MTL - The Two-Faced Side Character Fantasizes that I Love Him Everyday-Chapter 186 A life for a life (2)

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   For Ye Sui, the moment he learned that the saint was dead, he hated those in the demon world who forced her to die, and even more hated the culprit of all this—Qiu Buwen.

   Without him, the saint will still be a saint, she will not make mistakes, and she will not be regarded as a traitor in the demon world and forced to commit suicide.

   And Qiu didn't hear what the coward did?


   What right does a sinner like him have to die so early?

   Ye Sui quietly looked at the two children who also had Qiu family blood in front of him. These two children were both grown up by him, but so what?

   When it is time to sacrifice one of them, he should be able to make a choice without hesitation as he is now.

   "Ye Sui...Ye Sui..." Qiushan was trapped in the ice coffin, he couldn't move, his body was getting warmer and warmer, which only made him more and more panic, "You stop! Stop!"

   Compared with Akiyama, the current autumn water is too quiet.

   Ye Sui smiled, "Akiyama, haven't you always hated Qiushui?"

   "I hate her, but I never wanted her to die!" Qiu Shan gritted his teeth and said, "Qiu Shui has nothing to do with my parents, she is innocent!"

   "Qiu Buwen died too early, then no one in the Qiu family is innocent."

   He needs an object of hatred, so what if Qiu Buwen is dead? If he knew that because of his own affairs, the entire Qiu family was implicated, how much regret should he be?

   Just imagining Qiu Buwen's painful expression, Ye Sui could almost laugh out of excitement.

   Qiushan reminded him of a fact, "I also have the blood of the Qiu family on my body, and I am also the Qiu family."

   The smile on Ye Sui's face disappeared, "Akiyama, it is very unwise to emphasize this fact in front of me."

   "You let her go!" Qiu Shan saw that Qiu Shui's body was getting less and less vitality, and the patterns on his face became more vivid, he shouted, "Ye Sui! You let her go!"

   After a few clicks, a few cracks appeared on the ice coffin.

   Ye Suimu was relieved, "You look very good now."

   But this is not enough, Akiyama still can't break free.

   "Autumn Water..."

   A third voice came faintly, this voice was very small and inaudible.

   Slowly, the voice got louder, "Autumn Water...Autumn Water!"

  The pure and surging aura surged out, smashing all the illusory figures around him.

   A mass of white light appeared around the "baby" wrapped in the swaddle, and the figure in the white light grew bigger and bigger, and finally turned into the appearance of a girl.

  Xiaobai couldn't wait to run in the direction of Qiushui, "Autumn Water!"

   A sword pierced her shoulder, and blood spattered.

  Xiaobai stared blankly at her bleeding wound. She didn't seem to react. This is also natural. Since following Qiushui, although Qiushui is often impatient with her, Qiushui has always protected Xiaobai very well.

   Even if he was once in the dangerous Northern Territory, with autumn water blocking his way, Xiaobai never suffered too much wind and snow.

   This is the first time, Xiaobai knows that bleeding is such a painful thing.

   But the blood of autumn water is more.

   The man in blue with the sword said with a friendly smile, "It's not easy for the little demon to cultivate. If you go further, it will take your life."


   Of course she was afraid.

  Xiaobai's courage has always been very small, just like now, she felt the threat of death so clearly, even her body was shaking uncontrollably.

   She is a little monster without courage, so she grabbed the sharp sword body with trembling hands, and pulled the sword out of her body tremblingly.

   Ye Sui could not help feeling a contradiction.

   This tree demon is clearly very scared. What is it that she has to use a face full of fear, even if she hurts her hand, she has to pull out the sword.

   The sudden surge of spiritual power from the Dryad caused a gust of sand and rocks, and Ye Sui was blinded for a while without any precautions.

   But after just a moment, he looked at the figure who was passing by, running towards the autumn water, and his eyes turned cold.

   The sword in Ye Sui's hand has not yet landed on Xiao Bai's body, and the sword light and sword shadows appear on the horizon. The sword light splits the sword in Ye Sui's hand, and the sword shadow cuts off the red silk thread on the golden pestle.

   "Autumn Water!" Xiaobai, who was covered in blood, tightly hugged Qiushui, who was unable to fall to the ground. She kept calling Qiushui's name, but to no avail.

   At this moment, there are two more figures, a man and a woman.

Ye Suijie's gaze fell on the boy in white, but he smiled, "It turns out to be the eldest disciple of Dengxianfu... Oh, no, you shouldn't be called that, after all, you are just a company. It's just an impostor without a name."

   Shen Wu yawned lazily. He didn't seem to be interested. He didn't even hold the knife in his hand properly, but casually placed it on the ground to support his listless body.

   "If I fight with you..." Shen Wu glanced at Ye Sui's empty sleeves, he blinked in confusion, "Will it count me as bullying the old, the weak, the sick and the sick?"

   Ye, who was still maintaining his demeanor before, turned cold.

the other side.

  Xiaobai knelt on the ground and hugged Qiushui who was unconscious. She cried to Wen Ran for help, "Qushui's body is so cold!"

Wen Ran walked over quickly, she squatted on the ground, held Qiushui's cold hand, and kept trying to send her own spiritual power to Qiushui, but Wen Ran's warm spiritual power entered Qiushui's body, just like It is a mud cow entering the sea, without the slightest wave.

  Wen Ran's heart sank slowly, but she did not dare to give up and retracted her hand.

   The ice coffin shattered and the people inside fell out.

   Qiushan was lying on the ground, he raised his head laboriously, staring closely at the direction of Qiushui.

  Ye was the only villain present, he smiled and said, "It's too late, the blood exchange has been successful."

This sentence,   , completely concluded the situation in front of him.

   Qiushan's body stiffened, he turned around with red eyes, "Ye Sui!"

   He got up and was about to rush in Ye Sui's direction. Just as he took a step, his body fell to the ground weakly.

   He has been locked up for too long, and he can't move freely.

   Ye Sui smiled slowly, "Qiu Shan, now you still have Qiushui's life on your back, you have to cherish your life more in the future."

   His tone of advice was as gentle as the elder who taught the two children not to fight back then.

   But Akiyama felt disgusting.

   He has never felt like today that a man he once regarded as a **** would be so disgusting.

   What did the man named Ye Sui say?

   He said, the blood exchange has been successful?

  Xiaobai held Qiushui with a blank expression and refused to let go. She didn't seem to realize what the current situation meant, but her hand was getting tighter and tighter.