MTL - The Sweet Stepmother and Her Cute Cubs-Chapter 161

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Han Cheng joined the army of packing the luggage after handing over the work the next day.

The porridge, noodles, rice, and flowers have to be sent away sooner or later. The whole family is busy cleaning up and has no time to take care of them. Han Cheng simply sent them to Zhao Xianfeng's house first.

Xiao Tangyuan was reluctant to go, so Han Cheng had to go with her.

Arriving at Zhao Xianfeng's house, Han Cheng had just put down the cage, and the little fish inside was so happy that he walked around the cage and shouted at Zhou Yuhua: "Mom, Uncle Han brought chickens, we can have three cups at noon. Chicken!"

Xiao Tangyuan was stunned when she heard it, and she burst into tears with a "wow" response, and asked Han Cheng to take the chicken back. The cry of Xiaotangyuan made Xiao Yu'er cry dumbfounded: "Uncle Han, what's wrong with my sister?"

Han Cheng was extremely helpless and could only say: "Porridge, Noodles, Noodles and Huahua are good friends raised by Xiaotangyuan. They should be raised in your house first and cannot be eaten."

Xiao Yu'er was even more confused when he heard this. He and the rice ball and meat bun are people with a brain circuit, and he wondered: "Aren't chickens all raised to eat? Otherwise, why are they raised? Is it a waste of food?"

This is a real question to Hancheng. If you can eat rice **** and meat buns early, where is the use of sending them?

Zhou Yuhua probably understood what was going on, patted Han's son's **** a few times, reached out to take his sister to coax, and winked at the stupid son: "Can the chickens raised by our little dumplings be the same as the chickens outside? Xiaotangyuan Of course my best friend can't eat it, right?"

Xiao Tangyuan is a little girl who loves to laugh very much. She doesn't cry much. When she cried, she was out of breath: "Woo, no, I can't eat... Baba, Baba...Take, take away..."

Zhou Yuhua comforted the little girl: "If you don't eat, don't eat, Aunt Zhou is watching for you, supervising him to take care of him, feeding him vegetables and grain every day, and digging earthworms to feed him, okay?"

Xiaoyuer is the little bully at home, and was about to say something wrong, but looking at her little sister Lihua's little face with rain, she took it back and said, "Brother didn't say eat porridge, noodles, rice, and flowers. , my brother is going to use the New Year money to buy chicken at the market." Xiao Yu'er is also a clever ghost, and he touched some of the New Year money from his body and showed it to his sister, "Look, brother has all the money ready, and is planning to go to the market to buy it. What about chicken?"

Xiaotangyuan looked at the money in Xiaoyuer's hand with tears in her eyes, and asked, "Really? Really?"

Xiaoyuer took her sister's hand: "Of course it's true. If you don't believe your brother, go to the market with your brother to buy chicken."

Zhou Yuhua put down the small glutinous rice **** and patted her head: "Go, buy chicken with your brother."

Xiao Tangyuan's long eyelashes were covered with tears. Zhou Yuhua wanted to go into the house to get a handkerchief to wipe her tears, but Han Cheng had already squatted down and carefully wiped her daughter's face, with a gentle and gentle movement: "Don't cry anymore, Crying is not beautiful anymore."

Han Cheng felt that raising a daughter and raising a boy were really different. If they were replaced by rice balls, Han Cheng would have told him that chickens were poultry and they were raised to eat, but he was etched in the same mold as He Su Xiaoxiao. The charming little girl who came out, Han Cheng really couldn't say a word to make her sad.

Zhou Yuhua thought to himself, seeing how gentle Han Cheng is, Zhao Xianfeng, the old man, still wants to raise a daughter, and it is true that his loud voice scares the daughter.

Zhou Yuhua went into the house and brought some snacks for Xiao Tangyuan, filled her pockets, and repeatedly promised not to eat porridge, noodles, rice, and flowers.

Xiao Tangyuan said, "Brother Xiaoyuer really can't eat it."

Xiaoyuer waved his hand: "I don't want to eat it, who would dare to eat the chicken raised by my sister? I'm in a hurry!"

Xiao Tangyuan took three steps and turned back, holding his father's hand back with anxiety.

Xiao Yu'er was puzzled: "Mom, do we really not eat these chickens? But they all look delicious."

Zhou Yuhua suddenly felt that his temperament was still suitable for raising a stinky boy like Xiao Yu'er, she didn't have the patience of Han Cheng and Su Xiaoxiao to raise a daughter: "Let's raise it first, let's eat it when Xiao Tangyuan and the others go to the capital. , let's kill the chickens today, and tomorrow the little dumplings will cry if they can't find them."

Xiao Yu'er wrinkled her nose and said, "The fluffy little sister is a bit difficult to deal with. I still prefer a skinny little brother like Xiao Roubao. Mom, are you really going to give me a little brother?"

Zhou Yuhua stared at him: "Did Zhao Xianfeng tell you something?"

Xiaoyuer said truthfully: "Dad said that when you are old, I will have a miserable old age without a younger brother or sister to help me. Let me advise you to give me a younger brother or sister while you are still young."

Watching the child grow up a little bit, Zhou Yuhua couldn't help feeling how time flies so fast, she messed up her son's hair: "Isn't raising you alone enough for me to worry about? Who can guarantee that I will have a younger brother? A cute little sister like Xiaotangyuan, is it suitable for our family to raise?"

Xiao Yu'er wrinkled her nose and said, "Xiao Tangyuan is not squeamish, she usually laughs very much and seldom cries, by the way, the rice **** and the pillars are going to the capital, and I want to go too, you and my father really Can’t apply for transfer to the capital to work?”

Zhou Yuhua shook his head and said, "My dad and I don't go to the capital to go to university. There is no reason to transfer. You should still be admitted to the capital's university by yourself, so that we have a reason to apply for transfer."

Xiao Yu'er counted with her fingers, and finally sighed and said, "Dun Dun and Yaya are gone, and now Rice Ball and Xiao Zhuzi are leaving again. My grades are not as good as Rice Ball and Xiao Zhuzi. If I go to the capital to go to university by myself, it will take at least seven or eight years before I can take the college entrance examination, so don’t I have to pass the seven or eight years by myself?”

"Stinky boy," Zhou Yuhua knocked on his head, "Aren't your dad and I human? Aren't the big tree, little monkey, and little stone? Why are you alone?"

Xiao Yu'er covered her head and jumped aside, glaring at Zhou Yuhua angrily: "You already made me not smart enough, and you'll be even more stupid if you knock me out!"

Zhou Yuhua also wanted to knock him: "Didn't you hear that diligence can make up for your clumsiness? You know you're stupid and don't work hard? Do you think you can get into the university by taking the college entrance examination? Do you know how low the admission rate is this year? Let's get admitted in Qingfeng Town. There are less than ten people in the university.”

Xiaoyuer was stunned: "Isn't it possible that you can go to university if you take the college entrance examination? Aunt Su and Yali won't be admitted if they take the college entrance examination? My Aunt Su is still the champion!"

It was Zhou Yuhua's turn to sigh: "Son, do you know how hard your aunt Su and Yali study hard? Haven't you read the daily newspaper? This year, more than 5 million people took the college entrance examination and only 200,000 people were admitted, that is, It is said that less than five of the 100 people who take the college entrance examination can go to college. How many people are in your class? There are more than 50 people in your class, right? That means if you don’t get the top three in the college entrance examination, basically you will only fail the college entrance examination. life."

In fact, Zhou Yuhua knew that in the first year of resuming the college entrance examination, most of them were those who had been stranded for ten years. The level was naturally uneven, and it was normal for the admission rate to be low. When Xiaoyuer took the college entrance examination in seven or eight years, the admission rate would naturally not be. No matter how low it is, she is taking this opportunity to educate her son. Now there are rice **** and Xiaozhuzi watching him study, and his grades can barely maintain the top five in the class. After they went to the capital, no one was watching him study. With Xiaoyuer's playful temperament, he can fall to the bottom five in minutes.

After listening to it, Xiaoyuer was really shocked. He thought that most of the people who took the college entrance examination could go to college. He quickly went to the newspaper where Aunt Zhou was in the news that day. The numbers were exactly as his mother said, Xiaoyuer He pursed his lips and threw the newspaper, turned and ran to the room.

Zhou Yuhua didn't know why: "Hey, where are you going, son?"

Xiaoyuer didn't look back: "Learn!"

"Ah?" It was Zhou Yuhua's turn to be confused. He looked at the sky outside. The sun didn't rise from the west today. Her son didn't go out to play at this time, so he actually went back to his room to study?

Xiaoyuer shouted loudly: "Rice ball and Zhuzi take the first and second grades every year. They will definitely go to college in the future. I was only fourth and fifth in the class, and I can't even rank in the top ten. I haven't been in my grade yet. What about such smart classmates as Onigiri and Zhuzi, if there are any, I don't even know where they are going! Ooooooooooo, don't bother me anymore! I have to study hard! I have to go to the capital to go to university by my own efforts! I want to be with the rice ball pillars and the others!"

In fact, Xiaoyuer is really not stupid, his parents dote on him, his temperament has always been pure and straightforward, and he is still a child who has not grown up and is not enlightened. In addition, he is neurotic and playful. In fact, as long as he studies seriously, he will stay in class. The first three are fine.

Zhou Yuhua almost burst out laughing, her silly son still has this consciousness, she should really thank the rice ball and Xiaozhuzi: "Then study hard, and Mom will buy you chicken and make three-cup chicken."

Xiao Yu'er, who was preparing to hang beams, ignored Zhou Yuhua at all.

Han Cheng took his daughter back home, and Su Xiaoxiao was taking three older brothers to turn out all the clothes at home, and covered a yard full of them with a mat.

Su Xiaoxiao's head grew big: "You usually don't have a lot of clothes to wear, so why do you turn out so many?"

There are four children in the family, even if there are only a few pieces, there are a lot of clothes from the four seasons.

When Han Cheng entered the door, he said, "Send the ones that don't fit well to Sujia Village. You can wear them. Your mother is skillful. Maybe you can sew out a few sheets."

Su Xiaoxiao tilted her head to look at him: "Han Cheng, I heard it, you are saying that I am unlucky."

Han Cheng smiled and rubbed her head: "Nothing."

Xiao Tangyuan handed over the snacks Zhou Yuhua gave her to her mother, and asked glumly, "Mama, does brother Xiaoyuer really not eat Huahua?"

Su Xiaoxiao looked at Han Cheng subconsciously.

Han Cheng shook his head slightly.

The rice ball slapped his forehead, and it was broken. He didn't expect his father to send the chicken over so quickly, and it was too late to say hello to Xiaoyuer in advance. It must be Xiaoyuer who said that he wanted to eat Huahua.

Su Xiaoxiao hugged her daughter and said, "Xiaotangyuan, my mother thinks so, even if we don't entrust Huahua to brother Xiaoyuer, they won't be able to accompany us for the rest of our lives. Since we have entrusted it to brother Xiaoyuer, we will Let brother Xiaoyuer handle it, our fate with them ends here, okay?"

Xiao Tangyuan was about to flatten his mouth when Xiao Zhuzi came in: "Xiao Tangyuan, what did your brother bring you?"

Xiao Tangyuan turned her head to look at the door, and saw that brother Xiaozhuzi was holding a milky little puppy not much bigger than a slap in his hand. Her eyes lit up, and she ran towards brother Xiaozhuzi. …

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