MTL - The Supporting Female Character Is Not Behaving Again-Chapter 160 Headache 46

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Hearing Wu Song's words, the old man who said the previous sentence disagreed.

Do you really think that breaking through is like drinking water?

There are fewer people who are at the peak of the seventh stage at the age of ten?

When she was finally promoted to the ninth-rank realm, she was already a few hundred years old.

The barrier of the realm is not so easy to break.

If you want to say that the seventh-grade realm breaks through the eighth-grade, you can also use medicinal herbs to assist the breakthrough, but when the eighth-grade breaks through the ninth-grade realm, it really depends on understanding.

A person with poor comprehension may not be able to step into the ninth-rank realm in their entire life.

It's also because of this, don't look at the huge cultivator world, including the magic cultivator, but there are less than 20 cultivators in the ninth-rank realm.

Other people's evaluation of Meng Changjin, Meng Changjin knows nothing, and after attaching all the **** that can be attached to the mind, Meng Changjin returned to the third ring.

Just here, the first match of the third ring just ended.

The one who won was the giant rhino sect that was ranked in the top ten, majoring in physical strength.

The victorious side is naturally rejoicing, while the losing side is somewhat depressed.

It's only the first game, and in the first game I encountered such a strong opponent, there is nothing to be ashamed of.

Their goal is to maintain a ranking in the mid-twenties.

In short, it must not fall beyond thirty.

Otherwise, the number of places to enter the duality secret realm will drop sharply, and they cannot afford such a huge loss.

At the end of the first match, among the sects in the third arena, the two sects in the second match stood up.

That is, the faction that got two **** of the 13th lottery respectively.

But everyone came to see the first game. After the second game started, many people left the third ring, but many people stayed.

For example, Meng Changjin.

It doesn't matter where she watches the second scene, the second scene is nothing to see.

There are two arenas with the top ten sects in the match, but Meng Changjin heard a lot of things when he went out for a walk, such as the second match against the top ten sects The two sects in the competition have already discussed and voluntarily conceded defeat.


The two sects that competed with the two top ten sects were ranked lower. The resources of the sects were pitiful, and it took a long time to recover from injuries.

As for the pill treatment, where did they get the pill?

The opponents drawn by the top ten sects are relatively late, so if you really look at them, you will not see much.

If you really want to see the strength of the top ten sects, the best way is to make them match.

Meng Changjin is tangled, should he play the next game, engage in shady scenes, let the top fifteen and five face each other, and eleven to twenty face each other...

It must be exciting!

Can Yun Che of the Cultivator Alliance imagine that it would become like this?

Meng Changjin was ready to move, do or not?

If you do it, you will definitely be found wrong, but whether she can be found on her head, Meng Changjin is quite confident. At a critical time, she can also cut off her divine sense, so if she wants to find her, unless her divine sense is much stronger than her.

However, the plan of the cultivator alliance should be to prevent the front sects from facing each other now. When the lottery results come out, they all meet each other, which would be too conspicuous.

The follow-up cultivator alliance will definitely focus on checking these **** drawn, even if nothing can be found, it will definitely change the drawing method. Consciousness is useless.

Meng Changjin was in a tangle, and the expression on his face changed.

Wait for the second match of the third arena, and the third match was completed one after another. At the end, all the tangled colors on Meng Changjin's face were replaced by a firm color.

Never mind, done!

The top 20 will also be matched, you can see as much as you can.

As for whether the top ten sects will feel wrong, Meng Changjin will not care, but after finishing this vote, she will immediately cut off the consciousness attached to the ball. .

The Divine Consciousness that was cut out still has a silk thread connected to the master. If the master cuts the last silk thread, it will soon dissipate.

It is absolutely impossible for the cultivator alliance to find her.

Here in the bill, Meng Changjin was not in the third ring to watch the match, turned around and walked out of the crowd, and went to the sixth ring.

In the sixth ring, Wanhuangzong and Wuyimen are competing.

The test mode chosen by both sides is very simple, and it also gives the disciples the opportunity to experience.

The two sects each sent five disciples to fight, in any order.

The competition adopts a best-of-five game system, a total of five games, whichever side wins three games first, that is the winner.

Both losers are considered a draw. If there is a situation similar to a draw, two wins and two losses, then add one more game to determine the winner.

Meng Changjin's sect, Wanhuang Sect, ranked in the 50s in the last competition, which is a relatively mediocre and unnoticeable ranking.

But because her words were just to watch the fun, the heads of several sects paid special attention to her.

I am afraid that Meng Changjin will be a strong opponent who suddenly jumps out in the end.

Seeing Meng Changjin watching two bland matches in the third ring in a row, these people almost believed that Meng Changjin was really watching the fun.

If you didn't watch the fun, you shouldn't be able to do a wonderful one without watching, and just stare at the two dull and boring things for a long time.

But Meng Changjin suddenly left just before the fourth match of the third arena, and the few people who were secretly observing Meng Changjin were uncertain again.

The fourth match of the third ring is still good, it is a competition between two sects ranked in the thirties.

They couldn't understand what Meng Changjin was doing.

But Meng Changjin's deliberate avoidance made them even more suspicious.

I was about to dispel the speculation, but now that I am more certain, I just stare at it.

Meng Changjin could also sense that someone was staring at her, but she really didn't care.

When I reached the sixth ring, I happened to see Wu Shaoqi jumping onto the ring neatly.

Meng Changjin pushed aside the crowd and walked to the side of the Wanhuang Sect, and asked, "How is the competition?"

Elder Cen Rong and Elder Huashui, who heard the sound transmission, looked at each other and felt a little red in their faces: "Two negatives."

The disciples of Wuyimen were of the same rank as their disciples of the Wanhuang Sect. As a result, they lost the first two games.

Of course, the disciples in the first two sessions were not considered to be at the front. Elder Cen Rong and Elder Huashui also asked everyone not to use spiritual sense to assist.

It is an experience in itself, and naturally there are some restrictions.

Otherwise it would not be an experience, but to abuse the food.

The result made the two elders very dissatisfied. The first two games were lost.

Wu Shaoqi came on the third, and Elder Cen Rong and Elder Huai Shui also transmitted voices, so that Wu Shaoqi could use spiritual sense to assist.

I lost almost all the rankings, how can I expect to be in the top 30?

Isn't that a dream?

If you lose, it is not a complete defeat. There will be a rematch and a chance to make a comeback.

But it requires more than many fields.

Wanhuangzong participated in the competition this time. Although Meng Changjin prepared a lot of healing pills, there was a limit.

The number of times the loser group should be more than once or twice, and the more you play, the others will know your tricks.

So in order to reduce the number of appearances, win.

After losing two games in a row, I naturally don't dare to be careless.

Hearing the two losses, Meng Changjin didn't say anything, and turned his eyes to the ring.

As soon as Wu Shaoqi came on the field, the result naturally needless to say.

In order not to expose too many trump cards, Wu Shaoqi was not weak, and the opponent was defeated, and finally the game was won.

Winning, Wu Shaoqi didn't rush to step down, and now in the ring, he laughed arrogantly three times.


"It's a bit weak, either don't go one-on-one with the latter, or else come up, I can solve it at one time."

As soon as Wu Shaoqi said these words, Wu Yimen did not speak for a while.

"Don't mess around."

On the side of Wanhuang Sect, Elder Cen Rong said sternly.

"No nonsense, elder, they are too weak, why don't I just put them down." Wu Shaoqi glanced at Wanhuangzong, and saw the arrogance that was too arrogant. Meng Changjin took a three-point break at the moment.

"Nonsense, others are two-on-one, can you bear the consequences of losing the test?" Cen Rong continued to speak sternly.

The Wanhuang Sect was still talking, and on the Wuyimen side, several people looked at each other, but they felt that this was a good opportunity.

Wu Shaoqi from Wanhuangzong had to be a one-to-two. Although the opponent was not weak, but one-to-two, Wu Yimen felt that Wu Shaoqi had little chance of winning.

If they win this one, at least one or two less.

If you are lucky, you may even get a top 50 ranking.

If you are in the top 50, then you will have a chance to get two places to enter the binary secret realm.

So, just looking at each other, a few people made a decision.

The remaining two jumped into the ring.

Besides, the elder of Wuyimen also said with a smile: "Elder Cen Rong, since the disciple of your sect is so confident, why not give him a chance?"

While speaking, the two Wuyimen disciples who had just jumped onto the stage had already fought with Wu Shaoqi.

Elder Cen Rong frowned and glanced at the elder of Wuyimen: "In that case, let's compare."

Elder Cen Rong's face was full of helplessness, but the elder of Wuyimen had a successful smile on his face.

Everyone watching the match in the sixth ring had different expressions when they saw this development.

Wuyimen do this shamelessly?

In their opinion, it is shameless.

In a word, although everyone felt that Wuyimen was a bit shameless, but in the same situation, the spectators felt that they might be shameless again.

If you are shameless once, you may have one more place to enter the duality secret realm, so what if you bear the name of shamelessness?

Shameless is just a reputation, but the number of places to enter the duality secret realm is real.

The elder of Wuyimen was proud, and others felt that the Wanhuangzong might be dangerous.

However, I didn't realize that there was a fleeting smile in the eyes of Elder Cen Rong of Wanhuang Sect.

Although the surroundings were quiet, Cen Rong was sure that there must be a lot of people who say Wanhuangzong is stupid.

But they didn't think about it, would Wanhuangzong be so sloppy in such an important game?

If Wu Shaoqi did not have the ability to one-vs-two, Elder Cen Rong would cooperate with him to make a fool of himself?

On the stage, the two disciples of Wuyimen cooperated tacitly and attacked Wu Shaoqi fiercely.

Wu Shaoqi was also beaten and kept retreating.

Everyone around watching the battle was a little disappointed. They thought that this disciple of Wanhuangzong dared to say one-to-two, and he had some great skills, but the fact was disappointing.

I heard that this disciple on the stage is a direct disciple of the head of Wanhuangzong, and is deeply loved by the head of Wanhuangzong. There is no way to get him.

Now that I look at it, it is not groundless.

Look, the elder Cen Rong of Wanhuangzong is going to be green with anger, and now it is estimated that the head of Wanhuangzong is next to him, so he is holding back his anger.

Are you trembling with anger?

The head of the Wanhuang Sect is also not so fond of the disciples, the sect rankings are all letting the disciples be so foolish, and the Wanhuangzong must be in decline soon.

Elder Cen Rong didn't know, she resisted the action without laughing, which was interpreted as resisting anger. A young boy's voice could be heard.

"Show weakness for a while, or start to fight back now, I can't play anymore."

In the ring match, Wu Shaoqi was still forced to retreat by the two men from Wuyimen, looking like he was on the verge of defeat at any time.

In fact, Wu Shaoqi still has the energy and the sound transmission of the elders in the competition, and he is also a veteran player.

In the ring competition, everyone only saw that the disciple of Wanhuangzong seemed to be staggered, and he almost fell.

The two people from Wuyimen are also very good at timing. When they noticed Wu Shaoqi's small mistake, they immediately felt that they could use this mistake to defeat Wu Shaoqi.

However, in the eyes of the two before, although Wu Shaoqi, who had escaped their fatal blows many times, was only able to escape, his temperament changed.

Wu Shaoqi rolled around on the ground, quickly got up, and grinned: "Hi, it's time for the labor and management to perform!"