MTL - The Squeamish Little Brother of the Actor-Chapter 102 young, boy, hard, diamond

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"You hit me, it hurts." Ran Dongling was sleepy and angry.

"It doesn't hurt, I'll rub it for you, go to sleep, darling."

As soon as she closed her eyes, Ran Dongling suddenly murmured, "It hurts."


Chou Ci was taken aback by him, and his heart was empty again, paying attention to the movement of the person in his arms.

After observing in the dark for a while, Ran Dongling didn't move after saying that, this time she really fell asleep.

When Ran Dongling woke up in the morning, the slap on his **** was washed away by time, and he felt no pain at all, and the slap print disappeared, leaving only a red mass.

Looking in the mirror in the bathroom, no matter how much he touched it, he couldn't remember how he slept last night, and he actually slept on one side of his butt!

And only on one side!

This is eerie, eerie to the point of heinous.

An important suspect is locked on Qiu Ci who slept with him.

Could it be that Brother Qiu Ci poked it?

But when I woke up, I was holding brother Qiu Ci face to face, how could I poke behind?

One of Ran Dongling's life quotes: If you don't understand, don't think.

He immediately gave up thinking about it, put on his pants and went back to his room, lying beside the bed watching Qiu Ci sleep.

Qiu Ci didn't sleep well last night and is still sleeping, with a faint dark blue under his eyes.

Could it really be poked by brother Qiu Ci? This idea gradually surfaced.

Connect all the clues: Qiu Ci didn't sleep last night, and he didn't know what he was doing, which made his **** blushing inexplicably.

Gently push to wake up Qiu Ci, Ran Dongling asked him in a suspicious tone, "Brother Qiu Ci, did you beat me last night?"

Chou Ci woke up, but not fully awake, the only remaining reason helped him answer.


Ran Dongling just doubted him, since he said no, then there is no.

"Okay then, good night."

Carefully help Qiu Ci, who has opened his eyes, cover the quilt, Ran Dongling asked him to sleep more, and he went downstairs for breakfast first.

Hearing the sound of the door closing, Qiu Ci lay down for another ten minutes. When his mind gradually became clear, he rubbed his eyebrows and got out of bed to wash.

When he was going downstairs, he happened to see Ran Dongling and Little Fatty going out hand in hand.

The two hands, one big and one small, were particularly annoying, and Qiu Ci stopped them in a deep voice.

"What are you doing out there?"

Ran Dongling turned his head, automatically let go of Little Fatty's hand, leaned in front of Qiu Ci, tiptoed and kissed his chin.

"Brother Qiu Ci, I'll send Xiao Pang Dun home."

"My name is not Xiaopangdun, my name is Sheng Guoqiang!" Xiaopangdun shouted from behind.

Ignoring Little Fatty's name, Qiu Ci found a servant to accompany them.

"Go early and come back."

Half an hour later, Ran Dongling hadn't come back, Qiu Ci wanted to go out for the third time to find someone, but Qiu Zhenghao looked back.

"How about my proposal?" Qiu Zhenghao said slowly.

He was referring to letting Ran Dongling go back to the old house and move out after giving birth.

Seeing that he didn't say anything, he started playing Ran Dongling.


"I'm only busy until the end of the month, I haven't taken much work this year, and all the rest that are not important have been pushed."

"That's right, you move back too, that's it, go out if you want."

Qiu Zhenghao made a final decision, did not give Qiu Ci a chance, and drove him out.

"Grandpa..." Qiu Ci also wanted to give himself a chance.

"I'm back!" Ran Dongling's voice came from the door, interrupting what he wanted to say.

He rushed in with a fluffy white bear doll in his arms, frightening Qiu Ci and the housekeeper.

"What's the hurry, slow down."

Ran Dongling's eyes are bright, and he is eager to share with everyone the person he just met.

"Brother Qiu Ci, I met Guoqiang's brother, he is so beautiful."

Who is Guoqiang?

It seems to be a little chubby, he just said that his name is Sheng Guoqiang.

Rarely see anyone who Ran Dongling praises. It seems that Guoqiang's brother is really good-looking.

But it had nothing to do with Qiu Ci, he wanted to know why Ran Dongling took half an hour to come back and forth.

"I took him back, saw his brother at the door, went in to have a cup of tea, and chatted with Qiuyi for a while."

Who is Autumn?

"It's Guoqiang's brother, his name is Sheng Qiuyi."

If they didn't share the same surname, Guoqiang and Qiuyi would not sound like the names of a pair of brothers at all.

"This is a welcome gift from Autumn, I like it very much." Ran Dongling held up the bear doll to Qiu Ci, the bear's fluffy touch felt very comfortable.

"And his name matches mine too. His name is Qiuyi, and my name is Dongling."

Three "goods" made Qiu Cidui vigilant in this glorious autumn.

He didn't forget what Xiao Pangdun said about his brother, although the child's words can't be trusted, but...

But the owner of the fish pond caught the wrong fish.

He should never, should never, should not be a stupid fish.

Ran Dongling is very sexual and forgetful.

As long as he is interested in things for two days, his interest will disappear automatically until the next time.

Sheng Qiuyi couldn't see him again. She took the bear doll and put Qiu Ci in the corner of the sofa. She looked back for a pimple and lost it.

He and Ran Dongling talked about other things.

Chou Zhenghao is right, Qiu Ci is very busy, he has commercials to shoot, new movies to promote, and road shows.

These jobs are to be done intermittently for half a month, which means that he will be away for half a month.

Ran Dongling's current physical condition, Qiu Ci did not dare to run with him, if something happened, he would regret it for the rest of his life.

During his business trip, he let Ran Dongling live in the old house first.

It was the first time they had known each other for such a long time.

Chouci packed her luggage at night, Ran Dongling couldn't pack it, so she huddled up and sat in the suitcase.

"Brother Qiuci, take me with you, I want to go too."

Seeing his pitiful appearance, Qiu Ci softened and stopped packing his luggage, squatting beside him, "Then I'll hang you on my body and take it away, okay?"

"Okay, you carry me away." He stretched out his hands, wanting to carry him back.

Qiu Ci walked around the second floor behind his back, and then went downstairs to go around.

Qiu Zhenghao, who was watching TV in the living room, watched them go round and round, and didn't understand what the couple meant by doing this.

He asked the housekeeper, "Are they playing a game of father and son?"

The housekeeper smiled and said his thoughts, "It should be Xiaoling who is reluctant to leave the second young master, so clingy."

It's time to leave.

Chou Ci chose to leave in the morning because Ran Dongling had to sleep late in the morning.

On the first day of departure, Qiu Ci couldn't bear to miss it, and called Ran Dongling when he got off the plane.

What to do if you get angry, how to coax yourself.

Thinking this way, Qiu Ci lowered his head and smiled, and was seen by Chen Yun beside him.

Chen Yun's heart was leaking, and his face was still official, "The hotel is booked by the organizer. Let's go there now and shoot tomorrow."

"Yeah." Qiu Xi pressed the dial key.

The first call was not answered, Qiu Ci thought that his darling might have a little temper.

The second call was not connected, Qiu Ci thought that his obedient might be a little angry.

The third call was not connected, Qiu Ci thought that his darling might be angry.

He was afraid of an accident, so he called the housekeeper instead.

The housekeeper was quickly connected.

"Hello, Second Young Master, what's the matter?"

"What is Linger doing? He hasn't answered my phone."

"Xiaoling went to Xiaopang...She played at the Sheng's house. Maybe she forgot her phone in the bedroom and didn't take it with her."

I didn't expect this to be the reason, Qiu Ci paused, and asked the question he wanted to ask.

"Ling Er, is he angry?"

Because I left without saying goodbye in the morning…

"Angry? No, Xiao Ling looked very happy in the morning and ate two more buns."

Different from what Qiu Ci thought, Ran Dongling got up in the morning and knew that Qiu Ci had left, she was only sad for a second, and soon accepted it.

Chou Ci has left, which means…

No one cares about him!

He can eat fried chicken, drink Coke, eat ice cream, and run around.

How did he discover such a cool thing, can brother Qiu Ci be out for two months?

It doesn't sound like it, but fifteen days is enough for him to go crazy.

Ran Dongling's IQ is online, knowing that there is hatred in the family, she chose the place where she would go crazy and wantonly five minutes away from the old house - Sheng Qiuyi's house.

In addition to having three meals in the old house, Ran Dongling spent almost a day at Shengqiuyi's house.

He took a shower at night and went to bed, and was about to go to bed. Before going to bed, he found that he had forgotten a very important thing.

He forgot to call brother Qiu Ci.

Before Qiu Ci left, he said it well, he had to call every morning, noon and night, and it had to be a video.

It's getting late, so make an ordinary phone call.

Only beep, Qiu Ci answered the phone.

He waited all day today to see when Ran Dongling remembered, but the wait was twelve hours.

Chou Ci's mental journey today is unknown. When I heard Ran Dongling's soft voice, the fatigue of the day disappeared.

"Hello, brother Qiu Ci, good evening."

Chou Ci listened to his voice, with a smile on his face unconsciously, "Good evening, dear, what are you doing at home today, playing chess with grandpa?"

The IQ that went online in the morning has not been offline yet, Ran Dongling keenly felt that brother Qiu Ci was trying to tell him.

Be the same.

Ran Dongling told him honestly, "I went to Xiaopangdun's house to play today. We watched TV and watched cartoons. It was very handsome. I also drank water, which was just boiled water. Very sweet."

He and Sheng Qiuyi watched the top 10 school grass competitions of 30 colleges and universities across the country today, and drank Coke with him.

The husband's trust is at stake.

Qiu Ci asked unintentionally: "Today, Tuesday, Xiao Pangdun is going to kindergarten, didn't he go to kindergarten today?"

This is not difficult for Ran Dongling, and Xiaopangdun really didn't go to school today.

He told Qiu Ci excitedly, "Little Fatty is sick today, he didn't go to school!"

I asked a few questions in a row, but Qiu Ci didn't come up with anything. He could only pretend that he was really playing with Xiao Pangdun for a day and chatting with Ran Dongling for half an hour. The words were gentle, reminding him not to eat indiscriminately outside.

What kind of boiled water is very sweet, why has he never drunk it.

The remaining days and almost every day are replicating the first day.

Chou Ci will never get through to Ran Dongling's phone.

Call the housekeeper. Eight times out of ten, the housekeeper said that he was playing at Sheng's house, and the other two happened to be in time for lunch. Ran Dongling wanted to go back to the old house for dinner, so he didn't go out.

After finishing his work, Qiu Ci couldn't wait for a moment, he wanted to go back immediately to see what Ran Dongling was doing.

He went to Sheng's house not to play with Xiaopangdun, maybe he was with Shengqiuyi.

Taking the earliest flight, Qiu Ci returned to the old house at seven in the morning.

The elderly can't sleep so much, Qiu Zhenghao woke up early, and he was surprised to see him come back so early.

"Didn't you mean to be back tonight?"

"A bit earlier."

Ran Dongling was still sleeping at this point, Qiu Ci took a shower in the guest room on the first floor, changed her clothes, and went upstairs to arrest someone.

Opening the door, Ran Dongling was already awake, he sat on the bed and touched his stomach.

Seeing Qiu Ci come back, he shouted and beckoned for Qiu Ci to come.

"It seems to have grown a bit."

This small change made Qiu Ci forget what he was doing, he put down the clothes that Ran Dongling picked up, and touched his stomach through the clothes.

The slight bulge warmed in the palm of his hand, and a different emotion surged in Qiu Ci's heart.

"Does it move?"

"It doesn't seem to be, it's just a little grown up."

Ran Dongling only discovered this change today, he frowned and stared at his stomach with Qiu Ci.

After watching for a while, he folded his hands.

"Brother Qiu Ci, do you feel it?"

"Feel it."

This time I really felt it, Ran Dongling was hungry and his stomach was growling.

I haven't seen him for more than half a month. His darling is a little fatter than before. After the early pregnancy reaction, Ran Dongling is now eating Well, and his appetite is better than before.

After breakfast, Qiu Ci wants to go back to her room to make up for her sleep.

He slept on a cold bed outside for half a month, and finally returned home, holding a sweet and soft obedient.

He buried himself in Ran Dongling's shoulders, took a deep breath, and felt that he was alive again.

Ran Dongling also missed him very much. He leaned on Qiu Ci and acted coquettishly, expecting that it was almost time, and came out of Qiu Ci's arms.

"Brother Qiu Ci, you are so tired from work, just stay at home and have a good rest, I'm going out."

"Where? Let the housekeeper accompany you."

"No, I'm going to play at Little Fatty's house."

When did you get so good with that stinky kid?

No, I almost forgot the business. Qiu Ci came back early today, just to know why Ran Dongling went to Xiaopangdun's house every day.

Today is Saturday, Xiaopangdun doesn't need to go to kindergarten, it's normal to go to his house to play.

I couldn't find a reason not to let him go out, Qiu Ci didn't pay attention and let Ran Dongling slip out.

Qiu Ci secretly followed behind him to see if he really went to Little Fatty's house.

No need to secretly, Ran Dongling didn't turn around as soon as he went out, he walked straight to the villa of Xiao Pangdun's house, and pressed the door lock code to enter.

Ran Dongling went in, Qiu Ci was still standing outside and didn't move, he looked at the villa of Xiao Pangdun's house, thinking about what reason he was going to find for entering.


The door opened, and Little Fatty came out. He was wearing a little yellow hat and carrying a small kettle, and was going to find his little brothers to play.

As soon as he went out, he saw a ghost, no, he saw Qiu Ci standing in front of his house.

Holding the strap of the kettle tightly, he bowed to Qiu Ci first, and then greeted Qiu Ci.

"Good morning, brother Qiuci, you are back, when did you come back, it's really hot today, do you want me to go back and pour you a glass of water, add sugar or milk, or wash An ice-cold Lego?"

Chou Ci was afraid that he would end up drinking to save his life, so he said no, and looked at him as if he was going out, and asked him, "Are you going out?"

He went out, what was Ran Dongling doing inside?

Xiao Pangdun waved his hand quickly, "I'm not going out, I'm just going out to see... um, see if it's raining outside, if it's not raining outside, then I'll go back first."

He walked back and closed the door, blocking Qiu Ci from the outside, "Brother Qiu Ci, bye bye, walk slowly, I won't give it away."

After he finished speaking, he ran home without a trace.

For some reason, Qiu Ci stood at the entrance of Sheng's house for half an hour before walking back to the old house.

Half an hour after he left, a sports car drove out from Sheng's house and headed for the city center.

The sports car entered the parking lot of a hotel, and after a while, two people came out of the facade.

Ran Dongling was tightly wrapped by the spirit of autumn, wearing a mask and hat, and specially added a pair of cumbersome black-rimmed glasses to block his big eyes of aura.

Sheng Qiuyi is the opposite of him, wearing a simple white shirt, suit pants, a knitted sweater, and gold thin-rimmed glasses.

Out of the hotel, they walked all the way forward for ten minutes, Sheng Qiuyi took him into a street milk tea shop.

"Ling Ling, do you want to drink milk tea?"

Ran Dongling shook his head, Qiu Ci would not let him eat anything outside.

"Then a cup of hot milk tea, thank you."

There was no one else in the store, and the hot milk tea they ordered was ready and delivered quickly.

"No need to pack, and no straw." Sheng Qiuyi put the hot milk tea in Ran Dongling's hand.

"Ling Ling's hands are so cold, warm them up—"

Touched by Sheng Qiuyi's thoughtfulness, Ran Dongling couldn't help but sigh, "Qiuyi, you are so kind."

Holding hot milk tea in their hands, the two came out of the store and walked to their destination.

Their destination is the university they want to study in the autumn.

Ran Dongling has never been to university, but after hearing Sheng Qiuyi say that university life is colorful and very interesting, she became interested in university.

He wants to go to university, so how can he not satisfy his little wish.

The two then walked towards the university and passed the attached middle school, Sheng Qiuyi took Ran Dongling's shoulders, turned him around, and walked into the attached middle school.

"The male high school students are all glittering treasures, let's go in and take a look."

Ran Dongling didn't wear a school uniform, so she stood out among a group of white shirts, but the security did not stop them, probably because Sheng Qiuyi was wearing similar clothes and brought friends from other schools.

"The high school has a ball game today. Let's go to the high school court."

Ran Dongling pointed to the court next to it, where several middle-aged male teachers were playing, "There are also people playing there."

Who wants to watch Uncle play.

Sheng Qiuyi smiled lightly, and kept walking in with him, he opened his mouth as he walked.

"Ling Ling, do you know what a young boy is?"


Blinking playfully, Sheng Qiuyi raised an index finger to his lips.

"It's a hard diamond—"

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