MTL - The Squeamish Little Brother of the Actor-Chapter 53 Next time we're going to switch

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The next day was still a sunny day.

There is no need to record the show today, Yu Han Lulu and Cheng Nuo Lanwan made an appointment to go shopping in a nearby town.

They consciously did not bother Chen Yao and the two, and came to ask Qiu Ci and Ran Dongling if they wanted to go together.

Knocked on the door and waited for a few minutes, the one who came to open the door was Qiu Ci, his tall body blocked the view in the room.

Faced with the others, he was as indifferent as always, saying that Ran Dongling was still sleeping, so he would not go with them, wishing them a good time.

The guests said that they were all right, exchanged a few words with him, and left the castle.

When they left, Qiu Ci locked the door, and went back to sleep with Ran Dongling.

Ran Dongling has a habit of sleeping. He always thinks about holding something in his arms, holding a doll when he is at home, and holding a quilt when he is outside. Now he sleeps with Qiu Ci, he is holding Qiu Ci.

Gently pulled out the pillow in his arms, Qiu Ci replaced himself, feeling the familiar breath, Ran Dongling unconsciously leaned over and found a comfortable place to sleep.

Like a Sleeping Beauty doll in a delicate window.

Now the doll is his.

Qiu Ci watched for a while, then hugged him to make up for sleep.

Ran Dongling slept until 1:00 noon and woke up. When he woke up, he felt dizzy and thirsty. He felt sick.

Or get beaten up.

He didn't even have the strength to turn over, he could only shrink himself into a ball, and his throat made a whimper like a small animal.

Ran Dongling, a good baby, hasn't stayed up all night, and it was the first time he stayed up late last night.

Seeing that he didn't open his eyes, he only frowned, fearing that he was not feeling well, Qiu Ci asked him: "My dear, where is it uncomfortable?"

The man in his arms nodded and said something softly.

He spoke too softly, I couldn't hear Qiu Ci clearly, so I leaned to his mouth to listen.

Ran Dongling's voice was very low, and she almost said in an angry voice, "I'm so hungry."

He was really starving to death, he was hungry last night, and even more hungry when he was playing games, but staying up all night to play games was too energy-consuming, halfway through the game he couldn’t hold on, so he fell asleep on.

He hasn't eaten for more than ten hours since he ate out last night.

Qiu Ci had imagined many situations when he woke up, but he didn't expect that the first thing he woke up was to find food.

He froze for a moment, and was amused by this sentence again.

And Ran Dongling pressed his forehead to his forehead, and felt that his body temperature was a little high, but there should be no fever.

Ran Dongling moved her eyelashes, opened her eyes in a daze, and the two met their eyes.

His eyes were still foggy, and he weakly scolded him in his breath.


Qiu Ci was not angry when he was scolded by him, bowed his head slightly, and kissed him gently.

"Well, I'm a badass."

The villain Qiu Ci asked the maid to deliver the meal, and then carried Ran Dongling to the bathroom to wash.

He is now sitting on the sink, with a towel under it, Qiu Ci hugs him with one hand, and brushes his teeth with the other.

"Open your mouth."

Open your mouth obediently, the soft toothbrush touches the soft flesh around the teeth, the same place, different touch.

The memory of last night came up in my mind little by little, and when Qiu Ci wiped his face, his face was already red into a peach.

He looked at Qiu Ci resentfully, why playing games turned into games.

The maid delivered the meal. It was simple white porridge and a few snacks. Qiu Ci didn't have lunch, so he ate the same meal with him.

The porridge in his mouth had no taste at all, and it was still bitter after eating, and the snacks were also bread and small cakes, which were not what he wanted to eat.

Ran Dongling suddenly felt that she was so pitiful, men are really bad, and they won't cherish them when they get them.

I brought myself a good meal yesterday, but today I can only eat white porridge.

The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, the more uncomfortable he felt, and he didn't want to eat the porridge.

"I'm not hungry, why don't you eat?"

A hoarse voice came from the quilt, "I want to eat something else."

Want something else?

Qiu Ci followed his words and asked, "What do you want to eat?"

The quilt was silent for a while, and then came the voice, "I want to eat fried prawns and spicy chicken."

The fried prawns are best made by Xiao Ange, he is delicious.

The spicy chicken was made in the Chinese restaurant yesterday. The Chinese restaurant also made it delicious, and the spiciness was moderate, so he could eat it.

"And drink coke and grape juice, and mango cake, a lot of mango."

"Want to eat another cone."

He felt that he was too tired from playing games last night, so he had to make up and say what he wanted to eat.

He really dared to think about it, not to mention whether his body can eat it now, even if he can eat it, he will get sick after eating.

In the end, Ran Dongling only ate a bowl of porridge and two pieces of bread. After eating, Qiu Ci asked the maid to bring a glass of room temperature Coke.

After taking two sips, Qiu Ci said that he also wanted to take a sip, Ran Dongling kindly gave him a sip, and then the glass was empty.

He was so angry that he didn't want to settle his grievances, he went back to the quilt to sleep, and someone hugged him behind him.

"I'm so angry, don't hug me."

Chou Ci found the wishing book and wrote a few words on the third page.

Come on.

Four pencil characters appeared in front of her eyes, and Ran Dongling wanted to tear up the book now.

He glared at Qiu Ci unconvinced, the wish was not for him to make such a wish.

He grabbed the book and counted the number of pages on it. The book was very small, and there were not many pages, only ten pages. Now he has written three pages, and there are only seven pages left.

He had an idea.

"Brother Qiu Ci, you can only hug once per hug, you can write more."


What is more refined than him is Qiu Ci, he did not know where to find a piece of eraser, erased one of the characters and changed them into characters.

The difference between the words is different.

Ran Dongling looked at the words in the book and thought about life.

Don't hold it, but the wish was originally given by him. When he sent it, he said that he could do it, and he could help brother Qiu Ci to realize it.

Hug, he is very angry now, it is very shameless to hug him.

He hesitated between the two choices of hugging and not hugging. In the end, he was defeated by his own conscience and hugged his hatred angrily.

They slept all afternoon, and in the evening, the food that Ran Dongling was looking forward to was not delivered.

Dinner is similar to lunch, except that the white porridge is replaced with flavored porridge, and there is a glass of cola, which is about a few mouthfuls.

He pointed to the bowl of porridge and said to Qiu Ci seriously, "Brother Qiu Ci, you lied to me."

He must eat something good today, sure.

Chou Ci: "My dear, do you know that the machine needs to rest after playing the game?"

Qiu Ci told him the game strategy, and Ran Dongling told him to shut up, and he ate the bowl of porridge by himself.

He raised his arms, his hands had strength, and stretched his legs again, but his legs were no longer soft, he twisted his waist again, and a sourness came from his tailbone.

Qiu Ci saw him doing radio gymnastics on the balcony. After the exercise, he became wilted, and he retracted into the quilt, intending to go to sleep.

They have to record a show today, but they can't sleep in.

Ran Dongling didn't want to move at all, grabbed the quilt with Qiu Ci, but in the end was no match for him, and was carried to the bathroom to wash.

I didn't look in the mirror very much yesterday, he looked at himself in the mirror, he was still wearing Qiu Ci's pajamas, loose and loose with buttons tied to the top, but he couldn't stop him Neck collarbone.

Where he can't see behind him, Qiu Ci can see a little bit of red behind his ears, hidden by his hair, looming.

His temperament is not so childish, as if he has matured overnight, but his expression and tone are still the same as before.

They need to wear suits for the task session this morning, and the staff brought the suits over yesterday.

"It's all your fault!" When changing clothes, Ran Dongling saw signs of being beaten on her body.

Chou Ci looked at the way he showed his teeth and claws, and knew that he was all right, but his body was too weak, and he could suddenly fall asleep after staying up late playing games.

After changing his clothes, Qiu Ci put on socks for him on his knees. He caught one foot with one hand and wanted to put socks on him.

When the ankle was held by him, Ran Dongling saw a little undissipated blue mark on the ankle.

"Chou Ci! Why are there feet!"

He was so angry that he didn't even call his brother.

Qiu Ci acted naturally, put on his socks and then put on his shoes.

"Don't call me brother?"

Don't yell, Ran Dongling also has a small temper, if he doesn't get angry, he is really easy to bully.

He saw that there was nothing wrong with Qiu Ci, and he looked very satisfied, but he was uncomfortable for a day.

He wanted to scold him, but he couldn't scold people, he would only scold people bad guys and couldn't think of any other words.

Qiu Ci helped him put on his shoes, put a sock on one foot, and the tip of the tie around his neck fell on his calf.

He grabbed Qiu Ci's tie angrily and pulled him over.

"I don't care, next time we have to change it, I will be brother Dongling, and you will be a kitten!"

Read The Duke's Passion