MTL - The Sweet Stepmother and Her Cute Cubs-Chapter 189

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The university life at that time was more boring than Su Xiaoxiao thought. Most of the basic courses were taken by her in her previous life, but the content was simpler and combined with the characteristics of the times, which was still very new to her.

The students of the two classes in 7879 are quite special. Su Xiaoxiao is not the oldest in the class. Several of them are already married and have children. Some are in their thirties. , The huge age gap between classmates is also one of the characteristics of the times.

Su Xiaoxiao became famous because of the "three meals and four seasons" and also because of several cubs in the family. Almost all teachers and students in the whole department and even the whole school knew her existence.

The fact that a few cubs in her family are serial writers in the daily newspaper has already spread throughout the school. Su Xiaoxiao is also a scholar here, her husband is also a college student, and he is still working in the school laboratory to prepare for the postgraduate entrance examination. These two people It is no wonder that such children are brought up.

Su Xiaoxiao's state in the class is a bit like Zhuzi. Except for Mu Xiaocao, she doesn't get close to the others. The age difference is here, and the other is that she really has no extra time to deal with complex interpersonal relationships, so she chooses to stay on her own.

She knows that it is important to accumulate contacts in the university, and she also knows that after graduation, no matter where these people are assigned, they will become prominent figures, but she doesn't want to be so utilitarian, and she doesn't want to live so tired, she might as well be free to spend time with Han Cheng talk about love more, it is good to have a pure friend like Mu Xiaocao, in short, her current state is to enjoy campus life, and everything else is free.

There were only two classes this morning, and before eleven o'clock after class, Mu Xiaocao walked up to Su Xiaoxiao nervously: "Sister Xiaoxiao, are you picking up your partner from get off work again?"

College students are required to live on campus in principle. Su Xiaoxiao is one of the few day students, and no matter how cold it is, she will go back to eat on time at noon, and rarely go to the cafeteria.

Su Xiaoxiao shook her head: "No, go pick up my cubs."

Su Xiaoxiao hadn't picked up the cubs from school for a long time.

Mu Xiaocao quickly packed up the books and took her arm: "I'll go with you, I also want to meet your talented cubs."

Su Xiaoxiao: "It's not a genius, but it's all quite clever."

Mu Xiaocao: "The serialization of the story in the daily has accompanied me throughout my middle school career. I have long wanted to meet them." Mu Xiaocao folded her hands together, "Please, please."

Su Xiaoxiao couldn't help: "Then let's go together, but I don't have anything you can eat in my store."

Mu Xiaocao was overjoyed: "It doesn't matter if I don't eat meat, just give me a bowl of white rice and a plate of vegetarian stir-fried vegetables."

Su Xiaoxiao: "Let's go together then."

In the corridor, I met the female classmate who asked Mu Xiaocao to get the meal ticket: "Aren't you unfamiliar?"

Mu Xiaocao smiled innocently: "Thanks to you, I have made good friends, thank you."

Su Xiaoxiao: "..." Does it have anything to do with them?

Mu Xiaocao was worried that Su Xiaoxiao would demolish her stage again, and dragged her past quickly.

When Mu Xiaocao first came, she was very tanned, and the plateau red on her cheeks was particularly obvious. After coming to the capital to raise some plateau red for a while, she found that her skin was actually quite white, and her eyes were big and bright. She was very special. The smart girl has suffered from dark skin and looks older than her real age.

Then Su Xiaoxiao was very young again. The two of them walked together and didn't seem to notice the age difference. At first glance, they thought they were classmates from one of the third class.

Su Xiaoxiao took her all the way to pick up the pillar first, and walked slowly to the middle school. It was almost the end of school time. Mu Xiaocao stared at the school's sign with round eyes: "Sister Xiaoxiao, isn't your son just a few years old? Are you in middle school?"

Su Xiaoxiao said, "The oldest is ten years old. He is in the sixth grade. The eleven-year-old in junior high school is half my son."

Mu Xiaocao asked suspiciously, "Half a son?"

"Aunt Su, why are you here?" Zhu Zi trotted over when he saw Su Xiaoxiao, his eyes narrowed with joy.

Su Xiaoxiao reached out to him: "After class this morning, I will come to pick you up from school."

Zhu Zi automatically consciously turned his head over to let her lick it.

Su Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes and rubbed his soft hair, holding his arm: "Let's go, let's go pick up the rice **** and bean buns."

Xiao Zhuzi nodded with his eyes bent: "Yes."

Su Xiaoxiao introduced Mu Xiaocao, and Xiao Zhuzi politely called her sister.

Mu Xiaocao looked at the beautiful little boy in front of her and pinched her fingers, she also wanted to pinch.

Su Xiaoxiao went all the way to pick up the cubs, going to primary school first and then kindergarten.

Xiaozhuzi's classmates caught up and saw Su Xiaoxiao and sighed, "Student Zhang Xiuyuan, your mother is so young and beautiful."

Xiao Zhuzi was particularly proud: "My aunt is as close as my mother."

Su Xiaoxiao greeted Zhuzi's classmates and chatted with him about the school situation.

A school without rice **** and bean buns is actually boring to Xiao Zhuzi. It is enough to read well, but he reports good news and not bad news. Anyway, he will study hard. He loves his loved ones down.

Su Xiaoxiao didn't worry about him. He was the first among the cubs to know what he wanted. Xiao Rice Ball was still a child, so he didn't think about it. Zhu Zi had already decided to become a lawyer.

When they were talking, they came to the elementary school. The rice **** and Xiaodoubao had been blowing for a while, and they stomped their feet in the cold. Seeing Su Xiaoxiao, the two cubs also narrowed their eyes. "Mom, Mom" ​​kept calling and running towards her come over.

Su Xiaoxiao opened her arms: "You guys slow down and don't fall."

The rice ball asked exactly the same thing as the pillar, and Su Xiaoxiao answered it again. Xiaodoubao hugged her mother and rubbed it again and again, Su Xiaoxiao licked her head one by one.

Mu Xiaocao's wide eyes have never been taken back, how do the cubs in Xiaoxiao's family grow, and how can each one look better than the other! Is this the little genius who wrote the serialization? Even if you have talent, why can you still look so good? !

The sunshine and wind and sand in the frontier are particularly severe. In addition to the harsh conditions, both boys and girls are black and thin, and it is common for their faces and lips to be blown to open mouths. Mu Xiaocao has never seen such fairness The little brat, the key is the boy!

"Sister Xiaoxiao, your cubs are too good-looking." Mu Xiaocao was too dazzled. If she wanted to give birth to such a beautiful cub, she had to find someone as handsome as Han Cheng, but on the grasslands There is no such handsome object!

Although she is not as good-looking as Sister Xiaoxiao, there is always something to be desired in a dream.

When they got to the kindergarten and received the twins, Mu Xiaocao had already made it a lifelong goal to find someone who was as good-looking as Han Cheng and gave birth to a beautiful baby. Almost the same!

"Can I touch them?" As he spoke, Mu Xiaocao's little paws couldn't help reaching out towards the most harmless little dumplings.

Xiao Tangyuan's watery apricot eyes blinked twice, and subconsciously hid at Brother Zhuzi.

Xiao Zhuzi bent down and hugged his sister for protection: "Sister, I'm sorry, our younger siblings don't like being touched by others."

Only then did Mu Xiaocao realize that his demands were too much, and he hit his right hand with his left hand: "I'm sorry, I'm not like this usually, you guys are so cute, I can't control myself."

She really likes the soft and cute little dumplings and the meaty little meat buns. These two little cubs are so cute that she doesn't know how to describe them.

Su Xiaoxiao laughed: "I like the child to find a partner to have a baby by himself."

Mu Xiaocao responded quickly: "Then you ask Brother Han to introduce me to one," he also emphasized, "You must be as handsome as him!"

Su Xiaoxiao was overjoyed: "Then you may be disappointed. I haven't seen a **** man more handsome than him or as handsome as him in so many years."

Mu Xiaocao: "!!"

On this point, the cubs agreed very much, and the rice ball said: "Maybe you won't see it until we grow up and surpass our father."

Su Xiaoxiao rubbed the narcissistic little rice ball's head: "Okay, let's go home for dinner."

Tang Zhizhong rested today, probably because he missed his daughter, he came over ahead of time to pick up Tiantian.

So Zhuzi held his sister, the rice ball held Xiaoroubao, Su Xiaoxiao held Xiaodoubao, and the family took Mu Xiaocao home.

Mu Xiaocao followed behind the family of seven, and the whole person was as unreal as stepping on cotton candy.

Mu Xiaocao followed them back to the water-filled "Three Meals and Four Seasons", and saw those lifelike murals that made people drool, as well as the pure white dog she had never seen before, and the best food she had ever eaten in her life. of vegetarian dishes, she felt that her whole body was floating.

It seems that life in the capital is not as bad as she imagined. Although the sky is not as vast as the grassland, there are many things that are not found on the grassland.

Chen Pingan didn't have any classes today and was helping in the store.

He remembered that when he came back for the first time, he thought he had come to the wrong house. He knew that Su Xiaoxiao would definitely make the restaurant good, but he didn't expect it to become so popular.

At a glance, he could see that the decoration of the store was written by the children of Su Xiaoxiao's family. He couldn't describe the visual shock. He knew and saw their painting skills, but he didn't expect the magnified effect. It will be so realistic. He thinks that even if the store is not built in the future, he will definitely keep these murals. The house is there, and they are there.

The store was already full of people who made reservations, and the sign "Sold Out" was hanging almost all the time, but there were still many people waiting to come in for dinner in such a cold day.

Although there are only three people taking care of it, everything is in order, even without his help.

"Brother Ping An!" the cubs called when they entered the door.

Chen Pingan looked at the children who seemed to have grown taller and nodded with a smile: "You are all out of school, what do you want to eat today."

Xiaoroubao said, "I like everything in our house!"

The rice ball also said: "You can eat what you have in the store, it doesn't matter."

"Ping'an came back today?" Su asked with a smile.

Chen Ping'an nodded: "I will come back to see if there are no classes in the afternoon and tomorrow morning."

Mu Xiaocao walked at the end, and when Su Xiaoxiao entered, she followed in, and then looked at Chen Ping'an, Mu Xiaocao's round eyes never went down, but when she saw Chen Ping'an, her eyes widened. Even bigger: "Is that you?"

Read The Duke's Passion