MTL - The Sweet Stepmother and Her Cute Cubs-Chapter 212

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Han Cheng and many commune members personally sent the soldiers who came to help to the entrance of the village, bowed their thanks to the soldiers one by one, and then turned to go home.

Han Cheng dragged his tired body home after nine o'clock in the evening. Except for the three little cubs who couldn't work, the rest of the old Su family were so tired that they couldn't even straighten their waists.

Xiaodoubao has been her mother's little tail all day, sometimes passing her firewood and fans, and sometimes pouring water and beating her back.

It was impossible not to take a shower on such a hot day. Han Cheng used his last strength to carry the water into the shower room, and took a few cubs to take a battle bath. When he came out, Su Xiaoxiao was already asleep on the sofa.

Han Cheng was reluctant to wake her up, so he tiptoed her into the room, poured a basin of warm water to wash her face and wipe her body, trying to make her sleep as comfortable as possible.

Su Xiaoxiao was half-dream and half-awake, not knowing what she was dreaming, she muttered, "Hurry up, hurry up, typhoon, typhoon is coming..."

Han Cheng sighed, bowed his head and kissed her on the forehead: "Rice has been rescued, sleep in peace."

In the middle of the night, the frogs and insects croaked more and more loudly. No one saw the weeping willows that had not been touched for several days in front of the old Su's house dancing with the wind until the next morning.

At four or five o’clock in the morning, without Su Weimin’s call, all the members, including Xiaodoubao, got up and went to the grain drying field to help, and they were automatically divided into several teams to work together. Threshing, a team is responsible for drying, and before the sun comes out, all the rice is separated from the ears of rice and dried.

Su Weimin glanced at the sky and said solemnly: "Thanks to the help of these soldiers, this is the fastest harvest in the history of our Sujia Village. It will take less than three days before and after, so please be careful, I guess the typhoon will happen today. Arrived, the floor of the granary is already covered, and there is no extra space for drying. Everyone goes back and brings all the pick baskets that can be installed at home for spare use. Once the wind blows, no matter how dry the millet is, immediately receive it in the basket, and register two households. Take it back to your own home to dry, remember to spread it out to dry and keep turning it, and dry it with fire if necessary.

Su Weimin actually felt that the storm was moving this way, but these rice grains really needed a few hours of dehydration time. Even two hours and three hours of drying for 40% to 50% of the rice can greatly reduce the germination rate.

The leader of the second production brigade was stunned for a moment, and asked, "Secretary Su, we haven't handed in the public grain yet. Wouldn't it be bad to take the grain back to our own home without authorization?"

Su Weimin waved his hand and said, "It's a very tricky time, one day typhoon rains three days, and I don't know how many days it will blow. The rice is not completely dry and it's just waiting to germinate in the granary. It's better than this. Let everyone pick them back for safekeeping.

It’s time to distribute new grains ahead of time. Then we’ll see how much grain we can get this year, and then we’ll make up for it. I hope the typhoon will come a day later, so that at least 80% to 90% of the millet that has been dried for a day will be dry. Can be received uniformly to the granary. "

The captain of the second production team stopped saying anything.

Su Weimin instructed Su Zhenhua: "Go find a few bricklayers to repair the tiles of each granary, and the windows are sealed tightly. This typhoon will not be small. Although there are mountains on three sides to block a little bit, but if there is a little loophole, it will also block it. It's not going to be windy or rainy."

Su Zhenhua nodded: "I know Dad, I'll take someone to do it."

According to Su Weimin's wishes, the captains of each production team instructed each and every household. In a short while, the grain drying yard of each production team was filled with daggers and bamboo baskets.

While the sun was still hanging, everyone kept turning the rice grains over, hoping that they would dry faster and faster.

The so-called Heaven is not beautiful, as Su Weimin expected, it is not even noon, Su Zhenhua has just brought someone to repair the roof of the granary, and Father Sun has quietly hid in the clouds, covering the sky and the sun is just a moment. The howling wind swept through the mountains and knocked down countless trees, mercilessly attacking the small mountain village.

The commune members quickly collected the rice into the baskets and carried them back to their homes.

The dust has settled, no matter whether this year is a harvest year or a year of failure, every household finally has a little grain of food, although it is not too much, but it is not so panic.

The typhoon was fierce, and Hancheng locked the last granary door against the strong wind. It was already windy and rainy outside.

A few big men from the old Su family put on the scorpions that Li Yufeng had prepared for them early in the morning.

The elderly and children in the village had already been notified early in the morning that they would not be allowed to go out. Su Xiaoxiao and the cubs were anxiously waiting at home. There was a noise outside, as if they were about to uproot the weeping willows by the river. It was two o'clock and no one was there. Come back, if it wasn't for Li Yufeng to stop him, the four big cubs would have to go out to find someone.

Just when the children wanted to rush out for the Nth time, the door of the house opened and closed quickly.

Seeing that the men have returned safely, the hearts of the whole family are put back in their stomachs.

Not caring so much, Li Yufeng asked each of them to carry a bucket of hot water to take a shower and change their clothes, so as not to catch a cold.

When they finished packing up, the hot food was served, and the three big men choked up and sacrificed to the Five Zang Temple, and the whole person was relieved.

A few big cubs spread the rice picked up not long ago and spread it on the floor to dry. Li Yufeng picked up a grain and took a bite, savoring the fragrance of the new rice, spit out the chaff, and chewed the grain before swallowing it. Said: "50% of it is dry, and it will be fine for a few days, but it will not germinate."

The children also followed the example of their grandmother, biting a grain of rice each, and they didn't come up with anything for a long time.

Su Weimin had a lingering fear in his heart: "I have never seen such a strong wind in my life. This time it is really thanks to Han Cheng and those soldiers."

Han Cheng said, "I'm just doing my best, thanks to them indeed, but I also need my father to be experienced enough to make a decisive decision, otherwise I won't be able to catch up. Such a strong wind is rare even by the sea, and it should not be so big here surrounded by mountains on three sides. wind of."

Su Weimin said: "It's impossible to say that nature will be angry. Who could have predicted the earthquake two years ago? The power of the wind in the hall cannot be underestimated, and the mountains on three sides cannot stop it, but the wind will not stop If it takes too long, I'm afraid it's a tornado, which is so lethal that it can even lift the tile roof."

The whole family was silent, not even the most lively little meat buns dared to play tricks, the timid little dumplings kept hugging grandma and refused to let go.

Su Xiaoxiao sighed as she listened to the sound of ghosts crying and howling outside. It was going to rain and she couldn't stop her by marrying someone. She didn't know how many people would suffer from such a natural disaster. What I am worried about is the reservoir on the mountain. In the event of a few days of heavy rain causing the reservoir to collapse or flash floods, more people will be affected.

"Father, is the reservoir on the mountain safe?" Su Xiaoxiao still asked.

Su Weimin obviously also thought of this question and nodded: "Don't worry, girl, that reservoir was built by your brother himself, and it is reinforced once a year, and the water was released once during the drought in the first two months, as long as it is not for a continuous period of time. Two months of uninterrupted heavy rain, the reservoir is not full."

Su Xiaoxiao was relieved a little.

When returning to the house for a lunch break, Su Xiaoxiao hugged Han Cheng and said, "Han Cheng, I really want to think about how to make more money when I return to the capital this time."

Han Cheng kissed her origin and asked, "Are you going to build bridges, roads or reservoirs?"

Su Xiaoxiao raised her head and looked at him in surprise: "How do you know?"

Han Cheng hooked his lips and touched his lover's straight hair: "My lover's desire for money has always been small, and I am satisfied with opening a small shop that can earn enough small meat rations. I wanted to make more money to bring my family. To live a better life, and now to make more money, it is natural to prepare to repair bridges, repair roads and build reservoirs to give back to my hometown.”

Su Xiaoxiao kissed his stubble chin and asked him, "Then do you agree?"

Han Cheng lightly touched her face with his stubble: "Xiaoxiao, when I was in Qingfeng Town, I felt very guilty for trapping a talented person like you at home, but at that time you told me, you You feel that doing this can make you feel happy and fulfilled, and you are happy.

I thought you were comforting me, and then I found out that you really like to get along with the children, you can arrange your family and work in an orderly manner, and you can enjoy it without making yourself too hard. Since then I have I decided to respect every decision you make in the future, just as you chose to marry me in the first place, I believe that no matter what the circumstances, you can make the best and most suitable arrangement, so smile, I respect you, love you, and trust you more You, you say I agree or disagree? "

There was a whirring sound outside the window, and occasionally unknown objects flew, hitting the wooden window that was not solid, like a violent man with a very unstable mood, who would break open the window and come in at any time to abuse.

Logically, Su Xiaoxiao should be afraid, but listening to Han Cheng's warm and low voice in such a harsh environment, it actually made Su Xiaoxiao feel relaxed and peaceful like a needle in the sea.

Su Xiaoxiao grabbed Han Cheng's hand and put it on his own to play with it, and rubbed his face again: "Han Cheng, you are so kind, sometimes you are not so enlightened as a man of this era." He hurts The level of cherishing and respecting a loved one is beyond the reach of most twenty-first century husbands.

Su Xiaoxiao felt that even if she now told Han Cheng that her decision to marry him at that time was based on such a superficial reason as her appearance, he probably wouldn't be angry.

This typhoon was threatening and fearless. It blew down countless vegetable garden sheds, shattered houses and trees, and blew down the rice that other communes had no time to harvest. After leaving, there was still a tail of wind, and the rain continued to fall. The river water rose to the road at a speed visible to the naked eye. The weeping willows on the bank could no longer see their roots, as if they were growing in the river.

The wind and heavy rain continued for several days. The other communes were quick to grab one-third of the harvest, and the slow-moving ones didn't even reach one-fifth. Some communes couldn't hold back. I heard that Su Weimin asked everyone to bring the food back Every household wanted to imitate this method and called on everyone to brave the wind and rain to harvest the remaining rice, but in such weather, even if it was picked up, it would not dry, and it would be easier to germinate if it was stuffed in the house. It is not a nature at all to put it in the house after it is half dry.

It is even more impractical to dry it with fire. It is okay to have a load of half a load. So much grain is roasted on a soil stove, and it is faster to germinate.

During the few days when other communes were in a hurry, Su Xiaoxiao made a plan for allocating fields to households and handed them over to Su Weimin: "Father, I think it is imperative to allocate fields to households. The sooner it is implemented, the better. There will always be some people in the vanguard of new policies, and I think you can be that vanguard.”

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