MTL - The Sword Named No Way Out-Chapter 95

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The capital, the imperial palace.

"Your Majesty, work harder!" "Your Majesty, work harder!" "Your Majesty, this baby will be smooth!"

Wen Po's cry came from behind the door, and the maids coming and going brought out pots of hot water.

An invisible magic circle was suspended in mid-air in the main hall. Xu Shuangce, Yu Chirui, and Changsun Chengfeng were hiding in the magic circle, each with an indescribable expression.

For a long time, Wei Chirui burst out: "...Xuan Jinghe is going to be the emperor?"

Silence answered him.

"Not necessarily." At this time, Gong Wei, who was wandering around the palace, came back, and excitedly shared the information he had just collected: "Although the emperor has not established a prince yet, there are already seven concubine sons in front, and in case this What if she was born a princess?"

The nuns that Yu Chirui has been in contact with in his life can be counted on one hand, and Xuan Jinghe's shy appearance with cloudy temples and yellow decals on the mirror suddenly appeared in his mind, and he was struck by lightning: "Impossible! Xuan Jinghe——"

Just at this moment, a loud cry of a baby sounded from the inner hall, followed by Wen Po's cry:

"It's born, it's born!" "Congratulations, Your Majesty, Congratulations, Empress!" "It's a little princess!"


Yu Chirui was stunned and forgot his words in an instant.

As soon as the door of the inner hall opened, the imperial physician came out holding the red baby girl, and the emperor immediately stood up beaming.

Xu Shuangce landed from mid-air, stepped forward steadily to check on the baby girl, and at the same time taught Yu Chirui coldly: "Both male and female bodies are the truth, and the original is not important. The important thing for a cultivator is—" Then he saw it with his own eyes. The baby girl froze for a moment.

Yu Chirui: "?" Gong Wei: "Xu Bai?"

"..." Xu Shuangce finally turned around, revealing the baby girl's blushing and wailing face, and after a while he said slowly, "This is Ying Kai."


Changsun Chengfeng loosened his hand, and the red envelope he just took out fell to the ground.

The air fell into a deathly silence.

Only the emperor was holding the baby girl in the audience, and he was very excited: "Look at the sword eyebrows of the princess! She has a straight nose! She looks so heroic, so much like me!"

"...Where's Xuanjinghe?" Gong Wei struggled to make a sound after a while.

As soon as the words fell, I heard another exclamation from the inner hall, Wen Po repeatedly said: "Why is there another one?"

"Wow——" The baby's cry resounded again.

After a while, the door of the inner hall opened again, and the imperial doctor came out again, kneeling on the ground in fear and fear, and reported: "The emperor forgives the sin, the imperial hospital never diagnosed that the mother was pregnant with twins, and now a little prince is born." Both mother and child are safe!"

The little princess Ying Kai and the little prince Xuan Jinghe, the two siblings were dressed in red and embroidered gold swaddling babies, crying and crying one after another. The emperor stood in front of the queen's delivery bed and wept with joy.

The eldest grandson Chengfeng sealed the second red envelope silently, left it on the table in the outer hall when no one was around, and left with mixed feelings.

"It should be that when Xuan Jinghe came out of the mouth of reincarnation, he pushed Ying Kai, and the two of them were reincarnated together." On the way the group left the capital, Gong Wei stopped by the ghost garden to find the ghost on duty. After inquiring about the situation, the judge came back and reported to everyone: "Originally, only the little princess Xuan Jinghe was born, but Ying Kai temporarily replaced the female fetus, and Xuan Jinghe will be cast as the next male fetus."

Gong Wei was surrounded in front of Xu Shuangce, so the four of them held three divine swords respectively.

Standing on the Rakshata sword, Yu Chirui's whole body has turned into a paste, his mind is full of Ying Kai who is shy and straightening his temples, and facing the mirror with yellow appliques, he asked tremblingly for a long time: "Do they have a fairy relationship? "

If one's fate has a destiny of immortality, one can cultivate immortality in this life, otherwise even the golden elixir will not be formed. Gong Wei sighed regretfully: "Not at all. How can it be so easy to cast a fairy fetus? Even Xuanjinghe has to wait another life, and Ying Kai may have to reincarnate for a long time."

The eldest grandson Chengfeng said with difficulty: "Then the leader of the you marry and have children?"

Everyone fell into silence, even Xu Shuangce only moved his lips, but didn't make a sound.

Only Gong Wei said bluntly: "Not necessarily, maybe the first seven princes were killed, and when he ascended the throne and became a female emperor, he opened the harem and received male favors?"

"..." Yu Chirui turned his head, judging from his desperate expression, he was ready to help Kai Gongdou: "Can you?"

"Oh, I can't." Gong Weiyi smiled and said very relaxedly: "Ying Kai was reincarnated for the purpose of atonement, and basically suffers from illnesses in every life, and cannot live to be an adult."

There was no sound.

Gong Wei finally realized something in everyone's hesitant eyes, and sensitively turned around to ask Xu Shuangce: "Is the tone of my sentence just now wrong again?"

After so many years of study by Die Si Meng Sheng, there are very few "inhuman" things in Gong Wei's body, but from time to time he still shows off. Xu Shuangce glanced at him, brushed his wind-blossoming hair behind his ears, and didn't answer directly, but said gently: "You have the best nature in the world. So don't mind others, just follow your own heart."

Gong Wei knew the answer well.

"Ying Kai's reincarnation is for redemption, and he will be plagued by illness in every life, and he will not live to be an adult." He turned his head, changed his face from good to bad, and repeated it to Yu Chirui and Changsun Chengfeng.

However, after a pause, he couldn't hold it back, and the corners of his brows and eyes showed joy again: "But I just went to Guiyuan to calculate, as long as he casts himself in the ninth life, his sins will be redeemed, and he can cast himself in the immortal destiny." baby."

In order to confuse the ghost prince, Ying Kai cut out his own godhead with a dagger. In fact, he could choose a more peaceful and painless way, but he chose this **** self-mutilation method in exchange for inner peace.

But unexpectedly, this move greatly shortened the time required for him to reincarnate to redeem his sins. Now he only needs to reincarnate nine times to wash away his sins and continue his immortal fate.

Xu Shuangce took Gong Wei back to the Cangyang Sect, and when they parted, the elder Sun Chengfeng hesitated to speak, and after hesitating for a while, he couldn't help but said: "Master Jingxian, I still have something to ask."

Gong Wei said: "Actually, I can't be considered an immortal, I should be considered a spirit of the Dao of Heaven...but it doesn't matter. What's the matter?"

Changsun Chengfeng asked earnestly: "Can you shorten the time it takes for leader Ying to reincarnate each time, or think of a way to slightly alleviate his pain in each life?"

Gong Wei was stunned.

His black and white eyes widened slightly, he pondered for a moment, then shook his head unexpectedly: "Although I like senior brother very much, unfortunately, I can't."

Although Changsun Chengfeng was a little disappointed, he still listened respectfully.

"I can visit him every life, but I will not do anything to lessen the punishment he deserves, because those people who were involved in the fire of extermination are innocent. Although those people have been reincarnated, but what happened once suffering must be remembered."

"Chengfeng, do you know what is the most important thing you mortals have taught me during these years in Die Si Meng Sheng?" Gong Wei's sleeves fluttered behind him, but his eyes were solemn and quiet, looking at the vast land under his feet : "—good and evil, life and death are not simple addition and subtraction."

Changsun Chengfeng's heart was suddenly touched.

"So, if you know how to do good things, don't ask about your future." Gong Wei turned to him and smiled, "Everything these mortal beings do will be rewarded accordingly in the future."

On the day of the Hungry Ghost Festival, the long-planned succession ceremony of the leader was finally held in Tu'a.

Hundreds of Taoist families gathered in Daishan, setting off countless fireworks along the way.

The newly built Shengxian Terrace was hundreds of feet high, covered with mist and mist. Gong Wei held Xu Shuangce's hand and sat on the white jade high platform. While watching the stars in the distance and the lights of the world complement each other, he whispered small things in Xu Shuangce's ear, planning to Thinking of the two of them going down to the world to play together in the future, and thinking about how much money Cangyangzong still has, and planning to take the opportunity of visiting Xuanjinghe in the future to go to the palace to taste the saliva chicken from the Imperial Dining Room. It wasn't until late at night that he stopped many beautiful sketches, stood up, stretched his muscles and bones, and said with a smile:

"It's time to fulfill my promise."

Standing beside him, Xu Shuangce only said "huh" with a soft look in his eyes.

Gong Wei raised his hands, as if summoning something from heaven and earth, the soft and powerful divine power was released layer by layer like a veil, filling the whole world.

Immediately afterwards, countless dots of light rose from the mountains and rivers, and gathered into thousands of bright halos under the night sky. Immediately, the halo spread out again in an uproar, each dragging a meandering tail light, drifting towards the fairy gates all over the world.

Yanchuntai, Yejinmen, Cangyangzong, Tu'a, Julu City, and even the golden ship of Yizong hanging high in the sky... All the monks raised their heads at the same time, looking at the dreamlike and gorgeous scenery under the night sky, and I don’t know who was the first to see it. An unbelievable voice came out: "This is... is this Guihun?"

"Is it the souls of the dead in the underworld?!"

"The soul is back." On the Immortal Ascension Platform, Gong Wei smiled with thousands of stars reflected in his eyes.

"When I killed and ascended to Xiantai that day, I promised that those who died by my hand would be bestowed with merit and virtue in the next life. Now not only bestow merit and virtue, but also let all the souls reincarnate and return to their own homes, so that blood relations can continue and continue the frontier .”

In the direction of Faying in the distance, the eldest grandson Chengfeng came with his sword, landed on the Shengxiantai behind the two of them, walked forward slowly, and stared blankly at the thousands of bright souls rushing to each house.

Gong Wei didn't look back, pointed in the direction of Julu City and said with a smile: "Chengfeng, look, the eleven lost children of your eldest grandson's family have returned to their own family now."

Changsun Chengfeng's lips trembled slightly, and he raised his hand after a while, stroking the position of his chest and heart.

Only he knew that this place was once pierced by a sword, but the fatal wound has healed, and even the traces have disappeared.

Because someone died silently for him.

"My..." Changsun Chengfeng seemed to have finally mustered up his courage, and asked tremblingly, "...where is my younger brother?"

Gong Wei was silent for a moment, and Xu Shuangce did not speak.

"Do you want him to live?" Gong Wei asked after a while.

The despair at the moment of being killed and taken away in the butterfly dream, the shock at the moment of being resurrected on the immortal platform, the intricate grievances and grievances deep in the blood... Countless past events passed through the mind like a horse, and finally turned into The vastness was blank.

"I want him to live, but I don't want to see him again." In the end, only Changsun Chengfeng said hoarsely.

"I am a selfish mortal. I just want to be buried with Bai Fei by the Taihu Lake in Julu City a hundred years later."

The night sky has returned to tranquility, and the thousands of reincarnated souls all went to their hometowns and disappeared in the world.

"There are good things in the world, and there are bad things." Long Jiugong sighed in the night wind, neither agreed nor refused, only sighed: "Du Kaixun should think so too!"

At this time, the divine light of the Rakshasa Pagoda came from the sky, and Yu Chirui came to Shengxiantai from Tuo'a, and walked forward, smelling of alcohol all over his body.

He was obviously toasted a lot by everyone, but his footsteps were very steady, and his eyes were clear: "Have you all returned to the family?"

"Almost!" Gong Wei said with a smile, "The babies born in the next few years in each family of the Immortal Sect will all be children who died in the battle at Shengxiantai, and they will be born with merit, which will be helpful for cultivation."

He breathed a sigh of relief, as if he had finally fulfilled a major responsibility: "The karma here is finally closed!"

The reason why all the Taoist sects devoted themselves to building the Tongtian Avenue was ultimately due to their desire for ascension and being bewitched by the ghost prince. If it wasn't because they blocked Gong Wei, Gong Wei wouldn't be forced to kill Xiantai at the last moment, and those young children wouldn't be killed by him; the cause and effect here are too complicated to be covered by who is right and who is wrong Of.

Gong Wei could let go of it, but he still tried his best to cast every soul that died in battle back to his family.

Yu Chirui looked back towards the direction of Yejinmen, seemed a little happy, and said briefly: "They repaired something for you."

Gong Wei didn't hear clearly: "What?"

The eldest grandson Chengfeng held his forehead with one hand, and said helplessly: "Immortal Jing devoted all her energy and care to the world, all Taoists are grateful, so after asking the gods of the East Heaven for advice, I built a temple for you, don't think it's too crude."

Gong Wei looked back at Xu Shuangce in astonishment: "Temple?!"

Xu Shuangce covered Gong Wei's surprised eyes with his hand, and there was an indistinct wave in his voice, like a hint of a smile: "Come with me."

A group of people went straight down to Xiantai with Yujian. Half a quarter of an hour later, Gong Wei was finally able to open his eyes and found himself standing in a place that was both unfamiliar and familiar - the former site of the former prison.

The Punishment Court was established by Ying Kai during Die Si Meng Sheng. Gong Wei lived there for several years and had many happy memories. But in the present world, the Punishment Court has never existed from the beginning to the end, so this place has always been a flat open space surrounded by mountains and rivers.

Now an exquisite and gorgeous temple has been built on this open space. On the plaque at the main entrance are inscribed three big Chinese characters of gold and iron hooks. Gong Wei recognized the handwriting at a glance. It was written by Xu Shuangce——

The Tao of Heaven.

This Taoist temple has three entrances and three exits, the whole body is white jade and green gold, brilliant like Qionglin in the clouds, and it looks like a fairyland under the reflection of the stars all over the sky. Gong Wei unconsciously opened his mouth slightly, grabbed Xu Shuangce's hand for a while, and his voice was unsteady:

"For me?"

Prior to this, Changsun Chengfeng had come to inquire about Gong Wei's views on the establishment of temples on behalf of the various families of the Xianmen, but was rejected by Gong Wei in every possible way. What he said at the time was: "When people in the world pray to gods and worship Buddha, most of them have their own desires, but I will not satisfy his desires just because someone comes to worship me with tribute. Good and evil rewards and punishments have their own causes and effects. Over time, people in the world Then you will find that begging me is completely useless. If things go on like this, my incense will disappear no matter how prosperous it is, and my temples will be abandoned no matter how gorgeous they are; Give medicine and porridge!"

At that time, Gong Wei really thought so from the bottom of his heart, so he thought that after he said these words, all the schools of Taoism would put aside the matter of Li Guan.

Unexpectedly, Yu Chirui and the others still built a Temple of Heaven, and it was still on the original address of the Criminal and Punishment Institute!

"Xu Shuangce said that the Dao of Heaven has no form, so there are no **** statues or futons for people to worship." Yu Chirui stood at the gate of the Taoist Temple with a sword in his arms, and said frankly: "Besides, it is built on this mountain, and there will be no people at all. Come to worship you, the three brick houses in the East Heaven Temple next door are full of incense, and they are all for money."

Xu Shuangce glanced at him indifferently, and Yu Chirui immediately shut his mouth.

"... How much does it cost? It would be nice to use it to do good deeds." Gong Wei turned a deaf ear to everything around him, and still couldn't keep saying excuses, but he pushed open the door of the Taoist temple very honestly, and tried his best to hide the excitement in his eyes. Guang: "There is a lot of waste everywhere in the Xianmeng, and there are still many scattered sects... Is this pillar engraved with the pattern of a little fox?"

Xu Shuangce said calmly: "Yes. The fox communicates the Gospel, which means auspiciousness."

Gong Wei burst out with unbearable joy: "I have a temple!"

Gong Wei rushed into the main hall of the Taoist temple without touching his feet, and disappeared in an instant.

Changsun Chengfeng laughed. Yu Chirui also shook his head. Although he didn't understand where the joy came from, he couldn't help being curious in his heart. He raised his foot and wanted to go in and have a look: "I haven't been here since it was built..."

The next moment, helplessness lay in front of him.

I saw Xu Shuangce waved his hand, the action was very understated, and said calmly: "You two can go."

As he spoke, he crossed the threshold without looking back, and followed Gong Wei away.

Yu Chirui at the original place: "..."

Grandson Chengfeng: "..."

Xu Shuangce walked through the long white jade path all the way to the front of the main hall, just in time to see Gong Wei running back from the back hall, almost bumped into him, and was held down by Xu Shuangce.

"Xu Bai Xu Bai," Gong Wei's eyes were shining brightly, his joy was beyond words: "I have a temple!"

Xu Shuangce stared at him, nodded with a smile on his thin lips.

Gong Wei's hands were held by Xu Shuangce, unable to hold back the look in his eyes, he suddenly remembered something, and looked towards the main entrance: "Hey, where are Changsheng and Chengfeng?" Xu Shuangce said: "I let them go."

Gong Wei wondered: "You haven't invited the two of them in to have a look, why did you leave?"

Xu Shuangce said, "I'll just take a look."

Gong Wei actually wanted to be alone with Xu Bai, but he still had to say politely: "That's so embarrassing, after all, the two of them presided over the meditation and spent so much energy and money..."

Xu Shuangce replied steadily: "It's okay. I paid for it."

Gong Wei was startled for a moment, and then burst out laughing.

"Xu Bai, Xu Bai," Gong Wei shook the Cangyang Mountain God of Wealth, and couldn't help but said, "You told Changsheng that they wanted to cultivate the Taoist Temple for me, didn't you? You also asked them to do this for the layout of the main hall, yes wrong?"

——In Tiandao Temple, there are no futons, no shrines, and no place for people to worship. In the middle of the main hall, there was supposed to be a statue of a god, but now it was empty, only a huge mercury mirror stood.

Good and evil in the world have their own cycle. No matter who insists on kneeling to worship the way of heaven, they can only kneel and worship the real self in the mirror in the end.

Xu Shuangce didn't answer directly, but raised the corner of his eyebrows, which meant that Yuchi Xiaoer knew something about it, who else besides me?

Gong Wei suppressed a smile and asked: "But I said not to build temples, how do you know that I actually like it?"

Before Xu Shuangce could speak, there was a "bang" in the distance outside the window, and the fireworks rushed into the night sky again, and the light was reflected on the handsome and straight face of Dongtian God, reflecting a trace of affection that could not be concealed in his eyes.

"I know all the unspoken words in your heart," Xu Shuangce said calmly, staring at Gong Wei.

In the middle of the night, Tuao, who was holding a grand ceremony, set off fireworks again.

The gorgeous tail flame rushed into the night sky and exploded bang bang, reflecting the sea of ​​stars brilliantly.

The Taoist Temple made of white jade was reflected brilliantly. On the highest point of the cliff, the wind raised Gong Wei's sleeves and long hair, and the bright and clean side face was shining brightly in the reflection. Suddenly, he discovered something, pointing to the sky ahead: " Xu Bai, isn't that the Blood River Chariot?"

I saw that Xu Shuangce released Di Jiang, Bi Fang, Mie Meng, and Gu Diao at some point. This time, he did not pull a long cart, and the four divine birds circled around Mount Dai, with grand fireworks flowing from their gorgeous tails, attracting people in the direction of Fading. Countless monks ran out, exclaiming and admiring.

Xu Shuangce stood shoulder to shoulder beside Gong Wei, and hummed: "I showed you."

Gong Wei has never been stingy with his affirmation: "Fire trees and silver flowers, Baolong holding candles, very beautiful!"

As if they understood his praise, the four divine birds croaked at the same time, and their croaks cleared across the sky.

Gong Wei looked at the monks competing to watch from a distance with a smile, and suddenly asked, "Xu Bai."


"The reason the world wants to stand up for me so much is because they like me now, right?"

Gong Wei still has the habit of mirrors, he likes beautiful things, likes to be surrounded by flowers and flowers, and likes to see the love and kindness in people's hearts. Xu Shuangce didn't answer immediately, but took his hand, held it firmly in the palm, and said coldly after a while: "They like you a little too much."

Gong Wei laughed loudly, drowning in the next round of blooming fireworks.

"I like them too!" He raised his voice, "Qu Xie said that only people in this world can repay kindness, but only people can drink water and remember the source; only people can kill their own kind, but only people can sacrifice for each other; the worst thing in the world is People, the greatest kindness also comes from people!"

Xu Shuangce held his hand tightly without answering.

"I like this world." The fireworks dissipated, Gong Wei looked at the lights of thousands of families in the distance, lost his mind for a while, and said slowly: "When I was very young, I would see the emotions in people's hearts, and then I would see them." What kind of emotion is reflected; hatred is reflected when seeing hatred, and joy is reflected when seeing goodwill. Later, when I grew up, I finally discovered one day that in addition to reflection, I would also burst out of my own heart. Feelings that are too strong to contain."

"Because that day, I met you."

Gong Wei turned to look at Xu Shuangce, smiled and said, "The mirror reflects the same love to all things in the world, but Gong Wei gave Xu Bai his unique love."

The divine bird shuttled among the fireworks, and countless light spots sprinkled on the ground, reflected in Xu Shuangce's gentle eyes. After a long time, he stretched out his hand and held Gong Wei tightly in his arms.

The entangled breath at the moment of the kiss was carried away by the wind and rushed to the distant sky.

"I've always loved you..."

"Because you are everything I have in my life, my only miracle, the same for nine thousand years."

A round of bright moon hangs in the nine days, the world is clear and peaceful, full of auspiciousness.

Reluctantly, the sword swept across the sky like a meteor, dragging a long breath towards the heaven. On the vast sky, Gong Wei's clear and smiling voice gradually faded away: "Xu Bai, can I move to the East Heaven Temple after returning to the heaven?"


"Then can I move tomorrow?"



"Move immediately tonight."

"Why do you want to move immediately tonight? Is it too late? Xu Bai, Xu Bai, why didn't you answer me?"

The two cuddling figures disappeared behind the gate of heaven, and the breeze swept from the clouds to the world.

A long distance to the silver man, the golden wind and jade dew, and the east wind puts flowers and thousands of trees at night.

Tiandao Temple stands on the top of Mount Dai, and the lights below the mountain are like a sea, smudged with a warm yellow over thousands of households.

The author has something to say:

—End of text

Thank you very much for your support, come back in a few days to update the episode~

At present, the only thing that can be confirmed in the extra episode is the wedding in the fairy world, and the extension of some details of the main text. What else do you want to see, you can comment in the comment area, and I will try to think about it~

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