MTL - The Sweet Stepmother and Her Cute Cubs-Chapter 175

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After reading the manual, Han Cheng quickly built the receiving antenna into a multi-stroke character "King", and asked the rice ball to borrow a ladder from Aunt Bailan's house next door, because the antenna must be placed at the top of the roof to receive the TV signal.

The rice ball explained the reason, and Chen Pingan personally brought the ladder over: "Uncle Han, your family has bought a TV. Tell me where the antenna is installed, and I will go up and install it for you."

Han Cheng said: "No need, I'll go up, you can see if you can get the station below."

Hancheng plugged in the electricity and turned on the TV, and the snowflakes rustled all over the screen.

Xiaoroubao was extremely disappointed: "Baba, should I just watch this on TV? The snow outside is prettier than this."

Han Cheng said: "Wait until Dad installs the receiving antenna to receive the station, and the picture will be released later."

Chen Pingan also said: "Don't worry about Xiaoroubao, you can see the video when the stage is adjusted."

Xiaoroubao was dubious, and the other cubs were also dubious.

Han Cheng said: "I'll adjust the channel above, and you can give feedback on the situation below, so I can adjust the direction."

Han Cheng went up to the roof, found a suitable position and tied it tightly in the direction of the signal tower, and shouted to the following: "Is there a picture?"

Several cubs in the room stared at the indistinct sound and image that suddenly appeared and cried out again in surprise.

Chen Pingan shouted: "There is a picture, but it is not clear, with a lot of snowflakes, and then adjust it."

Han Cheng turned slightly.

Chen Pingan shouted again: "Uncle, it's much better now, let's make some adjustments."

Hancheng made a small adjustment, and after several debuggings, the TV finally had a clear picture.

Beginning at the end of last year, Capital Television has broadcast lectures on English, mathematics and electronic technology every three or five times, and rebroadcasts it every two or four. There are many kinds of red revolutionary documentaries, health knowledge, and the most important thing is the news broadcast at 7:00 every day. Large-scale festivals will also live and broadcast various gala events. At that time, TV was still mainly TV education lectures and news information. The proportion of entertainment is not large, so at that time, during the New Year, the whole family gathered together to eat a group dinner and watch the Spring Festival Gala, which has an irreplaceable important position in the minds of ordinary people. TV programs will only be enriched a little bit in the 1990s. For example, Su Xiaoxiao's 1986 edition of "Journey to the West", which she has watched countless times in her previous life, is still a classic in the minds of generations after decades.

At this time, the small black and white TV was replaying the electronic technology lecture. Xiaoroubao, who had high expectations for TV, was stunned for a while. He raised his head and asked his brother: "Big brother, what is the principle of electronics? Why am I not at all? I don't understand, can I eat it?"

Not to mention the small meat buns, this content is beyond the outline of the rice ball. He thought that the TV was used to watch all kinds of singing and dancing performances. Who knew that a teacher was in front of the podium talking about these knowledge beyond his common sense. .

The smart little rice ball shook his head: "I don't know, maybe it's because we're worried that we won't be able to repair the TV if it breaks, so let's teach us how to repair the TV first, maybe we won't watch other programs until the teacher finishes teaching. "

Xiaoroubao wrinkled his nose and said, "It's not fun, this TV is not fun at all, I might as well listen to the radio to tell stories." The little guy ran away after speaking, not watching.

Su Xiaoxiao also couldn't help laughing: "The TV content is naturally all kinds of things. These are all new knowledge, which you can't learn from the existing textbooks. It's good to know it. It's past six o'clock now, wait seven The news will be broadcast at 1 o'clock, and we can keep up with the news and current affairs while we eat."

Onigiri was quite interested in this new knowledge. Anyway, he never forgot it, no matter how much knowledge he had, his smart little head could hold it.

Su Xiaoxiao put two pots of daffodils on both sides of the TV, finally not so monotonous: "stay safe and eat, we'll have dinner soon."

Chen Ping'an took the ladder from Han Cheng: "No, my mother made my meal, and I will have food when I go back."

Bai Lan's cooking skills are also excellent, so Su Xiaoxiao couldn't hold back.

Xiaodoubao didn't like to read any electronic principles either, so he went to the kitchen to help his mother cook.

"Xiaodoubao is still the best. Your brother can't walk when he sees the TV." After Xiaodoubao is eight years old, he will skip grades and transfer to fourth grade. After one semester, he can go directly to fifth grade, and rice **** can also To consolidate the sixth grade, it is also to take care of Xiaodoubao. Hancheng has already contacted the school. It is not far from the Hutong entrance. The primary school is closest to home, closer than the kindergarten.

The resumes of Onigiri and Xiaodoubao are both very beautiful. The school has seen their previous grades and homework. The brothers' writing is beautiful. No matter whether they are exams or homework, except for the composition, they are almost the first in the grade with full marks. Even the composition is also good. After getting full marks, when you know that they are little painters on the daily serial, they don't even need an entrance test, so they accept them directly. What kind of key elementary school they go to, with their resumes and such Kochi parents, they will rush to any elementary school to transfer to.

Xiaodoubao has actually completed the fifth grade knowledge by himself. Su Xiaoxiao wants him to transfer to the fourth grade to get used to the learning environment and rhythm here. Then he will check the gaps and fill in the gaps. If he still needs time to adapt, he will read another year four Grades can also be used, but the foundation must be laid. After all, he is only eight years old. If he adapts well, he will be promoted to fifth grade next semester.

Onigiri originally planned to go straight to the first year of junior high school. After all, this smart onigiri had even gone through the knowledge of junior high school, but after discussing it, he was still a little worried about Xiaodoubao, so he asked Onigiri to finish the second half of the sixth grade first.

Xiaodoubao is shy and doesn't like interacting with strangers very much. The junior high school is not far from the primary school, but Su Xiaoxiao and Han Cheng can't take care of them when they go to class, and they still need rice **** to take care of their younger brother.

Xiaodoubao went to school with his two older brothers when he was a child. He was well protected. He only went to class when he was familiar with the environment and his classmates. , He is also good at reading himself, and has two great older brothers, not to mention being bullied, not even a single person who speaks to him loudly.

Xiaodoubao has always been very well-behaved and docile. He is not as assertive as rice balls. He may not listen to his father's words, but he will definitely listen to his mother's words.

Xiaodoubao bent his eyes and passed a spoon to his mother: "I also think TV is not very good-looking."

Su Xiaoxiao reached out and took it, adding a little salt to the pork ribs soup: "There will be a children's show tomorrow, maybe you will like the show tomorrow."

Xiaodoubao: "Mom, how come you know everything?"

Su Xiaoxiao also watched short videos in her previous life when an UP master posted a list of TV shows from the 1970s and 1980s. She accidentally glanced at it and probably remembered that there were children's shows on Sundays, but now there are not special ones for later generations. It is also normal for children's channels to broadcast children's programs in certain time periods.

Su Xiaoxiao said: "Mom also guessed, Xiaodoubao, my brother will also go to primary school for a semester of sixth grade, but he will go to junior high school next semester, can't be in the same school with you, and parents will be very busy. I can't take care of Xiaodoubao. My mother knows that Xiaodoubao doesn't like to interact with strangers, but we must learn to meet new friends. Friends are all evolved from strangers. We must learn to protect ourselves and be open Get along with like-minded friends, help each other, learn from each other, and make progress together, okay?"

To be honest, among all the cubs, Su Xiaoxiao loves Xiaodoubao the most. She will always remember that when she hugged him for the first time from Zhou Cuihua, she was so thin that only skin and bones were left, and even when her little hand was broken, she would not cry or make trouble. After so much suffering, her eyes are still as clean as the uncontaminated springs in the mountain stream. The heartache Su Xiaoxiao can't describe or forget. At that time, the bean bag was not much heavier than the kitten. She has always been careful and caring. Then, there is this beautiful and well-behaved little Zhengtai.

But Su Xiaoxiao was worried that he was overprotective, that he would not be able to adapt to the wind and rain outside, and he was even more worried that he would make him a mother and a boy. Both are first-time children and first-time parents, and they are all exploring.

Xiaodou counted the chopsticks and bowls and put them on the stove. She bent her eyes and said to her mother, "Mom, you don't have to worry about me. You can go to college with peace of mind. I will adapt well, and my brother doesn't have to go to school because of me. In elementary school, I can really do it myself, mom, I don’t know what it means to be like-minded, but there should be some classmates who can talk to each other, and I will also help the classmates I like to study together and make progress together.”

Su Xiaoxiao rubbed the child's head and said with a smile, "Yes, Xiaodoubao is right, it's good for my brother to go to elementary school to adapt to a semester, and my mother is also worried that some disobedient children may bully the transfer students. In short, what do you have? You must tell your brother and your parents about it.”

Xiaodoubao picked up the table and chopsticks: "Mom, I know, I also learned martial arts with Uncle Zhao, and I run five kilometers with my brother every day to exercise, I can also beat three bad guys with one fist, and can protect my younger brothers and sisters, I have grown up. Now, mom, you really don't have to worry about me."

Su Xiaoxiao rubbed the cub's head, her cub has indeed grown up, and the head has jumped so fast in the past two years that it has grown to the height of her shoulders: "Okay, okay, mom, stop talking, you go and call They're ready to eat, just let Dad come over."

Han Cheng didn't know when he had appeared at the door. After Xiaodoubao left, he walked over and rubbed his wife's head: "Don't worry, Xiaodoubao is my son, he was born in a family of soldiers, and he has the blood of soldiers. Just be good in front of you, and you won't be bullied."

This son also looks like a bully. He is no worse than rice **** when it comes to beating people. He is also an assertive child. He climbed the mountains, climbed trees, went to the sea and fished in the sea since he was a child. Obedience, no matter what Su Xiaoxiao tells him to do, he never asks why he does it happily, but someone who dares to bully Su Xiaoxiao Xiaodoubao can work hard with others, but he is not so obedient to him.

Su smiled and said, "I know, the child has grown up a lot. I just remembered that when I picked him up from Zhou Cuihua, it was a world away from now. Bring the charcoal stove, let's have dinner."

Han Cheng said: "Children will always grow up. Boys will inevitably fall and bump, so don't be so nervous."

The small charcoal stove is simmering the Chinese yam and the short ribs. When the meal is almost finished, the Chinese cabbage will be rinsed. If there is soup, meat and vegetables, then serve two bowls of hot white rice. No matter how cold the winter is, don’t be afraid.

At seven o'clock, as Su Xiaoxiao said, the news began to be broadcast on TV.

They used to listen to the news from the radio, which is really different from watching the video and listening to the host talking about the news. There are also various pictures and subtitles about the news, and the impression is even more profound after reading it.

Xiaoroubao, who had already added a bowl of rice, took a bite of the ribs, took a big mouthful of rice and said, "Although I still don't understand what these two uncles and aunts are talking about, I will eat more deliciously when they accompany us to eat!"

Su Xiaoxiao took a piece of Chinese yam for the little guy: "You've already eaten it deliciously." It's more delicious to eat five bowls of rice.

Xiaoroubao didn't dislike Huaishan, so he took a bite and ate it: "I can eat it more deliciously."

In this way, watching the news network Zuofan has become a regular program of Su Xiaoxiao's family every day.