MTL - The Sweet Stepmother and Her Cute Cubs-Chapter 185

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Su Xiaoxiao just got up not long ago, and just ate the breakfast she brought back with rice **** and bean buns.

Zhuzi led the two little cubs and came to Su Xiaoxiao: "Auntie, sweet mother and a man came to our store for breakfast just now, Xiaoroubao heard them talking about the house, let him be with you talk."

Su Xiaoxiao reached out and took Xiaoroubao: "What did Xiaoroubao hear? Do you remember?"

Zhuzi said: "Didn't Xiaoroubao tell my brother just now that he remembers a word? You don't need to worry about what they say, just repeat it."

Xiaoroubao tilted his head and asked, "But what is a retelling?"


Su smiled and said, "It's just that you learn what they said just now for your mother."

Xiaoroubao nodded heavily, broke free from his mother's arms, found his own position first and said, "This is where I stood just now."

Then ran across to him again: "This is where the rude aunt is standing."

Su smiled and blinked, rude aunt?

Zhuzi said in a low voice, "Xiaoroubao said they were rude, so they called them rude uncle and rude aunt."

Su smiled and laughed.

Xiaoroubao took another two steps to the left and said, "This is where the rude uncle is standing."

Then the little guy returned to the position of the rude aunt, and even learned the exact same manner and tone as Tiantian's mother, and said with a dangling voice: "Little boy, is there any food here?"

Xiaoroubao ran back to his place, raised his head and shook his head to restore what he said: "There is no rice, there are dumplings, delicious sour soup dumplings, do you want to eat them?"

After speaking, he returned to the woman's position, imitating her behavior of ignoring her, and said to the "man" on the left: "This is the most recent, just eat here, doesn't your brother-in-law also want to open a shop?  … "Restored a whole paragraph.

Then he jumped to the position of the impolite uncle, and whispered in a rough voice: "Be quiet, the neighbors in the street, be careful that the walls have ears."

Xiaoroubao just played the role of the triangle, and restored the tone, expression, small gestures, etc. of the man and woman talking one by one.

After the performance, Xiaoroubao patted Xiaorouzhang, blinked his big innocent eyes and said, "That's it, they just ignored me after talking for so long, and they didn't say thank you, and they didn't have any courtesy at all. My brother and sister came back and brought me sesame dumplings, and they went to our restaurant to eat dumplings." Xiaoroubao thought of the taste of sesame dumplings and couldn't help but pouted, "Sesame dumplings are delicious, I I want to eat it tomorrow."

There was silence in the room, Su Xiaoxiao and the other cubs looked at each other, is Xiaoroubao a acting genius? That vivid appearance made people feel as if they were on the scene. He really recorded everyone's expressions and actions. What kind of performance and memory is this?

The rice ball squatted down and pinched the cute little brother's face in disbelief: "Little meat bun, tell big brother, how did you secretly be smart?" He reasonably suspected that the little guy was always pretending to be stupid. A foodie brother who is not interested in anything?

The most shocking thing for the whole family was Xiaodoubao. He also squatted down and touched Xiaoroubao's hand, pinched his face, and determined whether he was his own younger brother. No way, Xiaoroubao always had a kind of " I'm not very smart except for cooking." The unique temperament, when Xiaoroubao was a little smaller, the whole family was worried that he would be tricked by a sugar, and he was the IQ depression of the whole family by default, so Xiaodoubao was most worried He also loves him the most, always protecting his younger brother.

Now he finds that their younger brother is not stupid at all, and maybe he is a big smart, can Xiaodoubao not be shocked?

Xiaoroubao pulled their hands away in disgust: "Big brother, what are you doing? I remember correctly, that's what they said!"

The rice ball couldn't help pinching his face: "Little Rourou, my brother blamed you wrongly, you are the smartest in our family!"

Su Xiaoxiao never felt that Xiaoroubao was stupid, but she didn't expect him to be so talented in acting, she pulled Xiaozai: "Okay, okay, brothers didn't expect Xiaoroubao to be so powerful, remember what they said. Come down, my mother gives you a compliment."

Xiaoroubao hugged his mother and bent his big eyes: "Then Ma Ma, can the powerful Xiaoroubao still eat sesame dumplings tomorrow?"

Su Xiaoxiao shook his head and said, "No, you can only eat it once a week, and you can't eat it until today next week."

Xiaoroubao's face collapsed at once, but it didn't take long. Anyway, Aunt Lan and Uncle Yang would cook a lot of delicious food, and he could always eat the delicious food he liked.

Xiaoroubao asked again: "Mama, what do you mean by dragging oil bottles and being useless?"

Su Xiaoxiao closed her smile, Tiantian's mother was even more shameless than she thought. When she cut the queue, in order to be lazy and deceive honest people to help her work, now when she returned to the city, she turned her face and didn't recognize anyone, and even Tiantian didn't recognize her. , In order to raise the capital for the current one to open a shop and to seek the property of the kind old man, she really knows how to pick soft persimmons.

Su Xiaoxiao rubbed Xiaoroubao's head: "It's all swearing bad words, Xiaoroubao can't learn."

Su Xiaoxiao explained to the two older brothers: "Zhuzi and Rice Ball take care of your younger siblings, I want to go out, Grandma Zhao can't go to work in the store today, you can also go to the store to help, and eat in the store when you are hungry. ."

Among the cubs, only Zhuzi knew what was going on. He volunteered and said, "Auntie, I'll go with you. That man is quite tall. I'm not at ease if you go by yourself."

The other cubs were confused, and only the smart little rice ball could guess what was going on: "Tiantian mom is coming to **** Tiantian's house, right? I'll go over and help too."

Xiaodoubao also said, "I'm going to help too."

Su Xiaoxiao shook her head and said, "It's not to fight, you don't need so many people, and you will get in the way when you go, don't worry, they don't dare to do it, or it's better if they do it, just give me the opportunity to send them to the police station. go."

Su Xiaoxiao looked at the cubs and said, "Be obedient, just stay with me."

After Su Xiaoxiao left, the cubs were still worried.

Zhuzi said: "I always feel that those two are not good people. That woman is tall and strong. Aunt Su will definitely suffer for being so weak."

The rice ball squeezed his chin and said, "If they dare to touch my mother's hair, I will let them eat and walk around."

Xiaodoubao can only be anxious when he hears it. He listens to his mother the most, and she tells him to stay with him. He will never follow him without authorization: "Brother, why don't we go to school and ask dad to come back and help?"

Onigiri shook his head and said, "I don't need it for now, is Uncle Wu nearby?" Onigiri asked Zhuzi.

Zhuzi said: "It should be there. He has been helping me find a house recently and comes here every day."

Onigiri said, "You go to Uncle 5, Zhuzi. If you find it, let him help. If you can't find it, observe it secretly, and reappear if necessary."

Zhuzi nodded: "Okay, take care of your younger siblings."

Su Xiaoxiao put on her coat and went out, and when she came to Tiantian's door, she heard quarrels.

"You actually regret what you said? What do you mean now? Are you going to give me back this oil bottle or go to court? Even if you give me back this oil bottle, you will still share it with me when you go to court. Half of the house, I'm doing it for your own good, lest you go to court when you're old."

Tang Tiantian's father, Tang Zhizhong, was resting in the factory today. He hugged his daughter and watched the arrogant and domineering ex-wife who was so different when he was in the country, so shocked that he couldn't even speak.

After grandma Tiantian asked Su Xiaoxiao to feed her a reassurance pill, she was more stable than before, and her words became more confident: "You don't need to tease me, I don't know the law like you, and I don't have a lawyer cousin, but I want to see See which court dares to divide my house into half of you, a woman who abandoned her husband and daughter, listen carefully, this is my house, not to mention that it has nothing to do with you, as long as I don't want to transfer the house, it has nothing to do with Tang Zhizhong! "

"You!" Tiantian's mother's name is Ma Xiaoli. She never imagined that in the past few days, Zhao Xinmei not only failed to sell the house, but also refused to admit it. Her attitude changed 180 degrees from that day. , This trend is completely different from what she imagined. What happened in the past few days?

Ma Xiaoli's lawyer cousin gave her a wink and said gently to Zhao Xinmei: "Aunt, maybe you don't know the law very well, and a verbal promise is also legally valid. I, a lawyer, listened to you on the spot that day and agreed. Even if our agreement is reached, you have to go back on your word now, and I will tell you when you go to court, how the judge should decide or how to decide, after we take Tiantian away, you still have to pay her alimony every month, this half We don't want the house for ourselves, but also to ensure Tiantian's future life, we can't let you occupy the house alone, do you think that's the truth?"

Tang Zhizhong became anxious when he heard that they were going to take Tiantian: "Mother, Tiantian is my lifeblood, I can't let them take it away, or we should sell the house to them for half the money, anyway, we can't let them take Tiantian away. take away."

"Shut up!" Zhao Xinmei glanced at her son who was holding her back, "Why are you panicking? You also ask Tiantian if she wants to go with them?"

Ma Xiaoli knew that the child was Tang Zhizhong's weakness, so she walked up to Tang Zhizhong without saying a word: "Tiantian, go with mom, go now, go now!"

Ma Xiaoli hasn't seen Tiantian for more than a year or two since she got divorced. Tiantian has already forgotten about her, how can she still go with her? She was originally timid, but now she was scared by this "fierce aunt" and shivered in her father's arms, shaking her head: "I won't go with you, I want to be with my father and grandma!"

Ma Xiaoli wanted to step up to grab the child: "I'm your mother!"

Su Xiaoxiao saw that the corner of the wall was almost there, and appeared at the right time: "Yo, Aunt Zhao, how busy is the house today? These two are..."

Seeing Su smiling, Zhao Xinmei became more calm: "It's not someone, just a woman who abandoned her husband and daughter, why are you here?"

Su Xiaoxiao winked at her, pinched the back of her hand and said, "It's just that something happened at home recently, and I can't make it around. I'm in a hurry to use the money. I want to ask when you will pay the 3,000 yuan you owe me. "

Zhao Xinmei: "What?!"

Tang Zhizhong: "What?!"

Even Ma Xiaoli shouted, "What?!"

Su Xiaoxiao squeezed the back of Zhao Xinmei's hand again, signaling her to cooperate. She passed Zhao Xinmei and walked to Tang Zhizhong: "Didn't you tell you that your mother owes me three thousand yuan?"

Tang Zhizhong was stunned and shook his head.

Su Xiaoxiao patted her forehead, "I almost forgot, you would cut the queue in the countryside," she turned and asked Zhao Xinmei, "So you didn't tell your son that you mortgaged the house to me?"



This time, Tang Zhizhong and Ma Xiaoli spoke at the same time, Zhao Xinmei shut up, she probably guessed what Su Xiaoxiao wanted to do, and immediately cooperated with her: "You haven't come to ask for money for so long, I almost forgot about it, Where do you remember to tell them? You have also seen our environment, where is there any money to be returned to you? Take this broken house if you want, everyone wants to rob me of this broken house, you can take it, Let the three of our grandparents sleep on the street!"

Su Xiaoxiao stared at Ma Xiaoli and said, "Looking at you, you should have a good life."

Su said with a smile, turned her head to look at Tang Zhizhong, "It stands to reason that the money your family owes me was before you divorced her, and your mother asked me to borrow the money to marry you, even if You are already divorced, she still has to help you bear half of the debt, you have no money to pay me back, I have to ask her for half of the money, right?"

Su Xiaoxiao turned her head back to her head, and the pollution-free little pear vortex naturally stretched out her hand to Ma Xiaoli: "So, you are here just in time, pay back the money!"

Su Xiaoxiao's words fell, and everyone, including the small pillar in the corner of the yard, was stunned.

Read The Duke's Passion