MTL - The Sword Named No Way Out-Chapter 36

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"You were too scary that day," Yu Chirui said, holding up the fishing rod intently, looking at the buoy in the water.

In the pool outside Xunshu Palace, Gong Wei took off his shoes and was barefoot, sitting cross-legged on a moss-covered rock, fishing with one hand and resting his cheek on the other, lazily said: "I'm here to avenge you and my brother, do you know?" Is it any good?"

"Then you can't drink his blood." Yu Chirui dissatisfied, "How disgusting, what do you think?"

What do you think?

Gong Wei paused, as if she didn't know how to answer. After a while, he rolled his eyes and said affectionately: "I didn't really think about it, I just thought that this would deter other Xiaoxiao, no one can hurt senior brother in front of me anyway!"

Yu Chirui was so shocked that he almost dropped his fishing rod: "You dog has such a conscience?"

Gong Wei smiled and held her chin.

It just so happened that a huge chariot passed by high in the sky at this time, and the drivers were four giant birds, with a long platinum tail light, rushing towards the direction of Xunshu Palace in the distance, Gong Wei immediately jumped up barefoot: " Ah, the Blood River Chariot! Xu Bai is here!"

He waded through the water and ran towards the shore, putting on his shoes in a hurry to slip. Yu Chirui couldn't stop it in time, and saw the fat fish that was about to take the bait scatter in all directions, and his heart ached on the spot: "Bastard! Where are you going?!"

"Xu Bai hasn't seen my sword yet!"

"Xu Bai will kill you one day!" Yu Chirui turned around and roared angrily, only to see a cloud of dust and smoke curling up from the bank, and Gong Wei had already slipped happily away.

Gong Wei held his sword and swept across the long corridor like the wind. All the disciples of Xunshu Palace who passed by in the distance stopped in solemn expressions, all cast respectful and fearful eyes, and watched him go away with complicated expressions.

Gong Wei didn't notice the subtle changes in other people's attitudes during this period, or she didn't care too much when she saw it. He rushed to the door of the study room, deliberately put his footsteps lightly to hold his breath, and tried to push the door lightly to surprise Xu Shuangce, but he didn't expect that there was a bang sound from the study room, which was the sound of a teacup being stamped on the table. , Xu Shuangce said coldly:

"I disagree."

What are they talking about?

Gong Wei's hand that pushed the door paused, and looked in through the crack of the door. Seeing Ying Kai and Xu Shuangce standing face to face, for some reason there was a sense of tension floating in the air, Ying Kai said angrily, "Why do you disagree?"

"On the surface, that assassination was Fu Guimen's revenge on Gong Wei. In fact, you and I know what happened. Why did you choose the day when Gong Wei accompanied me on the stage to sacrifice? Why did the assassin sneak into the heavily guarded Shengxiantai? Strict investigation but no clues? The poison of the underworld and the Yin and Yang spells are all from the Fughoumen, but the twelve dead soldiers all used the life-for-life array to destroy the appearance of the corpse, why is it unnecessary?"

"Because behind this is inextricably linked with the famous families!" Ying Kai said word by word, "All the great masters are trying their best to support their own children, and all the treasures of heaven and earth, as well as their cultivation methods, are all on the younger generations of the direct line. As a result, only aristocratic families can produce masters, and masters only protect their own family. The name of Juzong has been passed down for three generations by Julu City Chief Sun’s family, and the name of Jianzong has also been passed down for two generations by Weichi’s family in Yejinmen. This is still a family tradition Inheritance is more decent - other families rule over land, scramble for resources, and all kinds of selfish actions. The humble cultivators can only rely on their subordinates, otherwise they will never have a bright future! Interests, will naturally be subject to their collective hatred, even if they did not participate in this assassination, they must have obtained their acquiescence! If things go on like this, how can there be fairness?"

Xu Shuangce said flatly: "For mortals in this world, it is normal to protect the elders and grandchildren. Human nature is both good and evil, so just let it go. Why do you have to rebel against it from the beginning?"

Ying Kai was so choked up that he couldn't speak, and asked for a while, "Do you disagree with me establishing the Criminal and Punishment Institute, or do you disagree with me appointing Gong Wei as the dean?!"

Brother, do you want me to be the dean?

Gong Wei immediately opened his eyes wide in novelty.


Xu Shuangce fell silent, and couldn't see his expression clearly from the angle with his back turned. It took him a long time to hear him say: "This son must not appear in front of others."

Ying Kai frowned and said, "What do you mean? Naturally, I personally supervise the Punishment Court, and the appointment of Gong Wei is just a name. I just hope that with this name, he can learn and experience various affairs with me, and contact more people. Having more children of the same age, making friends with three or five confidants, is only good for his mental growth..."

"He shouldn't grow any longer." Xu Shuangce interrupted Ying Kai suddenly.

After a pause, he said again: "Don't let Gong Wei get in touch with anyone again."

Judging from Ying Kai's expression, he seemed to feel that there was something wrong with his ears: "What are you talking about?"

Xu Shuangce did not answer.

"Gong Wei's talent is not limited to that. As long as he is well guided, his future cultivation may not be inferior to yours and mine. Do you still want to lock him up for the rest of his life?"

The last sentence was obviously a rhetorical question, but Xu Shuangce didn't answer, just staring at him fixedly.

Gong Wei held his breath.

He still couldn't see Xu Shuangce's face, but he knew there must be something in Xu Shuangce's expression, because Ying Kai's eyes gradually became very shocked, and after a while he whispered in disbelief: "...Xu Bai, are you crazy?"

Ying Kai is a very polite person, and rarely calls any of his peers by his first name.

Xu Shuangce turned a deaf ear to it: "Don't you think his talent is terrifying?"

"..." Ying Kai said with difficulty: "Xu Bai, you just formed the alchemy back then and triggered the Nine Heavens Thunder Tribulation that hasn't been seen in a hundred years. When I unsheathed Ding Shan Hai Jian for the first time, the mountains and seas resonated. No one said that we are scary."

"You really think you can guide him well?"

"Of course. Gong Wei's nature is innocent and simple, he's just a..."

Xu Shuangce asked back for the third time, with a sneer in his tone: "Do you really think his nature is innocent?"

Gong Wei seemed to have fallen into an absurd and frightening illusion. He didn't understand what was happening in front of him, but an instinctive tingling suddenly rose from the bottom of his heart and pierced his throat.

Don't talk anymore, his breathing became short of breath.

Don't say any more, Xu Bai.

"Gong Zhengyu can't possibly be a human being." Xu Shuangce said with his back to the door, without any emotion in his voice: "I know what you think. Even if monsters take human form, they can't cultivate three souls and seven souls. Those who have the seventh soul must be humans. If they are not humans, then they can only be existences that are higher and lesser than you and me, or that are closer to the 'Day of Heaven' itself."

"You think Gong Zhengyu might be such an existence."

Ying Kai stood without saying a word, neither affirming nor denying.

"But Ying Kai, you think the way of heaven is good, but I think the way of heaven is chaotic. The way of heaven is not necessarily kind to cultivators like you and me. Gong Zhengyu treats people well now because of the people he can get in touch with right now. Treat him well in every possible way. If you want to maintain the status quo, you have to seal his spiritual veins and lock him in a forbidden area. No one is allowed to see him except you and me. When Yu Chirui grows up, he will also be isolated. outer."

"If you can't do this, Ying Kai." Xu Shuangce said, "Remember what I said, Gong Zhengyu is as sweet as a dream now, and it will be as bad as a dream in the future. One day you will regret it."

Gong Wei's pupils constricted sharply due to the stinging pain.

As the angle changed, he finally saw Xu Shuangce's side face. That handsome face had never been so cold and ruthless as before, as if what he was talking about was not a familiar person, but something strange, ominous, and urgently needed. Heresy cleaned from its feet.

Negative emotions roared from all directions, flooding over his head like a tide.

The last few traces of closeness to Xu Shuangce made him want to control himself, but his stronger nature prevailed. The same hostility rose from the heart, as if poisonous flames were burning the internal organs, and even the bone marrow was sizzling due to the severe pain.

Say no more, he thought in confusion.

I'm really in pain, don't say any more—

Ying Kai was irritated, he was hastily criticizing something, his tone was stern and full of anger. Xu Shuangce remained unwavering, and the arguments became louder and more intense. In the end, Ying Kai slammed the paperweight on the table: "Xu Shuangce! I think you are the one who has been haunted!"

"The thing we picked up from the peach forest in Cangyang Mountain that year was not a person at all, it was just a heresy of the way of heaven." Xu Shuangce's words were clear and piercing: "We picked up this heresy, and one day it will bring destruction to the world. Everyone in this world!"

There was a click and the door was pushed open.

The two turned their heads at the same time, and Gong Wei stood outside the door, staring straight at Xu Shuangce.

Ying Kai lost his voice and said, "Gong Wei..."

For a moment, Xu Shuangce's expression was actually very strange. He seemed to be forcing himself to move his gaze away half an inch, but then he paused, raised his head slightly, took a breath, and stood there calmly.

"Don't you like me, Xu Bai?" Gong Wei asked softly.

Xu Shuangce didn't answer.

Ying Kai forced himself to squeeze out two words from his tight throat: "Gong Wei..."

Gong Wei asked stubbornly: "Will you always hate me in the future?"

No one saw that the lines of Xu Shuangce's shoulders and arms were extremely tense, the fingertips of both hands were deeply pierced into the muscles of the palms, and a trace of warm liquid was slowly overflowing from the palm lines.

He opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but after a long silence, he closed his mouth tightly again, and walked out quickly without saying a word.

Ying Kai said anxiously: "Xu..."

Before he could finish speaking, Xu Shuangce's arms tightened. It turned out that Gong Wei grabbed him when he was wrong. The young man raised his head and looked at him.

—Kill him, the innate consciousness in the depths of the soul resounded clearly again.

"...Gong Wei," Xu Shuangce said hoarsely, "I told you not to use these inhuman tricks on me."

A tinge of scarlet appeared in the boy's right pupil, like a strange flower blooming in another world.

Xu Shuang tactfully pulled his hand slightly: "Gong Wei!"

Xu Bai must die.

Xu Bai must die first.

None can go. Xu Bai died first.

Gong Wei closed his eyes, then opened them suddenly, his right pupil had turned into a rich and pure blood red!

Xu Shuangce's complexion changed slightly, and he dodged away, but it was too late in an instant. The white prefect came out of the sheath in a shocking manner, and came face to face with a huge energy. His spiritual power swept in all directions in a ring. The floor burst into thousands of cracks in an instant, and the doors and windows shattered into powder!

— Clang!

The sharp collision of gold and stone was deafening.

Xu Shuangce firmly pressed back the hilt of the sword of Fu Naihe, and blocked the murderous sword with only the scabbard, and the metal friction made a terrible squeal!

Bai Taishou Xueliang's sword body reflected Gong Wei's eyes at close range, and a faint light flickered at the tip of his eyes.

He just stared hard at Xu Shuangce who was close at hand, his eyes wide open, as if he could forcefully suppress the glimmer of light back into his eye sockets. But that still failed in the end, a line of water marks rolled down, slapped on the sword's edge, which was still killing intent, and was instantly cut into countless tiny water rays.


Xu Shuangce let go of the hilt of his sword, reached out and wiped away the water stains on Gong Wei's cheek, and asked in a low voice, "You want to kill me?"

The palm can cover half of the boy's side face, and the breath blends in an instant, seemingly seamless.

He slightly leaned over to Gong Wei's ear, and said, "You will never have such an opportunity again."

At this time, there was a loud "Qiang!" from behind, and Ying Kai drew his sword and sternly shouted: "Shuang Ce!"

Xu Shuangce stood up straight, retracted his sword, said nothing more, passed by and walked out.

But the moment he stepped over the threshold, Gong Wei suddenly turned around and swung his sword, the sword light pierced the void all the way, Xu Shuangce blocked it with a backhand, and the sleeves of his robe were torn apart!

The blood in his palm finally splashed out, throwing a dotted arc on the ground.

But Xu Shuangce didn't look back, he stepped over the threshold steadily and walked out.


The huge movement has disturbed most of the Xunshu Palace, and the disciples rushed over after hearing the sound, but they dared not approach, and hid far away under the high white jade platform in front of the main hall. As if Xu Shuangce didn't see it, he walked through the corridor with his hands behind his back, the wind swept in from the end of the world, and the torn robe sleeves billowed behind him; it was in this place a few years ago, the late spring sun passed through the heavy Feisha, a thin and young figure suddenly appeared from the wall, looking at the two jingling small gold coins in his hand, his wide eyes were full of curiosity.

Jingle, jingle.

Xu Shuangce did not stop.

He saw the young man in the void jump down, snatched the small gold coin with a snort at the moment he passed by, and held it tightly in his thin white hand, as if he was afraid of losing it accidentally, his clothes were like a stream of clothes. Yunfei disappeared into the depths of the corridor like a roll.

The wind blows in my ears.

Jingle, jingle.

It is clear that the top of the heart is ruthless, it should be the heart of the Tao, but the secret throbbing pain does not know where it came from, like layers of fine silk, layer by layer wrapping the heart that has already been as cold as iron in the chest cavity.

It must be because he was bewitched by that strange eye, he thought.

Xu Shuangce's fingers pierced deeply into the flesh and blood of his palm, and he raised his head towards the rolling hills, as if as long as he insisted not to look back, he would be able to get out of that beautiful and sweet dream, and get out of the deeply addictive time that was like flowing water at the end of spring that year.

The long wind of the eighteenth year of Taiyi swept over the overlapping palace eaves, and the blue sky was filled with peach snow.

With a sword in his back, the Cangyang Sect Master walked down the magnificent long steps of Mount Dai alone, leaving behind the clinking sounds that were getting farther and farther away in the void, and walked step by step towards the distant future where red candles were feasting and blood was flashing.

Volume Two

Read Sand Mage of the Burnt Desert
Read The God of Sky & Earth
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Read My Space-Time System
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