MTL - The Sweet Stepmother and Her Cute Cubs-Chapter 164

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Han Cheng went to the carriage to look for it for the first time, but he couldn't get away from the crowd, and the cotton candy was petite.

Han Cheng thought about it calmly. If he really got lost, he could only find the flight attendant to help him open the radio to find it, so that good people could see it and send it back, even if it was paid, but then he would have to disturb the little dumplings in the carriage. I prefer to get the marshmallow back without disturbing the glutinous rice balls, but this is almost impossible.

Han Cheng knew that it was useless to be anxious, so he decided to go back to the carriage to explain the situation, apologize to Xiao Tangyuan, and then open the radio to find the dog.

This is also Su Xiaoxiao's consistent educational philosophy. Adults and children in the family are the same. It doesn't matter if you do something wrong, but you have to be brave enough to take mistakes and learn from them in the future.

As a parent, Han Cheng has no psychological burden to set an example for his children to admit mistakes. He is just worried that his daughter will cry and be sad. The top priority is to find a dog, and he can't allow him to think so much.

Han Cheng walked through the crowd with difficulty and walked back to the carriage. He organized the language along the way, took a deep breath and prepared to explain, and then he saw the snow-white mass in his daughter's arms...

And the snow-white initiator was looking at him with his wet black eyes. Those innocent eyes seemed to say, "Why are you so slow? I've been back for a long time."

Han Cheng took a deep breath again and exhaled slowly. Su Xiaoxiao asked the question he wanted to ask for Marshmallow: "Why did you come back, Han Cheng? Marshmallow has been back for a long time."

Along the way, Han Cheng, who was in a tumultuous mood, got stuck in his throat and almost bit his tongue in one breath. He looked away from the white dumpling and shook his head at his wife. He said truthfully, "I thought it was lost just now."

Su Xiaoxiao touched the marshmallow and said, "A smart and sticky dog ​​won't get lost so easily, it will come back to its owner following the smell."

Su Xiaoxiao held Han Cheng down and asked him softly, "Are you scared?"

Han Cheng nodded: "I almost went to the radio to find a dog."

Onigiri, who was playing chess with Xiaozhuzi, said, "We have to be careful. The marshmallows are so beautiful. If someone picks them up, they will definitely not return them to us."

Xiaozhu also nodded and said, "We still use a rope to tie it in the basket when we go to bed at night."

Xiao Tangyuan rubbed the marshmallow with his face, looked at it and said seriously: "Marshmallow, there are too many people on the train, you must not run around by yourself in the future, you must follow closely, do we know?"

Marshmallow didn't make a sound, and rubbed the small dumplings affectionately, as if to say "I know".

After such a small episode, the whole family paid more attention to the safety of marshmallows and looked more closely.

Hancheng usually finds time to be hard when traveling alone for dozens of hours on the train. Now it’s not so hard for a family to talk and laugh. So many children will not be bored when they play together. Rice **** are good at playing. There are endless kinds of games, lying down and sitting, playing chess and cards for a while, dozens of hours pass in a blink of an eye.

It was Su Xiaoxiao, it was the first time in her life that she had been in a car for such a long time, and she still felt very uncomfortable.

The time to arrive in the capital is the evening of the next day. This is the terminal station of the train. Zhang Hongtu called the old man before he set off. The old man expected that they would arrive early and sent someone to drive a big car to wait.

They had a lot of luggage and planned to get off the bus last, and waited almost until everyone got off the bus to carry their luggage.

The winter in the north is much colder than that in the south. When I got out of the warm carriage, the biting cold wind kept digging into my collar. Even though I had prepared for it and put on all the scarves and gloves, I was still shivering.

"This capital is too cold, isn't it?" Su Xiaoxiao's breath was white smoke as she spoke.

The children are not so sensitive to the cold air, but they stomped their feet in the cold before getting used to the temperature difference just after getting out of the car.

"Let's transport our luggage to the exit first, and the activities will not be so cold." Yali said.

The things were moved in two separate trips. Su Xiaoxiao took the dragon and the phoenix and waited in place to take care of the luggage. The rest of the people moved some of them to the exit first. Yali watched at the exit, and the rest came back and moved again.

Zhang Hongtu first went out with a large bag: "You guys wait, I'll go out and find someone to pick us up and then move the luggage there."

It was still crowded outside, and the cubs who came to the capital for the first time looked around curiously.

"Mom and Dad, isn't the capital's railway station too big? There are so many people." Onigiri felt that the capital railway station was at least dozens of times larger than the railway station in Qingfeng Town.

The pillar who has been to the capital a few times said: "Everything is big in the capital, there are many cars, not only the roads are spacious, but also the viaducts and tunnels. You can see that there are many high-rise buildings like this," the small pillar pointed to the high-rise buildings not far away. "The mall is also dozens of times larger than the one in our town. The biggest is the square where the national flag is raised, and there is a park that can't be walked for a long time. By the way, there is an elevator in the mall, and people standing on it will automatically walk. In addition to buses, there are subways similar to trains in the city, and some subway stations have escalators. In short, there are many things in the capital that we don’t have in Qingfeng Town.”

The cubs just listened to Xiao Zhuzi, and their eyes were full of yearning.

It is said that reading ten thousand volumes of books is not as good as traveling ten thousand miles. From Sujia Village to the small town, then to the county, from the county to the city and then to the capital, the children's vision also broadens little by little with the road they travel. After passing a more glorious place, and then looking back at the way you came, you will have a clearer view of the future direction.

This is also the reason why Su Xiaoxiao insists on taking the Capital University entrance exam, not only to fulfill her own and the original owner's dream, but also to take her cubs to see a bigger and more exciting world, so that there will be more and better choices in the future.

What Xiao Zhuzi said was actually something that Su Xiaoxiao used to see in her previous life, but for the cubs, it was a surprise when they opened the door to the new world.

Su smiled and said, "When we settle down, Mom and Dad will take you all over the city to take a good look at our capital city, which is vast and rich in resources."

The cubs nodded in unison: "Okay!"

Xiaoroubao's smart head was full of food, and he asked his mother, "Mama, can we still eat roast duck, big elbows, and donkey rolls with fruit preserves?"

Su Xiaoxiao pinched the little cub's fleshy face: "Yes, your little head remembers what to eat all day long? Huh?"

Xiaoroubao nodded his head: "I remember all the delicious food I've eaten!"

Xiaodoubao couldn't help wrinkling his little red nose and complained: "Brother, have you ever eaten anything bad?" Xiaoroubao can be said to be brought up by Xiaodoubao. He has loved his brother since he was a child. I have never seen something that Xiaoroubao said is not delicious.

Xiaoroubao said seriously: "The food is delicious, but the bitter black juice of Ma Ma boiled is not good."

When Xiaoroubao has a cold and a sore throat, Su Xiaoxiao will boil Chinese medicine for him to drink. Xiaoroubao is most afraid of drinking Chinese medicine.

While talking and laughing, Zhang Hongtu ran back, took out his documents, and explained the situation to the comrade guarding the entrance and exit. The comrade not only let him in, but also called a few comrades who were empty to help him carry the luggage together. Zhang Hongtu thanked him repeatedly and sent it back. They are a little special, so that they can put all their luggage into the car in one trip, and the car is big enough to fill a trunk.

The person who drove to pick him up was the old man's original security guard. After he got used to living alone in the most difficult years, he didn't need any security guards, so he was asked to go back to the army. He took a run.

In the cold winter when the lights are on, there are very few pedestrians on the road in the capital. The children lie in front of the window and listen to the little pillar to tell them what they know. , there are no private cars these days, there is no such thing as traffic jams, and it is just past seven o'clock all the way back to the old alley.

Xiao Zhuzi took his sister and took the lead to get out of the car and knock on the door to call grandpa.

The old man was pacing back and forth at home for a long time, and he was fascinated. Hearing his grandson's voice, he was refreshed and quickly ran to open the door.

When he opened the door, he saw his eldest grandson, who was tall and energetic. The old man smiled and patted his grandson's shoulder, nodding with satisfaction: "I'm taller and more handsome!"

Xiao Tangyuan knew that the old man in front of him was his brother's grandfather, and shouted with milky little pears, "Hello, grandpa~~"

The old man was looking at his grandson, and he would look down, oh, what a girl doll with pink and jade carvings, with red lips and white teeth, a small pear vortex, and a fluffy white dumpling in his arms. The old man's heart melted, and he guessed her identity at once.

Zhuzi said, "Grandpa, she is the little dumpling."

The old man was already smiling until his teeth could not see his eyes: "My dear, this is the first time Grandpa has seen such a beautiful little girl at such a young age. Come and let Grandpa hug her."

Xiaozhuzi's eyebrows and eyes are still somewhat similar to the old man's, and Xiaotangyuan also feels kind. She usually doesn't let outsiders hug her, and she gave her brother the marshmallow and reached out for her grandpa to hug.

The old man just picked up the glutinous rice dumplings, and the three male dolls in the back called out to Grandpa in unison.

The old man looked at the prestige, and the three boys, high school and low, were holding hands with a very handsome and handsome little boy. The old man's dim eyes could hardly see it.

Zhuzi introduced to his grandfather: "Grandpa, the biggest one is the rice ball, the smaller one is the Xiaodoubao, and the smallest is the younger brother's Xiaoroubao."

The old man was so happy, he didn't know how many good things he said in a row. I wish these good children were his grandsons, but they were almost the same as his own.

Han Cheng led Su Xiaoxiao down: "Uncle Zhang, this is my wife Xiaoxiao."

Su Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes, and said hello to the old man generously: "Hello, Uncle Zhang, I'm Su Xiaoxiao."

The old man nodded again and again: "Okay, okay!" It turns out that Hancheng's new daughter-in-law is such a beautiful lesbian. Not only does she have a good face, but Zhou Zheng has a gentle smile in her eyes. No wonder she gave birth to such a lovely pair of children. , Han Cheng's vision is also very good.

Zhang Hongtu came in with something in his arms: "It's too cold, let's go inside and talk about it."

"Yes, yes, come in and say." The old man was dazed by the sudden happiness, and stood here to blow his hair.

The men moved things into the house, and Su Xiaoxiao Yali, the rice ball, also helped move them together.

"Grandpa, give me the dumplings." Zhuzi was worried that grandpa was tired, gave the marshmallows to Xiaodoubao, took the dumplings from the old man and walked quickly into the house with the meat dumplings and Xiaodoubao.

Xiao Zhuzi helped his younger brothers and sisters take off their shoes and get on the kang, made them a cup of malted milk essence, and told them to warm up before going out to carry things with everyone.

The old man thought that his grandson had a really good relationship with them, and he was as careful as taking care of his younger siblings. The more he looked at these beautiful children, the more satisfied he became.

I haven't eaten dinner yet, and the little meat bun is already too hungry. After drinking a bowl of malted milk, I am still not very hungry. There is a plate of small cakes on the small table on the kang, and the little meat bun looks at it and touches it. My stomach kept gulping, but I still didn't reach for it, forcing myself to droop my head not to look at the plate of cakes.

The old man often listens to his grandson about these four children, and he is not unfamiliar with them at all, especially the two born later, it is like watching them grow up with his own eyes. He knows that this little meat dumpling loves to eat. , looking at his small appearance is also painful. He pushed the plate of cakes in front of the children: "If you're hungry, eat some food first, and we can eat when they finish moving things."

Xiaoroubao still didn't reach for it, but looked up at his little brother, because his mother asked him to listen to his little brother.

Xiaodoubao shook his head: "Thank you grandpa, but we haven't washed our hands yet, let's eat together."

Look at this upbringing, but it's not surprising that a **** like Su Xiaoxiao raises such a child. It's not surprising to see how well she raises Xiaozhuzi. Xiaozhuzi often tells him about Su Xiaoxiao, he The feeling for Su Xiaoxiao is no less than that of Yali.

"It's grandpa who is confused. After taking such a long train ride, you should wash your hands before you eat. Grandpa will take you to wash your hands first."

When the old man finished speaking, the others had already returned from carrying their things, and the adults took the children to wash their hands.

The old man here has a cook named Lao Yang who specializes in cooking. It is said that his ancestors had a royal chef, and his craftsmanship was very good. Before he retired from the army, he was a cooking soldier in the cooking class. There is no daughter, the old man called him over after the ban was lifted and called him to cook for him. In fact, he wanted to give him a place to live and live.

After everyone came in after washing their hands, Lao Yang had brought the charcoal-fired copper pot prepared in advance, and placed one plate after another of thinly sliced ​​mutton slices and various side dishes and seasonings.

As soon as the copper pot gurgles, the aroma is overflowing, and the stomach of Xiaoroubao can't help but growl...

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