MTL - The Two-Faced Side Character Fantasizes that I Love Him Everyday-Chapter 222 see also alternative

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   In a sense, Kang Yue also seems to be a ruthless person.

   But Wen Ran can understand that because she is her daughter, she must have the responsibility she should take.

  Wen Ran looked at Young Master Xie, "You didn't die in the hands of Qingkui Jianxian five hundred years ago."

   Qingkui Sword Immortal is the patriarch who has learned the world.

   Young Master Xie sneered, "Joke, that kid Qing Kui wants to kill me, but it's not that easy."

   Don't look at what Xie Gongzi said so easily now, in fact, Qingkui Sword Immortal, who had learned to suppress riots in the world back then, fought against Demon Lord Liuguang, and it was very tragic.

   Qingkui Sword Immortal was seriously injured and died not long after that, but Mojun Liuguang only had one breath left and was sealed in the underground of the magic city.

It wasn't until more than ten years ago that Mojun Liuguang was finally able to break through the seal and become free, but he didn't want to kill Kang Yue, a naive person, who actually used his body as a sacrifice to stab Mojun Liuguang in the chest and smashed the entire magic city. seal.

   In the end, he could only give up his body, find a chance to get out of his body, drift with the wind, and finally found a body that could hold his soul.

  Unfortunately, this body is just a scholar, which is embarrassing and useful, and he can only draw it slowly.

   The woman in black said with a blank face: "Does the devil know that the villain died of too much talk?"

   Young Master Xie looked over, "Crow feathers, what do you mean?"

  The woman named Yayu took out a book without any emotion, "It is written in this book that people who do bad things will fail if they talk too much."

   But what are the words written on the cover of the book, what is the devil, what is the kiss addiction?

   Young Master Xie frowned, "What strange book?"

   "The most popular book in the Three Realms nowadays. When I went to the ghost market, the merchant recommended me to read it. It talks about the love and hatred between the demon king and the demon god. It's quite interesting."

  The love-hate relationship between the Demon Lord and the Demon Lord?

   Young Master Xie said, "If I remember correctly, the other three Demon Lords and Demon Lords are all male."

   Crow Feather nodded, "Yes."

   Young Master Xie gloated and said, "Show me the book after the matter is over. I'd like to see which Demon Lord's reputation has been so corrupted."

   Crow Feather said: "The devil in the book has red hair."

   Mr. Xie was like a stinger in his throat.

   The body that was trapped in the blood pool had red hair that was as bright as fire.

   Young Master Xie sullenly said, "When this matter is over, find the person who wrote the book and kill him."

  Wen Ran's eyes flickered, she could swear that the demon lord in the story she wrote had red hair, but it was just a moment of inspiration, she never thought that she would collide with the long-dead demon lord Liuguang.

Xie Gongzi was in a bad mood. As the saying goes, you have to be polite before soldiers. He has already been polite. Now it's time to go to the army. Your friends will die soon."

  Shen Wu said: "She won't help you."

   Young Master Xie glanced at Wen Ran, who was silent around him, but put Wen Ran's whole body under his shadow. He looked exactly like Shen Wu, so he should be the impostor back then.

   But it doesn't matter.

   Young Master Xie laughed and raised a hand towards another woman present.

  Yu Xiaoxiao suddenly felt that her neck was tightly pinched, her feet were off the ground, and a look of pain appeared on her face.

   Wen Ran and Shen Wu shouted, "Miss Yu!"

  Unfortunately, when they just tried to take a step, their feet were like stepping on soft cotton, and they didn't need any strength.

Xie Gongzi said: "I have given you enough time to think about it. If Miss Wen doesn't want to help me with this small favor, then every time a stick of incense passes, I will kill someone, and I will start with this girl. It's started."

  Wen Ran said, "Stop it!"

  Yu Xiaoxiao said with difficulty: "Don't, don't listen to him... I can't let the devil come out..."

   "This girl has a good backbone, but it's a pity that people who are too righteous usually don't live long." Xie Gongzi increased his strength, "That's good, I will fulfill the girl's heart of benevolence."

  Yu Xiaoxiao couldn't say a word again, her face was pale.

  Wen Ran couldn't bear it any longer, "You stop, I..."

   Before she could finish her sentence, the crisp and sweet sound of the bell rang. In the darkness, a sword light struck from an unknown direction, forcing Young Master Xie to stop.

   Yu Xiaoxiao fell to the ground and coughed loudly.

   Young Master Xie's face was ugly, "Your Excellency followed us into the magic city in the dark. I thought that the well water would not cause the river water, which is the consensus between me and Your Excellency."

   "I'm just watching the fun, and I have no intention of interfering in the son's affairs." In the invisible darkness, the woman's voice came with a smile, which did not match the current tense atmosphere.

   Young Master Xie said, "Then why is your Excellency taking action now?"

   "This little girl with backbone is my old friend, you can't touch her."

  Yu Xiaoxiao was stunned, she vaguely felt that this voice was familiar, but she couldn't remember where she heard it.

  Wen Ran suddenly thought of something, "Miss Yu?"

  Yu Xiaoxiao looked up, but Wen Ran didn't call her.

   The person in the dark place did not answer.

   In Wen Ran's impression, the woman who likes to wear green clothes and wear bells is also surnamed Yu. She and Yu Xiaoxiao share the same surname. There may be some connection between the two.

  The air was quiet for a while, and the person in the dark didn't know if he had left.

   Young Master Xie didn't want to make an enemy yet, so he gave up on taking Yu Xiaoxiao's life for the time being, and turned his eyes back and forth between Shen Wu and Shen Wu.

  Wen Ran suddenly had a bad premonition.

   Sure enough, Young Master Xie smiled, "Might as well ask Miss Wen to make a decision. For these two identical sons, who does Miss Wen want to die first?"

   Do the demons like the whole two-choice plot! ?

   Young Master Xie said suddenly: "Or maybe I asked a nonsense, just seeing that Miss Wen is now hand in hand with the Young Master beside her, the girl must have made up her mind long ago."

  Shen Wu lowered his eyes slightly and remained silent.

   On the other hand, looking at the other dense fog, the mental momentum is just right.

   Yes, Young Master Xie said this to disgust Shen Wu. He couldn't tell what he was thinking, but when he occasionally thought of Qin Susu's concern about Shen Wu, he thought about such disgusting and disgusting Shen Wu.

  Unexpectedly, Wen Ran said: "I don't have much strength anymore, why don't you come closer, so that you can listen to my answer? Maybe my answer is different from what you think?"

"Interesting." Seeing Wen Ran's calm face at this time, Young Master Xie couldn't help thinking of the woman who stabbed him back then. She was also so calm. He raised his lips and smiled, and walked slowly towards Wen Ran. Go, "I hope this will be a surprising answer."

   "My choice is..." Wen Ran tried her best to get closer to Mr. Xie, and she whispered, "Choose the third option."

   Young Master Xie frowned, but Wen Ran raised her foot decisively and kicked the most vulnerable part of the man.

   Young Master Xie grinned in pain, and suddenly lost his demeanor, and a long sword appeared in his hand.

  Wen Ran took the jade pendant from Mr. Xie's waist with one hand, and at the same time shouted: "Shen Jiaojiao!"

   Shen Mist moved.

The   Changming Sword collided with a black, narrow and straight long sword, making a harsh sound.

Xie Gongzi's eyes froze, realizing that this person was not affected by Mixiang, his eyes fell on the sword that caught his Changming sword, and said: "It is a good sword, and it is qualified to compete with my Changming sword. War, what is it called?"

  The boy blinked, "Iron pillar."

  Xie Gongzi: "…"