MTL - The Sweet Stepmother and Her Cute Cubs-Chapter 196

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When Jiang Qiulan came back, Han Songbai was still playing with the chessboard.

Jiang Qiulan asked, "What do you want to have for lunch today, Brother Han? I'll go prepare lunch."

Han Songbai casually threw the chess piece back to the chessboard, and asked without end, "Are you finished talking?"

Jiang Qiulan responded subconsciously, "Ah?"

Han Songbai said: "I know the purpose of your marriage with me, but I don't care, I don't think you can be wrong, I think you are someone who can live with me before I marry you, and I told you before the proof. , I have nothing but some money." Han Songbai looked around the house, "I also told you that all the things handed down from the ancestors, whether the house or the gold, are all left to Hancheng. , I don't take a cent."

Jiang Qiulan covered her lips and stared at Han Songbai with wide eyes: "You, you know everything?"

Han Songbai took the teacup and took a slow sip of tea, then asked, "Are you surprised? Your good eldest brother is too small. He clearly has everything he needs, but he has been coveting something from our family for decades. Can't understand this world.

Now I will ask you one thing, if you are willing to continue to live with me like this, even if I die, I will ensure that your life will be worry-free in the future. I can buy another yard that you like and register it in your name, and we will move there. If I live in a new yard, the yard will be yours after I die, and I will leave you enough money to live. "

Han Songbai never thought of living in the old house for a long time. When he first came back, he felt that life was meaningless. It was a day when he lived. It would be good to die in the old house to be reunited with his relatives. Later, he ate familiar food and listened to it. Listening to the familiar local accent, seeing the He Hancheng family again, and seeing the hope of the Han family, the whole person's condition has improved a lot, and he begins to feel that it is better to die than to live. The idea of ​​buying a yard started from that time.

Later, when he met Jiang Qiulan, to be honest, before meeting her, he really never had the idea of ​​marrying another. Jiang Qiulan is a suitable life partner, especially after getting along with her recently. She takes good care of his daily life and food. He doesn't mind giving her a status, nor does he mind leaving all his money to her after death. The premise is if she is willing to continue living with him.

"If you don't want to, I won't force it, and I will compensate you with some money. From now on, you will be different. Go back and tell your good eldest brother to stop coveting things that don't belong to him. No matter how much he does, it will be in vain. , even when Jiang Xue married our Hancheng back then, everything in the Han family had nothing to do with him, what do you think?"

Jiang Qiulan felt as though she only met Han Songbai today. She used to think that this modest gentleman was hiding deeply, and she couldn't guess what he was thinking. Now listening to him say these words, it feels like the dust has settled. He also became real.

"Brother Han, so you know everything, so don't you really blame me?"

Han Songbai shook his head: "If I blame you, I won't let you step into this yard at all. People are always afraid of being alone when they get old. I didn't have this idea before, but after contacting you, I want to go with you. It depends on what you mean, and I have already said it for the sake of it, if you still have dissent, there is no need for us to go on."

Jiang Qiulan couldn't help nodding her head: "Brother Han, I am willing, if I hadn't valued you, I wouldn't have married you at all, not to mention the other, although my family left without a son and a half daughter, he gave me I left a lot of pensions, and I always have enough money for retirement. There are people who want to be with me these years, and I have no idea of ​​remarrying before. If I am purely for money, there is no need to marry you.

I just heard what my eldest brother said, and I don't seem to have the idea of ​​continuing to entangle. I won't mention it again in the future. If you don't want to live here, we can buy a new yard to live in, but you don't have to write my name and place. I don't lack. "

Han Songbai nodded with relief: "Okay, since we've said everything, we've reached this age, and we'll enjoy our old age in the future. We'll go shopping together in the future. You cook, I wash the dishes, and you wipe. I sweep the table, and we share the housework, so we won’t let you serve me like a nanny, and we’ll walk around when we have the opportunity to take a look at the great rivers and mountains of the motherland.”

Jiang Qiulan smiled bitterly: "Are you testing my patience before co-authoring you?"

Han Songbai has lived abroad, and his ideas are more open-minded than most Chinese people. Jiang Qiulan he said is naturally very moving. People who have lived to this age don’t ask for any romance, but want to be healthy and live a good life. If you can look at the motherland again The great rivers and mountains, then there is really no regret.

Han Songbai didn't hide it from her: "Yes, I want to see when you can endure until you break out, but I didn't expect you to work hard without complaining."

Jiang Qiulan looked at him angrily and said, "I used to think that I had another purpose in marrying you and my thoughts were impure, and I would work hard and bear no resentment if I felt guilty about you, but I will naturally not in the future."

Han Songbai smiled: "Pack up your things, and move back to the master bedroom to sleep at night."

Jiang Qiulan blushed: "I think it's pretty good now, let's talk about it later, I'll cook first."

Han Songbai nodded: "It's up to you. If you want to eat chicken stewed with mushrooms today, I'll help you wash the vegetables."

Hancheng has also checked out Jiang Qiulan's background. Jiang Huai's cousin in the five servers has just retired this year. The martyr's widow has a good reputation. After her husband's death, she has never remarried. The background is red and clean. It is unreasonable to marry Han Songbai inexplicably.

Su Xiaoxiao and Han Cheng have been very busy recently, especially Han Cheng, who is going to take the postgraduate exam soon. He plans to wait for the exam before taking time out to deal with these matters. Han Songbai took the initiative to come over to give the key to the old house, saying that he would buy it. In the new yard, he and Jiang Qiulan have moved out of the old house.

Su Xiaoxiao and Han Cheng looked at each other.

"The uncle lives well, why did he suddenly move out?" Su Xiaoxiao asked.

Han Songbai said: "Have Han Cheng told you what happened in the old house? To tell you the truth, I haven't slept comfortably every day since I came back. Every day I think about the past and what if, I live in endless regrets every day, if I hadn't been so stubborn, if I hadn't had to find gold, if I hadn't made a mistake..."

Han Songbai looked at his trembling hands, "Did you see it? My hands are red and stained with your aunt's blood. I can't wash them off in my life, but I don't have the courage to atone for my sins with death. I promised it back then. If she wants to live a good life, just think that I am afraid that I will live for a few more years, and I will make atonement with them when I go down.

Han Cheng, I talked to Qiulan, Jiang Huai, an old fox, has been coveting our family's things all these years. He knows that our family not only has gold, but also a lot of precious calligraphy, paintings and jewelry handed down from our ancestors. I gave Xiaoxiao that bracelet last time. But it is the most common accessory in the ancestors. If you can find all of them, you will be rich in ancient times, but in today's richest country.

When I was young, I was very obsessed, but now that I am old, I see it very lightly. People live only three meals and one night, and they are all things that life does not bring with death. Can you sell your old house, can you Keep these things intact and pass them on to the next generation. I have completed the mission of a generation. It doesn’t really matter if I can find it or not. Pity. "

Su Xiaoxiao and Han Cheng looked at each other again.

Han Cheng said: "I can probably guess where the gold is, and I plan to take advantage of the good price of gold and find a time to discuss it with you to dig it out and convert it into other assets. It's just the calligraphy, paintings and jewelry in your mouth. I have never heard of grandpa. I mentioned it to my father."

Hearing Han Cheng said that the gold might be found, Han Songbai's heart was no longer disturbed, he waved his hand and said, "I don't want to participate in these matters, this key is handed over to you, and the whole of the Han family will be handed over to you. , I can be considered to have completed the mission of our generation. This is all I know. The things do exist. They were hidden by your grandfather back then. It’s just that they left by accident. Deal with it, if you can find it, you can figure it out."

Han Songbai handed Han Cheng a new address: "This is my new address, I am selfish, I live not far from you and can be reached on foot, don't get me wrong, I don't want to disturb you, and I won't disturb you. In life, I just feel that if something happens, I don’t have to run so far when I know it, and I can occasionally look at a few children from a distance and be content.”

Su Xiaoxiao was also inexplicably sad when she heard this: "Uncle, you are our uncle, the uncle who is connected by blood to the children, come over anytime you want to see them, go to three meals and four seasons to find them at mealtime, they will definitely Here I am."

Han Songbai's eyes were wet and he nodded: "Okay, I know, if you find something, just let me know. I told Qiulan that all the things in the Han family are left to Hancheng and the children. Just let me know, you can handle it yourself."

Su Xiaoxiao looked at the faltering back of the old man and was very sad. She chased out and smiled and said, "Uncle, it's almost time for dinner. You can go to 'Three Meals and Four Seasons' to have a meal with the children before leaving."

Han Songbai waved his hands without turning his head: "No, next time, Qiulan is waiting for me to go back to eat at the new house."

Su Xiaoxiao hugged Han Cheng and rubbed it: "Han Cheng, is this the best place for Uncle?"

Han Cheng nodded: "Forget it, once I didn't know how to face him, and I couldn't serve him until his old age. Now he has found a new partner in life and started a new life. This is the best arrangement."