MTL - The Sword Named No Way Out-Chapter 16

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In an instant, Gong Wei had many thoughts in his mind, but he didn't say a word on the surface, allowing the two of them to cover their heads with scarlet gauze and satin, and helped them out of the courtyard.

An extremely gorgeous eight-carrying sedan chair is parked outside the door. The details cannot be seen clearly through the hijab, but the luxury can be seen from the red gauze sedan chair curtain woven with gold and embroidered, and the nanmu sedan chair frame embossed with cloud cranes. A woman brought a stepper made of vermilion rattan, raised the door curtain with blood jade Ruyi, and said with a smile: "Bride, come up!"

Gong Wei stood there without moving: "Where's Xu Shuangce?"

The voice from the woman's neck remained unchanged: "Who is Xu Shuangce?"

Gong Wei was quiet for a while, then asked again: "Where's General Bai?"

The woman said: "The groom and the guests have already set up a banquet in the ancestral hall, and we are just waiting for the bride!"

There was a circle of faceless people around the gate of the courtyard, men and women, old and young, all clapping their hands happily, staring at the bride with blank faces, waiting patiently for him Get on the sedan chair.

Gong Wei finally took a deep breath from the countless invisible sightlines, stepped on the step, and got into the sedan chair steadily. Behind him, the three-layer curtain of pearls and jade hung down, and all the women said in unison: "Let's get up—"

"Let's go out—"

"The bride is getting married today—"

The firecrackers exploded at once, the gongs, drums and suona went straight up into the sky, and all the faceless people sang and danced towards the ancestral hall at the end of the road.

In Xu Shuangce's consciousness, why so many people came to marry each other, but along the way, he could only see the bustling crowds coming from the houses on both sides and various fork roads. When they came to the gate of the ancestral hall after a stick of incense, there were already huge crowds of people. This posture was not worse than the queen's wedding announcement to the world.

"Get off the sedan chair—"

The faceless woman opened the three-layer bead curtain again, bowed to help Gong Wei out of the sedan chair, stood in front of the gate of the ancestral hall, and said with joy, "The bride has arrived!"

Through the red gauze hijab, you can vaguely see a wide stone road in front of you, passing through three gates and nine steps, leading directly to the tall and simple ancestral hall at the end. Banquets were set up on both sides of the stone road. At the moment, the guests are bustling with people. Judging from their shaking their heads, they should be very excited. Unfortunately, everyone's faces are blank.

At the highest point of the nine steps, Xu Shuangce stood with his hands behind his back, his white robe sleeves inlaid with gold fluttered in the wind, with the Fu Nai He sword on his waist.

Even among thousands of people, Cangyang Sect Master is the most powerful and conspicuous one.

He slowly turned his head back through the crowd to look at his bride, his thin lips curved slightly.

Gong Wei's pupils narrowed slightly, and he suddenly turned his head to look into the distance. I saw that the sky was cloudy at some point, like a layer of lead gray mountains behind the clouds surrounding the whole land, gradually covering the sun, and pressing down on the top of the village.

But people are as ignorant as they were twenty years ago.

Two faceless women supported Gong Wei's arms, one on the left and the other on the right, like four pliers made of fine steel, but their voices were full of earnestness: "Bride, please."

Gong Wei stood still.

The firecrackers and drums were still ringing, the guests applauded and laughed, the faceless woman waited for a while, then smiled and repeated: "Bride, please."

Gong Wei suddenly said, "I won't go in."

"Why don't you go in?"

"I will die."

The woman's flat face covered with human skin remained unchanged, and even the mechanical tone of the smiling voice in her neck remained unchanged: "How could I die? Why would I die? I won't die."

Gong Wei asked back: "Have you ever heard that there are fierce beasts in this mountain?"

The woman didn't respond.

"There is a strange beast in Taoyuan Mountain, its shape is like a tiger, it has spines all over its body, and it likes to eat human flesh. .”

"Although the groom is a general, he is a mortal and cannot fight against a beast like Qiongqi. Qiongqi pressed the bride with one paw, and smashed the ground with the other paw, shaking the entire mountain forest. It also shook and collapsed, and a thousand-weight boulder fell down, and the bridegroom and the bride were about to be buried in it."

Gong Wei said slowly: "However, the groom held on to the bride tightly and refused to escape by himself."

"Xu...Sect Master Xu," Yu Chixiao sat in the first row of guest seats, looked at Xu Shuangce on the high platform not far away, and couldn't help trembling: "Wake up, all this is only twenty years Can you really not remember the projection of the previous disaster? Mrs. Xu, she will... immediately..."

Clouds and mountains accumulated in the sky, the sky became more and more cloudy, and the wind became stronger and stronger. Xu Shuangce didn't seem to hear at all, just staring at the figure in the golden and red wedding dress outside the gate of the ancestral hall.

A chill rose from Yu Chixiao's heart: "What should we do now?"

Xu Shuangce's most frightening memory is nothing more than the moment when the bride died. When that moment comes, the mirror technique will magnify his fear, resentment, and madness a thousand times, and the collapsed illusion will swallow the realm master, and at the same time bury the souls of all outsiders inside, and no one can escape.

Surrounded by countless faceless people, Meng Yunfei suddenly retracted his gaze and whispered, "There is one thing I don't understand."


"Why did Fahua Xianzun kill the bride?"

The cause of Mrs. Xu's death has always been divergent. Some say she died of illness, some say she was killed by poison. There are various conspiracy theories. The mastermind behind the scenes is most likely Fahua Immortal—otherwise, it is impossible to explain why Sovereign Xu and the palace courtyard They have been at odds for so many years.

However, the president of the palace was cheerful and enthusiastic during his lifetime, and had a good reputation among the people. Judging from his behavior style, it seems unreasonable to kill another innocent woman just because of conflicts with Xu Zongzhu.

The rules of the Immortal Gate are hidden from the venerable, and the younger generation cannot comment on the actions of the elders, let alone question them. So after decades passed, the newly grown-up generation didn't dare to spy on the grievances and grievances between several great masters, let alone Yu Chixiao who grew up strictly according to the family rules: "This..."

Meng Yunfei motioned him to look at the bride in the distance, and said in a low voice, "Look, Mrs. Xu has a face."

Yu Chixiao paused suddenly, and looked intently, only to see that the red gauze hijab was light and thin, and the face of "Mrs. The sedan chair lady speaks.

Her face is no longer a smooth piece of skin!

But why did she suddenly have a face?

Yu Chixiao's gaze suddenly caught sight of her hands exposed under her wedding dress. Against the gorgeous red silk, those two hands were so white that they seemed to be transparent, and the fingers were slender and graceful, as if shining faintly.

Yu Chixiao's heart suddenly bumped, and an almost impossible guess came up. At this time, he only heard the master of ceremonies repeating for the third time in the distance: "The bride gets off the sedan chair—"

Xu Shuangce didn't see any displeasure on his face, and said slowly, "Why are you still delaying?"

Gong Wei stopped speaking, stood silently for a while, finally exhaled, and with the support of the two faceless bridesmaids on the left and right who were like steel tongs, he crossed the high threshold, stepped on the stone steps, and faced everyone. The gazes of the guests climbed up the stairs and finally stopped in front of Xu Shuangce.

Then his hands froze at the same time, and it turned out that Xu Shuangce stretched out his hand to hold him.

Xu Shuangce's fingers were terribly cold. He seemed to want to say something, but for some reason he opened his mouth and closed it again. He just looked at the red hijab embroidered with golden cloud and crane patterns and smiled.

Gong Wei knew that stretching his head and retracting his head would be a knife, so he finally took a deep breath and said, "Wake up, Xu Bai, Mrs. Xu is dead."


After a long silence, Xu Shuangce said hoarsely, as if he didn't hear anything, "You are not dead."

Xu Shuangce's expression didn't seem to be different, but if someone dared to get closer and observe carefully, he would find that he was staring deeply and closely at the bride in front of him without even turning his pupils.

Gong Wei knew that he could speak freely from his normal expression to cutting all ghosts with his sword out of the scabbard. Even if he was negligent for half a second, his head might fly off his neck, so he didn't dare to be distracted at all, and asked gently: "Remember what happened the last time you pulled Mrs. Xu like this?"

Xu Shuangce frowned his slender eyebrows.

Gong Wei said: "That Qiongqi smashed the ground, and the boulders fell like a torrential rain. You refused to let her go and escape alone, so you can't break the emotional barrier."

A thunderstorm-like bang came through time and space. Twenty years ago, in the monster cave in the fantasy world, "General White" was holding on to the bride's hand, and the "bride" had been pinned down by the crazy Qiongqi. He couldn't pull it out at all.

The earth shook and the mountains shook, the sky was dark and the sky was dark, Gong Weifu couldn't break free from the opposite hand in the violently shaking darkness, and tried everything he could to make General Bai abandon him and escape alone. At this time, there was a huge earthquake above the head, and the huge rock was torn apart, smashing down with the force of ten thousand tons!

"A Tao," General Bai said hoarsely, "Let's die here together today."

Gong Wei's brain exploded.

In the next moment, the surrounding illusion suddenly stopped, countless gravels, big and small, hovered in the air, and the huge blood-soaked Qiongqi opened his mouth to howl, and his movements froze; in that complete silence, Gong Wei's spirit escaped from the body of the "bride" , General Bai heard a youthful and youthful voice above his head, seemingly in unspeakable confusion: "Why do you have to die?"


General Bai's soul had been severely injured, he was in a daze, as if trapped in a long and absurd nightmare.

Gong Wei stretched out his hand from behind, and pressed General Bai's hand that was tightly clutching the bride, with a trace of innocent encouragement in his tone: "As long as you escape, you can break the barrier of love. Don't you always want to ascend? "

Time and space seemed to be frozen, and General Bai's trance voice came after a long time: "I don't want to break the emotional barrier."


"I like her."

Gong Wei blinked, but didn't understand: "What do you like about her?"

"...I don't know." General Bai murmured, "I liked her from the first sight, and I...don't know why."

But like this kind of feeling, what is it?

Is it really possible to fall in love with someone you can't see or hear?

Gong Wei was even more confused, and after contemplating for a moment, he said with more certainty: "So you have really fallen into a love disorder."

"Really." General Bai replied wearily, "It doesn't matter, let us die together in the ground together, I already doesn't matter."

But Gong Wei shook his head in disapproval, and bit by bit he broke away his bruised hand, which was holding on tightly to the bride, and said, "Although you are going to die one day, it's useless to die in an illusion."

General Bai didn't realize what that meant, and suddenly everything around him started to move—Qongqi's roar rushed out of his throat with flames, and a huge boulder like a hill fell down on his head. Gong Wei grabbed his hand with a firm force that could not be resisted, and stabbed forward neatly!

As the fingertips sank into flesh and blood, blood splashed up, reflecting in General Bai's pupils constricted instantly.

"...No," he roared suddenly, "No!"

Gong Wei held onto his hand tightly, pulled out the "bride's" heart, and then flew back before being crushed into a pulp by the Wanjun boulder, and dragged General Bai out of the cave. The blood on the hands of the two rose up!

"What are you doing!" General Bai struggled and roared frantically: "Who are you! What are you doing!"

Half of the mountain collapsed, the earth trembled and cracked, and countless flaming stones filled the ground like hailstones, burying the corpses of the beast Qiongqi and the bride inside forever. Gong Wei held General Bai's arm from behind, leaned into his ear and said earnestly: "The word love may not be a barrier, but what you like is just a phantom that has come out of illusion. Your killing barrier has been broken, wake up Come on, Xu Bai."

General Bai turned his head stiffly and slowly, as if there was a storm gathering in his eyes, it was the part of Xu Shuangce's soul screaming and waking up from deep sleep.

"Who are you?" he asked hoarsely.

The sky in the distance is collapsing in pieces, and flames are gushing out from the depths of the ground. Xu Shuangce's soul set off a huge wave of terrifying spiritual power, which even shook the thousand-degree mirror world to the point of collapse, and the fantasy world was about to collapse.

Gong Wei said: "Calm down Xu Bai, you don't like her at all, you just..."


The sky finally shattered, the earth fell into smoke, and the hurricane tore the flames into torrents of eruption. General Bai clamped Gong Wei's neck with his palm, and the whole world finally collapsed in his rage:

"What the **** are you—!"


"Do you remember?" The wedding hall was decorated with red, Gong Wei looked up at Xu Shuangce under the red veil, and said seriously: "Mrs. Xu is dead, she never existed. Wake up, Xu Bai."

The sky was completely dark, and the faceless guests were ignorant, still shaking their heads happily, and together with the loud drums and gongs, they turned into a strange and vague background.

Suddenly, a dark wind mixed with the breath of monsters blows from the sky, the mountains and forests in the distance fall down, the sea of ​​trees churns, and the flocks of birds covering the sky and the sun fly away—


A monster shaped like a giant tiger, with hooked claws and serrated teeth, and a height of three feet rushed up into the sky from the mountain stream, and with its wings on its back, a hurricane was set off.

"Really?" Xu Shuangce said indifferently, "If Mrs. Xu never existed, then who are you?"

Gong Wei didn't answer.

Xu Shuangce seemed to be unaware of the chaos around him, only looked at the gorgeous hijab in front of him, and asked again with an emphatic tone: "What are you, huh?"

"...he is Fahua Immortal..." Yu Chixiao's voice finally sounded not far away, he stood up holding the Gou Chen sword tightly, and said with difficulty: "You should wake up from the illusion quickly, Sect Master Xu. The person in front of you The Fahua Immortal!"

With a loud bang, Qiongqi shattered the mountainside with his front palm, and climbed up the mountain like lightning, while countless boulders behind him were shattered into powder and fell into the abyss. The Faceless guests finally reacted slowly, and fled in panic, but all exploded into splashing flesh and blood under its sharp claws.

Everything is as if the scene from twenty years ago reappeared. The fierce beast covered with stabbed armor knocked over the eaves of the ancestral hall, aimed at the bride in front of the hall, roared and opened the giant mask and came down!

"—It's all fake, Xu Bai." Gong Wei stared at Xu Shuangce closely: "As long as you wake up now, everything will disappear and everything will come to naught, and there is still time."

Xu Shuangce closed his eyes.

The shadow falling from the sky is getting bigger and bigger, and Qiongqi's **** breath has sprayed on the back of Gongwei's neck. In that flash of lightning, Xu Shuangce opened his eyes, his pupils were condensed with divine light, and he had no choice but to draw his sword out of its sheath—

The cold light came over the sky.

In an instant, Gong Wei closed his eyes and was ready to resist a blow with his soul state, but the next moment, Qiong Qi on the top of his head was cut off in the middle of the sky.

Blood poured down, spraying Xu Shuangce all over like a torrential rain!

"I know," Xu Shuangce said condescendingly, turning to Yu Chixiao.

Plop! Plop! There were several loud bangs, and several heavy corpses of Qiongqi fell on the steps, but no one could make any response, and there was a suffocating silence around.

Xu Shuangce's platinum robe was stained with blood, as if he was wearing a groom's auspicious suit. He put the sword back into its sheath in one hand, and held Gong Wei's wrist with the other, his eyes were calm, not even the slightest surprise:

"The auspicious time has come, why don't you pay homage?"

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