MTL - The Supporting Female Character Is Not Behaving Again-Chapter 193 Boss Canary 19

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Small four is not saying that there is something good at the bottom of the pool, so he will always know something, right?

"Can you feel what's under here? I can't detect it." After recovering his consciousness, Meng Changjin simply asked Xiao Si in his mind.

Meng Changjin is a little speechless, doesn't she know it's a good thing?

The problem is that she wants to know what the good stuff is.

Now it seems that it is impossible to know in advance, but she does not suspect that Xiao Si is hiding anything from her.

Because if this place hadn't been for Rowling to invite to dinner, then she wouldn't come at all, and she wouldn't have discovered it if she didn't come.

And when she got here, she also used her divine sense to detect it, but she didn't know anything, not to mention the little four who didn't do anything?

Meng Changjin didn't ask Xiao Si again. This guy asked three questions and didn't know, so he might as well not ask.

Meng Changjin made some preparations and covered her body with spiritual power. The advantage of this is that if something attacks her in the water, she may resist it.

Other than that, don't get your clothes wet.

After the spiritual power covered the whole body, Meng Changjin no longer delayed, raised his legs and walked into the pond.

After entering the pond, Meng Changjin realized that the pond was not that big from the outside, but after entering the water, he found that the pond was quite deep.

The lotus leaves in the pond are all planted on the edge of the pond, but they only grow to the middle.

Meng Changjin didn't pay much attention to this, and hurriedly finished the work and went back to eat, but ordered a table of good dishes, and it was too late to go back, and the dishes would not taste good if they were cold.

Thinking about this, Meng Changjin continued to swim down, and at the same time, he was talking in his mind.

"How far do you think this thing will be underwater?" Meng Changjin just asked casually, and didn't expect Xiao Si to be able to answer.

"Further a thousand meters or so." Xiao Si said affirmatively.

Meng Changjin is a little surprised now, so sure?

"Are you sure?" Meng Changjin asked in disbelief.

"Of course." Xiao Si's tone is still very sure.

"Then I'll speed up a bit." Meng Changjin didn't question any more.

After continuing downstream for a while, Meng Changjin could already feel the breath of the baby.

I not only feel it, but I have seen it!

It's a little bit further down, where there is something like a crystal palace.

The size of a palm, the rich spiritual power came out from here.

"What's the matter?" Meng Changjin didn't know what magical effect this thing had, but he didn't dare to rashly use his divine sense to contact and detect.

It's not just me, if it's only me, then in the end it's my own business, but isn't there a little four?

Although I don't know how much Xiao Si knows, she definitely knows more than her, and asking a few questions won't make Xiao Si less meat.

"You can just put it away and put it in your space." Xiao Si said.

"Huh?" Meng Changjin wondered if this was really reliable after hearing Xiao Si say this?

"Don't worry, there is no danger, it's just a palace made of spirit stones." Xiao Si said in disapproval.

Little Si disagreed, but Meng Changjin tutted in her heart.

The palace made of spirit stones is just nothing. The vision of the fourth classmate is really high.

If it wasn't for the fact that she got a lot of spiritual veins in the last mission world, then this thing would be valuable to her!

But even though she has a spiritual vein in her hand, she still thinks this palm-sized crystal palace is a good thing.

Even if it is a spirit stone, it is also divided into quality.

For example, the higher the purity of the spirit stone, the higher the value, and this crystal palace, although it seems to be only the size of a palm, in fact, the spirit stone that builds this crystal palace, I am afraid there are no less than two mineral veins. It has to be the kind of spiritual stone with the highest purity!

How rich and powerful is this special person to be able to use such a high-purity spirit stone to build a palace?

Meng Changjin doesn't know, but now this thing is hers.

I raised my hand and pressed it on the Crystal Palace. Sure enough, there was no danger.

As soon as Meng Changjin's mind moved, she was about to put the Crystal Palace into her spiritual planting space.

But one second has passed, two seconds have passed, and the Crystal Palace is still under her hands and has not been put into the spiritual plant space.

Meng Changjin:…?

A question mark slowly appeared above Meng Changjin's head.

Isn’t it said that it can be directly put into the spiritual plant space?

She was sure that she wanted to put things into the spiritual plant space, and the spiritual plant space did open for a moment.

But it was not included at all.

Meng Changjin is a little strange, if she said that there is not enough space in her spiritual planting space to put this crystal palace, then she would not believe it.

Then the problem lies in this palace.

"Little Four, didn't you say that you can just accept it?" Meng Changjin was puzzled, of course, she had to ask the person who gave her the idea directly, no, fish!

"Oh, is that so? Maybe you're not taking things in the right way, or you can change your hand to take a look?" Xiao Si actively gave Meng Changjin an idea.

Meng Changjin is a little speechless, this has something to do with changing hands!

The Crystal Palace is not a Crystal Palace, and her spiritual planting space is also her spiritual planting space. It is also a change of posture, and it is estimated that the same result will be obtained by changing ten postures.

Maybe Meng Changjin was too obvious, so this time Xiao Si really understood her face.

If he changed his usual little four and completed this reading face, he would definitely be very excited, but now he just said lightly: "Try it and you'll know, maybe it's true Can it be?"

Meng Changjin was speechless, but he didn't mind giving it a try and let Xiaosi face the reality.

Raising her other hand and placing it on the crystal palace, Meng Changjin tried to put things into the spiritual plant space again.

This time, Meng Changjin originally thought that she would get the same situation as the previous one, and she still couldn't put it away, but as her thoughts moved, the next moment, Meng Changjin felt that her hands were empty. The Crystal Palace, which could not be accommodated before, has now entered the spiritual planting space. Not only that, but it has also automatically expanded from a compressed state and turned into a large crystal palace.

Meng Changjin:…?

This time I was really confused, Te Meow's mentality collapsed!

Is it really because you need to change your posture?

How can this be so outrageous!

Is there any difference between her left hand and her right hand? !

Meng Changjin looked down at his hands and frowned, feeling that he couldn't figure it out no matter what.

Meng Changjin observed for a long time, and found that only the fingerprints and palms were different, but what could this have to do with it?

Is it possible that there are fingerprints or palm prints on this crystal palace that cannot be unlocked?

But even so, why is her fingerprint, or palm print?

This makes no sense!

Meng Changjin couldn't figure it out, and didn't notice that at the moment when her palm covered the crystal palace, a grain of "dust" slightly larger than dust floated out of the crystal palace, and then again It disappeared quickly.

Can't figure it out, plus the things have been collected, Meng Changjin didn't stay for long.

It has been at least ten minutes since she came out and got something.

The reason she told Rowling was to go to the bathroom, and if she went to the bathroom, the time was actually a bit long.

Fortunately, the problem is not really big, you can fool the past.

Meng Changjin no longer struggled with this matter, and began to swim up quickly.

In a few minutes, Meng Changjin emerged from the pond.

Climbing onto the shore, Meng Changjin was shaken gently, and the water droplets and soil on the outside of her spiritual protection cover were immediately shaken away.

Meng Changjin did not delay, he quickly reached the corridor, climbed over the fence neatly, and turned back to the corridor, and only then did the concealment of his consciousness be lifted.

As soon as I came into contact with Divine Consciousness Concealment, two people came out from the corner of the corridor.

The two of them saw Meng Changjin suddenly and were shocked.

After taking a closer look and seeing that it was a cute little girl, she breathed a long sigh of relief.

Meng Changjin didn't care so much, she was sure that after she had lifted the cover of her consciousness, these two people walked out of the corner, and it was absolutely impossible to see her appear out of thin air.

He turned around with confidence and took two steps, Meng Changjin raised his brows.

Just as she went, she found two people behind her, one of them had golden eyes and glanced at her.

Meng Changjin's reaction was also fast. When the other party swept over, he quickly covered his whole body with his divine sense.

This time there is no hiding, but a simple covering.

After the other party glanced at her, they stopped paying attention.

But Meng Changjin was interested, and left some spiritual consciousness attached to these two.

After doing this, Meng Changjin quickened his pace and walked towards the private room.

Then met the anxious Rowling at the door of the private room.

Rowling immediately rushed over after seeing Meng Changjin.

"Why did you go, why did you delay for so long?" Rowling felt relieved when she saw Meng Changjin's good hands, but after she was relieved, she felt a little sad.

"Go to the bathroom." Meng Changjin said without changing his face.

Rowling continued to look at Meng Changjin sadly, writing on her face as if you were making fun of me!

Meng Changjin:…

It's embarrassing.

Meng Changjin didn't expect Rowling to find her.

With a light cough, Meng Changjin said casually, "The restroom was full before, so I was in a hurry, so I went to another restroom."

Rowling believed this, but she still complained a little: "Then why don't you send me a message, I thought something happened to you."

Meng Changjin heard Rowling's reply, reached into his pocket, actually took out his mobile phone from the Lingzhi space, opened the phone, and sure enough he saw a lot of messages from Rowling information.

Meng Changjin felt a little embarrassed after seeing so much information, but he said vaguely: "I don't play with my phone in the bathroom, I'm afraid my phone will drop in the toilet..."

For this reason, Meng Changjin was a little unconvinced.

But Rowling believed it, she nodded seriously, and stopped saying this: "Forget it, don't talk, let's go in, we should have a few more dishes. It'll be over in minutes."

"Okay." Meng Changjin nodded, and stopped talking, but focused on listening.

In another private room not far from Meng Changjin's private room, two men in casual sportswear sat down on the armchairs in the leisure area.

The decoration of the private room here is similar, and the two men’s private room also has a leisure area similar to Meng Changjin’s private room.

After it was pasted, I walked back and sat down, then looked at the man in gray sportswear beside him, and asked, "Senior brother, why did you look at that little girl with your heavenly eyes? , did you find anything?"

The man in gray sportswear shook his head: "It's just a little weird, nothing unusual."

The man in black nodded and didn't care. He invited his senior brother over today, not for a little girl he didn't know, but for other things.

"Senior brother, I really can't do without you this time, you have to help me." The man in black looked at the man in gray with a face full of ingratitude.

"Okay, how can I help you, talk about things." The man in the gray clothes spoke in a businesslike manner, but the tone and the smile on his face showed that he had a lot of respect for this junior brother. 's pet.

Although they are brothers and sisters, they are quite different in age. When the younger brother was accepted by the master as an apprentice, he was only three or four years old.

Master, the old man doesn't know how to take care of children, so he left people to him. It can be said that this junior brother was brought up by him, and it hurts him as if he were a son.

Of course, I can't say these words. In the early years, when the master was still there, he would have to be beaten if he said it. Now that the master has passed away, it is meaningless to say this.

"Senior brother, do you know that I took a job recently, right?"

The man in the gray clothes nodded slightly, he still knew about this, and it was because the younger brother took over the job, so he ran from Shunjing to Binhai.


"No, it's just that I can't solve it. That Mr. Huo was bound by a fairy weapon, and I can't untie it even if I lose my strength to suckle." The man in black said depressedly.

Read The Duke's Passion