MTL - The Sweet Stepmother and Her Cute Cubs-Chapter 168

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After drinking Sydney chrysanthemum tea and radish and corn pork ribs soup, the cubs won't have nosebleeds when they get up from the kang today.

Su Xiaoxiao got up early this morning and boiled a big pot again. She no longer eats such hot things for breakfast. She ate a bowl of light noodle soup and started to go out, and Xiaozhu also went out together.

When they all went out, Zhang Hongtu asked his father: "Father, what happened to Han Cheng's family back then that we don't know about? Not long after the death of Grandpa Han and Grandma Han, Aunt Han also died unexpectedly. After that, Uncle Han went abroad. Uncle Han's family never came back. Later Uncle Han and Aunt Han died. The Han family died and scattered. Han Cheng was left alone in such a big family. I never dared to ask, even if I was laughing. I didn't mention it before, and Han Cheng's character has become taciturn since then, so Uncle Han will not have any trouble this time, right?"

The old man shook his head: "It's a blessing, not a disaster, it's a disaster that can't be avoided, don't worry, if you have a smile around Hancheng, you won't be able to make trouble, don't ask about things we don't know, and don't let the children do things in the past. With the premise, the days of hardship and hardship are over, and they are all paving the way for today's happiness, and both of our families should cherish the blessings."

Yali nodded and said: "Dad is right, we are all fine, and the children are also better than each other. There will never be a better life than now. The most important thing is to live the life in front of you."

The old man nodded and said with a longing: "That's the truth, these good children will definitely be more promising than us when they grow up. Let's wait and see how the children make the motherland stronger and bigger." He is really too much Rare these good boys.

It snowed another night, and the whole Hutong turned into a white fairy tale world. It was the first time Xiaotangyuan and Xiaoroubao were so big that they saw snow for the first time. Su Xiaoxiao was worried that they would freeze, so she put them on the backs of her brothers for a while, and let the two brothers carry them on their backs. Lu Leng walked for more than twenty minutes.

After arriving, the rice ball looked back at the road: "Is our house so close to Zhuzi's house?"

Su smiled and said, "Yes, Dad and your Uncle Zhang are just like you and Xiao Zhuzi. They grew up together when they were young."

The rice ball said, "Pillar, our two families are really destined."

During the conversation, the whole family entered the yard. The dilapidated yard was covered in silver by a heavy snow last night, showing a new look. The pavilions, water pavilions, wind and rain bridges, withered bamboo and pomegranate trees were all hung with crystal clear. The ice and snow is like a beautiful fairy tale paradise.

Xiaodoubao couldn't help but sigh: "Mom, this yard is so big and beautiful."

Small meat buns and small dumplings were pulled on the shoulders of the brothers, staring at the beautiful yard.

Onigiri didn't expect their yard to be so big and so beautiful. Just as he was about to say something, a thin old man walked out from it, presumably their uncle.

"Come on, come on, children, let Uncle take a good look." Han Songbai looked at the children excitedly.

It was too cold outside. Su Xiaoxiao was worried about freezing the children, so she said, "Uncle, it's cold outside. Let's take a good look when we get inside."

Han Songbai nodded again and again: "Yes, yes, I'm confused, it's cold outside, let's go inside."

The group shook off the snow from their shoes before following Han Songbai into the house.

The room was very calm, Han Songbai knew that they came here today, the kang and charcoal stove were burning, the water in the teapot on the coal stove kept gurgling, and the small table beside it was full of various snacks and dried fruits. Out is carefully prepared for the children to eat.

The main house is very spacious and ventilated, so there is no need to worry about carbon monoxide poisoning caused by burning a charcoal stove, but Su Xiaoxiao still reminded: "Uncle remember to put out the charcoal fire at night before going to bed, otherwise the carbon monoxide concentration is too high. There will be danger."

Seeing that his niece-in-law cared about him, Han Songbai was naturally happy and nodded, "I know, don't worry."

Han Songbai made tea for the big guy and greeted the children to eat: "Drink a cup of tea to warm up the body first, the children are welcome, just take what they like."

Su Xiaoxiao didn't say anything, and the children wouldn't move around. Han Cheng put down the Xiaodoubao and introduced, "This is my second son, Xiaodoubao."

The rice ball was carrying the small meat bun, and the pillar was carrying the younger sister. They all stood obediently waiting for Han Cheng's introduction. After Han Cheng pointed to the children and introduced them one by one, the children shouted in unison, "Hello, uncle!"

Looking at a good boy, Han Songbai was so excited that he couldn't even say a word: "Okay, all good children, hello, hello, Hongtu's children are so old?"

Su smiled and said: "The pillar is one year older than the rice ball, and it is twelve years old after the age."

Han Songbai looked at him lovingly: "The time is so fast, when I left, your father was still half a young man, not taller than me, and now their children have grown up so much, sitting and sitting, sitting and sitting Come down and talk."

Su Xiaoxiao and Han Cheng carried their younger siblings down, the rice **** and the pillars were carried to their laps one by one, and all of them sat around the charcoal stove and drank tea to warm their bodies.

Seeing that the children didn't take the snacks on the table, Han Songbai got up and took some and distributed them to them: "I brought these back from outside, you can try them quickly."

The cubs didn't answer, and subconsciously looked at Su Xiaoxiao.

Su Xiaoxiao said softly, "Thank you, Uncle, let's take it and taste it."

Xiaoroubaorou Huhu's little hand was the fastest. He took over and kept one in his hand, and put the rest into his little brother's big rooster school bag. He skillfully peeled off the candy wrapper and looked at the dark "sugar". , Rao is that he, who is not a picky eater, can't help but wrinkle his nose in disgust: "Mama, this black thing is very similar to the cow dung in grandma's house, isn't it cow dung?"

Su Xiaoxiao was overjoyed. She took one of the candy wrappers and put it in her mouth. The quality of the chocolate was good, and the mouth was smooth as silk. She habitually peeled off an extra piece and handed it to Han Cheng to eat, and Han Cheng didn't even look at it. , opened her mouth to eat with her hand, nodded and said, "This thing is called chocolate. It's sweet with a little bit of bitterness, and it tastes very special."

"Ah~~" Xiaoroubao watched his parents eat the "cow dung", he didn't want to throw it into his mouth, and his eyes lit up with "ding dong": "Wow, this cow dung is delicious, sweet. Sweet and slippery, this is the best candy I've ever eaten, even better than the white rabbit toffee!"

After he finished speaking, he took one of the rice **** that was holding him, peeled it, and handed it to his mouth: "Brother, hurry up and try the cow dung, it's delicious."

Su Xiaoxiao couldn't help laughing, and touched the cub's head: "This is chocolate, not cow dung."

The rice ball also tasted, nodded and said, "It's really delicious."

Xiaozhu peeled one off for my sister to eat, and she liked it very much.

Su Xiaoxiao knew that there were no children who didn't like chocolate.

Han Songbai did not prepare gifts for the children, but gave each of them a red envelope for meeting. A chocolate has conquered the hearts of the children and shortened the distance between them. They happily took the red envelope and thanked the uncle loudly.

Han Songbai has not tried to be so happy for many years. Rice **** and small meat buns are very lively and cheerful social **** players. As long as they want, they can keep chatting with you, and they can talk about everything.

The cubs chatted with Han Songbai, but Han Cheng couldn't speak, so he took Su Xiaoxiao to visit the yard.

Entering the third entrance, the design style is different from that of the second entrance. From here, going inside is the standard building of a courtyard house. Without the pavilions, watersides, wind and rain bridges, and other facades, the area of ​​the yard is still very large. The rockery pool and wall sculptures are located in On the right, it is built around a whole wall, very imposing.

Su Xiaoxiao looked around and couldn't help but whispered to Han Cheng: "Han Cheng, guess where the gold is hidden?"

"Under the Wind and Rain Bridge." Han Cheng seemed to give an answer casually.

Su Xiaoxiao blinked: "Are you serious?"

Han Cheng said, "The uncle has dug almost all the places on the ground that can be dug." Han Cheng pointed to the rockery pool on the side. "Including the bottom of this rockery pool, it really is three feet deep."

Han Cheng looked out through the hanging flower gate: "I have occasionally imagined over the years that if I were the ancestor of the gold-hiding ancestor, in addition to the places dug up by the uncle, where else could I hide them, I just thought about it. Only the beams and foundations are left."

Han Cheng patted the wooden pillars on the hand veranda and said: "All these wooden structures are relatively easy to rot. When the ancestors hid them, they didn't know when they would be dug up by future generations. If you haven't dug it out yet, isn't it a waste of all your efforts?"

"As for the foundation, digging is equivalent to destroying the entire building. Unbalanced foundations are extremely easy to collapse. Look at this well-designed house, no one would be willing to do so, so the only thing that can't be dug, and if damaged, will not affect the overall building. The only place is the pier under the Wind and Rain Bridge, otherwise it is impossible to explain why the ancestors built a Jiangnan Water Town-style Wind and Rain Bridge in the courtyard in the north."

After Han Cheng explained this, Su Xiaoxiao wanted to understand: "No wonder I think this wind and rain bridge is different from the wind and rain bridge I have ever seen, and I always think it's strange, the courtyard pool is generally not very big, and the wind and rain bridge is a landscape. It has a greater effect. It is built how it looks beautiful. A few pedestrians walking on it don’t need to bear any weight. Generally, there is no need to use piers. It looks bulky and affects the appearance. Our ancestors are really smart. If you hide it like this, even if you hollow out the bottom of the pool or the house collapses and then dig three feet into the ground, you will not be able to find it. It's really smart to throw it away as waste."

Han Cheng bowed his head and kissed Su Xiaoxiao's head: "This is just my guess. I haven't dug it out for a day and I don't know if it's hidden there. Go back, it's too cold outside."

Su smiled and said, "Then shall we mention it to Uncle?"

Han Cheng shook his head: "Don't be in a hurry, the uncle will come back for a long stay this time, let's talk about it later."

When Su Xiaoxiao came over, he bought a lot of vegetables for Han Songbai by the way, including meat, vegetables, eggs, tofu, and everything, but the family did not stay in the old house for lunch.

Han Songbai's time back was short, and the kitchen didn't have time to repair it. He was easy to deal with by himself, but he really couldn't cook a large family's dishes, so he didn't keep it, he just packed all the snacks on the table for them to take away. .

Su Xiaoxiao couldn't refuse, so she said goodbye to Han Songbai and took the children home.

When walking across the Wind and Rain Bridge, Su Xiaoxiao couldn't help but stop for a while. This is a veritable golden bridge, and I don't know when the gold will see the light of day again and become something more valuable.

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