MTL - The Supporting Female Character Is Not Behaving Again-Chapter 183 Boss Canary 9

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It is precisely because Huo Silan is too concerned about his "little garden", so these black bodyguards, in addition to leaving six bodyguards to find a way to untie the rope, in addition to being in charge of Huo Silan Except for the food, drink and Lhasa, the rest of the bodyguards were dispatched by Huo Silan.

It is called protection, but it is actually monitoring Meng Changjin.

There are more people monitoring, and the natural division of labor is more clear.

The fixed-point surveillance, the follow-up after Meng Changjin went out, including the investigation of the people who had been in contact with Meng Changjin, were arranged clearly.

Unfortunately, Meng Changjin never went out, and they were sure that there was absolutely no back door in Jinxiu Apartment.

But they didn't feel relieved that they didn't see Meng Changjin's face. That's why they pretended to be a takeaway deliveryman and came to see it in person.

However, they didn't know the specific work situation of the deliveryman, which led them to change the clothes of the deliveryman after hijacking the deliveryman, which has caused the order to time out.

However, it was confirmed that Meng Changjin was still in the room of the Jinxiu apartment and did not leave the Jinxiu apartment. The bodyguards in black who were in charge of staring at Meng Changjin were also relieved.

As long as Meng Changjin is always under their surveillance, it is not a problem.

But what makes the bodyguards in black strange is that Meng Changjin is alone, why does he order so many meals?

There are so many meals, at least three or four people, Meng Changjin can't finish it all by himself.

This was an important discovery, and these bodyguards in black did not dare to delay, and immediately chose to report it to Huo Silan.

Meng Changjin had no way of knowing what the black-clothed bodyguards were doing here, and even if she did, Meng Changjin didn't panic at all.

Although it was said that Huo Silan could not kill her, so she was a little fearless and unscrupulous, which meant that she was arrogant and arrogant, but this was not what Meng Changjin hoped.

Even if Huo Silan wants her life, then she has a solution, and she is not afraid at all.

On the contrary, it was this kind of self-esteem that made Meng Changjin disgusted.

Huo Silan's feelings for the client Tian Xiaoyuan are so abnormal!

Of course, if it's normal, there's nothing wrong with her.

The client is worthy of being a member of the sons of luck, and with the blessing of luck, Meng Changjin's practice is a thousand miles away.

Of course, there are many reasons for Meng Changjin's spiritual stones, but there is definitely also the blessing of luck.

Meng Changjin has never practiced so fast before, her mood is also very good, and she is more energetic when practicing.

While the bodyguards in black were monitoring Meng Changjin, Meng Changjin was focusing on her cultivation.

Luo Linlin, who was sold by Meng Changjin to buy medicine but failed, went out of Meng Changjin's room, returned to her own house, tidied up, put on a mask and sunglasses to cover her face With acne reddened and crying swollen eyes, Rowling took the elevator downstairs and drove to the hospital.

For a woman who loves beauty, how can she accept her face like this?

If you are sick, you have to go to the hospital. Rowling will never avoid the doctor.

I got a dermatology number in the hospital, Rowling sat down on the seat and waited for her to be called.

Actually, with the financial resources of Rowling's family, getting a private hospital is not a problem.

The family does have a private hospital serving the Luo family.

But Rowling did not choose the private hospital at home, she just went to the hospital outside to see if this face could be cured, and how much it would cost.

Rowling's money is not bad, and she is willing to pay privately to compensate her fans, but this does not mean that she is willing to be tricked.

Then, of course, you have to have some knowledge in your heart.

It didn't take long before she finally got her number.

After walking into the doctor's consultation room, Rowling explained the situation completely, and the doctor gave her some examination orders to pay for the examination, and then came back with the results of the examination.

Rowling is very patient. After this incident, the beauty blogger estimates that she will not be able to do it, and she may have to go home to inherit hundreds of billions of assets.

But no matter what, she must handle it properly.

After a series of examinations, the doctor prescribed medicine for internal use and external application, and explained the use.

Rowling wrote it down on her mobile phone and drove away from the hospital.

Returning home exhausted, Rowling followed the doctor's instructions, cleaned her face with warm water, and applied the external medicine prescribed by the doctor.

The doctor said that in her situation, it should be about ten days, and there will be no problem.

Rowling still has confidence in the doctors in regular hospitals, so for two or three days, Rowling followed the doctor's orders seriously, taking medicines internally to detoxify, and applying ointments for soothing treatment.

But the results were not satisfactory. For two or three days in a row, Rowling looked at her face every day, and her face did not improve at all. Not only that, Rowling looked at the situation on her face. Seriously.

Looking through the video's comment area and private chat, her fans who unfortunately used the domestic brand Fang's skin care products that sell dog meat, the words are also similar to her.

Let's not say that Rowling promised compensation, even if Rowling does not compensate, these people are going to treat their faces.

It's just that someone pays for the treatment, and the other pays for it yourself.

In short, it is your face, even if you need to spend money at this time, you can only bite your teeth and pay for treatment.

It's a pity that the money spent, the effect of the treatment is not very good.

Rowling also saw some messages that the ointment prescribed by the doctor did not work at all.

This time, even though Rowling had only applied it for three days, she was a little panicked.

It stands to reason that the doctor said that it can be done in about ten days, and it should be effective in three days.

You can open the vanity mirror and carefully look at her face in the mirror. Rowling is more and more sure that it really doesn't work. Not only that, she feels that a few of them were relatively small yesterday The acne is definitely bigger today.

Anxiety about her appearance, as well as the private chat of fans' comments, made Rowling breathless.

Now she can't help but think about it, what if it can't be cured?

She herself is a beauty-loving person, and she cannot accept that she will live with such a horrible face in the future.

Not to mention hundreds of fans like her because of her.

Fans trust her so they buy products with confidence, hoping to make themselves better.

In fact, instead of getting better, she was pulled into a valley of despair.

What to do, what to do!

Rowling's heart was anxious and restless, and her temper became extremely irritable.

Out of the corner of the eye, she saw the face in the vanity mirror that people didn't want to take a second glance at, Rowling raised her hand and threw the expensive vanity mirror to the ground.

The vanity mirror and the floor suddenly touch, but the value is not cheap, the quality is good, although the mirror surface of the mirror has been broken into several pieces, the light of the vanity mirror is still on.

Rowling lay on the table, all kinds of pressure superimposed, and she couldn't help crying.

At this time, for some unknown reason, the picture of Meng Changjin selling her pills suddenly came to her mind. Rowling was crying while thinking of Meng Changjin's words.

Dead horses as living horses…

These words kept flashing in her heart. can really give it a try.

A dead horse becomes a living horse doctor, what if it is true?

As soon as this idea emerges from my heart, I can't hold it back anymore.

But Rowling is not a reckless person, even if this idea has always tempted her like a whisper of a demon, she still tries her best to suppress this idea again and again.

Wait, don't worry, the decisions you make when you are in a hurry will definitely be regretted later.

Rowling admonished herself in her heart, and continued to apply the ointment for two days with patience.

The result is that every day makes her more desperate.

In addition to the comments under the video and the negative situation of those fans in the private messages, the idea of ​​the dead horse as a living horse doctor resurfaced in Rowling's heart. This time, Rowling could no longer be suppressed Living.

This seems to be her last life-saving straw, and she can't even think rationally whether this straw can save her life.

When she heard the knock on the door, Meng Changjin was in the kitchen, sitting on a pony, cleaning the thumb-sized glass vials one by one.

These glass vials were delivered today, and it took five days from ordering to receiving.

The glass vials were well packaged, all wrapped in bubble wrap and stuffed with old newspaper.

But even so, three were broken.

After Meng Changjin took a picture and sent it to the store customer service, the store customer service did a good job after sales, and said that she could compensate in cash if she had a good attitude.

Meng Changjin has everything, so after receiving a red envelope from the store, Meng Changjin got busy.

Started cleaning the glass bottle.

These glass vials are used to hold oral things, so special attention should be paid to hygiene.

First wash it with detergent, then wash it again with water a few times, then dry it and let it dry overnight.

When she heard the knock on the door, Meng Changjin was a little strange, not sure who would knock on her door at this time.

She has signed for the courier, and she hasn't ordered the takeaway for dinner, why would someone knock on her door?

Could it be that Huo Silan's people finally realized the truth and knew that they couldn't untie the rope that tied Huo Silan, so they came to her?

Thinking like this, Meng Changjin's consciousness spread out.

Although there is a cat's eye on the door, but where does the cat's eye have her strong sense?

The cat's eye can see a range of one or two meters outside the door at most, but Meng Changjin's consciousness can see the entire corridor.

The consciousness spread quickly, Meng Changjin also passed the consciousness, and "see" the person knocking on the door clearly.

The person knocking on the door was a woman with loose hair and a familiar face.

Meng Changjin suddenly remembered, isn't this the woman who was crying beside the trash can in the stairwell?

Meng Changjin's eyes narrowed slightly, the other party came to the door at this time, could it be...

Thinking of this possibility, Meng Changjin was also a little happy.

She doesn't have much money on her body, so she was planning to go out to sell medicine tomorrow.

If the other party comes to buy medicine, then she will have money.

It's one thing to make money, and that's to get off to a good start.

Girls are not allowed to have a best friend or something. If you really want to take her pills, the effect is amazing, and there is a high chance that she will attract guests.

Drawing customers and pulling customers again, Meng Changjin had already thought of the scene where Meiyan Pills were sold out and money came from all over the world.

A smile appeared on his face, but Meng Changjin did not rush to open the door.

Instead, he washed the last two glass vials and put them in the basin next to them, got up and washed his hands in the sink, and then walked to the door and opened the door.

"Anything?" Meng Changjin opened the door and asked.

Rowling looked at Meng Changjin's smooth and delicate skin, and she suddenly felt that maybe the other person's pill was really useful.

Thinking of this, Rowling gritted her teeth and closed her eyes, and said with a look of early death and early birth: "I want to buy medicine!"

Meng Changjin showed a playful smile. Last time she tried her best to sell it, but Rowling refused, and refused to be that straightforward. Now, after a few days, she came to buy medicine by herself. .

In the end, Meng Changjin didn't say anything to attack the other party. In the end, it's normal to not trust her.

"Come in and talk." Thinking of having to talk about price, payment and delivery, etc., it would be inappropriate to negotiate at the door, Meng Changjin stepped aside and motioned for Rowling to come in and talk.

With Rowling's exit when she wants to buy medicine, she has no way out now.

I didn't plan to retreat, so I just lifted my legs and walked in.

Meng Changjin took Luo Linlin to sit on the sofa, without a cup of water, and simply asked: "Do you want to buy medicine? How much?"

Rowling has already arrived here, and she also has the idea of ​​using a dead horse as a living horse doctor, but she doesn't know what the effect of the medicine Meng Changjin is selling, so she simply asks Meng Changjin to give it to her Recommend: "Look at my face, how many do you need?"

Meng Changjin heard the words, looked at her face carefully, and didn't know what the girl was tossing about recently. His face was even a little red.

Not only that, from the eyes of the other party, Meng Changjin can see that the other party may not have had a good rest in the past few days, and his mood should not be very good. Also in poor condition.

"In your case, one and a half, but I suggest you buy two." Meng Changjin said.

Rowling nodded, but still asked suspiciously: "Isn't it okay to say one and a half? Then can't I buy one and a half?"

Rowling's words are quite reasonable, but Meng Changjin said that she had her reasons for letting her buy two.

"One and a half is fine, but you can't just buy one and a half." Meng Changjin said.

"Why?" Rowling looked puzzled.

Meng Changjin was even more puzzled, looked at Rowling like a fool, and then said bluntly: "Because you bought one and a half, I can't sell the remaining half."

Rowling Lynn:…

------off topic-----

Read The Duke's Passion