MTL - The Sweet Stepmother and Her Cute Cubs-Chapter 202

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Xiaoroubao glared at Gu Zhanwang with puffed cheeks and big eyes: "I heard it all, Uncle Siyan, I didn't eat your rice, why do you despise me for eating too much?"

Gu Zhanxiang: "..."

Forget it, he can't afford to offend any of Han Cheng's cubs. Gu Zhanwang really has something to do in the afternoon. He left an address for Han Cheng and left. It will be a long time to come to Japan. Anyway, he will come to eat every day, and he can gather at any time. Not in a hurry.

After Gu Zhanwang left, Su Xiaoxiao's family couldn't wait to go home and open the "treasure box".

It turned out that I didn't feel so nervous when I didn't find the key. Now that the key is in hand, the family is getting nervous around the box.

Han Cheng put all three suitcases on the table, took out six small boxes from the inside and lined up in a row, and asked the rice ball to check if the outside door was closed again.

After thinking about it for a while, the rice ball simply hung the "Closed Door Thank You" that was made together with "Time Sold Out" before the gate, and then made sure that every door from the courtyard to the back room was locked before running back.

Xiaodoubao had also returned from checking the window, and the whole family began to nervously crowd around the table again, and the atmosphere even became tense with the ignorant dragon and phoenix.

Su Xiaoxiao couldn't help urging Hancheng: "Hancheng, you should open it quickly."

Han Cheng sighed and opened the "souvenir" left by his mother before. There were six small boxes, but only three keys.

"Isn't there six boxes? Why are there only three keys?" Su smiled and asked.

Han Cheng said, "This is not an ordinary lock. It should be specially made. The key should be universal. Did you see that there are three locks on each box? Instead, the keyholes of these three locks are different."

Su Xiaoxiao and the cubs listened to Han Cheng's words and began to study the boxes. As Han Cheng said, each box and the number of locks are exactly the same, and each box has three keys, and the three keys are not the same. Same.

Han Cheng said: "If I'm not mistaken, the grandfather who poured these boxes into the bridge piers should be three brothers. They found someone to order these boxes. I don't know what material these boxes are made of, but they are very sturdy. The drill bit was accidentally touched and it was not damaged at all, they should each have a key, and after locking, three people agree to open these boxes again."

Su Xiaoxiao sighed again: "The ancestors of our old Han family are also wiser than the other." Su Xiaoxiao took the key and compared it, "This box is also a work of art, and the chain holes are all Mei Lan. Chrysanthemum, it is easy to distinguish."

Han Cheng glanced at the delicate key in his hand and nodded: "It is indeed Mei Lanju."

Said and handed the key to Su Xiaoxiao: "You can open it."

Su Xiaoxiao was not polite to him, took the key, took the plum blossom one, and handed the other two to the rice ball and the bean bag: "Come on, let's open it together."

The three of them inserted the keys into the corresponding keyholes at the same time. Su Xiao smiled and counted "one, two, three". With a "click", the lock was opened, and the three took off the lock at the same time.

Su Xiaoxiao took a deep breath, counted "one, two, three" again, and lifted the lid of the box—

What comes into view is a box full of yellow and golden gold bars. No wonder Chinese people like gold. Pixiu, which represents wealth, likes gold. The joy of harvest is also golden. Even Buddha statues like to shape golden bodies. People’s feelings when they see gold are really indescribable. beauty of.

Xiaoroubao subconsciously picked up a gold bar and put it in his mouth and bit it, "Oops", took it down and took a look, and a complete tooth mark appeared.

Su Xiao smiled and said speechlessly, "You can't eat gold wrapped in small meat. Look at this tooth mark is real gold, and the condition is not bad."

Xiaoroubao said, "Mama, I know that gold cannot be eaten, so I just want to taste it."

The rice ball pinched his face: "You, don't put anything in your mouth, some things will be poisoned and stomachaches."

Xiaoroubao puffed up his cheeks: "If it's delicious, you have to taste it if you have a stomachache."

The whole family has no way to take this foodie.

"Hancheng, is this box of gold enough to buy two courtyard houses?" Su Xiaoxiao asked.

Han Cheng nodded: "Enough is enough, even the scale of the Han Mansion is enough."

Even Hancheng now calls the old house the Han Mansion.

Su Xiaoxiao nodded and said, "Then let's use this box of gold to exchange two courtyards and see how many others there are."

If these six boxes were all gold, wouldn't their family be able to exchange twelve courtyards? In later generations, it is a matter of wealth and nobility to have a courtyard house. How many people would envy if there were twelve of them.

Su Xiaoxiao's ideal state is to buy three more courtyard houses. After the four cubs in the family, one for each person, it is best to buy them all near the Han Mansion. In the future, the rice **** will inherit the Han Mansion, and the other cubs will be one for each person. Hancheng does not want to live in the Han Mansion. , you can live wherever you want.

In fact, compared to the Siheyuan, Su Xiaoxiao is more willing to live in a high-rise duplex or a large villa with floor heating and air conditioning.

However, it is not the best investment method to buy real estate. In the era when all kinds of businesses are waiting, the benefits of any line of clothing, food, housing and transportation will not be inferior to the value-added ability of the courtyard. The key is to lead a group of relatives and friends to fight together, and More people get rich together, and wealth can help the world at the same time. Only in this way does it make sense to increase wealth.

The first thing that came to Su Xiaoxiao's mind was her food kingdom. If one of the cubs went to study architectural design, he might be able to open a real estate company in the future, and he could also invest in Li Yufeng, who is far away in Sujia Village, to open a clothing factory. If the meat factory where Su Zhenzhong works allows individuals to invest, they can also invest to make it bigger and stronger, or if they have experience, they can invest in them to start a new one, and Su Zhenhua has raised pigs well these years, even opening a farm. Nice choice…

Su Xiaoxiao's thinking diverged, and while unpacking the box, she built her business blueprint without a word, and she was so happy that she almost laughed out loud.

It wasn't until a few cubs "wow" that she drew her attention back.

Su Xiaoxiao looked at the phoenix crown that was opened in the fourth box, and her mouth opened.

Han Cheng was not surprised. When he dug out the boxes from another bridge pier, he said that the ones were relatively light, and they were not filled with gold.

"The three boxes dug out of one of the piers should be these commemorative jewelry and the like, and there should only be these three boxes of gold."

Su Xiaoxiao carefully picked up the finely handcrafted phoenix crown and studied it. The golden phoenix, red sapphire, and night pearl are naturally standard. The key is that every process is meticulously crafted and ingenious. With the slightest movement of the hand, the phoenix will flutter its wings. : "Hancheng, this phoenix crown is invaluable, more valuable than a box full of gold."

Han Cheng said, "Then keep it for Xiao Tangyuan as a dowry."

Xiao Tangyuan's expression is very disgusting: "I don't want Baba, this hat looks very bulky."

Su smiled and said, "It's okay, don't wear a hat. These are the family heirlooms of our old Han family, which will be passed down from generation to generation."

Of course, Xiao Tangyuan still doesn't understand, what my mother says is what it is.

Su Xiaoxiao couldn't wait to open the next "treasure box".

The last two boxes are also as Han Cheng expected. They are a whole set of priceless treasures. Although Su Xiaoxiao doesn't understand jewelry, these treasures are priceless at first sight. Can fetch sky-high prices.

The last box contains a lot of ancient jade, all of which are bracelets and jade pendants without letters, similar to the kind of excellent jade that is the safety button on the neck of the small rice balls. Children wearing ancient jade can keep their safety. This is the disparity between the rich and the poor. The old Su family got a piece of safety buckle and used it as a family heirloom to pass on to future generations. The old Han family didn't know how many there were.

Su Xiaoxiao found three smaller ones with good color and water head, and took them out, and gave one to each of the three brothers.

"Wait and find a red rope to tie it around your neck. This thing is very precious. Wearing it can keep you safe and happy. It's the same as the one worn on the neck of Xiaotangyuan, but you mustn't lose it."

Boys don't have a problem with these "mothers" things, and they love to move. Maybe they don't know when they lose them. They are troublesome, but their mothers give them.

Xiaoroubao looked disgusted, wrinkled his nose and said, "Mama, I think gold is more suitable for me, or I should wear a gold." Anyway, he can't eat it, compared to this "unremarkable" "little stone" , Xiaoroubao still prefers the big gold with a bright face.

Su Xiaoxiao saw that they were all disgusted, and was speechless: "Children are hot, it's not suitable to wear gold, so just wear this."

Su Xiaoxiao picked up two slightly larger safety buckles, and handed the largest one to Han Cheng, saying, "Dad and mother also wear one, and our whole family has them, and they are all safe."

Han Cheng's first thought was also to resist, but seeing his lover's look of anticipation, he swallowed his words and said, "Dai, the whole family has to wear it."

The cubs are too lazy to despise their fathers who listen to their mothers more than them.

The treasure chest has been opened. It is expected and reasonable. In fact, it is similar to what they expected. If all these things are sold, it may be an exaggeration to be rich to the enemy, but it is indeed quite a huge amount of wealth. Most people A huge fortune that can't be earned by working hard for several lifetimes.

People with such a heritage as the Han family should still have some antique porcelain vases and other things, but they are passed down from generation to generation, they just don’t know where they have spread it, and they are satisfied that they can find so many things. let it go.

The life of Su Xiaoxiao's family will not change because of the arrival of these extra wealth. Su Xiaoxiao reminds the cubs to keep their mouths tight and not to reveal the secrets of the family at all.

The cubs are still very measured on this point. Even if the two cubs don't know why, but their mother said something they can't say, they won't say it even if they are beaten.

There are so many treasures at home all of a sudden, how to keep it is a big problem, Su Xiaoxiao still suggested to keep only one box of gold at home, and go to the bank to open a safe to deposit the rest.

Han Cheng thought for a while and said, "Isn't it the safest place to be the most dangerous place? Going to open the safe now is easy to attract the attention of others, and it is not 100% safe, so tomorrow I will find all the materials to build a big flower bed at home. , just disguise the box as a fence and build it in the middle, and we'll talk about it later when the environment is better."

People these days are naturally less reliant on banks than Su Xiaoxiaoqiang from the 21st century. It is understandable for Han Cheng to think so.

Su Xiaoxiao thinks this method is also feasible, but it is safer to convert gold into fixed assets as soon as possible, but it is not urgent.

Hancheng is an actionist, and he does what he says. The next day, he pulled a lot of cement, sand, and bricks back, ready to start building a large flower bed.

Su Xiaoxiao began to ask Xiao Wu to pay attention to the courtyard.

"It's best to be in the hutong near our Han family's old house. If there isn't one, it's fine to be far away, but it's best to stay in that area. In short, you should pay attention first, and let me know when someone puts it on the market. It's bigger and smaller. It doesn't matter, the important thing is the location, and the price is easy to say." In Su Xiaoxiao's view, the most important thing to buy a house is to buy the location, and it is always right to choose the core assets of the core location.

Xiao Wu took a deep breath, and was shocked to hear that Su Xiaoxiao still had to buy two or three courtyard houses, which was the best location. However, he was the old man's confidant and knew that the Zhang family and the Han family had deep roots, but he didn't. Think of this unfathomable level.

Xiao Wu said: "Don't worry, I will pay attention, but I'm afraid it's hard to find if you buy so many at once."

Su Xiaoxiao shook her head and said, "I don't buy it all at once, in short, take it slowly, one counts as one."

Xiao Wu took a deep breath: "Okay, I see."

Su Xiaoxiao added: "By the way, if anyone in the yard near me is for sale, please help me pay attention."

Xiao Wu was about to die, so he couldn't help but ask, "Do you still want to buy a yard? What are you doing with so many houses?"

Su Xiaoxiao didn't hide it from him, saying: "Siheyuan is planned to wait for the four children to grow up one by one, and the courtyard is worried that my mother's family will not be able to live in the capital in the future, Xiaowu, if you have spare money, buy more. Have a yard, trust me, in a few years you'll know the benefits."

Su Xiao smiled and stopped.

Xiao Wu himself is engaged in this business, and naturally knows the value of the house, and also knows that Su Xiaoxiao said this for his own good, he nodded and said, "Okay, I know, I will do it."