MTL - The Sweet Stepmother and Her Cute Cubs-Chapter 158

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Su Weimin has been poked in the spine for so many years, and he has always believed that one day the college entrance examination will resume, and his daughter will become a college student. When the daughter jumped into the well for the educated youth, he deeply blamed himself, and once doubted that he let his daughter read such books. Is it a mistake, if my daughter is like other country girls who haven't graduated from junior high school or even read a book, when she turns 18, she finds an ordinary, honest and honest person to marry and have children, and live an ordinary life in the country. A lot of gossip, not to mention it.

But his daughter was born to read. She has been the first in the test since she went to school. Why not let her read if she can read? It wasn't her problem that others didn't have the knowledge to be worthy of her, but he didn't expect that he had waited ten years for this day.

Su Weimin couldn't imagine what his daughter would be like if she hadn't met Han Cheng a few years ago. Only a scholar like Han Cheng would believe in the power of knowledge and would accompany her daughter to study.

During the days of waiting for the admission letter, Su Weimin stared at the newspaper every day, squatting on the radio, for fear of missing any news related to the college entrance examination. Every day when he was free, he squatted next to the commune's phone and waited, for fear of missing his daughter's call.

Su Weimin kept shaking his hands when he saw the big characters "Su Xiaoxiao, the champion of liberal arts in Z province" in the newspaper today. He wanted to call Han Cheng, but he was worried that it was just the same name and surname, because Han Cheng had said that he had received an admission notice. The book will notify him, so he has been on the phone all day, and finally let him wait.

Three years, ten years of sports, the head of the family, who has gone through so many hardships and survived without letting himself shed a single tear, burst into tears when he heard what his daughter said.

Su Weimin touched his tears: "Okay, the sky has eyes, my daughter is admitted to the university, and my daughter is admitted to the best university!"

Han Cheng hung up the phone and hugged his sobbing wife into his arms and kissed them again and again.

Su Xiaoxiao really doesn't want to cry. It's really hard for a woman of this era to change her destiny. If it wasn't for Han Cheng, if she hadn't married Han Cheng on the spot, she wouldn't even dare to imagine what she would have been through. Days, do you have the courage to live in this era?

Su Xiaoxiao still kept crying: "Han, Hancheng..."

Han Cheng's heart throbbed and hurt, hugged his wife and patted her back: "I'm here, I know, I know."

Han Cheng didn't know what love at first sight is for ten thousand years. Like Zhou Yuhua and Zhao Xianfeng, there are people who meet each other at school, but they are not mainstream. Most couples are arranged by organizations or introduced by matchmakers. Revolutionary companions who live together with each other.

Looking back now, he was actually attracted by Su Xiaoxiao's gentle temperament at first sight, and his relationship later was like a match made in heaven. Su Xiaoxiao slowly became an inseparable part of his life. Grief and sadness.

Han Cheng stopped talking, quietly hugged his wife and comforted her silently, his heart still throbbing with her sobbing.

Su Xiaoxiao's emotions were over for a while, but the person looked very charming, and her tears and snot all rubbed onto Han Cheng's clothes.

Han Cheng was not annoyed, took out a handkerchief and wiped off the tears on Su Xiaoxiao's face and kissed her on the lips, kissing the salty taste of the tears, frowning and saying, "Don't cry, your eyes are swollen, It's time for the children to be worried." If he continued to cry, he would suspect that he had a heart attack.

Su Xiaoxiao pursed her lips and smiled, shaking her head: "I'm not crying anymore, I'm happy."

Han Cheng was relieved when he saw her smile, put the handkerchief in his pocket, hugged her again, and took her hand: "Let's go home and cook for the children."

Su Xiaoxiao hugged Han Cheng's hand and rubbed: "Well, let's go home."

When the couple returned home, they heard the children's laughter and laughter. They pushed open the gate of the yard. Zhou Yuhua and Yali were both there. There was a large charcoal stove in the center of the yard, with barbed wire on it and various skewers on the side. , looks like it's ready for a barbecue.

When the cubs saw Su Xiaoxiao and Han Cheng coming back, they all gathered around. The number of rice **** was "one, two, three." The six cubs said in unison, "Welcome to my province's top student in the college entrance examination, Su Xiaoxiao, to go home!"

Su Xiaoxiao: "..." Who came up with the bad idea?

Xiaoroubao and Xiaotangyuan hugged their mother's thighs, and Xiaoroubao said, "Mama, you're a great champion. Many people in the school came to congratulate us today. They touched my head and said they wanted to be happy. Give it back to me. Stuff the candy, but I'm very good, I don't even ask for it."

The brothers guarded the small dumplings tightly, no one dared to touch the dumplings, they all ran to touch the small meat buns, and the dumplings also held up their small heads and bent their eyes and said, "Mama, the champion is as popular as the dumplings. "

Han Cheng bent over and picked up his daughter: "Okay, let's say Mom is embarrassed, why don't you go."

Su Xiaoxiao rubbed Xiaoroubao's head: "Okay, let's go play."

The rice ball suddenly approached Su Xiaoxiao, stared into her eyes and said, "Mom, are you crying?"

Su Xiaoxiao always regarded children as friends, sighed and said, "Cub, you waited ten years to get into college and you couldn't cry with joy. I called your grandfather, and I couldn't do it as soon as I heard his voice. Are you? I don't know how much pressure your grandma and grandfather put on for me to go to school, how many people gossip behind my back before I married my father, and now my mother finally fights for them."

Onigiri stepped forward and hugged her mother and patted her on the back: "It's all over, mother, don't worry, I will definitely teach my younger brothers and sisters well, and we will definitely be admitted to the best universities in the future."

Xiaodoubao also stepped forward and hugged her mother and rubbed her waist: "Mom is not sad, I will live up to my expectations."

Su Xiaoxiao rubbed the heads of the two cubs: "Mom is not sad, and I believe in you, okay, let's go look at the younger brothers and sisters."

Su Xiaoxiao walked to the barbecue stall: "Why do you suddenly want to eat barbecue?"

Zhou Yuhua teased Su Xiaoxiao and said, "We have a big champion in the military region. Naturally, we have to celebrate and celebrate. How about it, did you choose a good school?"

It has long been rumored that the admissions office of several top universities came to the military region to "snatch the champion". Now, which candidates in the entire military region do not envy Su Xiaoxiao?

Su Xiaoxiao shook her head: "Don't kill me. Capital University has always been my first choice. Before the semester starts, I have to go to the capital to settle down and find a house."

Yali said: "You don't need to look for a house. Grandpa Zhuzi's courtyard house can accommodate our two families. His old man also likes to be lively, and he talks about them every day. When so many children accompany him every day, he is very happy to appoint him."

The old man was supposed to come this summer vacation, but he couldn't come because of the temporary delay. Later, he said that he would come to see the children in the new year. Now she and Su Xiaoxiao are both admitted to the universities in the capital.

Zhou Yuhua looked at Yali with a puzzled look: "Hancheng is originally from the capital, and his house also has a courtyard house, and it goes in an alley with yours. He doesn't live in his own house, so why live in yours?"

Yali gave an "ah" and stared at Su Xiaoxiao with round eyes: "Why have I never heard of you in advance?"

Su Xiaoxiao was speechless: "I'm sorry, I only know now."

Han Cheng's parents were long gone. He didn't hear him mention his grandparents or relatives. Su Xiaoxiao always thought that Han Cheng was from Zhoucheng. After all, matchmaker Xu said so when he introduced him.

In retrospect, Su Xiaoxiao has a big heart. She didn't even know where Hancheng was, so she just married him and followed him back to the military area.

However, there is a saying that "white heads are as new as the old ones", and a woman's intuition is sometimes quite accurate. Anyway, she fell in love with Han Cheng at a glance, and felt that he was a reliable person, which proved to be the case.

Zhou Yuhua looked at Su Xiaoxiao in disbelief: "You don't really know until now, do you?"

Looking at Yali again, he asked: "Old Zhang Dahancheng and Zhao Xianfeng have several years, and their primary schools are in the same school. Although Zhao Xianfeng only knew them in high school, Lao Zhang and Hancheng have indeed known each other since childhood. Old Zhang didn't even mention it to you?"

Yali shook her head: "No."

Zhou Yuhua didn't want to ask: "Okay, it seems that I am the only one to ask the truth. Even Zhao Xianfeng's ancestor married him only after the eighteenth generation of his ancestors had figured it out. The two of you were not sold because of luck."

Zhao Xianfeng and Zhang Hongtu just finished discussing things next door, when they entered the door, they heard their daughter-in-law say that the eighteenth generation of their ancestors was sold, and thought she was cursing again: "What eighteenth generation of ancestors? Zhou Yuhua, why are you cursing again?"

Zhou Yuhua wanted to roll his eyes: "Zhao Xianfeng, your ears can be cut off and roasted. It's useless to keep them anyway."

Zhao Xianfeng's ear, which she almost twisted off last night, started to hurt again. He cleared his throat and didn't dare to mess with her: "I won't tell you, I'll go to Hancheng."

Zhou Yuhua said: "Let's go, we lesbians don't have the right to interrupt when we talk."

Zhang Hongtu couldn't help laughing, these two are really happy friends, Zhao Xianfeng has been bullied by Zhou Yuhua for so many years, and he has never won.

Yali touched Zhang Hongtu's arm: "Old Zhang, why haven't I heard you say that Han Cheng grew up with you and that their family was in the same alley as ours?"

Zhang Hongtu glanced at Su Xiaoxiao subconsciously, and then looked back at his wife: "The situation in Han Cheng's house is a bit complicated. Let Han Cheng tell Xiaoxiao himself about this. Let's bake faster, the children should be hungry."

The children have eaten several skewers to fill their stomachs, and the small meat buns are half full, otherwise they are now squatting and waiting for the meat to be cooked, instead of playing games with the brothers.

Su smiled and said, "It doesn't really matter. Han Cheng will naturally tell me when he needs to tell me. What he doesn't tell me means it's not important."

Zhang Hongtu nodded and said, "It's really not very important. If you don't go back to the capital to live, you don't need to mention it. Forget it, wait for Han Cheng to tell you."

Su Xiaoxiao originally didn't care, but what Zhang Hongtu said made her curious.

This is also the case in Hancheng. Seeing that he is going to return to the capital, he has not mentioned it to her at all.

Su Xiaoxiao was a little absent-minded when grilling skewers, and almost burned her hands several times.

Skewers are Yali's strength. Borderers seem to be born with skewers, so she sprinkled a little cumin powder on a plate of grilled skewers before handing it to Su Xiaoxiao: "Take it to Hancheng, by the way. Ask what you want to know clearly, Han Cheng is definitely not hiding it from you, don't get angry and say it."

Su Xiaoxiao reached out to take it, and it was a bit funny to see Yali's cautious look: "What? I'm afraid we will quarrel? Speaking of which, we haven't quarreled since we met. I think about how to quarrel."

Yali stared at her back with round eyes, shouldn't this model couple really want to quarrel?

Read The Duke's Passion