MTL - The Silly Alchemist-Chapter 722 Welcome (2)

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The third brother’s intentions are only obvious. He wants Ye Lang’s teaching skills of Li Yue, and the use of Guzheng after the dry leaves. He feels too dreamy and cannot be realized. It is better to find Ye Lang. The combat skills come a little bit.

The third brother is such a person who seeks truth from facts. It is because of this character that his army is in an invincible position.

"This is nothing. At that time, I am jealous... Write a book for you, not only have combat skills, but also the formation of the law, as well as the art of war, but this warfare can only be borrowed and cannot be copied!" Ye Lang said.

"I naturally know that the art of war is only the most useful of his own." The third brother replied.

At this time, the third brother thought that Ye Lang wanted to let him use the military law flexibly. In fact, he did not know that the ice art method written by Ye Lang came from another world, which is inconsistent with the situation here. .

The situation in the two worlds is different, and the methods used are of course different!

To put it simply, what the earth has to say about grain and grass, which can be won and won, seems to have no effect at all in this world. Because there are space objects in the world, there is no grain team, and there is no thing for the two armies to fight against grain. .

They put the grain in the space items, perhaps in the hands of the generals, to kill the generals, and what else to fight.

Also, the soldier's individual combat capability on the earth is absolutely not as high as it is here, and some things are useless!

Of course, the same thing is still a lot, it is still very helpful for the third brother, just as Sun Tzu's art of war can be applied to modern combat, as long as you master the essence, it is possible to use it.

Martial arts can also be integrated into the military law! !

The tactics that Ye Lang gave here are actually simple, not particularly complicated, and can be applied here without affecting the laws of the world.

"Well, remember to write a copy for me. I will leave first, and you will give it to someone else! After the decision is made, the third brother will be the same."

"Give it to others? What do you mean? Ye Lang didn't understand this thing at first, he didn't understand what the third brother said, but he soon understood."

"Thirteen less...,

After the departure of the third brother, a group of people came one after another and asked Ye Lang, who wanted to find Ye Lang in the first time, so he would come over immediately after receiving the news.


Ye Lang can only deal with this one by one. It can't be said clearly. He can only set the time afterwards. Anyway, he has a long time here.

This matter, Ye Lang also told everyone that after knowing that Ye Lang will stay here for a long time, these people will be relieved, and they will not be so anxious.

I left and left, and I will come back to Ye Lang after I am ready!

"It’s finally over...but it seems to be home too, relying on it, it’s because of this, they will go! Ye Bocai found that he seems to have reached the gate of the new Ye Zhai, no wonder those people will consciously leave .

These people are very conscious, they will not bother with Ye Lang. They respect Ye Lang very much, just want to solve problems with Ye Lang when he is free.

When they saw that Ye Lang had arrived at the door of the house, they naturally dispersed and would not follow up. Everyone knows that after Ye Lang returns home, there will be a lot of words to talk to the family. This is When they are reunited, how can they bother to disturb each other?

"The little bastard, your scene is really big enough, there are so many people coming back, there are so many people to send you, more sensation than when we came! Long Anqi is at the door at this time, Smiling and looking at the leaves.

Although she did not go out to pick up Ye Lang, she was waiting at the door early!

"If you want, I will give it to you. The trouble is dead. The third brother and the seventh brother are also coming out to join in the fun. They don't have to go home. They can't do it at home! Ye Lang looks like a bitter face, so Long Anqi feels very funny.

"They are a little too late. When they know that you are coming back, they don't know how excited they are. They are inquiring about the news you are coming back every day! They want to get what they want in the first place..., Long Anqi Smiled and waved, let Ye Lang come to his side.

For Long Anqi's gesture, Ye Lang dared to resist, and he could only be dragged in by Long Anqi. Even if there was a knife and a sea of ​​fire waiting for him, he could not resist.

"You can't stand it, why can't you say it, why don't you talk to us and leave, anyway, it will be two days, and we will go the same soon!, Long Anqi asked Ye Lang to enter the yard while asking. .

"I am not asking you. You said the same thing. Anyway, it will be two days. The same is true for two days later! Ye Lang said very directly.

Qi..., Long Anqi is silent. The scale of this is too loose. If you say it, they will not care.

"I really can't stand those people. I don't feel comfortable for a day, so I went with Xiaoqi. They have to come back here anyway. There is no difference in going early and walking late. Ye Lang continues.

"You are really strange, don't know how much you want to be chased, there are so many noble names, are pursuing you, how can you still stand it!, Long Anqi smiled.

"I can't stand it! I don't want it! I don't want it. I have a small seven, and Xiaoqi is not right. Ye Lang asked one of the seven princesses at this time."

"Of course! The seven princesses naturally nod, she is a fiancee.

"Speaking of it, you two are not small. When will the wedding be held, become a true husband and wife, Long Anqi looks at Ye Lang and the seven princesses.

"This is all about listening to the aunt. The seven princesses are red at this time, very cute.

"Hey, Xiaoqi, you are blushing! You have been living with your brother's wife. You have not been used to this thing for a long time, and you are blushing! Ye Lanyu took the opportunity to attack the road at this time. I missed any chance to attack the Seven Princesses, especially after this time.

"Little bastard, what do you mean?, Long Anqi asked.

"Well, it can be done in a few days. I have been there all the time. I will do it all the time!" Ye Lang said casually. He is used to this marriage, but because he is used to it, he has no feeling.

"Hey! Whatever is casual, how to say it is also a good day for us to marry, forget it, when you are serious, then, when, when do you want to marry your sweetheart, hold a wedding together! The Seven Princess is a little unhappy Said. (To be continued)

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