MTL - The Sword Named No Way Out-Chapter 9

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In her previous life, Gong Wei was known among the people for her cheerful and good temper, and her mood has never been so complicated as it is now.

What is worse than being stabbed to death by a sword from an old enemy? After you die, you are slaughtered by your old enemy, and the whole world knows that you were slaughtered.

What is worse than being slaughtered? After the slaughter, he was not relieved, and the old enemy personally went to the ghost garden and went to the underworld, trying to take your soul out and toss it again; he didn't go home with peace of mind until he was sure that you were dead and couldn't even be reincarnated...

Xu Shuangce had his back turned to him, unable to see the expression.

He was silent for a while before opening his mouth. For some reason, the ending sound was slightly hoarse: "I'm looking for a total of twenty-eight people who died in Linjiang City in half a month. I have something to ask them. Where are the souls?"

Unexpectedly, the ghost judge was stunned: "Linjiang City? Has anyone died in Linjiang City in the past half month?"

Gong Weixin said that the judge was afraid that the ghost head was too drunk. Sure enough, Xu Shuangce didn't bother to talk nonsense to it, so he only ordered: "Don't say much, bring the book of life and death."

The ghost judge hurriedly ordered the skeleton: "Hurry up!"

Onigaki's twelve prefectures, each prefecture has a ghost judge who is on duty every month at the entrance of the underworld, which is the transfer station for souls leading to death. The last time Xu Shuangce swept all the twelve mansions, it was just and fair, no one was late and no one was left behind; this time, the ghost judge in front of him was even more miserable, facing the Cangyang Mountain Master Xu alone, he could be called a It's **** bad.

After a while, the skeleton creaked back, holding a thick yellow paper book in its hand. The ghost judge struggled to take out his staff from his huge body, and pointed at the book: "Open!"

Ninety-nine and eighty-one majestic golden scrolls spread out from the void, and fell down, forming eighty-one brilliant waterfalls!

Breaking into the ghost wall is a loss of life, Gong Wei did not hesitate to take the risk and secretly came down with Xu Shuangce, just for this moment—to find the soul of the little charmer through the book of life and death. If you haven't crossed the bridge of Naihe, try to pull the little charmer back into your original body. If you've already been reincarnated, at least you need to know where the other party is thrown, and whether it will be a bad life.

However, when he took a closer look, he was stunned.

—The eighty-one scrolls were empty, without a single word.

No one lives, no one dies, the records of the underworld for this half month are blank!

"..." Xu Shuangce frowned, "What's going on?"

The ghost judge asked inexplicably, "Xianjun, what's going on?"

"Why is the book of life and death blank?"

The ghost judge said affirmatively: "A blank space means that no one died, and the record will not make mistakes!"

Xu Shuangce frowned even tighter, and said briefly: "Sixteen years ago when I went down to the underworld to look for the soul of Fahua Immortal Venerable, you said that the deceased is not in the book of life and death, which means that his spirit and soul are gone, and he will not enter reincarnation. Could it be All the dead in the whole world will be destroyed and unable to enter reincarnation?"

The ghost judge defended: "But the book of life and death can't make mistakes..."

An ominous premonition suddenly appeared in Gong Wei's heart.

Xu Shuangce obviously thought of the same thing, and immediately interrupted him: "Take out all the records from sixteen years ago to the present, go!"

The skeleton ran back in a hurry and creaked, and came back with a lot of yellow paper books staggering for a while. The ghost judge drew out his staff a little more, and the golden scrolls spread all over the sky in an instant, which was extremely majestic and magnificent——

However, Gong Wei's pupils tightened unbelievably.

All records of birth and death in the world came to an abrupt end at the beginning of the twenty-eighth year of Taiyi.

Since sixteen years ago, to be precise, since the day he died under the sword of Reluctant—no one was born and no one died in Onigaki's book of life and death!

If it was just a chill in the heart just now, then it is a real shudder at this moment. Gong Wei subconsciously looked at Xu Shuangce, and saw that his thin lips were tightly pursed, his face was pale, and the hand that he was holding helplessly was bulging. After a long while, he finally said: "There are thousands of people in the world, how could it be possible that no one has lived in sixteen years?" , and no one died?"

The ghost judge said affirmatively: "There is neither life nor death, and the book of life and death cannot make mistakes!"


"There is neither life nor death, and the book of life and death will not make mistakes!" The ghost judge emphasized, repeating it several times, and laughed loudly: "There is neither life nor death, the book of life and death is Can't go wrong-"

Its expression is obviously not right, as if all its sanity is only enough to support its normal question and answer here, only the audience ghosts sing in unison: "Life and death are in the book, there is never a mistake—"

"Life and death are in the book, there is never a mistake—"

The sound waves converged into a torrent, rushing down the Santu River, washing away the dark and desolate boulders on both sides of Wangchuan. The jackdaws flew in all directions, covering the hazy and blood-grey sky with their flapping edges, shrouding Huangquan in darkness.

"Life and death are in the book, there is never a mistake—"

The reverberations rose and fell, straight up to the sky, and the earth shook violently in the terrible resonance.

"Life and death are in the book, there is never a mistake—"

The skeletons opened their teeth, and the ghosts were mesmerized. The ghost judge seemed to have completely forgotten everything, and fell backwards in a daze. The sea-like yin fire flickered and flickered, and suddenly turned into countless crimson petals, cascading up like huge waves.

——It was the peach blossoms that appeared when the souls of the twenty-eight deceased in the mortuary disappeared!

It was clearly a spectacle of crimson clouds all over the sky, but at this moment it was full of indescribable paradoxes and gloom. The next moment, Peach Blossom set off a giant wave that devoured the sky, and each wave was more ferocious and vast, swallowing the entire ghost wall!

Gong Wei slammed onto the rock in front of him, but to no avail. It was as if someone had punched him hard in the face, his eyes turned black and his eardrums roared, he suddenly fell backwards, and the hurricane whizzed past his ears—


He knelt down on the hard ground, his knees hurt so much, his eyes were spinning, and the desire to vomit rushed into his brain, and suddenly he heard a nightmare-like voice above his head:

"Who is there?"

Gong Wei's thin back straightened, and he slowly raised his head.

Sure enough, the mortuary of the medical village had been restored in front of him. Twenty-eight coffins were still opened and parked there. Not far away, Xu Shuangce was staring at him from top to bottom, saying, "Come out."


The air seemed to freeze.

Gong Wei walked two steps forward on his knees, his face was as pale as paper, his lips trembling: "Zong, Zong Master, please forgive me, I, I just..." Then he retched with a wow!

This performance is at least five points true-Gong Wei's body has always been very solid, if it were changed to when he was not dead in his previous life, he would not have to take a breather for a three-day tour of the underworld. But the little Mei Yao's physique is really too weak, he was inevitably hit when his soul was drawn away from Onigaki, and his heart twitched violently when he got close to him, and his eyes turned black because he couldn't breathe.

In fact, he couldn't vomit anything, only his throat convulsed and retched, and suddenly his throat felt cold, and his chin was lifted by the hilt of the sword.

Xu Shuang bent down strategically, and Gong Wei was forced to look up into his cold black eyes, and immediately the desire to vomit disappeared.

——Xu Shuangce has a cleanliness habit and is extremely harsh.

If he dared to spit on the scabbard of Fu Naihe, the little Mei Yao's physical body would die in pieces today.

"Xiang Xiaoyuan." Xu Shuangce said word by word.

Gong Wei maintained this posture, the platinum scabbard reflected his slightly widened eyes because of fright.

"The ghost cultivator is chasing you, what do you want?" Xu Shuangce stared at his pupils, and asked slowly: "If it is Fahua Immortal, then who are you?"

"...Zong, Sovereign, please forgive me..." "Xiang Xiaoyuan" said in a ignorant voice, with a trembling cry: "I didn't do it on purpose, I will never dare again, Sovereign, please forgive me..."

There were hurried footsteps outside the door, but Xu Shuangce ignored it, squinted his eyes and asked, "Did you go to Guiyuan with me just now?"

"I...I...I have nothing..."

Xu Shuangce emphasized his tone: "What did you see just now?!"


The door was pushed open vigorously, Yu Chixiao quickly stepped across the threshold, bumped into the scene in front of him, and lost his voice: "Sect Master Xu, please forgive me! Xiang Xiaoyuan has a shoulder injury and is unable to move, so I was negligently staying here just now, isn't it? Deliberately disobeying you! I ask the suzerain to raise your hands high!"

— The tense atmosphere was suddenly broken.

Xu Shuangce glanced at Yu Chixiao for no apparent reason, finally took a deep breath, straightened up and loosened the grip on "Xiang Xiaoyuan".

Gong Wei didn't care about anything else, and immediately rushed towards Yu Chixiao, trembling with blood from his wound, which startled Yu Chixiao, and quickly signaled him to hide behind him with a wink.

Xu Shuangce asked, "What's the matter with you?"

Yu Chixiao actually found it after he found the little Charm was lost in the middle of the road, but he didn't dare to mention it again, so he had to find a way to divert Xu Shuangce's attention: "I... the suzerain, the junior heard the ghost crying, I guess Sect Master Xu opened the gate of the underworld, so he came here in a hurry, I don’t know if the Sect Master found anything in the ghost garden..."



Xu Shuangce said indifferently: "I didn't find anything."

Yu Chixiao bit the bullet and said: "Really? Then it seems that it will not be a day's work to find out the matter. Then junior... Junior will resign now?"

Xu Shuangce didn't even answer.

Yu Chixiao was afraid of offending him, so he quickly pulled Gong Wei and dragged him out of the house.

Gong Wei stumbled across the threshold, and the sky outside the barrier of the mortuary was brightly lit. Yu Chixiao lifted his back collar, turned his head and looked through the door, Xu Shuangce was standing surrounded by rows of coffins, his profile was as straight and solitary as a sword.

"Gong Wei," he said suddenly.

Gong Wei's heart tightened, but he saw that Xu Shuangce was looking at the dark and congealed air in front of him, as if he was talking to a ghost that didn't exist in the void, every word was extremely calm and clear:

"If you lie to me again, I will make you regret that you dared to die back then."

The carved door closed with a click, leaving the mortuary in thick darkness.


"What do you think? Why don't you hurry out and stay in that room? Are you looking for death then?" Yu Chixiao reprimanded Gong Wei by the collar.

Gong Wei covered his head weakly: "I was injured, I couldn't walk fast, and you ran away on your own without waiting for me... Ouch!"

Yu Chixiao knocked him hard: "If you do this again, I really don't care about you! How dare you disobey Sect Master Xu's order? You're tired of it, aren't you?"

When the two returned to the inn, it was already evening. Gong Wei was thirsty and tired, at first he wanted to talk back and say that he didn't dare to expect the young man to cover me, seeing that you covered me so much that I was hurt all over my body; but on second thought, he pointed at young man Yuchi to kiss him Uncle Jianzong summoned him to save his own life from the claws of Master Xu, so he immediately changed his expression shamefully, and said with emotion: "Young Xia, you are really a good person, don't be so inhuman with me!" Care about, you are my loving and reborn parents..."

Yu Chixiao was so grateful that he had goosebumps all over his body: "Shut up! It's too fake!"

Gong Wei: "Hey! Pick and choose!"

Yu Chixiao stopped suddenly, with a tall figure blocking the corridor of the inn, and seeing no one around, he said seriously: "There is something I haven't had time to ask you yet."


"How did you control 'Su Qing' when you were fighting against that ghost revisionist outside Linjiang Palace?"

Gong Wei pretended to be confused: "What Su Qing?"

"One sect, two venerables, three sects and four sages, among the younger generation of famous families, I rank among the top three in terms of combat power. Below me is Wen Xiuyang, the eldest disciple of Xu Zongzhu's outer sect, and under Wen Xiuyang is Meng Yunfei. Yunfei's' Although Su Qing's sword is not as powerful as his Shunxian Guqin, it is also one of the famous fairy swords in this world. How did you, a little charmer who just built his foundation, **** Su Qing sword from him?"

Yu Chixiao was at least a head taller than Gong Wei, with bushy brows and staring eyes, frowning slightly and staring at him.


Gong Wei was silent for a moment, closed his eyes and said, "You are wrong."

Yu Chixiao frowned and said, "What's so weird behind your back? It's impossible for me to see—"

His words stopped abruptly, and Gong Wei opened his eyes, his right eye was as red as blood!

"You read it wrong," Gong Wei said softly.

Sound, light, and consciousness were all quickly withdrawn, Yu Chixiao seemed to have suddenly fallen into an endless abyss, the fall made his mind go blank, only the boundless gust of wind passed by his ears, Gong Wei's smiling, beautiful face Faces recede farther and farther overhead until there is a soundless bang—


Yu Chixiao staggered suddenly, and was supported by Gong Wei with one hand: "Master? What's wrong with you?"

In front of me is still the corridor of the inn, it was dinner time, the sound of the waiter's running hall came from downstairs, and Gong Wei's concerned gaze was just around the corner, his eyes were black and white.

Yu Chixiao was in a trance, as if he had lost something just now, but nothing happened; he had completely forgotten what happened at the gate of the Linjiang Prince's Mansion, and subconsciously closed his eyes forcefully, and when he opened them again, Gong Wei smiled When he got up, the young man was flirtatious with light fur, his face was nothing like anything in the world.

He jokingly said, "My lord, be careful."

Yu Chixiao's heart beat like a drum, he suddenly struggled and took half a step back, speechless for a moment.

"—you," he said hastily, "why are you so close!"

The distance between the two was pulled away, Gong Wei didn't mind, and innocently raised his hand: "Help you."

When he walks and walks, a vague fragrance wafts from the sleeves of his robe, like the first ray of spring dawn shining into the world. But Yu Chixiao wasn't sure if it was his own illusion, he could only subconsciously force himself to look away, and hastily waved his hand: "I'm going back to the room, you should hurry back and rest."

Gong Wei responded with a smile.

Yu Chixiao turned around and left, and after walking two steps, he remembered something, turned his head and stared at the ground deliberately, and said sternly: "—If you don't want to die, don't provoke Xu Zongzhu!"

Gong Wei: "Hey, I got it!"

Before the words were finished, Yu Chixiao rushed back to the room, as if fleeing, and slammed the door shut.

"?" Gong Wei shrugged, "Strange."


Finally sent Shaoxia Yuchi away, Gong Wei's mouth was dry and his whole body hurt. He rubbed the back of his neck and went back to his room. First, he poured a large glass of water, and then he fell on the couch and let himself go for a long time. tone.

When Yu Chixiao first came here, he rejected the proposal to stay in the Linjiang Prince's Mansion or the local sect of cultivating immortals, and spent his wallet in a secluded inn. This move is wise, at least it can avoid the continuous visits and befriendings of local small sects and small casual cultivators. Once the door is closed, the room will be quiet, and no noise can be heard.

Gong Wei looked at the ceiling of the inn, and had already thrown the strange eldest son of Yuchi's family out of the sky, with countless distracting thoughts in his mind. For a while, he thought about the weird life and death book that had been blank for sixteen years, and for a while, he thought about how Xu Shuangce smashed the ghost wall with a sword The man from Twelve Mansions was thinking for a while who would go around killing people with his sword in his name... After thinking about it for a long time, he finally calmed down, and an unstoppable thought popped up:

Have I lied to Xu Shuangce?

But twenty years ago, he was the one who wanted to enter the world of the thousand-degree mirror. How could what happened in the illusion be called a lie?

Gong Wei felt wronged from the bottom of his heart, turned over on the bed, thinking that when he first met Xu Shuangce, this person had a good temper and was not as cold and ruthless as later. When Ying Kai picked him up from the peach forest in Cangyang Mountain, for some reason Xu Shuangce often came to Xianmeng Punishment Palace as a guest. Every time he was a guest, he brought him snacks, picture books, and taught him how to write. I gave him a small suona to play with.

That should be the most harmonious years between them.

However, the good times didn't last long. Later, he gradually grew up, and the many "different and inhuman" performances on his body did not gradually fade with the passage of time, but became more abrupt and obvious. He still likes to eat flowers, likes to imitate the behavior of the people around him, and the strange blood red right pupil always appears from time to time; Xu Shuangce seems to be keenly aware of something, and his attitude towards him gradually becomes cold and distant, and many small cracks also quietly surfaced out of the water.

But Gong Wei didn't take it to heart.

Gong Wei has a very good temper since he was a child, and he is full of curiosity, friendliness and tolerance towards everyone he meets, as if nothing in this world can really make him angry. He was especially close to Xu Shuangce. Although he never understood why he offended Sect Master Xu, he never felt dissatisfied because of the other party's indifference. At most, he only felt puzzled.

— until that accident happened later.

Gong Wei was assassinated for some reason, Ying Kai was furious, and decided to put an end to the unhealthy behavior of the various families, so he ordered the establishment of a large punishment court and appointed Gong Wei as the head of punishment.

At that time, Gong Wei's mind hadn't matured at all, and it was not bad to be able to take care of himself, let alone take care of other people's children. Therefore, Ying Kai's original intention was to personally supervise the Criminal and Punishment Institute, but let Gong Wei learn various affairs from him, so that when he comes into contact with the children of famous families in the future, he will at least have an identity that people dare not offend, so that he will not suffer secretly .

The idea itself was good, but unexpectedly, this decision was met with firm opposition from Sect Master Xu.

Xu Shuangce came to Xianmeng that day, and a fierce dispute broke out with Ying Kai in Xunshu Palace. It just so happened that Gong Wei happily ran to Xu Shuangce to offer treasures, and heard every word of the dispute between the two, including those extremely hurtful words that Xu Shuangce had never said in front of him.

Gong Wei was angry for the first time in his life.

That was the first confrontation between him and Xu Shuangce.


This conflict came and went quickly, because the always tough Sovereign Xu backed down in a rare way—he walked away without saying a word, and didn't even fight back.

Fortunately, he didn't fight back, and the conflict didn't develop into tit-for-tat immediately from the very beginning.

In the ensuing years, Cangyangzong and Gong Wei had constant conflicts, and all kinds of unhappiness were frequently aroused. No matter how Ying Kai tried to mediate, it was useless. The feud between Xu Shuangce and Gong Wei finally became known to everyone.


—If there is no Thousand Degree Mirror Realm, perhaps this state of no big conflicts and constant small frictions will continue forever, and the opportunity that will make the two of them never live together will not appear in the future.

But it's a pity that Xu Zongzhu's fate should have such a catastrophe.

Twenty years ago, Xu Shuang's cultivation base broke through the middle stage of the Mahayana realm, and he had to enter the fantasy world of the thousand-degree mirror world to break through obstacles before he could advance to the late stage of the Mahayana realm.

There is only one person in the whole world, Gong Wei, who can completely control the ancient artifact of the thousand-degree mirror world, so Ying Kai has no choice but to give thousands of orders, and strictly order Gong Wei to **** him all the way, so that nothing will be lost:

"... Cangyang Sect Master hits many killing obstacles. If you don't remove the killing obstacles, you may not be able to fly up, and on the contrary, you may hurt innocent lives... When the illusion of the thousand-degree mirror world is strong to the extreme, it can make people reincarnate, reincarnate, live, grow old, sick and die. The illusion of a hundred years is nothing but reality In an instant. Therefore, after you let Cangyang Sect Master enter the fantasy world, you will be reincarnated as a general or a generation of heroes. After killing more than 10,000 enemies on the battlefield, you will be able to complete your merits and virtues, and then you will be able to return to the present world with all obstacles eliminated..."

It's no secret that Xu Shuangce hits multiple kills. Some people say that if it wasn't for this, he would have already ascended to Taoism.

Immortal cultivators must break through all kinds of barriers in order to achieve greatness—some are emotional barriers, others are mental barriers, and the most difficult one is killing barriers. Most of the immortal cultivators with killing obstacles are powerful, but since ancient times, very few have achieved good results, because most of them go crazy when the killing obstacles come, some couples kill each other, some slaughter masters, and some have long-term mentality Distorted, and gradually reduced to the devil who exterminated the seven emotions and six desires.

In order to suppress killing obstacles, Xu Shuangce cultivated the way of ruthlessness since he was a child. His talent is unrivaled in the world, and he rose to the Mahayana realm within a hundred years. But if he doesn't find a way to completely solve the killing obstacle, he will never be able to ascend. What's more frightening is that the higher the cultivation level, the harder it is to break the obstacle.

Of course Ying Kai can't let him kill in this world, he can only be sent to the thousand-degree mirror world, and under the guidance and protection of the illusion, he can vent the terrifying murderous desire in his heart.

"I did solve his killing obstacle." Gong Wei leaned on his hand and thought in a daze, "I followed him in the illusion and ran back and forth, but as soon as he came back to the real world, he copied it." He had no choice but to yell at me, to kill me, and to pay for my life—how did it become my fault?"

He yawned, closed his eyelids unconsciously, and his consciousness gradually darkened.


This sleep was extremely restless, and it seemed that he had many dreams in a trance, all of which were fragments. He saw that the battlefield was full of blood and blood, and layers of dead bodies were piled up into hills. A young general in silver armor and white armor was curled up under the trench, covering his eyes tightly with one hand. Trembling with pain.

Gong Wei carefully tiptoed among the flesh and blood all over the floor, walked up to the general, bent down and looked at it for a while, touched the protruding fingers of the other party's eyes, feeling very interesting, couldn't help but chuckled slightly.

The general leaned back vigilantly: "Who?"

The wind and sand, wrapped in rust and blood, swept towards the chaotic sky in the distance, but there was no sound other than that.

"..." After a long time, the general's dry and cracked lips barely moved, and he said hoarsely, "Are you... the ghost here?"

In a blink of an eye, there are green mountains and green waters, smoke from the kitchen, and chickens and dogs in the small farmyard. The rope in the well creaked and turned, and a bucket full of water was hoisted out. Gong Wei carried it out splashily, and only half of the bucket was left. He tore a piece of cloth casually, dipped it in water and gently wiped the general's bare chest, and the criss-crossed flesh and blood quickly dyed half of the bucket of water light red.

He didn't care about it, he splashed the water and wanted to pick it up again, but his wrist was suddenly grabbed.

There was a rustling sound, and it was the blindfolded man in front of him who untied a gold ring from his right wrist, and fumbled to fasten it above the elbow of his left arm.

The shape of the golden ring is very rare, it is three wavy spirals connected end to end, in an irregular ring shape, and densely intricate and exquisite charms and seal characters are engraved on it.

"—I've been wearing it since I can remember, and I've forgotten where it came from." The man's voice was very low, but mellow and pleasant, and said, "Thank you for saving my life."

Gong Wei tilted his head to look at him, and then looked at the golden ring on his arm. It seemed to be very novel, and he smiled crookedly for a while.

Time changed with the picture, he seemed to be ups and downs in his sleep, seeing the stars shifting, accidents happening suddenly, and seeing the red pillars shining brightly, and the blood shining suddenly.

In the end, it was a majestic sword light that shook the fantasy world, like flames piercing through the cold night, lightning piercing through the mist, and the edge of the cold sword appeared in front of the eyes; the thunderous face of Sovereign Xu appeared behind the sword light, and every word was full of words. Contains killing intent:

"If you dare to kill my wife, I will let you pay for it today, Gong Wei!"

Gong Wei opened his eyes suddenly, dripping with cold sweat, soaking through his heavy clothes.

The sky was bright outside the window, and it was already noon the next day.

Duk duk, there was a knock on the door outside the house, and a clear and gentle voice sounded: "Master Xiang? Are you okay?"

It was Meng Yunfei.

"..." Gong Wei didn't know what day and night it was for a moment, and sat blankly for a while, until Meng Yunfei repeatedly called out in response and knocked on the door hurriedly, then he woke up like a dream: "It's okay, I..."

With a loud knock at the door, Meng Yunfei broke in with a livid face, and bumped into Gong Wei sitting upright on the bed, his tense expression suddenly relaxed: "Offended! I thought—"

Fortunately, he swallowed back the words "I thought you were in trouble".

Gong Wei was only wearing a snow-white jacket, with messy black hair, hugging the quilt and looking at him in confusion. Meng Yunfei couldn't help but feel a little hot, he coughed and asked, "Young Master Xiang, are you all right, are you sick?"

The author has something to say:

Although he seems very innocent from the standpoint of Gong Wei, the plot experienced by the suffering master Xu Shuangce is not like this 2333

Brother Yunfei is very pitiful, because the gentle attack in this article has no future, so the opening is cannon fodder.

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