MTL - The Silly Alchemist-Chapter 731 Go home (2)

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"The boss...small..."

When Liu Feiyan saw this picture, she always felt a little weird. She really couldn’t understand the two people. One should not have appeared here, but it appeared, but the other one was very concerned, but It is very dull now.

But to put it bluntly, these two people have always been like this, from the time she met them.

"Non-smoke, what are you doing here, I am waiting for you!" A girl appeared, dragging the smoky Liu Feiyan directly, and then it was the turn of Liu Feiyan. They were looking around. People, seeing her standing here in a daze, naturally it is to say nothing, pull people to the stage.

"..." Liu Feiyan was silent, letting people pull themselves to the stage, and she did not intend to talk to Ye Lang, only to get the hands during the day, not so sticky.

Of course, she will pay attention to the next thing about Ye Lang and Xiao Xiao, even if she is performing on stage, it is the same!

"Fat Po, do you think that Liu Feiyan always used her thief eyes to peek at us?" At that time, Ye Lang was eating the food of Xiao Xiao, always thinking that Liu Feiyan was watching himself.

"...she is looking at us, but how can she say that she is a thief, she just feels curious." Xiao Xiaoying replied, and when she was talking, she still had a lot of food -

Give yourself, eat!

These foods are not just for Ye Lang. In that case, this table can make Ye Lang eat a few meals. The extra thing is to prepare for herself. She also needs to eat.

Don't forget, she will faint if she doesn't eat anything, and she should replenish it just after the time has passed.

In addition to watching Ye Lang eating his own food, Xiao Xiaoying is eating with Ye Lang!

It’s a very common thing to eat at the same table, but it’s also what Xiao Xiaoying cares most. It’s her most satisfying thing to eat with people who care about it. Maybe it’s because she likes to eat, so there will be This feeling.

Under normal circumstances, unless Ye Lang steals, and she is sitting on food, there is no way to eat together, at other times, she will choose to eat with Ye Lang, at the same table! !

"Curious? What is so curious, we are so strange? Right, you are rather strange, you eat so much..." Ye Lang said very directly, not afraid to stimulate Xiao Xiao.

"Where do I know what she is curious about, this is what you want to ask her! How come you come here, or is it alone?" 甄小嫣 swears and asks, the action is very natural.

The feeling of being together is like a family eating, eating something at random, chatting casually, letting Liu Fei’s heart on the stage sigh, why is this, it should not be the kind of passion Moved to reunite?

Many people can't figure out what kind of relationship they belong to. They ask the two people to be unanswered, because neither of them will answer this question.

In fact, the relationship between the two is also very simple in some respects. It is a long-time old friend and a classmate who is together in his teens.

The two people get along with each other, they are familiar with each other, treat each other as family members, and can eat together at the same table! !

"I am here to find you! As for a person, I don't seem to tell them that I am coming here. I just feel hungry and come to you for dinner." Ye Lang said a little confused, and then did not think about it. Then I will continue to eat.

"..." Xiao Xiaoyu was silent for a while, she could think of one thing, that is, now Ye Family is definitely looking for Ye Lang, because Ye Lang suddenly disappeared and came here.

What Xiao Xiaozhen didn't think was that Ye Lang was talking about things with Xiao Xiao. Others were chatting with each other. Later, Ye Lang said that he wanted to go to the toilet, and then he didn't know what was going on. He suddenly suddenly When I think of Xiao Xiao, I ran over.

In Ye Lang, it is already Yecheng, and you don’t need to explain anything. You don’t need to talk to others here.

"If you are not hungry, would you think of me?" asked Xiao Xiaoyan tentatively. She felt that Ye Lang seemed to be hungry only when she remembered her existence.

"Yes!" Ye Lang didn't think about it, he replied directly.

“Really?” Xiao Xiaoyan looked at Ye Lang with excitement. She did not think that Ye Lang would answer this way. In the past, Ye Lang said that he would not.

This question she did not ask for the first time, every time is the same, I did not expect this time to surprise myself.

"Well! Really! I want you to help me as my alchemy assistant, of course!" Ye Lang said with a smile.

"Roll!!" Xiao Xiao said, she knew that there would be such a result, Ye Lang was originally such a person, no conscience! !

However, she is only angry for a while, because this is already the thing she is used to, and angry with Ye Lang, then he is mad, and he will not have a little consciousness.

Continue to eat...

After the meal, Ye Lang and Xiao Xiaoyu chatted for a while, and watched the opera on stage. This is the opera of Liu Feiyan. It is because of this, everyone pays attention to the stage, not the leaf wave under the stage. .

Speaking of it, after Ye Lang came here, it seems that it has not attracted people's attention. It may be because Ye Lang is too little here, and it has not come back for so long, so not many people know.

Everyone has heard of the existence of Ye Lang, but most of them don’t know what Ye Lang is like. Just before in Longcheng, although many people want to see Ye Lang, there are still many in the middle. People don't know Ye Lang.

At this time, Ye Lang should not be grateful for the degree of informationization of this time. If it is on the earth, his photos will appear in various places, and everyone will know it.

Perhaps this is also the convenience that Heaven gave to Ye Lang, so that even if he became famous, he still enjoyed the ordinary life of ordinary people.

"Fat, let's go!" Ye Lang said after a long time, and suddenly got up and took a small cockroach to leave.

"Where? Where?" Xiao Xiaoyan asked dumbly, and there was no reaction between them.

"Of course, go home and sleep!" Ye Lang's tone is very natural, very simple.


Come back home……

In Xiao Xiao’s mind, there are only these two words, and there is a smile on her face. It is a kind of smile that can’t tell the feeling. It seems to be a kind of happiness, it seems to be a kind of warmth.


"Rely, how did the kid disappear? Go and find it!"

"Really, peeing can be gone! I don't know if I will be caught by Miao Qingtang..."

"..." (to be continued)

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