MTL - The Sweet Stepmother and Her Cute Cubs-Chapter 8

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With the marriage certificate issued by the production team, many things can be bought. Hancheng has a few zeros in her passbook, but she doesn't know how much the child will need to go to school, and she will have to go to college in the future, so she can save money. the rules.

Her mother also has a red dress that she has kept for several years. She wears this kind of red dress at most once when she gets married. Thinking of wearing it on the wedding day, she doesn't need to buy any clothes. Hancheng must wear military uniforms, and she doesn't need to buy them. .

Other daily necessities are inconvenient to carry on the road, so buy them when you get there.

There are not many cloth tickets, so I can only buy two pieces of adult clothes. I can buy a few clothes for children. Xiaobao doesn’t have any new clothes when he grows so big. I was thinking of buying one for Xiaobao.

After explaining that Li Yufeng had red clothes for marriage, she asked Han Cheng: "Can I use these cloth tickets to buy Xiaobao a dress? He has grown so big and hasn't worn new clothes yet."

Han Cheng thought that this aunt was so kind to his nephew. Thinking of the tattered clothes on his son's body, his eyes darkened, but he didn't say anything.

When he arrived at the children's clothing area, Su Xiaoxiao asked him again, "Then let's buy three pieces."

Han Cheng was stunned.

Su Xiaoxiao added: "My eldest brother and sister-in-law are workers. They have cloth tickets. If Dabao has new clothes, he will not buy them. Just buy one for Xiaobao. These cloth tickets can buy three children's clothes. , your two sons and Xiaobao are just right for each of them, so I will borrow flowers and worship Buddha as a gift for them, what do you think?"

One of the requirements for Han Cheng to look for Xu Xian is to be literate and read. He graduated from the military academy and knows that reading can be sensible. He does not want the communication cost between himself and his wife to be too high, and he is even more afraid of finding a shrew to go back and live a daily life. Jump for life.

Han Cheng looked at Su Xiaoxiao deeply, and the more he got in touch, the more he felt that she was really good like this.

When he came back this time, he found that the two sons' good clothes had been taken by the adoptive mother for his own grandson to wear. They were all old clothes with patches. He just wanted to buy one for his son, but he didn't want to. He knew how to speak, but Su Xiaoxiao took care of it.

"Thank you Comrade Su."

Han Cheng's eyes are very deep, and when he stares at a person seriously, it will give people the illusion of deep affection.

This is probably the legendary love eye?

Su Xiaoxiao knew that there wasn't any special romance hidden there, but she still couldn't help blushing. She was embarrassed to turn her face away and pretended to look at the clothes, "I bought it with your cloth ticket and your money, thank you. what have I done."

Han Cheng said in a low voice, "Thank you anyway."

There is nothing else to buy, and it will be cumbersome to take on the road.

After leaving the state-run shopping mall, they went to the supply and marketing cooperative. With the marriage certificate, they bought a lot of wedding candies, cakes, melon seeds, etc. The other Su parents would also prepare them, so they didn't buy more.

Han Cheng sent things back to Su's house. He didn't plan to stay at Su's house for dinner, so he went straight back to the county.

Xiaobao jumped with joy when he got new clothes. He had to know that children as big as him in the whole village had no new clothes to wear. His aunt actually bought him new clothes, which made his classmates envious. What about the whole year.

"Auntie, you are the best aunt in the world!"

Li Yufeng is really angry and heartache for this heartless girl.

Reaching out and nodding her head: "How can anyone get married and not buy new clothes for themselves, but for their nephew? What do you make Han Cheng think of you like this?"

Su Zhenhua was a little embarrassed: "Yeah, Xiaoxiao, this kid is still young, and adults can change their clothes. If you still take care of your parents' family like this after you get married, Han Cheng will have an opinion."

If Zhang Chunying did this, he would be the first not to agree.

Su Xiaoxiao looked at Xiaobao's dazzling expression, and felt that the clothes were really worth buying.

She reached out and touched Xiaobao's head. Such a well-behaved child would be so precious if she was born in the 21st century.

"Second brother, look how happy Xiaobao is, it's worth it."

Zhang Chunying was at ease, this little aunt is really good, and she is close to Xiaobao when she has good things. It is a pity to marry so far.

Li Yufeng glared at her: "Then what are you wearing tomorrow?"

"Mother, didn't you hide a red dress? It's a waste of me to buy one more. If you don't wear that one, you'll be a moth." Su Xiaoxiao was too speechless, didn't she even let her wear it for a blind date in the morning.

Li Yufeng slapped her forehead and almost forgot about it. Before, she was worried that her daughter would not know when she would be able to get married, but she didn't expect that a blink of an eye would come in handy.

"Look at my memory. If you don't tell me, I forgot. The weather will be nice. I will quickly take it out to dry and wear it tomorrow."

Su Xiaoxiao thought of the smell of mothballs, and her scalp became numb: "Mother, give it to me, I will wash it before wearing it."

Li Yufeng disagreed: "It doesn't look good after washing."

Su Xiaoxiao: "I just go into the water and wash off the smell of mothballs."

Li Yufeng couldn't beat her, so she had to toss with her: "You love cleanliness, so you don't know what's wrong."

Ever since her daughter was picked up from the well, she has been very fond of cleanliness. Even Xiaobao has been trained by her to wash her hands at every turn, and her face is also clean, which is particularly stinky.

There are many things to prepare for an impromptu wedding, but at this time, even if you have money, you don’t dare to waste it. If you are accidentally reported to be a rich peasant, you can’t be washed if you jump into the Yellow River.

After all, Su Weimin was the team leader, and he took his son and a few strong guys from the production team to arrange the things that should be purchased in one afternoon.

The wine hall is a ready-made, simple mud-brick bungalow. A shed is built in front of it, a few earth stoves are built, and a few large pots are placed in the kitchen. There are more than a dozen old wooden tables, each with four long benches, pots and pans. The basins are also complete. This is the big canteen left when eating big pot rice in the past. All the red and white things in the village are placed in this place.

Buying a pig and a few fish from the production team, adding a few vegetarian dishes, and adding some wedding cakes and melon seeds bought by Hancheng and Su Xiaoxiao, is already an excellent meal in this era.

The man paid for the woman to buy a pig to hold a banquet, and Su Xiaoxiao could be regarded as a beautiful marriage.

Su Weimin sent someone overnight to inform his relatives to come to a banquet tomorrow, and the preparations for the wedding were considered complete.

Su Xiaoxiao married far away, and there was nothing to prepare for the dowry. Li Yufeng took out the gold bracelet and safety buckle that her grandmother passed on to her, and then took three hundred yuan from the dowry and secretly gave it to Su Xiaoxiao as a dowry.

With such a thick gold bracelet, Su Xiaoxiao didn't expect her mother to have some background.

But Su Xiaoxiao didn't plan to ask for it, "Mother, I like this safety buckle very much. I wear it. You can keep the money and gold bracelet. I don't need it."

Ping'an button is a good emerald, shiny and transparent, Su Xiaoxiao likes it at a glance.

Li Yufeng was speechless to this ignorant girl, "Mother, is this for you? It was passed on to your children and grandchildren after pressing the bottom of the box for you. This is a good thing passed down by your grandmother's grandmother. When you are poor, you Mother has never thought about taking it as a pawn, what do you think about you? The money is also by your side, and you need money wherever you go."

Su Xiaoxiao pushed it back, "So mother, you have to take good care of me. It's no different from letting you go here. I took Lu Wan so far and lost it along the way? Just take good care of it for me.

As for money, just treat me as filial piety to you and your father. You have to let Han Cheng know that your daughter is worthy of the betrothal gift. If you spend a little more betrothal gift to marry you back home, it will hurt me. If you give it back to me, doesn't it seem that I am not worth it. "

Li Yufeng was so angry that she raised her hand and beat her, "You child, how can you say it doesn't make sense? This is your mother's dowry. Han Cheng knows that you didn't marry him empty-handed, and he will look up to you a little bit. Back then, your mother wore a gold bracelet. Marry your father, your grandma treats me better than your aunts and aunts, understand?"

Su Xiaoxiao stretched out her hand to support her forehead, and simply showed Li Yufeng the passbook that Han Cheng gave her.

"Mom, look, Han Cheng gave me all this. The bonuses he gave you are just for completing a mission, so you can take it with peace of mind."

Li Yufeng went to primary school and was literate, so she was shocked to see the numbers on it, and swallowed: "Han, Han Cheng is so rich? He gave you all such important things?"

Su Xiaoxiao nodded, "No, he said that all the things in the house are under my control, and he agreed to buy clothes for Xiaobao, mother, I can't see the wrong person, and it's not because of Han Chengjun who got married, others It's really good, you should also see that as long as I treat him and the children well in the future, he will definitely not treat me badly."

Li Yufeng had nothing to say anymore, she patted her daughter's head and said with emotion: "It's said that stupid people have stupid blessings, mother didn't believe it before. I'm worried that you will be bullied by your mother-in-law after you get married. It seems that God still has eyes. Hancheng has no parents, and his relationship with his adoptive mother is not good. You don't need to be angry with your mother-in-law. Don't be too extravagant, the children will have a lot of money to spend in the future."

Su Xiaoxiao rested her head on Li Yufeng's shoulder, "Mother, I know."

God is indeed not kind to her, it feels so good to have this kind of mother's nagging.

In the early morning of the next day, Han Cheng was wearing a military uniform, pinned a big red flower, and sat in a military jeep to greet his bride.

The driver was not him, but a man of the same age as him, who also wore a military uniform.

Driving a four-wheeled car to greet the bride is the first part of Sujia Village.

The car only entered the village entrance, and it has been widely spread by the majority of the community members.

Su Weimin originally planned to use the three-wheeled tractor of the production team to send Su Xiaoxiao to the county station, but he never expected that Hancheng would come with four wheels.

He is killing pigs and driving a big car, not to mention Sujia Village, even in the entire county, he can't find a few, his father-in-law is not too face.

"Captain Su, don't you want to be your son-in-law with Da Honghua? It's just different when you're a soldier. He looks really good, and he's too handsome."

Su Weimin's face was flushed, and his heart was overjoyed, but he said modestly: "Where is it? It's not two eyes, one nose, one person. It's better than the above."

"That person is far from human, how can it be the same."

"Yes, yes, your son-in-law is really lavish."

Liu Shuixian was nibbling on the melon seeds and spit out the skin of the melon seeds, "Bah", and said strangely, "The wife who died has two children, of course it's different."

The members who were just talking and laughing suddenly got stuck, and the temperature at the scene dropped a few degrees.

Liu Shuixian continued as if she didn't notice it: "I don't have a certificate, I have no name, I have no interest in running after the man, can we be like Ren Su Xiaoxiao?"

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