping rolls his trouser legs, Zhang Ping takes off his shoes... The guards who heard the sound rushed over.

"Fast! Let's save the lord!" Zhang Ping put the half-off shoes back on, and shouted anxiously.

The emperor stood in the pond and stared at Zhang Ping. He bit his teeth and couldn't wait to scare the other person's XXXX's vicious expression, and he jumped out of the pool and wanted to save his guards.

"Assassin? Zhang waiter, have you seen where the assassin fled?" Zhu Bing, the head of the guard, commanded the Ning Wang to rescue him from the pond while asking Zhang Pingdao.

Liu Qizhong blinked his eyes and did not understand which play was played. Will their marshals be forced into the pond? Still so faceless people to save him? The loyal Zhang waiter stood on the edge of the pond but did not jump in the first moment? And... Wang Ye is not supposed to be in the cave now, how come here?

Zhu Bing coughed and told him what he was doing. As the leader of the guards, they only have to do their part.

Liu Qizhong received a reminder from his partner and immediately took a look of surprise. He began to order the assassin of the Wangfu House.

Zhang Ping was crying and sulking, blaming himself: "I, I didn't see it. The sky was so dark, and it happened suddenly. Wang Ye escaped the assassin attack but accidentally fell into the pond. As soon as I shouted, the assassin ran. I Just patronized the prince, did not notice where the other side ran."

Zhu and Liu are more and more skeptical that there is a ghost in the event. Zhang Ping’s martial arts are not known, but they also know that Zhang Ping’s skills are definitely not much better. If Zhang Ping, who can walk across 100,000 enemy troops, would not notice the direction of a small assassin's escape, it would not be convincing. However, before they knew the intention of Wang Ye to arrange the play, they could only pretend to treat Zhang Da Shi as an ordinary **** who would not be a military.

His Royal Highness Princess Ning finally walked out of the pond.

Poor March, a wet coat, when you look at it, people will be chilling from the bones. In addition, the icy coldness of the whole body of Ning Wang’s whole body is overflowing, oh!

Zhang Ping shouted: "Wang Ye, slaves go to give you clothes!"

Huangfu made a gesture of disregard for Liu Qizhong, who was prepared to give him a robe. He told me with a sigh of relief: "Give me a search! I must give the assassin to me from the palace!"

"Yes!" A loud response, when the lights of the night Ning Wangfu came to the next morning.

The waiter who made the impulsive move hid in the firewood house, and wondered how to let the person get mad, while thinking about how he would be so "hearted".

"Hey!" The firewood door was opened and several guards swarmed in.

"Zhang Shiren?"

"Cough!" Zhang Ping stood up and patted the dust that could not be seen on his body: "Wang Ye fell into the water and was cold, I came over and hugged him to burn him."

The guards looked at each other. When was the Zhang Dawei being thrown into the kitchen to burn? Also, Zhang waiter, you said that you are coming to hold the firewood, how can you leave empty-handed?

There were doubts in the hearts of the guards, but they could only watch the big waiters swaying away.

Zhang Ping pushed the door open and calmly turned back to close the door, then walked through the two sinister eyes very calmly.

Ning Wang Huangfu sat on the edge of the bed and watched him orderly and meticulously wash his face with the cold water left in the copper basin. The solemn atmosphere, I don’t know, he thought he was preparing for the ceremony of worshipping the heavens and the earth.

Huangfu was preparing to speak, and Zhang Ping suddenly turned back at this moment, and glanced at him with a very resentful eye. In this eye, all the curses that Huangfu was ready to export were immediately returned to the stomach.


Zhang Ping also sat down beside the bed.

The emperor suddenly felt a little nervous and the atmosphere became subtle.

Zhang Ping suddenly took out a piece of his usual scorpion from his arms, unfolded, turned, and covered his head.

Huangfu’s heartbeat began to speed up, and the cheeks somehow became a little hot, and both hands couldn’t help but become a fist.

A rough but warm hand covers his right hand on his knee.

Huangfu swallowed a mouthful of water.


The small sound was infinitely large in the still room.

There was a breath coming close to him, and the scorpion that fell on his face was opened.

Huangfu lowered his head slightly and Zhang Ping reached out to lift his chin...

Huangfu raised his hand and Zhang Ping’s wrist turned over to make a small pick, and Huangfu dismantled it.

At the beginning, both of them were still a bit of a master, and you came to me silently and quickly. But in less than a moment, the master style was lost, and all the tricks were made. In the end, just like the two rogue fights on the street, you tore my bite and twisted into a ball on the bed.

"What nerves do you send, and it is so cold and cold that I am going to the water?"

"Who will let you carry me on my hands!"

"Fuck! When did I carry you? I don't know which woman I am working on! And you know that I don't have..."

Someone is quite unreasonable mode: "In front of me, I am more bastard! I have already swallowed up, and you dare to laugh at Laozi is a second son!"

"Do you want to swallow your voice? Which one is listening to someone who wants to marry his wife?"

"Who are you picking up the goods!"

"Oh, it's you! Say you don't you admit it? Which idiot will turn yourself into an eunuch?"

"If Lao Tzu is to become an eunuch, your kid has already died in the palace!"

"It’s better to die, save yourself from being bullied every day!"

"I bully you?! Where are you holding it!"

"You didn't bully me? You didn't bully me, would you kick me in the pond in this weather?"

"I am jealous! Hey! Where are you biting--!"

"... fart! If you are jealous, you will change your meat! You will die!"

"Hey--pain! What is the relationship with the scorpion... 八八蛋! Ugly blame! Dead devil! I want to know that your kid will be such a bastard, I will fill you in the middle of the night! Take your fingers out! ”

"Are you willing to?"

"How can I reluctant? I, I..."

"Well, well, you know that your **** is getting bigger and bigger, I will change it for you, are you satisfied?"

"...the sympathy is the best to kill..."

"What? Baby, don't start at the beginning, let me go in first..."

"..." I should not go back to the bedroom tonight. The degree of psychological distortion of this kid is really not light, and when is there any leisure and leisure... Grandma!

Nearly four days ago, Ning Wang’s bedroom has just died down.


Huangfu opened his eyes, Zhang Ping turned over in his arms, sighed and helped his waist to get up. Huangfu reached out and twisted his ass, and Zhang Ping slaps the hand to fly.

"Wang Ye, it started." There was a dignified voice from the outside of the door.

After a cup of tea, Zhang Ping opened the door and Ning Wang, who was neatly dressed, walked out of the bedroom.

Outside the door, the wind and rain hit the head, Liu Qizhong, Zhu Bing, and Qian Ruogu were behind, and the yard was full of Wangfu guards. Everyone's expression is very serious.

"Wang Ye, the assassin has already caught it, and the wife is hurt but her life is not bad." Zhu Bing stepped forward and said.

"Well. Rain Mountain, how is it going now?"

Looking back and forth: "Everything is acting according to plan. General Tao has already taken people to hold all the gates. General Zhou Zhanjiang has also buried 30,000 soldiers in the 30 miles of the capital, waiting to be dispatched at any time. Hui Wang is now in the palace."

"What about the old five?"

"The people of Hui Wang have gone in, and now they are already with the people of Shu Wangfu."

"Follow him." Huangfu did not say who to follow.

But the wind and rain hill clearly understands who he is talking about, "Yes."

“Can someone detect the change tonight?”

"Not at present. The ministers have just attended your wedding banquet, and everyone has drank a few cups. His Royal Highness King probably wants to make the action tonight safe and sound, and the same thing is used in the wines used by Ning Wangfu today. With the drink tonight, no matter how much you drink, you will sleep until dawn."

Nodded, Huangfu’s magical face showed a sarcasm smile. “Let’s go, we should go to the palace to save the king.”

Read The Duke's Passion