MTL - The Silly Alchemist-Chapter 759 Inevitable result (1)

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"What, I have already finished, you take care! Xiaoqi, if I can't come back, you will find someone to marry!" Ye Lang replied in the air.

"Roll! I want to get rid of me! I tell you, I will rely on you in this life, you don't want to abandon me!!" The seven princess shouted into the air.

"Hey, then you wait, I will not die!" Ye Lang smiled back, and he did not know "this sentence, has been giving confidence to the seven princesses, no matter what happens, they I believe that Ye Lang is still alive.

"If you dare to die, I will take you back to hell!" the seven princess shouted.

"Goodbye..." Ye Lang finally said good, and his small spacecraft quickly flew in the direction of Xiangkong. In this way, Ye Lang left everyone" and everyone did not know that this time parting, almost became a farewell, and Ye Lang seems to have thought about the result, so he will explain so many things.

Zhao Yarou, will it really kill Ye Lang?

To tell the truth, Ye Lang doesn't know that she is a metamorphosis. Anything that can be done, something that has not been done before does not mean that she will not do it in the future.

This matter Ye Lang did not tell everyone, in order to prevent everyone from worrying about his affairs.

If you tell them that Zhao Yarou may be disadvantageous to themselves, will they still relax and let Ye Lang leave? It is definitely impossible.

However, if Ye Lang does not leave, what should Ye Hui do?

Therefore, Ye Lang’s departure is inevitable, and in this case, a lot of sadness can be avoided.

Ye Lang believes that the following people will soon think of these things, because these people are not stupid people, each is savvy to die, maybe it may be understood at this time.

"Zhao Yarou... What do you want me to do..."

"No! We have been played by the kid. I have just been taken away by him. We have not thought about it! What does Zhao Yarou want him to do in the past?" Just after Ye Lang left, someone shouted.

This person seems to be the third brother. Anyway, everyone is watching him now. Some people who are still thinking about things, who are not sure who they are, also look to the third brother.

The third brother said with some dignity: "If I didn't guess wrong, the thirteen kid will definitely not come back after this trip!!"

"What? What are you talking about, don't talk nonsense!!" Ye Lanyu glanced at the third brother, and she didn't seem to want to touch the idea.

"The third child, what do you mean by this?" Ye Yi asked.

"You think about why Zhao Yarou wants to spend a lot of money." To break through the first college, this is not good for her, and she does it as if she just tried to catch the fourth." The ultimate goal is to thirteen. "The third brother said slowly" "Abolished such a large amount of effort, to say that she just asked Ye Lang to sit in the past, it is impossible to help!" ! ”


Everyone started to be silent. They actually thought about it. It was just that Ye Lang had led them to the optimistic side, so that everyone did not think about the other side.

"Then you said," Why is she doing this? The younger brother does not seem to have hindered her. Is it necessary for her to deal with him with such great effort? "Ye Lanyu looked at the third brother and asked," she hoped that the third brother could tell what she was not thinking about.

"Thirteen is not a hindrance to her, but a threat to her! If she wants to use the ancient ruins to unify the mainland, then the first person to be removed is thirteen" because thirteen is likely to crack her. The alchemy weapon that has been painstakingly obtained. Said the third brother.

From a military point of view, the third brother sees the most thorough. If he is in the position of Zhao Yarou and wants to dominate the world, he must first remove the wave barrier that is not an obstacle.

Ye Lang is not an obstacle, because he will not stop it, but his existence will definitely allow others to get the corresponding resistance, which will make the plan impossible.

"There are even" 13 is not to crack, just thirteen things that they can make" "It must not be worse than the ancient ruins. More than thirteen days here, she will feel a little more threatening." Said.

"These reasons are enough to make Zhao Yarou's perverted woman leave thirteen, will not let him leave her control, if necessary, she will certainly kill", "", everyone continues to remain silent, and their The heart seems to be uncomfortable.

"Thirteen may already know this thing, so he just seems to be explaining the matter afterwards, give us everything needed here, and arrange the back road for us! If he does not know, these things can be completely After he came back..."


At this moment, everyone in Ye Family did not speak, and the eyes of several girls were full of worries, and at the same time, there was a firmness in their eyes.

If "if you say" that Zhao Ya dare to do anything to Ye Lang, "I must smash her corpse!!

They secretly vowed that if Ye Lang had something wrong, they would not let Zhao Yarou, even if Zhao Yarou became the hegemon of the entire continent, they would also kill Zhao Yarou.

The hatred of these girls is terrible. The three of them are heavenly powers, one is an alchemist, and the other is a fast-growing female swordsman, plus other energy, even if Zhao Yarou can get the whole day. I am afraid I can't sleep peacefully.

Zhao Yarou definitely knows how the consequences of killing Ye Lang are going on. However, no one can be sure that she will do this. She can do anything.

Ye Jia and others can't do anything on the front now. Even if it is the same as the past, it will be blocked by Zhao Yarou, and this will give Zhao Yarou an excuse to deal with the Yelang brothers, so the current situation can only be launched. The power to inquire about the news.

In the next few days, Ye Jia’s secret forces, as well as the cold-blooded group’s tentacles, looked at the Xiangkong area and watched the mountains above the Xianghuang Imperial City.

However, their speed of transmission does not seem to be fast, but no one knows. In fact, when they go, what happened has already happened, and they only get a calm.

Then again, when Ye Lang was in the sky, it seemed that he had not been down. Even when he was sleeping, the small spacecraft continued to move forward and did not stop.

There are no obstacles in the air, so you can safely sleep and fly. ! ~!

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