MTL - The Supporting Female Character Is Not Behaving Again-Chapter 171 Headache 57

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Outside the duality secret realm, countless sect disciples and elders stood here and looked in the direction of the secret realm.

Originally, everyone cultivated outside, and the opening of the secret realm brought a lot of abundant spiritual power outside the secret realm.

But it didn't take long for them to cultivate, and gradually, everyone felt that something was not right.

The problem.

This is simply a problem with the spiritual concentration itself.

Because of the opening of the secret realm, the surrounding area was originally rich in spiritual energy, but now the spiritual energy is extremely thin, and if you continue to practice, it is only half the effort.

This is the first time this has happened, and naturally it has attracted everyone's attention.

It stands to reason that during the opening of the secret realm, spiritual power overflows through the channel, and the spiritual power outside the secret realm should remain abundant until the secret realm is closed.

This has been the case for years.

But this time it quickly became thinner. If it wasn't something wrong, everyone would not believe it.

No one knew what happened inside, so after the nearby spiritual power became thin, everyone went back to various flying boats to practice.

However, I still send people to take a look every day and keep control of the surrounding situation.

Unfortunately, nothing was found, and the nearby spiritual power was still thin.

As the days passed, three months passed slowly.

Everyone is gathered here today, because according to the previous opening and closing of the binary secret realm, the secret realm should be closed today.

The secret realm is closed, and those who enter the secret realm will also be sent out directly by the secret realm.

The duality secret realm is a secret realm after all, and entering the secret realm is not to enter the mountains and waters.

Where there are people, there must be fights, and there are fights where there are no dead people.

So every time the secret realm is opened, many people will die here.

After going out from here, whether to return to the sect with a large amount of resources, or return to the sect empty-handed, and change the head of the elder, it all depends on the day when the secret realm is closed.

The people of Wanhuang Sect are also anxiously waiting, they do not know how many people will come out after the three people of their Wanhuang Sect enter.

They naturally hope that the three of them can come out safely, but this kind of thing is really hard to say, so they can only wait silently and anxiously.

"Someone came out."

Suddenly, someone in the crowd shouted loudly.

Everyone hurriedly looked in the direction of the secret realm, and when they looked, they saw a person who flew out of the secret realm passage.

"It's our head, the head is out."

At this time, a sect disciple said happily.

The disciples of this sect were happy, and the disciples of other sects looked blankly at the first person who came out.

A closer look shows that something is wrong.

It turned out that the first person who came out of the secret realm was in a state of embarrassment, his clothes were covered with mud and so on, and his face was black and blue.

At first glance, it became like this after a heavy blow.

And this person who just came out did not say a word. After finding the disciples of his sect in the crowd, he took the disciples to their flying boat without saying a word, and then Left without reluctance.


The other party's action is obviously beyond everyone's expectations, this is too straightforward, right?

After the closure of the secret realm in previous years, everyone will stay and see what the elders of the sect leaders who came out last, and can also make some preparations.

But what happened this year?

After coming out, she left without any reluctance, and took a closer look at the back.

What is this all about?

No one entered the secret realm, so I don't know what happened in the secret realm.

But everyone vaguely felt that something must have happened inside that made people leave in a neat manner after they came out.

What can be judged is that what happened should not be a good thing.

Without waiting for everyone to think more, the second person came out of the secret realm, still in a state of embarrassment, still summoned people from his own sect and left. A pair of beasts are chasing behind.

The third, the fourth…

With the departure of some denominations, the people outside seem to be much less.

If one or two is a coincidence, but these three or four people are like this, and they don't realize that there is a problem, it is stupid.

People from various sects gathered together, fully prepared for the people of their sect to come out, and when the time comes, they can leave.

Of course, the disciples of the top ten sects did not.

In their opinion, if there is something going on inside, it shouldn't have too much impact on the people they sect in, so they won't be like a bird in a panic.

The Wanhuang Sect also moved very quickly to gather all the disciples together. If there is an accident inside, when the master and the others come out, their Wanhuang Sect can also quickly leave here.

But they waited and waited for a long time, but the fifth person did not come out.

This is a surprise, everyone is so curious that they can't guess what happened in the secret realm.

Dual Rifts have always been extremely stable, and this has never happened before.

Is there any danger in the secret realm?

Otherwise the few people who came out before would not be so disheartened.

But this doesn't make sense, it's just that the few people who came out are the heads of those sects that are at the bottom of the ranking.

The strength itself is only the fifth or sixth rank. If there is any danger inside, then the fifth or sixth rank cultivator can run out. There is no reason for the seventh or eighth rank and above. no.

Then there is only one possibility, and that is the danger in the secret realm, which is actually aimed at the monks of the high-quality realm.

And these five or six rank realms are not seen by others.

Because they didn't like it, they let them run away.

But that's not a solution, they can't go on ignorant of the situation.

Anyway, let them know a little about the situation inside and make some preparations.

Thinking this way, the people from the top ten sects surrounded the entrance to the secret realm.

Otherwise they would be uneasy!

Just when they surrounded the entrance of the secret realm, a dozen people flew out of the entrance of the secret realm.

Several people are actually their people.

Aren't these dozen people the elders of the top ten sects?

"Elder, what happened inside?" Seeing that the elders of the sect were in a state of confusion, a disciple stepped forward and asked.

Hearing the disciple's question, the elder who was questioned did not answer, instead he wanted to call the disciples outside and leave here immediately.

"Elder, the Sect Master hasn't come out yet, we're leaving now, what if the Sect Master comes out?" The disciple became anxious when he heard that the elder was ready to leave.

Did the elders forget that their head hasn't come out yet.

"Let's go." The elder's face became more and more ugly.

Where is the head of the sect, there are five people in their sect, and he is the only one left.

When he came out, the head was obviously unable to hold on.

Seeing that the elder's face was not good, the disciple did not dare to ask any more.

But seeing the elder's face so ugly, this disciple suddenly had a bad idea.

Not only the elders of this sect asked to leave immediately, some of the other sect leaders came out, and the elders did not come out. They also gathered everyone who stayed outside and left in a hurry.

Although I didn’t ask about the specific situation in the secret realm this time, it was the same for the top ten sects, and people from other sects were all cold.

I'm afraid something really happened.

On Wanhuangzong's side, Elder Huaishui and several other peak masters are also dignified now.

The five senses are sensitive, so they all heard the conversation at the entrance of the secret realm.

The elder who spoke was the elder of the sect that ranked third in the 100 sects competition.

It seems that in addition to this elder, the other four people in this sect who entered the secret realm, including the head, were either killed in the secret realm, or something tripped in the secret realm stopped.

No matter which one it is, it shows that something big is happening in the secret realm at this time.

In addition, Elder Huaishui also discovered that even in the top ten sects, there are several sects that have not come out.

For example, the first-ranked Shenmen, as well as the second and ninth sects, did not come out alone.

Now the top ten sects outside, only these three sects are still here, and the other seven sects have now left without looking back.

Elder Huaishui and all the disciples of Wanhuangzong raised their hearts, these people did not come out, it is very likely that they fell into the secret territory.

What about the three of them from the Wanhuang Sect?

If the Sect Master still has a bit of self-preservation power, then Elder Cen Rong and Wu Shaoqi, a sixth-rank and a fifth-rank, have a good chance of surviving, and everyone knows it well.

Thinking of this, the disciples of Wanhuangzong suddenly felt sad, and the memories of Elder Cen Rong and Wu Shaoqi also came to their minds.

The eyes immediately began to moisten, and while planning for the worst, they prayed that the three people who entered the secret realm of the Wanhuang Sect would be safe and sound.

Even Yao Bingyu, who has always been cold-hearted, felt suffocated at this time.

The kind elder Cen Rong, and the always trash, but in a short period of time quickly surpassed her senior brother Wu Shaoqi, no matter which of the two, just think that they may die in the secret realm , it is difficult to calm down.

Although I had prepared for the worst in my heart, the three people who guessed that the Wanhuangzong entered the secret realm would be more fortunate than good.

But as long as the last moment is not reached, as long as the entrance to the secret realm has not been completely closed, the people of Wanhuangzong will continue to wait.

Even if the entrance to the secret realm is closed this time, the next time the secret realm is reopened, they will come here again and wait.

Live to see people, die to see corpses!

At this moment, Elder Cen Rong and Wu Shaoqi, who were thought to have died in the secret realm, were the only two relaxed and comfortable people in the entire secret realm.

Oh, no, there should be another Meng Changjin.

After the two flew along the beam of light to the Heavenly Palace above hundreds of thousands of meters, they experienced various tests in the Heavenly Palace.

The two of them passed the test and passed the test and gained inheritance.

After obtaining the inheritance of the Heavenly Palace Master, the strength of both of them skyrocketed.

Cen Rong was promoted directly from the sixth rank to the peak of the eighth rank, and Wu Shaoqi also rose from the fifth rank to the peak of the seventh rank.

In addition, because of the inheritance of the master of the Tiangong, the control of the Tiangong also fell into the hands of the two.

They spent a lot of time in the Heavenly Palace. They were worried that too long had passed in the secret realm below, and they didn't know what happened to Meng Changjin, who was taken as a hostage, so they hurried down from above.

At the same time as they came down, the huge Tiangong was also brought down.

Suppressed directly on the original secret ground.

Everyone in the secret realm was also directly shrouded in the heavenly palace.

The Tiangong is surrounded by invisible space cracks, the kind that can easily cut people into several sections.

When Elder Cen Rong and Wu Shaoqi came down with Tiangong, they didn't even control the cracks in the space to become peaceful, but chose to crush them directly.

After all, the space cracks are only outside the Tiangong. If they don't make use of them, after other people enter the Tiangong directly, then they will not have many ways to fight the enemy.

However, in order to prevent accidental injury to their own people, the two also paid extra attention. After discovering Meng Changjin, they partially released her space crack, allowing Meng Changjin to smoothly enter the interior of the Tiangong , then mobilized the level and threw Meng Changjin into a small dark room.

Seeing that Meng Changjin is safe and sound, the others, Elder Cen Rong and Wu Shaoqi, can't control it.

These people are not good people, how many people are staring at the things in their hands.

Therefore, it is best to silence the people here.

Although they have accepted the inheritance, their strength is still not enough. If people know this and attack the Wanhuang Sect, it will be a big problem.

So the two of them made up their minds, how many people can be destroyed here, even if they can't be completely solved, they will suffer heavy losses. They can also use the Heavenly Palace to improve their strength. When the civil strife of other sects is resolved, they will also have the strength to fear no one.

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