MTL - The Supporting Female Character Is Not Behaving Again-Chapter 178 Boss's Canary 4

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Obtaining the client's ID card and mobile phone, Meng Changjin first looked at the balance in the mobile phone.

Meng Changjin is having fun with this thing, but unfortunately, the balance in the phone is very small, with four digits at the beginning of the second.

It's not a dime.

Meng Changjin stuffed his ID card and mobile phone into his pocket, stepped out of the room, stepped down the wooden stairs, kicking and kicking, and walked straight to the door.

The servants all saw it, but they were still in pain, so naturally they did not dare to stop Meng Changjin.

They dare not stop, but they know that there are more than a dozen bodyguards in the courtyard outside the villa.

These bodyguards will stop Meng Changjin.

While the servants were thinking so, Meng Changjin had already left the door.

The bodyguard in black did not say a word, but his attitude was clear, that is, Meng Changjin was not allowed to walk out of the gate of the villa.

Meng Changjin also said nothing, she knew that these people took Huo Silan's money to do things for Huo Silan, and these people would not listen to her words.

So Meng Changjin also saved the effort of persuading good words.

I took out my phone and glanced at the time, it was 16:02 in the afternoon.

The battery of the mobile phone is only 40%. How long Meng Changjin can use this battery is really hard to say.

So it's better to be quick.

The fiery red stick in his hand was vigorously swung by Meng Changjin this time, and hit the black-clothed bodyguard's leg directly.

The bodyguard in black who was hit did not take precautions at all. Like the previous servants, he felt how powerful such a thin, cat-like stick could be, naturally There is no defense at all.

Taking advantage of this time, Meng Changjin seized the opportunity and hit the leg of another black-clothed bodyguard in the same way.

The same is true for the other black-clothed bodyguard, who was knocked down by Meng Changjin with such a stick, and immediately fell to the ground with a thud, just like the first black-clothed bodyguard, his knees collided with the ground. dull sound.

The bodyguard in the distance also found the situation here, and immediately rushed over here.

At the same time as he rushed over, he also pulled out the hand wooden warehouse pinned to the back of his waist and aimed at Meng Changjin.

Meng Changjin naturally knew about the weapon like Takura, but she didn't care at all.

Because she knew that these black bodyguards would definitely not dare to open a wooden warehouse.


The best role of the hand wooden warehouse is of course deterrence, not really want to open the wooden warehouse to kill and injure Meng Changjin, besides, they dare not.

"What are you doing Momojiji? If you really want to open a wooden warehouse, then open a wooden warehouse!" Meng Changjin knew that these black-clothed bodyguards would not dare to open a wooden warehouse.

I really want to kill and injure her, these black bodyguards can't explain it at all.

And when these black bodyguards don't move the wooden warehouse, they are not her opponents at all.

"By the way, instead of staring at me, you might as well go and see if your employer is okay." Meng Changjin didn't look back, and continued to walk outside, saying by the way .

Hearing Meng Changjin's words, the bodyguards glanced at each other and realized that something was wrong.

Yes, the employer didn't go out today, so how did Meng Changjin get out of the villa?

The bodyguards in black led by the bodyguards quickly pressed the intercom headset to let the remaining people who had not come to enter the room to have a look, and they continued to chase in the direction of Meng Changjin.

In the end, before he could catch up to Meng Changjin, the voices of other team members who entered the room to check Huo Silan's situation came from the intercom headset.

The bodyguards who chased after them stopped and their faces were ashen.

"A word of advice, I'm just an unimportant role, but your employer, if you don't take a look, it may be over, and then you will have nothing." Meng Chang Jin turned back slightly and said with a smile.

Hearing Meng Changjin's words, he looked at the two companions who were still kneeling at the gate. Several bodyguards in black all looked at the bodyguard in black who took the lead.

Continue to chase or go back to see the situation of the employer, they are not easy to make a decision, at this time, it is natural to take the lead.

The leading black-clothed bodyguard took a last look at the two brothers kneeling at the gate, his eyes indicated that they were two people, and said softly: "You two follow your wife, keep track of your wife's whereabouts, the others Come with me."

When the two heard the order, they immediately took the order and followed Meng Changjin not far or near.

The main reason why the leader chooses to do this is Meng Changjin's status.

Looking at the two brothers who were beaten to their knees, he knew that if they were not moving the wooden warehouse, there was absolutely nothing they could do about Meng Changjin.

In this case, it is better to send two people to follow from a distance, anyway, Meng Changjin's whereabouts are under their watch, and they can act again if the employer has any instructions.

The two tails that followed, Meng Changjin saw.

But she didn't care.

Isn't it easy to get rid of them, but Meng Changjin didn't want to.

Follow and follow, she will not lose a piece of meat.

Besides, the main reason why these people followed her was because of Huo Silan, even if it wasn't these two people, it would be someone else.

In the end, Huo Silan has to be solved to solve all the hidden dangers.

Now that Huo Silan is **** by her, it must be inconvenient to move, but Huo Silan is rich, and the bodyguards with these two tails behind him can be hired with money, and the number is huge gone.

Don't let these two people follow, Huo Silan will definitely mobilize more people to look for her everywhere, making people panic, and it's not good for her to make money.

Of course, if her beating and the series of actions of tying Huo Silan up can make Huo Silan's mind sober, he will stop biting her tightly, That is of course the best.

The possibility of this happening is infinitely close to zero.

Huo Silan's villa is in the downtown area.

Walk out the door for a few minutes, it is a lively street.

Typical quietness in the middle of trouble, but also explains a lot of problems.

For example, if you don't have any status, don't even think about getting it.

Meng Changjin ignored the two tails behind her. After entering the lively market, Meng Changjin began to distinguish the direction.

I quickly recognized a direction and walked over there.

The place where Meng Changjin is going is the rental house of the client Tian Xiaoyuan.

The rental house of the client, Tian Xiaoyuan, is a little far from here, and it takes nearly 20 minutes to walk there.

Because the rental period of the apartment is usually half a year, it is still a long time before the lease expires.

Meng Changjin just had a full stomach in Huo Silan's villa, so he didn't feel hungry.

The restaurant and food stalls on both sides of the street did not attract her much attention.

After walking for nearly 20 minutes, Meng Changjin finally saw the sign of Jinxiu Apartment.

The client's apartment is here.

Looking up at the signboard, Meng Changjin walked up the steps.

The sensor glass door on the first floor of the apartment slowly moved to both sides as she approached, and at the same time, the staff on duty on the first floor also looked up.

After seeing Meng Changjin's appearance clearly, her eyes widened and her pupils shrank suddenly.

Meng Changjin blankly took the facial expressions and appearances of these staff in mind, and then walked briskly to the corridor inside, where the elevator was placed.

Meng Changjin walked away lightly, but the staff on duty on the first floor of Jinxiu Apartment exploded with a bang.

Of course they knew the resident's situation. Not long ago, a group of black-clothed bodyguards holding a wooden warehouse found their apartment and asked them to open the resident's door.

They are naturally able to open the door of the household, but in fact they are unwilling.

Open the door of the resident privately, if outsiders find out, then the reputation of their apartment will stink.

However, there are few things in this world that money and power cannot do. Under the dual effect of the wooden warehouse and money, the staff of Jinxiu Apartment obediently opened the door of the guest. Watching the sleeping guest was taken away overnight by a group of black-clothed bodyguards who looked fierce at first glance.

After that, the staff of Jinxiu Apartment guessed a lot of possibilities, what kind of enemies came to the house, what kind of debts did not pay, anyway, they guessed countless possibilities, but they all felt that this guest should not be able to came back.

Although this is the case, they did not rent out the guest's room directly, they still waited for the rent to expire before renting out.

It is fortunate that it is not rented out now.

The two bodyguards in black who were in charge of following Meng Changjin did not go in.

Jinxiu Apartment is just such an exit, they only need to pay attention to Meng Changjin's whereabouts, naturally there is no need to follow up.

And even if you follow up, isn't it obvious?

That is, they are forcing Meng Changjin to do something like this. They will not do such a thing.

Their purpose is to follow, to determine Meng Changjin's whereabouts, it is enough to stay outside, why follow up to anger the other party?

Meng Changjin also knew this very well. After she pressed the elevator, she quietly waited for the elevator door to open.

This splendid apartment is not a good thing, the client will go from the apartment bed to Huo Silan's villa without knowing it, if there is no cooperation from the staff of the splendid apartment, then Meng Changjin didn't believe it.

Especially when I first saw her, the staff on duty widened their eyes and their pupils shrank suddenly, which was a sign of a guilty conscience.

Meng Changjin has always known this.

She doesn't hate it, after all, she's one of the people who benefits from it.

But now from the perspective of Tian Xiaoyuan, the client, Meng Changjin is a little angry.

It has nothing to do with her, she naturally has nothing to say, but if it is related, she will not give up so easily.

With a light ding sound, the elevator doors slowly opened to both sides.

The interior of the elevator facing the elevator door is inlaid with a front mirror.

In the mirror, you can see a cute and cute looking girl approaching.

In her eyes, there was a icy cold light that was freezing to death.

The elevator door closed slowly, went up, and then quickly dinged again, the elevator stopped, and then slowly opened to both sides.

Meng Changjin stepped out of the elevator and walked to the door of the client's rental house according to memory.

Skillfully entered the password of the combination lock and opened the door.

After entering the door, Meng Changjin raised his hand and wiped it lightly on the shoe cabinet on his right, then took his finger to his eyes and glanced, and sure enough he saw a layer of gray on his finger.

Apparently the dust has built up because it hasn't been cleaned for a while.

Meng Changjin opened the shoe cabinet, and the shoes inside looked clean because the cabinet door was closed.

Take out a pair of slippers and put them on, Meng Changjin closed the door with her backhand, and walked in.

Some unpleasant smells filled the air. Meng Changjin followed the smell and saw the packaging box left by the takeaway. They gave off an unpleasant smell.

Meng Changjin took a few steps to the window and opened the window. After the cool wind blew in from the window, Meng Changjin cleaned up all the garbage that smelled bad. It was thrown into the trash can in the corridor.

Next, Meng Changjin began to clean up, wash what should be washed, throw away, sweep the floor and mop the floor, a series of actions came down, and Meng Changjin was exhausted. sweat.

Otherwise, Meng Changjin would not be willing to work so hard to clean.

Go straight to the ready-made hotel.

Unfortunately, the client only has the four digits starting with the second in the mobile phone, so he can stay in a hotel for a few days.

After cleaning, Meng Changjin sat paralyzed on the sofa and pinched his arms and legs, feeling extremely sore.

The client is an otaku who seldom goes out except for work, and it is normal for her to have poor health.

However, since Meng Changjin has taken over this body, he naturally cannot let him continue to waste his house.

The spiritual energy of this world, Meng Changjin, has already sensed it. It cannot be said that there is no spiritual energy at all, but it is almost the same.

Meng Changjin is completely self-sufficient.

Not to mention that her current spiritual plant space is rich in products, except that it can't put living things, it can be regarded as a paradise.

While nibbling on the spiritual fruit, Meng Changjin was also thinking about the next move.

Her advantage lies in the fact that she has many magical means.

Read The Duke's Passion