MTL - The Supporting Female Character Is Not Behaving Again-Chapter 138 Pain in the head of the head 24

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"Everyone, the main hall in front of you is called Chaolu Hall, this is your last stop, after entering, you will see the head of Wanhuang Sect, five elders, and six Peak master.

It is a temporary test set up by the sect master, and only those who pass the test can choose to join the sect master." Udon smiled and finished speaking at a slow pace.

In the beginning, everyone was fine, but I heard that you can also choose a teacher, and when you were with the magic formation, some of the new disciples changed their expressions.

These new disciples are not all ignorant.

Some of them were the second or several generations of the cultivator family, and they knew a lot.

Zongmen’s apprenticeship has always been a one-way choice, and there is no such thing as a choice for new disciples.

But now they are told that they can choose teachers too.

Wanhuang Sect has the power of Ninth Rank Realm!

No, it may be a magician with a powerful spiritual sense.

In fact, half of the more than 400 new disciples have a trace of regret in their hearts.

Although they really thought so when they were going to join the Wanhuang Sect in Baizong City, but after walking the trial road, they began to regret it in their hearts.

Because I joined Wanhuangzong on impulse, I didn't consider the resources and power of the strong.

Now I suddenly realize that maybe they didn't worship the wrong sect.

Of course, there are still many people who choose not to regret it, but now they are more determined.

In the main hall of Chaolu Hall, several elders and peak masters looked at Meng Changjin in surprise.

They didn't expect Meng Changjin to choose Udon to host this event, they thought Meng Changjin would choose Yao Bingyu.

After all, in their opinion, Yao Bingyu is the next leader.

Now that Meng Changjin intends to make Udon stand out, does he prefer Udon to be the head?

Ignoring the doubts of several elders and peak masters, Meng Changjin chose Udon to host rather than Yao Bingyu. In fact, he simply thought that Udon could speak better.

Yao Bingyu has a cold personality and a cold tone. It is really not suitable for this.

The head doesn't have to be the strongest to be the most powerful. If you really want to say who you like, then Meng Changjin actually thinks Wu Shaoqi is good.

After all, she is the son of luck, if she really wants to choose the head, she will definitely choose him.

As for Yao Bingyu and Udon, it is good to be an elder, Yao Bingyu can be used as a force other than the head, and Udon can be used as a person who communicates with the outside world.

Of course, Meng Changjin felt that he was still very young, and the age of the client's body was only forty or fifty years old. In the world of monks with an average life expectancy of about a thousand years, this age is not too young.

She felt that she could still be the head of the head for hundreds of years, and it was too early to start thinking about the successor.

Several elders and peak masters didn't say anything.

When the day comes, they will naturally weigh the pros and cons.

Now, the most important thing is to see how many of these 400 people are talented in alchemy.

Several people communicated with each other through voice transmission, and the new disciples also began to enter the hall.

In a group of ten, go straight to the center of the hall after entering, and then stand still.

About a stick of incense, the ten new disciples in the center opened their eyes and gasped.

Several elders and peak masters looked at Meng Changjin, wondering if any of the ten had talent in alchemy.

Their spiritual senses are not strong enough, so they don't know what happened in the illusion at all. They can only see if there are people with talent in alchemy through Meng Changjin's performance.

They looked at Meng Changjin, but Meng Changjin didn't look at them, looked at one of the ten people: "Would you like to be my personal biography?"

As soon as Meng Changjin finished speaking, everyone else looked at this person.

Among the ten disciples who came in together, this disciple was actually ranked at the bottom, ranking seventh in the trial route.

The senior sister outside said that the magic formation is the first test of the sect master, and only those who have passed the test can worship the sect master, but seeing the seventh disciple seems to have passed In the test, those who are not ranked as well as him, or those who are ranked higher than him, are a little confused about the standard of this test.

"The disciple is willing." The seventh-ranked disciple saw that the person who spoke the most was the most skilled person, and immediately understood that this was the head of the Wanhuang Sect who arranged the illusion array, suspected of being a magician. , or the existence of the Nine-Rank Realm Almighty.

"What's your name?" Meng Changjin asked, nodding lightly.

"Disciple Su Ye." The disciple replied respectfully.

Meng Changjin nodded again, then moved Su Ye directly below him.

Several elders and peak masters:…

Is this a teleportation of divine sense?

Or should it be called teleportation?

But no matter what it is called, the point is that the head has shown such a hand, they can't do it.

After selecting the disciple for a while, let the disciple go to his side by himself, will it be a little low?

Thinking of this, several elders and several peak masters couldn't help but look at Meng Changjin with resentful eyes.

Meng Changjin received their gaze, it was a little strange, why look at her with such eyes, it's fortunate that she is a woman, if she is a man, others will misunderstand her from beginning to end Abandoned is a scumbag.

Meng Changjin did not receive their meaning at all, and several elders and peak masters were not winking at the blind man, and chose their own disciples.

Of course, disciples also have the right to choose a teacher. Some people choose to be a teacher on the spot, and some people also want to be under the sect master, so they are polite and polite, and they would rather be an inner disciple. Chang Jin received the door.

In short, the place of the first group of ten disciples will soon be determined, and Udon, who received Meng Changjin's voice transmission, immediately arranged for the next group of disciples to enter.

In the following three consecutive groups, a disciple was selected by Meng Changjin, and the other party was very willing to be her personal biography.

So far, Meng Changjin has accepted four direct disciples.

Starting from the fifth group, to the tenth group, Meng Changjin did not find any disciples with talent for alchemy, but he still received a personal biography. Why did he add double quotation marks, that is Because this personal biography is Wu Shaoqi.

Read The Duke's Passion