MTL - The Squeamish Little Brother of the Actor-Chapter 65 Why?

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On the first day of the new year, Ran Dongling didn't sleep in late and got up early.

Qiu Zhenghao was surprised when he saw him going downstairs. He glanced at the clock on the wall, it was only eight in the morning.

How could he get up?

Ran Dongling's eyes were hazy, and he couldn't focus his eyes. Go downstairs.

Lin Yuan was surprised to see him at 8:00 in the morning, and Ran Dongling didn't look like he got up by himself, obviously, he hadn't woken up yet .

"Xiao Ling got up so early today? You stayed up late last night, why don't you sleep more?"

Ran Dongling fell asleep on the dining table after going downstairs. After sleeping for a while, he slowly raised his head and answered Lin Yuan's question, "Because Brother Qiu Ci ."

Lin Yuan, Qiu Zhenghao:?

Two suggestive eyes shot at Qiu Ci.

Qiu Ci was used to their eyes now, he accepted it calmly, after filling Ran Dongling with porridge, he raised his hands in a gesture of surrender, and explained : "I just told him that today's breakfast consists of his favorite milk taro dumplings and fruit sandwiches, and nothing else."

Oh - it turned out to be because they wanted to eat breakfast, Lin Yuan and Qiu Zhenghao breathed a sigh of relief.

The tastes of their family are quite different. All kinds of breakfast are set on the table, but the portion is not much. Except for a few kinds of daily porridge and noodles, the rest are all It is for one person. If they want to eat, they can talk to the chef the night before and let them prepare separately.

Ran Dongling likes to eat everything, but he can't eat so much in one breakfast, so he made himself a menu for a week's breakfast, so that the chef could not make it every day Heavy, but whether he can get up in the morning is another matter.

Today's turn is milk taro dumplings and fruit sandwiches, which is one of Ran Dongling's favorite breakfasts.

Lin Yuan couldn't help laughing, it seemed that food was more attractive to Ran Dongling.

After breakfast, Ran Dongling received three big red envelopes from grandpa, mom and dad, brother and sister-in-law.

Uncle is not married and has children yet, so there is no need to give red envelopes.

Qiu Ci also received the same red envelope, and he gave his red envelope to Ran Dongling for safekeeping, so Ran Dongling now has six big red envelopes.

Two of the six big red envelopes were so heavy that he could not hold them with one hand.

When everyone was chatting in the living room and no one noticed him, Ran Dongling secretly went upstairs to go back to the room, he wanted to open the red envelope to see.

The two heavy red envelopes were given by grandfather, and inside were a large stack of red paper tickets, a thick stack, and he could not count how many there were. open.

The red envelope given by my parents and my elder brother and elder sister-in-law contains a red paper ticket and a piece of paper.

A piece of paper?

He looked inside the red envelope and found that there was really only a red paper ticket and a piece of paper, nothing else.

Ran Dongling picked up the piece of paper and carefully read the words written on it, China XX Bank, cash check.

What is a cash check?

The check had a series of numbers written with a pen. Ran Dongling hadn't counted how many zeros there were, and was taken aback by the words of hatred who pushed in the door.

Chou Ci was waiting for him downstairs.

There are two red envelopes that have been opened on the bedside table, Ran Dongling still has a check in his hand, and has no time to put it back into the red envelope.

He caught a small fortune fan who was stealing red packets.

Qiu Ci was no one else, so Ran Dongling asked Qiu Ci to close the door, then opened the other three red envelopes, took four checks and said to him: "Qiu Ci Brother, is this new money?"

"This is a check, you can take it to the bank to exchange money."

Oh, it's like a silver ticket.

He folded all the money in the red envelope and put it into a cookie box.

"Brother Qiu Ci, this is my private money."

Private house money is secretly hidden money, he said it so openly, the meaning is different.

Chou Ci watched him carefully cover the biscuit box, then stuffed the box into the corner of the closet, and then covered the box with a piece of clothing. There was no sign of money hiding in the corner at all.

After hiding the box, Ran Dongling's cell phone rang, it was the third uncle's phone.

"Hi, I'm Ran Dongling."

"Xiao Ling, I'm the third aunt, happy new year. Tomorrow is the second day of the new year, you come back to our family reunion, if you don't have time to say goodbye, Come back by yourself."

Who is the third aunt? Ran Dongling had long forgotten what she looked like.

"Don't...I don't want to go back." He still remembered the bad experience last time at his second uncle's house.

"Are you afraid that your cousin is also there, Ran Keyi went abroad for vacation, she won't come."

Ran Keyi is not here and he doesn't want to go.

Ran Dongling hesitantly said, "Well... Third Aunt, I don't... I don't really want to go, and I'll accompany my mother to see my grandma tomorrow."

There was a male voice over the phone, Ran Dongling couldn't hear what he said, and when he finished speaking, the third aunt changed her mind and said, "If you don't have time in the second day of junior high school, then Another day, I usually play with your cousin and the others. Is this your WeChat phone number? I will ask your cousin to add you. Everyone is a brother, so don’t be too detached. Don't go out to play."

She said a lot over there, Ran Dongling's mind was buzzing, he looked at Qiu Ci and cast his eyes for help.

Qiu Ci took his phone.

"I'm a hater, just tell me anything."

There was no voice on the other end of the phone, and there was silence for a few seconds. The third aunt said that her mobile phone was out of power, and we would talk again next time.

Qiu Ci returned the phone to Ran Dongling, hugged him and said, "In the future, they ask you to do something, don't pay attention to what you don't want to do. I think it's too troublesome. You can tell me and I'll help you solve it."

The two stayed in the room for a while, and when they went downstairs, they met Qiu Li.

Chou Li led Samoyed in from the outside, Ran Dongling never saw him in the morning, thinking that the uncle was still sleeping in, so he went back to pick up the dog.

Chen Yun went back to his hometown for the holiday. Qiu Li was worried about leaving a Samoyed dog there, and didn't want to run back and forth, so he simply brought the dog to the old house.

Chou Li stuffed the leash into Qiu Ci's hand, walked in and said, "My eldest nephew, help me walk the dog, I'm starving to death."

Ran Dongling and Qiu Ci took Samoyed for a walk in the community. On the way, they met Yu Meng from the same community. Yu Meng took advantage of the good weather today and came out with the child After basking in the sun, her father-in-law and Qiu Zhenghao are good friends. Ran Dongling has accompanied her grandfather to their house twice before, and she also met Yu Meng.

"Hello Sister Meng." He said hello to Yu Meng.

Yu Meng knew that Ran Dongling's lover was Qiu Ci, and also knew that Qiu Ci was a very famous star, but it was the first time she saw him in person.

He didn't have any celebrity pretences, so he followed Ran Dongling and said hello to her, holding the leash with strength in his hands to prevent Samoyed from moving forward.

This action made Yu Meng, who was holding the child, feel more favorable to him.

She didn't take the initiative to approach, grabbed the baby's hand and shook it at them, "Hello Xiaoling, hello Mr. Qiu, baby, come with brother greet."

"Ah ah! Ge Ge!" The little baby is not very good at speaking, but he can already tell who is good-looking. When he sees Ran Dongling and Qiu Ci, I want to reach out and grab them.

Ran Dongling stretched out a finger and was caught by the little baby.

Yu Meng: "Baby really likes you, I am very excited every time I see you."

Baby was holding a lollipop in the other hand, Yu Meng held it for him to play with, but he didn’t plan to give it to him, he saw Eyes thirsty, keep secreting saliva.

Now I met a good-looking brother who poked Ran Dongling with a lollipop and wanted him to tear the wrapping paper.

Ran Dongling didn't understand what he meant, thinking that he wanted to give him candy to eat.

"Are you going to give it to me? Then thank you!"

He took the lollipop, tore the package, did not give it to the baby, and put it directly into his mouth.

The little baby was stunned for a moment, he looked down at his hand, it was empty. Look at the little stick exposed by Ran Dongling's mouth, it belongs to him.

His whole face was wrinkled into a ball, after brewing a good mood, he cried out.

Ran Dongling felt that she had done something wrong and had no experience in coaxing babies, so she could only stand pitifully beside Qiu Ci.

The child burst into tears, Yu Meng smiled apologetically at them, and then coaxed the child.

She took the child very well, holding the baby to divert his attention, "Baby, look what this is, this is a dog, a big dog ."

The Samoyed gave a sharp bark.

The baby looked at the dog, forgot his candy was eaten, and stretched out his little hand to touch the dog.

The two played with the baby dog ​​for half an hour before returning to the old house.

Before going to bed at night, Qiu Ci and Ran Dongling whispered in the dark.

Ran Dongling made a child cry today, and was moved.

"Brother Qiu Ci, were you good as a child?"

Not good.

No words and no pronunciation, so Qiu Ci said he was very good.

"I was also very good when I was a child, so our baby should be very good too."

These things are still too far away, but Qiu Ci is willing to accompany him to think about it. They talked about the baby's topic and then the name.

"Brother Qiu Ci, what's the name of our baby?"

"What would you like to name him?"

"Our family is from the generation of Ling, and the baby's name should also have Ling." Ran Dongling completely forgot that he was the only one in the Ran family whose name had Ling. thing.

Qiu Ci pretended not to know, said it well, but when he felt it was wrong, he asked him, "Then we have two Ling'er in our family, what should we do if we call it a mess? ."

I wouldn't call him a jerk. Ran Dongling's three brothers also had Ling in their names, but Ling'er belonged to him alone.

He changed the word Xie to the word Ran, and added a table in front of his brother to give an example of Qiu Ci.

Big brother Xie Jingling, you can call him Xiao Jing.

Second brother Xie Xuanling, you can call him Xiaoxuan.

Third brother Xie Tianling, you can call him Xiaotian.

Fourth brother Xie Dongling, you can call him Linger.

Qiu Ci recites with him silently in his heart, so he can be called Xiaodong.

"Then why only call you Ling'er?" Qiu Ci was very curious.

Ran Dongling didn't answer him, he closed his eyes, the quilt heaved gently with his breathing, he didn't know when he fell asleep.

He fell asleep, but Qiu Ci couldn't sleep, he thought about it all night, but still couldn't come up with it.

Why only call Xie Dongling Linger?

The author said:

Question 1: Why is he the only one named Linger?

Question 2: What is the baby's name?

Read The Duke's Passion